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Compendio de lugares comunes (en clave de Twitter)

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Los usos equívocos e invertidos (¿pervertidos?) de la educación son numerosos. Un recuento parcial enseguida.

La educación no es un sindicato poderoso integrado por escuelas y maestros.

Los sistemas educativos no nacieron para contratar maestros, sino para formar ciudadanos.

Las escuelas no son estacionamientos, tampoco guarderías de estudiantes o de profesores esperando jubilación.

La escuela no es una carrera de obstáculos, con el objetivo de desgranar estudiantes.

Tampoco es una competencia entre profesores para decidir a quien reprueba más, por tanto, es el más “duro”.

La educación no es una variable independiente con respecto al sistema social.

Los alumnos no son clientes, los profesores no son proveedores, la educación no es una empresa.

Las escuelas no son el refugio de los males de la sociedad, aunque los reflejen de algún modo.

La educación no es responsable de los paupérrimos niveles de desarrollo económico; tampoco la panacea.

No toda transformación social es pedagógica, pero todas deben contener un componente educativo.

La extensión de la escolaridad ha servido para contener el problema del empleo. La educación, así, es accesoria.

La docencia no debe ser un reducto de profesionistas frustrados, a la que se opta por falta de empleo.

Es una triste realidad: de muchas escuelas y universidades mexicanas se puede egresar sin leer un libro.

La educación no son butacas, mesas, pizarrones, libros, computadoras. Son personas y deseos de aprender, aunque sean maestros.

La institución escolar ha sido responsabilizada de problemas que otras no pueden resolver.

La noción dominante de competencias se asocia a la rivalidad, más que a la capacidad para afrontar la vida.

La educación no son exámenes y profesores dictando; tampoco las urgencias de su administración.

La educación no es una chamba, tampoco un empleo: es una misión de transformación.


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52 thoughts on “Compendio de lugares comunes (en clave de Twitter)

  1. Katy Luna

    Excelente Dr. Juan Carlos!! Gracias por compartir! 😀

  2. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    I like this article, has many interesting phrases.

    For example: the schools are not parking, are not nursery.

    The ugly of this is that much people if you belive they are for that´s the schools, a parking and nursery.

    But even more sad, but true is that you can graduate from university without reading a book.

  3. Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A

    I think all these described, they said mouch the education in Mexico.
    It has much reason with he said “They’re people and desire to learning”.
    But always there is hope to the change.

  4. jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A

    This very well the things you say.

    It is interesting because you say that the school is not one thing if not the other.

    What you say is very true and we have to do something to change education.

    As you say education is not a job,but we have to move on to have one.

  5. Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A

    Hello Mr Yañez is a good reflection I want congratulate for you great job and excellent.
    Like it this your opinion and is a sad what and many universities students grade up but without read a book I hope our filosofy change for a good acts.
    the education must be better everyday, mi opinion is a work together for a make good citizens.

    greetings a have a nice day.

  6. Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A

    Hello Mr Yañez is a good reflection I want congratulate for you great job and excellent.
    Like it this your opinion and is a sad what and many universities students grade up but without read a book I hope our philosophy change for a good acts.
    the education must be better everyday, my opinion is a work together for a make good citizens.

    greetings a have a nice day.

  7. Jorge Caballero 1 "D"

    It really is essential because people need social skills to be inserted in a complex and changing society like the present.
    Being more educated makes you more competitive. When more people are educated, the country is more competitive and has better economy. Fortunately there are now a lot of support to ensure that more students stay in school and continue their mission of transformation. Unfortunately many people still leave school, and this is derived the existence of a society marked by violence, discrimination, oppression and injustice worldwide. Something has to change and maybe we can do it.
      “Everyone must take responsibility for their own knowledge”
      – Arthur Edwards
    And hopefully school being let all that is not supposed to be.

  8. arthur edwards

    JC Yañez escribió esto que me gustó muchachos!

    “Les dejo algunos fragmentos de mi más reciente colaboración para el portal de periodismo educativo Educación a Debate, escrito en clave de Twitter:

    Las escuelas no son estacionamientos, tampoco guarderías de estudiantes o de profesores esperando jubilación.

    La escuela no es una carrera de obstáculos, con el objetivo de desgranar estudiantes.

    Tampoco es una competencia entre profesores para decidir quien reprueba más, por tanto, es el más “duro”.

    La docencia no debe ser un reducto de profesionistas frustrados, a la que se opta por falta de empleo.

    Es una triste realidad: de muchas escuelas y universidades mexicanas se puede egresar sin leer un libro.

    La educación no son butacas, mesas, pizarrones, libros, computadoras. Son personas y deseos de aprender, aunque sean maestros.”

    Noten que dice “puede egresar sin leer un libro” Parece a lo que les dije el otro día!

  9. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A

    This things that you say are what too much people think about the education.
    We need to change this way of thinkand demostrate that we could have a good education if we effort for it.
    I believe education is something that will make us progress and be better as society.
    And we need the curiosity about the things and learn about it.

  10. Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A

    I think that education is a very important topic.

    In my opinion all phrases are really true and important.

    This is one of the more interesting articles that I have read.

    I like the way in that all phrases involve everything that is part of education.

  11. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A

    Is True that the school sometimes think that´s is a business.
    Maybe the fathers don´t know how help to your sons.
    Maybe the students don´t learn as it should.
    Maybe the teacher don´t have the level for give classes.
    The true problem is that the education in Mexico is bad or some failure.

  12. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    The publication is very good, Doctor.
    I like some phrases that you use for example,”Is a sad reality: of much mexican school & universities it’s can graduate without read a book” is some certain that in the actuality don’t read.
    This is the education that have the comunity mexican.
    Congratulations Doctor!

  13. Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A

    It is excellent manner of describe the education and its ambience.
    I believe that much people don´t know that is education and less are polites.
    It is a article of much true to consider.
    i like very much the phrase: “The education is not chairs, tables, boards, books, computers. It is persons and wishes of learn although are teachers”

  14. David Toledo Zúñiga 1B

    We have to know that we aren’t ignorant with the education.
    Some people think that the education isn’t important.
    The better that a person can receive is the education.
    The people have to think the positive things in the education.

  15. Eduardo Jimenez 1° D

    What a great article!.
    Many people actually think that is a nursery school, students also sometimes have guilt, instead of going to school to learn, in the school we are very comfortable it is easier to “waste time” instead of using it and really study.

  16. Ignacio Ramirez 1A

    very true what you say about education
    part of teachers should always give your classes to learn
    we must change our thinking in order to improve ourselves and be good professionals
    we must all do our part to improve and have good knowledge and not be ignorant.


    This text is very interesting Sr. Juan Carlos.
    The sentence that I liked was “Education be not armchairs, tables, blackboards, books, computers”.
    Because many persons believe be student is go to sit in a chair for 5, 6 hours.
    And be teacher is just go to stand in front of 20 young people and read what it says in a book.
    All these people are very, very wrong.

  18. Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A

    I like a lot of what he writes.

    You would make a good rector of the university.

    Since understands what really is a university and that is education.

    Every article I see you really like them because it says many things that are very true and I like.

  19. Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D

    Yes! you’re all right.
    The education in Mexico is really bad.
    Some teachers don’t worry the students learn, only they give their class.
    And if anybody understand well if not they don’t matter.

  20. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°A

    Juan Carlos said that the uses of the education are wrong.

    some people think in the public schools like a parking car.

    the school is for studing, dont for student who fail.

    the education depends on all us, not just teachers.

  21. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    Most of the people think the education isn’t important.
    I think that they don’t know what they say.
    But all we got to do is keep forward.
    That’s the only way we can advance.

  22. victor alejandro escalera sanchez 1-d

    The school is for fun, the house is to learn.
    Is sad to know that in some schools there are ineffective teachers.
    If there are bad teachers. Students will be bad.
    A teacher should be evaluated daily with their students.


    That education is not a union composed of teacher and schools.

    Schools are not any kind of parking or day care for the children.

    Schools are not any kind of business.

    Nop are education Education exams.

  24. victor fidel garcia sanchez

    I like where it says that the national education system to hire teachers but to educate citizens.
    It’s true what they say the school is not a business.
    He’s right the school is not an obstacle course the goal is that students are lagging behind.
    You are right in saying that education is not a job but a mission of transformation.

  25. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B

    You are absolutely right.
    But many people believe it is so.
    If all we saw it that way.
    México was a great country.

  26. Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda

    I totally agree with you because you wrote many interesting true things.
    It’s sad that a lot of people don’t realize what education really is.
    I’ve had all kinds of teachers during all my years of education.
    Students need to have automotivation for education to improve in life.

    Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda 1° “D”

  27. Luis Manuel Cruz Ortiz

    The school must leave all.
    Teachers should be more friendly with students.
    He’s right in that the school is not daycare.
    Education depends both students and teachers.

  28. Edwin Preciado

    Your publication is very good.
    It’s true what you say unfortunately so many students and teachers see it.
    Students go to school to pass the time, teachers say aa make money not all but some

  29. Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B

    Teachers are responsible for the future of tomorrow and I think in school we learned is reasoned. School is not for those who want to study if not for anyone who wants to overcome.

  30. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D

    Education is the foundation of society and if not obtained properly our society in the future will not be profitable.
    Teachers in schools and universities not only have to go to “teach” but to demonstrate knowledge.
    Education is required of everyone, not just teachers and administrators but students us doing our part.
    In education we all rely on the rating puts us, but we should build on the knowledge we do not know whether to get the rating is by trapping.

  31. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"

    Education has deteriorated in mexico.

    Now only see education as a way to “blackmail” students for taking more money.

    Should be punished in some way for teachers to do Their job and not expect the Pension obtain.

    I think they should remove the unions that hamper in teaching students.

  32. Antonio Torres Figueroa

    Right to teach some teachers do not know,but if they know fail.

    The tv is a bad influence on quality education.

    Three pillars of education_parents teachers and students.

    A good teacher undertakes that all students learn.

  33. Antonio Torres Figueroa

    One’s right to teach some teachers do not know,but if they know fail.

    The tv is a bad influence on quality education.

    Three pillars of education parents teachers and students.

    A good teacher undertakes that all students learn.


    I like your article, and the truth is very right, if for example in some places have all the equipment to become a great doctors, lawyers and so on, but only 5% or less manage to be, and in other places where not even have a book manage to be even presidents of the republic such as Benito Juarez.
    Plus it also has much reason that students are not customers, not suppliers teachers and schools are not businesses.
    And I do not say nothing but quda be congratulated for all their thoughts and they are true but I know more than one does not take into account but you do not procupe.

  35. Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B

    Too many people thinks wrongly that the school it’s only another obligatory place, but schools are once of the life pillars. Education it’s a privilege than shouldn’t be around the world. Education should be the human idea of evolution.

  36. Josè Eduardo Aguilar Aguiano 1B

    The education in Mexico is very bad and i agree with you.
    The education in Mexico should not be seen like a kind of business.
    The education should not be involved in the problems from the outside.
    I think your publication is very important, because it shows some biggest problems of the education in Mexico.

  37. Roberto Banda Flores 1A

    Wow, Very good words.

    I hope that the new rector philosophize more, as you.

    I believe that ….
    The education change the world.

    The education neither is the competition of students, but the competition with oneself.

  38. Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez 1°B

    Education systems are not born to hire teachers, but to educate citizens.

    Good teachers are those who make their students learn.

    Education is part of life.

    Education is a transformation to be someone better.

  39. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B

    I liked that last sentence: “Education is not a job, it is a mission of transformation”.
    Education for me is something very valuable, improves every day, never stop learning something new.
    Being a student is something of pride, because I know I’ll be better thanks to the efforts of the study.
    Your article has made me think about what they mean many things.

  40. Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D

    I agree with you but we know that the government sends.
    For me some teachers are good and some bad.
    But this is all part of the life of mexico.
    Need to change the government that it is impossible to switch to mexico.

  41. Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D

    The level of education in Mexico is very low.

    Some teacher teach for duty and not by choice.

    Maybe if teachers are evaluated continuously improve education.

    And if you end up with corruption in the sale of places for teachers.

  42. Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D

    I share the same opinion as you, speaking of the teaching profession, its mission and vision.
    It is an honor that few people like you notice what I say above.
    Mexicans only read two books a year. And of those, do not think either has to do with the university.
    I think the problem with the school has nothing to do with teachers, if not society.

  43. Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D

    You are right, we have forgotten the meaning of education.
    Students take education as a hobby.
    Teachers have forgotten their mission.
    The day that students and teachers take our role we will have better education.

  44. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco

    I think all these described, they said mouch the education in Mexico.
    Teachers have forgotten their mission.
    I totally agree with you because you wrote many interesting true things.

  45. José Luis Garza Gallegos

    Those phrases are very good, it could be good if them work for all us in Mexico.
    Education in schools are important, but education in our homes are more important, it isn’t?
    Some school workers and students need to read your phrases.
    If our socierty is corrupt, how education will be unafected?

  46. Christian D. Rentería García 1.-D

    We all have a way to see the education, but the real way it’s like a place where youre going to grow up as a person.

    We have to do our best if we want to succed.

    Even when you think that youre going to lose time in the school, there’s someone who actually like’s it.

    Don’t blame the education for your bad attitude.

  47. Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 1o D

    It is a article of much true to consider.

    Teachers should be more friendly with students.

    Because many persons believe be student is go to sit in a chair for 5, 6 hours.

    Since understands what really is a university and that is education.

  48. sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D

    I like your comment.
    Education is part of life.
    If all we saw it that way.
    This is the education that have the comunity mexican.

  49. 1°B María Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete

    I’m think so.. Education it is a beautiful way of the learn in other languaje..
    I’m according to you.
    This is not correct. Comentaries, oppinions and other thinging about the education, or more and more rummors about Universities in Mexico in comparation with other countries. The education its part of every student and we must found in every teacher and take this with courage and desire for our future.

  50. Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D

    It’s the best way to see how education
    this today, because everything that should not
    if the education in Mexico is
    but teachers and unions this change.

  51. Jose Ivan Martinez Najera

    The school is for fun, the house is to learn.
    Is sad to know that in some schools there are ineffective teachers.
    If there are bad teachers. Students will be bad.
    A teacher should be evaluated daily with their students.

  52. "2B" Edgar Miguel Avalos Barajas

    * Education is a very important issue and will be taken with deve variety.
    * All quotes are really true and very important.

    * This is one of your articles that stand for everything that is written in it.

    * In each of the sentences is included the need for education.

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