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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Portada EscuelasEn el marco de las actividades del Seminario de Cultura Mexicana, corresponsalía Colima, este jueves 27 de noviembre, a las 20 horas, se presentará mi libro “Las escuelas: desolación y encanto”, en el Archivo Histórico de la Universidad de Colima. Dos personas con quienes me unen viejas amistades y a quienes respeto entrañablemente hará los comentarios: Víctor de Santiago y Salvador Silva Padilla; con la moderación de otro respetable colega, Mario Rendón y Lozano. ¡Una alineación de lujo! A continuación les comparto el Prólogo que abre el pequeño librito.

PRÓLOGO. En el campo educativo, los territorios complacientes y triunfalistas están conquistados e invadidos por optimismos de ocasión: desinformados, bienintencionados o interesados por subordinaciones mundanas. Por ese superávit, niebla que estorba la perspectiva, este pequeño texto está alejado de la indulgencia y tampoco se detiene a la hora de fustigar a quienes promueven ese tipo de escuela o universidad que Ortega y Gasset describió repleta de chabacanería, que promete dar y exigir lo imposible por incompetencia o el cinismo actual.

Este manuscrito es parte de un proyecto más amplio sin punto final a la vista, por eso comparto un avance y lo someto al escrutinio crítico del público que se atreva a leerlo y comentarlo, discutirlo, refutarlo e, incluso, difamarlo. El proyecto se llama “La enfermedad de la institución escolar”; el pre-juicio, desde su título, quizá explique tono y contenido.

Más que sumarme a los enterradores de la escuela, busco pistas para la ilusión y el entusiasmo prudentes, que dignifiquen a la otra escuela posible, hospedada en la imaginación de muchos en el pasado y en prácticas contemporáneas, aunque marginales. Dicha exploración es inviable en el vacío o intentando borrar historia y circunstancias.

Crítica y propuesta, denuncia y anuncio son inherentes al etos pedagógico desde posturas críticas. Expongo la primera parte. La segunda será contada pronto.

La mayor parte de estas ideas, casi en su escritura original, fueron pergeñadas durante mi estancia en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, respirando otros aires y en otra atmósfera educativa, con otras compañías intelectuales y sociales, caminando otras calles y descubriendo sueños posibles.

El propósito está alejado de posicionar el debate desde la fe, pero se inspira en un concepto, la buena educación, que nos legó Pablo Latapí Sarre, con los siguientes atributos: promoción del carácter, los sentimientos, la inteligencia y la libertad.

Lo contrario sería, en esta perspectiva, la mala educación, es decir, el producto de las malas escuelas, aquellos edificios con sus maestros, autoridades y prácticas ubicadas en República de la Burocracia casi esquina con Imperio de los Mercaderes. Son las escuelas caracterizadas por la insustancialidad, simulación, irrelevancia, corrupción y prácticas huecas. La escuela y la universidad inspiradas por la lógica clientelar y las modas. La escuela solapada por gobiernos ineficientes, políticas intrascendentes y ministros incultos en materia pedagógica. La escuela que tolera malas prácticas, aislada de la realidad, madrastra de maestros nocivos. La misma que cada año expulsa un millón de niños y adolescentes mexicanos; que excluye y destruye; la universidad de papel. La escuela virtual por irreal, no por digital. La escuela silenciosa y silenciada, que castra la curiosidad, que domestica y mata la pasión por el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, auspicia la competencia incompetente y la insolidaridad; que prefiere clientes a ciudadanos. La institución enferma de fiebre evaluadora.

Contra esa escuela y esa educación escribo estas páginas, esperanzadas en la posibilidad del cambio que, como aprendimos de Paulo Freire, es difícil pero posible.

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  1. Lupe Reyes

    Felicidades J Carlos Y es un gran privilegio que poder enterarnos de las investigaciones que buscan leer críticamente la realidad de la educación en mexico con una perspectiva de cambio para mejorar e impulsar aquello que esta funcionando. Felicidades por tu esfuerzo y suerte para mañana.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias estimado Lupe. Muchas gracias por tus palabras.

  2. 1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura

    – Sir yañez Congratulations on your presentation of his new book
    -The Purpose is to position the debate away from the faith, but is based on a concept, good education
    – The opposite would, in this perspective, poor education, ie, the product of bad schools
    – I will try to read your book

  3. 1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva

    -The project is called “The disease of the school”; the pre-trial, from its title, perhaps explaining tone and content.
    -The school overlapped inefficient governments, inconsequential policies and uneducated ministers in pedagogy.
    -The institution sick with fever evaluator.
    -The school and college inspired by the logic of patronage and fashions.

  4. 1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez

    1-Yañez writes a book.
    2-Yañes book was presented yesterday.
    3-The book is really cool.
    4-I want to read the book.

  5. 1°K Marcos Antonio Avalos Galindo

    1-You are great Mr. yañez.
    2-I would like read the book.
    3-The book seems be very interesting.
    4-I like the way you write.

  6. 1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez

    -The 27 of november juan carlos will present her book The schools “desolation and charm” in the Historical Archive of the University of Colima.
    -The manuscript is part of a larger project with no end in sight point.
    -The project is called “The disease of the school”; the pre-trial, from its title, perhaps explaining tone and content.
    -In my opinion this book will be very interesting because will talk of many problems or situations that are going in these times.

  7. 1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela

    – Exquisite words! congratulations, is a book that is worth reading.
    – Did me a bit of noise that prologue, ignites a curiosity or rather looking forward to change.
    – I am sure that there will be many criticisms of those to harm those interests.
    – But I’m also sure, that there will be who will savour this book and will begin a change.

  8. Orlando Arias 1º"E"

    The school is a very important theme
    I will read your book!!
    Everyday You write interesting books.
    I do not know whether to go to school is a good idea.

  9. 1 K Alma Rosa Tafolla García

    1. That book sure will bring their readers the experience and wisdom of his writer.

    2.Is good to know that among all the bad things happening in our country there’s still people with good ideas.

    3. I hope you continue sharing your words with us.

    4. I would like to read that book of yours.

  10. 1 E Horacio Gerzaín Avalos Aguayo

    -Yañez will present his book.
    -Congratulations on your new book.
    -The Recommend reading “The disease of the school”.
    -It is a pity that now most only use a tablet instead of a book.

  11. 1 E Eduardo Angel De León Garcia

    -Very good web page
    -The information on education leave something that thing
    -The school is important so read
    -Sir yañez congrulations for you book about of the education

  12. 1 K Arroyo Elizarraraz Leonel

    Congratulations on your book.
    I want to read the book.
    Education is a big issue, many books are written in this regard, those who read his blog know their quality to the way of “write” luck.

  13. 1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon

    Congratulations for your achivements.
    You can do all when you propose.
    The culture is the base of all society.
    All we need more culture, that we can purchase with your books.

  14. Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero 1k

    > The manuscript is part of a larger project with no end in sight point.
    > The project is called “The disease of the school”; the pre-trial, from its title, perhaps explaining tone and content.
    > In my opinion this book will be very interesting because will talk of many problems or situations that are going in these times.
    > The 27 of november juan carlos will present her book The schools “desolation and charm” in the Historical Archive of the University of Colima.

  15. 1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando

    >I wish this book can be finded in a public library.

    >If i knowed where can i find it, i would read it.

    >I want to congratulate you for the realese of your book.

    >I always talked about the poor education system that we have in our country, but also, the easy way that we can choose to fix it.

  16. Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres 1k

    1. Professor Juan Carlos presented his book “LAS ESCUELAS: DESOLACIÓN Y ENCANTO”
    2. Paul Latapi Sarre lego us a good education.
    3. The good education requires the following attributes: promotion of character, feelings, intelligence and freedom.
    4.- not have the above attributes then it would not be a good education if not the opposite.

  17. 1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro

    -Congratulations for your new book.
    -Character, feelings, intelligence and freedom, are the key.
    -Everything worthwhile ever be easy ..
    -i want read your book.

  18. 1K Ochoa González Jesús Alejandro

    You are a magnific writer.
    Pablo Latapí Sarre has all the reason with his words.
    I hope this book, it will be easy to find.
    The book is very interesting because talking about the reality.

  19. 1K irving alexis vergara rodriguez

    congratulationsfor your new book!!
    you are a good writer
    I would like to read your book
    so follow good job

  20. 1K irving alexis vergara rodriguez

    congratulationsfor your new book I find it very interesting!!
    you are a good writer
    I would like to read your book
    so follow good job

  21. 1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza

    Congratulations for your new book.
    I want to read the book.
    I hope you continue sharing your words with us.
    The school and college inspired by the logic of patronage and fashions.

  22. 2A Jesus Emmanuel Munguia Jimenez

    – congrats for your new book !!!

    -maybe i read your book, if i find it.

    -your book sounds very interesting because we need to learn more about the mexican education.

    -and maybe its a good book for all our teachers in Mexico to change a lot things.

  23. Norma Mercedes Trujillo Garcia "1K"

    1.- In my opinion this book will be very interesting because will talk of many problems or situations that are going in these times.
    2.-Did me a bit of noise that prologue, ignites a curiosity or rather looking forward to change.
    3.-we need more culture, that we can purchase with your books.
    4.- always talked about the poor education system that we have in our country, but also, the easy way that we can choose to fix it.

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