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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Baches más locos del mundoPor la bipolaridad esparcida en nuestra sociedad, estamos acostumbrados a verlo todo negro o todo blanco, y a cambiar radicalmente de preferencias: los que antes preferían negro, ahora optan por blanco, y viceversa. Un ejemplo viene al caso, tan nítido como doloroso para los bolsillos: los coloquialmente llamados “gasolinazos”, que el sexenio anterior militantes y dirigentes del PRI fustigaron hasta el cansancio con declaraciones, burlas, enojos, mentadas y pega de calcas; sin embargo, al llegar a la presidencia y prolongar la infausta saga, hicieron mutis y apenas balbucean las justificaciones que nunca admitieron en los panistas iracundos o mesurados que ahora se los recuerdan y les reviran las declaraciones, burlas, enojos, mentadas (y falta la pega de calcas, ¿o ya?).

Para ser parejos, con el PAN sucedió lo mismo: en su momento no tocaron los salarios mínimos y ahora se muestran defensores de su aumento, tanto, que hasta propusieron una consulta nacional, ya aprobada. Son ejemplos claros de amnesias selectivas. El PRD se ataca solo, así que no diré nada. En fin. El rosario podría ser largo y aburrido.

Esta reflexión me la provoca una mirada al otro lado de la luna, o dicho con precisión urbana: al otro lado de los baches. El visible es por todos conocido, y sufrido, excepto que se viaje en Hummer, Suburban y ese tipo de vehículos de alta gama. El resto sí lo conocemos de sobra cuando hacemos de tripas corazón y emprendemos el slalom en ciertas avenidas de Colima y Villa de Álvarez.

Con los primeros rayos del sol naranja entrando por mi ventana se iluminó la idea que quiero contar a continuación y pomposamente llamo “elogio del bache”. Y es que los baches no son tan malos, lo supe hoy. ¿O sí? Está bien, son terribles, pero tienen un lado bondadoso. Es verdad, rompen llantas (soy testigo con dos gomas nuevas en mi auto), amortiguadores, salpicaderas, las pelotas (en buen español de los argentinos), etcétera, pero son un inestimable vector de la movilidad económica.

Me explico y, espero, también a los lectores. Es verdad lo antes dicho, además, los baches son enormes, algunos horrorosos, y con los tratamientos que aquí se usan de corta caducidad, son como una suerte de acné en cara de adolescente infortunado. Pero, lean bien, si no fuera por los baches varias empresas e industrias colimenses tendrían mayores dificultades financieras: las llanteras bajarían sus ganancias y solo acumularían (más) suciedad en las calles; los talleres mecánicos prescindirían de uno o dos ayudante; los vendedores de llantas no moverían su mercancía con la misma celeridad; las compañías aseguradoras tendrían menos trabajo y urgencias de los clientes; los trabajadores de obras públicas podrían engrosar las filas de los desempleados; los materialistas que venden las piedrillas con las que fabrican el pésimo recubrimiento vendrían a pique; los chapopoteros tampoco tendrían salida a su producto; los vendedores de pintura blanca y amarilla para las calles tendrían que tirarla cuando se secara; en el mediano plazo, los desgastes en los autos aumentan y, por tanto, ganan los talleres mecánicos; los pudientes irán con más frecuencia a las agencias de autos usados, y los más pudientes, a las de autos nuevos. Y así.

¿Ya soy más claro? Espero, si me sigue leyendo, que la próxima vez, al toparse con un bache infranqueable, respire hondo y luego piense en la larga cadena de beneficiados de los baches y que, gracias a ellos (eso no tiene precio) nosotros, atentos para no caer en la fila de hoyancos sembrados en calles y avenidas, no tendremos que ocuparnos ni preocuparnos de mirar hacia las paredes y espectaculares que ya, de a poquito, van invadiendo (ensuciando) la ciudad por la andanada feroz de las inminentes campañas electorales.

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20 thoughts on “ELOGIO DEL BACHE

  1. 1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio

    -Interesting way to see potholes.
    -The picture surprised me, I never saw a pothole with flowers.
    -I guess gasoline price rising won’t stop, *sigh*.
    -Potholes gives mor job chances that politicians.

    1. arthur edwards

      Nice comments!

  2. 1J 1J María Conchita Santana Ochoa

    * Each day yields less money.
    * Having a full tank for me is a luxury for their high price.
    * The politicians dont remember things they promise.
    * Yañez talk us about the jobs that favor with the problems in the streets.

    1. arthur edwards

      Very true!

  3. 1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela

    • Yañez has lost some wheels for the pot-holes of the streets.
    • The pot-holes has got good and bad points.
    • The gasolinazos, are the ” bread of every day “.
    • They are many persons benefited from the faults of the streets.

  4. 1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez

    1.- You’re right, if it wasn’t for this problem there would people with no jobs maybe, but for someone who doesn’t have a whole lot of money to keep on buying new wheels it is actually a big problem.
    2.- I guess it’s kind of good that these problems exist but it also may cause accidents in my opinion and that is a real problem.
    3.- I guess the “gasolinazos” are for a good cause, but who knows what the government is actually trying to do with that.
    4.- I think that there’s actually a reason for some things to be the way they are and that is to help one another.

    1. arthur edwards

      Your popint 1 is correct….in making things more effecient, people lose jobs due to productivity and automization. Being less efficient, curiously, produces more work….although not very productive.

  5. 1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio

    * everything in life has its advantages and disadvantages are.
    * People in high places are not affected much.
    * I suppose Yañez obstacles or problems when speaking of the “bumps”
    * society is bipolar

  6. 1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez

    -The people leaves that the presidents do what you want and however the people not do nothing.
    -This reflection gives me a look at the other side of the moon, or said with urban precision: the other side of the bumps.
    -Which means this comment, is that although all harm and injustice that we have passed , of this we have learned enough things that in end we do much for the future, as history.
    -The gasolinazos, will be the jobs more better paid.

  7. 1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura

    – As every act has advantages and disadvantages
    – So where are all the games are already in the presidency contradict when they were in season
    – Very interesting your anecdote

  8. 1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez

    1-All the politics lie.
    2-People change his mind.
    3-The holes are bad.
    4-The problem is not all the people has money to buy new wheels every year.

  9. 1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva

    -The pot-holes has got good and bad points.
    -The people leaves that the presidents do what you want and however the people not do nothing.
    -Interesting way to see potholes.
    -I suppose Yañez obstacles or problems when speaking of the “bumps”

  10. 1°K Marcos Antonio Avalos Galindo

    1-All politicians are liars.
    2-I want see how gasolinazos support the town.
    3-I think that instead of gasoline this goes down.
    4-Gasoline will never fall in price.

  11. 1 E Horacio Gerzaín Avalos Aguayo

    -I still remember when gas went to $ 7 a liter.
    -Yañez praises potholes.
    -Yañez looks good bumps to not accumulate more dirt in the streets.
    -Potholes can be dangerous in wet weather.

  12. 1 K Arroyo Elizarraraz Leonel

    When you are looking for “liar” on the internet leaves some President or politician, this discusses the credibility that it have been built throughout the years, and I am not referring only to Mexico. I believe that the price of gasoline not download ever, read out there that is does not have the infrastructure to take advantage of the black gold, and very possibly damage more to the environment than what Mexico earns per barrel of oil. And as always
    everything is about money.

  13. 1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla

    • We live in a society that easily change their minds.
    • Potholes are for some a headache.
    • The good side of the bumps is that they are a source of employment.
    • Because people care they put potholes in the streets who are ignorant of the political propaganda stuck in the streets.

  14. 1°K Paloma Torres Rodríguez

    Interesting way to see a pothole.
    I agree with you, not all problems are completely black.
    And that not only applies in potholes.
    There are also many bad things that happen to us serving of experience.

  15. Méndez Amaro Ferjosev Isaac

    -Is the mexican attitude.
    -This is very funy.
    -We live in a society that easily change their minds.
    -Jajajaja interessant.

  16. 1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza

    Yañez has lost some wheels for the pot-holes of the streets.
    The people leaves that the presidents do what you want and however the people not do nothing.
    All politicians are liars.
    The problem is not all the people has money to buy new wheels every year.

  17. Norma Mercedes Trujillo Garcia "1K"

    1.- This reflection gives me a look at the other side of the moon, or said with urban precision: the other side of the bumps.
    2.-everything in life has its advantages and disadvantages are.
    3.-The people leaves that the presidents do what you want and however the people not do nothing.
    All politicians are liars.
    4.-There are also many bad things that happen to us serving of experience.

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