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Cerrando ciclos

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

El año pasado, la conjunción de voluntades (y responsabilidades) entre la Dirección General de Titulación y la Coordinación General de Docencia de la Universidad de Colima, impulsó un programa especial para que los egresados de la institución obtuvieran su título y cédula profesional, sin importar el año de egreso. El respaldo de las facultades, unas con mejor respuesta, permitió cumplir el objetivo. De los casi 2,200 titulados en 2011, 500 obtuvieron su título como parte del programa referido.

La intención fue facilitar los trámites al máximo, hacer que los egresados regresaran a sus planteles y, sobre todo, que culminaran un trámite que pudieron haber postergado un año, dos o dos décadas. Diez o veinte egresados que hubieran aprovechado el programa habría sido satisfactorio, pero que lo hayan hecho medio millar le concede mayor valor al esfuerzo realizado por todos los implicados.

En el Teatro Universitario los dos recientes fines de semana fuimos testigos de la entrega de 500 títulos a egresados de los distintos niveles educativos, muchos de ellos, participantes de aquel programa. El “gracias” de su parte y el “felicidades” de la nuestra, expresaron genuinos sentimientos de gratitud y de reconocimiento. Cada título, cada documento encierra esfuerzos particulares y satisfacciones inestimables, pero más grato aún fue la entrega del título a quienes egresaron de la Universidad hace 10, 15 o 20 años, o a las madres y padres que desfilaron orgullosos a recoger el de sus hijos.  Emotiva es una palabra que apenas describe los sentimientos en el aire y en el prolongado aplauso final.

Si los resultados el año pasado rebasaron predicciones, en este 2012, en que el programa se amplió a bachilleres y posgraduados, deseamos superarlos. No están en juego los indicadores de la Universidad, tampoco es la intención compilar datos para un informe. Se trata, en cambio, de hacer que uno, dos o 500 cierren un ciclo y renueven votos de confianza en sí mismos, en sus capacidades y proyectos de vida. De eso, al final de cuentas, se trata la educación.





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38 thoughts on “Cerrando ciclos

  1. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2A

    In my opinion I think this will make very excellent program for further qualifications. I think this year will do better than the other. may be enacted in this 2012 degrees more than the last. sactifactorio know is excellent news.

  2. Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"

    In my opinion it is very good by the university. hopefully continue to do things like this, which is something that benefits everyone and as stated were very good results, which means that people took it seriously and do not give seized the opportunity to receive their degree in good time congratulations to and college students for this idea.

  3. Juan Pedro Tintos 2 B

    Closing cycles, I like this way of calling to end something, close a cycle, we always close cycles in everything we do, or at least that is what we should do, for our own good. I like this initiative of the University of Colima to facilitate obtaining a great title and end that part of their lives. I suppose it was a great opportunity for that people and can`t imagine the great happiness they felt when they received it. Awesome.

  4. Irving De La Mora 2B

    Good to know that the university is interested in graduates, continue giving them the paperwork, even after all these years.

  5. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D

    It must be a wonderful experience sees the end of a cycle on the life of many people. There is no doubt that happiness and some nostalgia is seen in this kind of events, but over this you can see the optimism that receive a person to continue fighting in this life.

  6. Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A

    In my opinion this project is well planned. And helps motivate students more. Are academic and rendiento better. Mexico is better to.


    I think it’s a great logo that has met the target, speaks highly of the University.

    I think this process glad to graduates and gives them more courage tocontinue efforts.

    Following this step, the graduates will soon have opportunity to work what they have sacrificed so much time and dedication.

    Hopefully, and this 2012 bring more graduates and titling procedures are faster.

  8. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D

    In my opinion is very important that all the graduates have the opportunities, since by differents reasons did not, and that and to be present this time and no matter what year it seems to me excellent finished.

  9. Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2A

    In my opinion I am in accordance in the question in overcome targets past. I think it is a great advance for graduates. Supporting students is vital to overcome to morning to at least think. Finally I hope read good news about the graduates.

  10. Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D

    I am pleased find of as programs of the university help
    Which the institution is worry for its alumni is good example
    My opinion feed that help the students to obtain academic qualification is good
    The help to close a life cycle who remained slow

  11. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D

    I think is very important all student can get your title. With a title is easier get a job. If every students could get a job after their university, they could live better than now.

  12. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B

    I think that this program was very well, as this gave him the opportunity to many people to be titled and thus fulfil one of its goals, let us hope that this 2012 there could be more degrees and that it continue to thrive.

  13. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B

    The best way to follow is closing cycles, we must all get used to in our lives either in love or in the social must close cycles for our good and happiness.

  14. Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D

    In my opinion is important to have a professional degree. But more than one title, we must be proud of our achievements. we must strive for reaching our goals.

  15. Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B

    The offered a really good opportunity, I think that it is really important as an egressed student to end his or her studies and in pair with that you open new doors for better opportunities to exercise their knowledge. For them it is a great satisfaction.

  16. J. Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A

    in my opinion, have the support of your school to have your degree and professional certificate, graduate should be given as much confidence responsibility, and shows that the commitment is for everyone.

  17. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B

    Very good release, i think that graduates are proud to have finished that academic stage, but, sometimes they don’t want to do all the titling paperwork. This new process, i think that it helps about that, and then students will be more interested to request their diploma in the shortest posible time.

  18. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B

    This post reminds me when I graduated from high school, that was almost a year ago, I remember my classmates dress with their toga, I remember the parents of my classmates and my parents happy because we finished the high school, I also remember the classic graduation celebration.

  19. Jose CARlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B

    I think this is very good by the institution, because as you mention, the title represents all the physical and economic effort that a person performs in all his life.

  20. Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez

    This program is excellent, it is good to know that the graduates of the institution to obtain his title, no matter the year of graduation, this will do to close a cycle more in their lives. I am sure that those people who received their title must be very happy.

  21. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A

    That’s impresive! I didn’t know the existance of that program un the UdC. It’s amazing that the University is doing that kind of things. I think it will help a lot of people, no matter their age, to feel better about themselves and about their carrer.

  22. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D

    I think with this program ther will be better results than the year before.It’s very good that the university is interested in graduates,you can tell the univesity is doing a great job!

  23. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D

    I think with this program ther will be better results than the year before.It’s very good that the university is interested in graduates,you can tell the univesity is doing a great job!The university is doing very good with this because we can overcome our grades.

  24. Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2 A

    1. – I plots very well that you are grabbing, they encourage people to think big and reaffirming their confidence in themselves.

    2. – On the other hand, my opinion on that is that you had to see implemented in recent years for the motivation of many who left with the desire of the long-awaited title.

    3. – In my opinion is very nice to see there family support in those beautiful moments when you know you accomplished the goal you had to show others that you are ready.

    4. – I’m glad you keep thinking on doing this in the next. Years seems very good because it helps them much more than getting a paper is to get motivation to keep going.

    5. – Very good commentary on this day the truth I really like.

  25. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 2D

    I also think is important get a title. With this title is more likely to get a job. Close a cycle is an awesome feeling. New oportunities an new proyects start.

  26. Heredia Moran Alejandro Gilberto 2B

    firstly congratulations on the success of this great project and that have helped many graduates. I agree that most graduates can benefit from this program.
    It is a way to boost to the students so that they can do greater things. Graduates will be able to boost the country with their innovative ideas.

  27. Armando Vázquez Zamora 2° B

    Very good publication, think it is a good title to refer to something that got his start and comes to an end. It is good to know that the University put ease to get a title, graduates to those who already have years of having left gives the ease that can lift its title.

  28. Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 2°D

    I think this is very good for the University of Colima. I hope to continue doing things like this that is something that benefits everyone, look very good results, which means that people took it seriously and did not miss the opportunity to receive their degree in good time and congratulations to the graduates.

  29. cesar castro carrillo

    Any thoughts I very well to help them to have our Cedula profecional title, just as I think it is complementing this program follow

  30. Jose Nicanor ruiz lopez

    I think that is good that are dirven a program special for the graduates obtain its title and cedula professiona.but the regrettable that are been less in this year 2012

  31. Miguel Leon Bautista 2A

    It’s nice to receive such news, for the sake of the graduates, who can now form a plan of life for them and for whom some already formed a family, because as a personal achievement is so professionally, demonstrating its effort now if there is the phrase “evening but surely” and waiting for the next time they are even more recent than this.

  32. 2°A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    In my opinion is very good to do this by the university.
    Supporting students is essential to overcome
    the morning of those who are difficult to find work.
    And also by the graduates is a reunion with teachers
    and peers who helped them be as they are and getting
    to jobs in which they find themselves.

  33. Osdy Fletes Arreola 2A

    I think that’s a great achievement for the University of Colima, because with this many people already had taken and left there could fulfill the dream of having his title.
    I think that’s very satisfying for the whole university and showed them to support someday q ue were and were part of it.
    Very well by the University of Colima for giving them the support that some day belonged and were part of the university.

  34. 2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes

    I think this program it’s a great idea by the UdC.
    So, graduates without degree will encourage to get degree soon.
    The process facilities is certainly a determinant factor for the sucess of this program.
    Thus, seeing the degree in their hands, each graduate can feel the effort that put in their studies.

  35. salvador hernandez francisco 1°A

    No indicators are at stake at the University, nor is it intended to collect data for a report. It is, however.
    in the end, it is education.Very good publication, think it is a good title to refer to something that got his start and comes to an end. It is good to know that the University put ease to get a title,

  36. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 2 "B"

    It was an interesting program because in this way, most graduated students have the opportunity to get for sure a degree and a professional identification card. If students had taken this opportunity they had saved much more money. It is great for those who finished their studies and right now, they have the degree.

  37. Juan Francisco Arreola Hernandez. 2 A

    I think that is a great idea because many people don’t hope.
    It could be a amazing notice for the graduates.
    Maybe they never think that it happen.
    All them families should have been happy for them.

  38. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alverto 1-B

    My opinion this contribution and this mentality to be without mattering the year of is one more motivation for a student of being able to be better every day more and of to feel that they are a people with profession.

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