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En memoria de Stéphane Hessel

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Stéphane-Hessel_600Ha muerto Stéphane Hessel, autor del libro que inspiró el movimiento español de los indignados. La triste noticia en México no tiene mucho espacio frente a la detención de la señora Elba Esther Gordillo, pero es justo recordar a un hombre extraordinario. El 25 de mayo de 2011 publiqué en este mismo espacio un breve artículo a propósito de su famoso libro. Aquí se los comparto de nuevo.

Stépanhe Hessel, héroe de la Resistencia francesa durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y uno de los redactores de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (1948), escribió un texto que está siendo leído profusamente en Europa, en especial por los jóvenes, a quienes lo dirige el diplomático y escritor nacido en Berlín (1917).

El opúsculo se titula “¡Indignaos! Un alegato contra la indiferencia y a favor de la insurrección pacífica” (“Indignez vous!”). Apareció en Francia para la navidad de 2010 y en marzo de este año se publicó en español. Con ventas de millones de ejemplares y distribución por las redes es imposible conocer su penetración, pero las protestas que sacuden España estos días y el Movimiento de indignados 15-M encontraron inspiración en sus ideas.

La edición castellana es prologada magistralmente por José Luis Sampedro, quien así la presenta: “¡INDIGNAOS! Un grito, un toque de clarín que interrumpe el tráfico callejero y obliga a levantar la vista a los reunidos en la plaza. Como la sirena que anunciaba la cercanía de aquellos bombarderos: una alerta para no bajar la guardia… ¡INDIGNAOS!, les dice Hessel a los jóvenes, porque de la indignación nace la voluntad de compromiso con la historia. De la indignación nació la Resistencia contra el nazismo y de la indignación tiene que salir hoy la resistencia contra la dictadura de los mercados”.

“¡Indignaos!” es un llamado a la acción contra el inmovilismo excluyente; a rechazar las inequidades que sufren millones de habitantes del planeta. Es un poderoso argumento en favor de la dignidad. Un antídoto contra la desmemoria. Una proclama no violenta: “Estoy convencido que el futuro pertenece a la no-violencia, a la conciliación de las diferentes culturas. Por esta vía la humanidad deberá franquear su próxima etapa… El terrorismo no es eficaz. En la noción de eficacia, es necesaria una esperanza no-violenta”.

“¡Indignaos!” es, también, el recordatorio de un imperativo de la condición humana. La denuncia de actitudes egoístas: “La gran diferencia que existe entre los muy pobres y los muy ricos no deja de crecer. Se trata de una innovación de los siglos XX y XXI. Los muy pobres del mundo de hoy ganan apenas dos dólares al día. No se puede dejar que esta diferencia se haga más profunda todavía. La constatación de este hecho debería suscitar por sí misma un compromiso.”

Prisionero en campos de concentración nazis, de donde salió para colaborar al lado de hombres extraordinarios en la redacción de los derechos universales, Hessel dirige su mensaje sin cortapisas: “A los jóvenes, les digo: mirad alrededor de vosotros, encontraréis temas que justifiquen vuestra indignación –el trato que se da a los inmigrantes, a los indocumentados, a los gitanos. Encontraréis situaciones concretas que os empujarán a llevar a cabo una acción ciudadana de importancia. ¡Buscad y encontraréis!”.

Hagamos un llamado, concluye Hessel, a una insurrección pacífica contra los medios de comunicación de masas que proponen como horizonte el consumismo de masas, el desprecio de los más débiles, de la cultura y enaltecen la competencia de todos contra todos. La peor de las actitudes, dice a los jóvenes del siglo XXI, es la indiferencia.


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27 thoughts on “En memoria de Stéphane Hessel

  1. Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano 2A

    there author Stéphane Hessel is a bad new his death
    but when I read your comment about he
    only think what he was a magnific person I try of stay in the
    paragraphs in the book because I find it very interesting
    great person in he memory.

  2. José Luis Garza Gallegos 1ºD

    – This book looks interesting, I would like to read it, but already I am indignant with many things.

    – Turn off TV is a good start, it isnt? The most are lies and manipulation attempts.

    – Looking for and using alternative ways to suggested of the media is a good pacific way to fight the system.

    – I would like that you see this documental, it talks about how corporations make us waste resources with bad products and how it is daengerous for our planet because our sources aren’t infinite. I think is a good first step to be indignant.

  3. Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A

    We should pay attention to the important.
    INDIGNANT, a word with fortress and motivation.
    The difference between poor and rich must stop growing.
    Stéphane Hessel great man rest in peace.

  4. 2A Daniela Moctezuma García

    The death of Stéphane Hesse is sad news.

    Is sad know they care more arrested of Elba Esther than the death of a big.

    I liked the title “¡Indígnate! Un alegato contra la indiferencia y a favor de la insurrección pacífica.”

    We need to be outraged opposite the violence, the corruption, among other problems.

  5. Victor Fidel Garcia Sanchez

    Stepanhe was a great man.
    He is a man who should be remembered forever.
    Everyone should know the story of this man.
    He was a very important man.


    Died the author of the book of the outraged.

    Hessel was Stépanhe heros of the French resistance dutrante WWII.

    Pricionero in Nazi concentration camps.

    Pl call indignate was against stagnation.

  7. Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D

    Very interesting your section.
    We should be outraged, we shouldn’t be accustomed.
    There are many reasons to be indignant.
    Young people need to focus their energy on changing their countries.

  8. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA

    It’s sad to see people get carried away with the circus starring Elba Esther.

    The book sounds very interesting.

    Social movements make people think.

    Stephane was a great man.

  9. David Toledo Zúñiga 2B

    Is a gread a interesting book.
    The prayers that Stephane Hessel said is true.
    “You look around, you will find issues that justify your indignation.”
    I like this sentence, the worst attitude is indifference.

  10. Ricardo Gomez Guerrero

    Actually very unfortunate death of Stéphane Hessel.
    I would love to read that book because if it seems very interesting erdad.
    And I hope that the word “outrageous” that both Stéphane pronounced reflection we serve.
    For if I really liked this publication because at least to me if I did think.

  11. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 2 B

    It’s sad when a great person leaves this world.
    In mexico everyone is attentive to what happens to Gordillo.
    People don’t pay attention to people who are really important.
    Stéphane Hessel left us good teachings.

  12. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A

    I think this re sad news about this lose.
    He was a great author and we can learn some things of his books.
    He was a geat man and shared with us his point of view.
    Its n interesting fact that he was a nazi prisioner.

  13. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 2B

    I sorry by loss of a great person.
    I hate notices about EEG and this notice has been overshadowed
    No doubt that this is outrageous.
    I will share this history.

  14. J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A

    Interesting book Doctor.
    Stéphane Hessel is good man.
    We should each day be better if, we read more.
    I agree with you Doctor.

  15. Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B

    The meticulous documentation of real life and social trends. Some languages contain more rhyming words than others. So can a great deal of journalism. These alternative sources are never authoritative, and promise no consistency.

  16. Víctor Iván López González 2A

    It is interesting that this man wrote.

    A shame that is deceased.

    You see it was a man of many skills.

    The world should have more people like to do to change the minds of the young.

  17. Jose Eduardo Cortes Cernas 2B

    I feel much the death of Stéphane Hessel.
    This man left his great story.
    Like so many literary articles.
    I hope one day I can read a book by Stéphane Hessel.

  18. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    Nobody cares about that
    The major problem is our economy
    The people sometimes don’t care about that either
    I don’t know what to think

  19. Edsel Barbosa 2"D"

    This book is interesting that, with
    only the title of the book makes me think
    that even the poorest people have the
    same weight in their statements than anyone else.

  20. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras

    It is true that things like the death of this character are moved by things that do not make sense.

    The book is interesting is that just by reading the title.

    This character deserves everyone’s memory.

    It has made this book so interesting I will try to read it.

  21. Christian D. Renteria Garcia 2D

    Why the world takes the greatest ones?
    We need to start reading more.
    I didn’t know him but i know hes a great person.
    Most of the writers are intelligent.

  22. Erick Donaldo Arceo "2D"

    Stepanhe was a great man.
    Social movements make people think.
    That book sounds good.
    I hope one day I can read a book by Stéphane Hessel.

  23. Gerardo Borjas Carrillo 2°A

    -Really is an interesting book.
    -Was a man with a great career.
    -Is exciting to discover the philosophy of thinking of great man.
    -And that also leaves us a great legacy.

  24. Jonni Eduardo

    My condolences on the death of the author the book
    I am like book INDIGNAOS
    The book is good for create awareness
    The book has much information

  25. Jever Amezcua García

    A book that looks very interesting.

    The truth today is pure manipulation through the media.

    Now if you really want to know the truth you must use Internet and inquire via the web.

    That’s why internet is becoming a powerful outreach tool.

  26. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2ºA

    Books are a way of expressing reality.
    The time Nazi gave turn wing life.
    Word of indignation.
    Not change it ocurred.

  27. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A

    It is a text very interesting.

    There are many reasons to be indignant.

    Young people have to change the country.

    We must demand better education to be competitive mexico.

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