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Violencia social y escolar

Posted by Juan Carlos Yåñez Velazco

Leo en la prensa una nota estremecedora. Solo el encabezado me dejó mås frío que el frescor de la lluvia en mi ventana abierta. Un niño de siete años muerto; la causa aparente: el bullying  de sus compañeros en una escuela primaria de Jalisco. La muerte casi siempre es una mala noticia, pero cuando la víctima es un niño, en las circunstancias supuestas, el hecho adquiere dimensiones escalofriantes.

De la nota leĂ­da en el portal de noticias AFmedios no quiero hacer juicios concluyentes porque no es un expediente legal, ni puedo juzgar en la materia. Los indicios revelarĂ­an, segĂșn la nota, que el niño fue sumergido en el retrete de su escuela provocĂĄndole una invasiĂłn de agua en los pulmones. Los juicios al respecto son responsabilidad de cada uno.

Los padres, humildes trabajadores, estarĂĄn destrozados. Y supongo que habrĂĄ muchos otros afectados, en menor grado: los profesores o el director de la escuela tambiĂ©n tendrĂĄn algĂșn remordimiento, por aquello que pudieron ver, por lo que no intentaron hacer, porque cuando alguien les contĂł no movieron un dedo. ÂżY “el Beto” y sus amiguetes, presuntos cĂłmplices, tendrĂĄn algĂșn grado de sensibilidad frente a la tragedia que provocaron con un acto cobarde?

No sé qué pasarå con esa historia. No sé si otra mañana encontraré una nota mås en seguimiento del caso. Y quizå tenga poco sentido. Frente a la pérdida de una vida, así sea una vida destinada a vivirse en circunstancias adversas, nada mitigarå el dolor y la ausencia en casa familiar.

Hace días leí que en Colima el Congreso discutiría una iniciativa ligada con la violencia en la escuela. Hechos como el comentado solo expresan  nuestro atraso en asuntos legislativos. No sé si algo sucederå con la iniciativa, en todo caso, la violencia en la escuela es solo un síntoma del mal mayor: la violencia social, en las calles, la violencia de la policía y del narcotråfico, la violencia de los delincuentes, la violencia contra las mujeres, pero también la violencia contra quien no tiene en su salario el dinero suficiente para dar de comer a sus hijos (si tiene salario), la violencia de una sociedad corrupta e injusta. Cuando esas muchas formas de la violencia se resuelvan, daremos pasos en firme para atacar el bullying, no tengo duda.

Pero la vida seguirå. Nosotros, los que leímos la nota, luego de estremecernos, si hay sensibilidad en nuestros corazones, después de un tiempo olvidaremos a ese niño apabullado por unos muchachos que, sin orientación, podrían haber empezado una carrera delincuencial.

No sé qué sucederå con el caso Jonathan, pero sí sé que esta noche extrañaré mås a mis hijos y los abrazarå mucho mås en mi pensamiento.


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22 thoughts on “Violencia social y escolar

  1. Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A

    Death is very sad but more if it is somebody innocent
    Bullying is a cancer in the society
    I believe is action time
    Violence must stop donÂŽt only in the school if not throughout society

  2. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras

    News like this will never go unnoticed, is news that cause tremor.

    The cause of this horrible accident I can not imagine what they were thinking when performing this act.

    The results cause before this event in the school in general, be they students, teachers, principal and others will be more.

    The events must be beyond what happened, must be viewed from the psychological side of children causing this, as this is a reflection of what happens in your mind, your life either by disruption caused by family or unrelated to this.

  3. Edsel Barbosa 2"D"

    This news is very sad, because in many schools
    Similar cases can be found, but the
    teachers did not become important, or very minor
    and at least, is one of the few accidents end
    very unpleasant. My condolences to the family.

  4. Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D

    It is very sad read this new.
    It sad that those kids learned it in somewhere.
    Television, street, internet, family, friends in all these places we can see violence.
    We must watch what our children see.

  5. J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A

    The Bullying is a problem that have the society.
    I think that the problem be in the form the parents educated the boy.
    The problem is new, before in the education hadn’t news as these.
    I think that the problem is that the boy see much violence today, for example the videogames.

  6. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 2B

    When I was child, I was victim of bullying. Later I learn how defend me. The bullying is so bad, it should be analyzed and penalized. It’s bad news about that boy, I feel sad for it.

  7. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ÂșA

    The Bullying is a problem very present today.

    In my opinion, the problem is education that receive children from their parents.

    A child does not deserve to die and less in the hands of another child.

    It’s hard to believe that violence come the innocent children.

  8. 2A Daniela Moctezuma

    It can not be that so many innocent people die.

    We are tired of violence and corruption.

    It can not be that now these problems reach basic education.

    We must work together to end it.

  9. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A

    This kind of news are so sad.
    Bullying is a big problem and we have to stop it.
    It’s sad how this problem go so far that a child die like this way.
    But as you say there’s a lot of violence and that’s what our kids learn.

  10. Jonni Eduardo

    The bullying is dangerous because happen these stuff.
    The violence is first in the school after is to higher.
    This story is sad reading bullying by death.
    I hope this note can create awareness among people.

  11. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 2B

    Once I found a video
    It was about a girl who was bullyed
    After three days she suicide
    Why the people is so stupid sometimes

  12. Erick Donaldo Arceo "2D"

    News like this will never go unnoticed.
    The cause of this horrible accident I can not imagine what they were thinking when performing this act.
    It’s hard to believe that violence come the innocent children.
    It is very sad read this new.

  13. Christian D. Renteria Garcia

    I hate all kind of violence.
    Most of the acciedents aren’t expossed.
    The most inocent people get this.
    Its really depressing to read about this.

  14. JosĂ© de JesĂșs JimĂ©nez GarcĂ­a 2D

    The bullyng is one of the strongest problems today.
    Sometimes teachers see it and they do nothing.
    We have to make laws to protect the most vulnerable.
    It is unfortunate that adds a more death because of bullyng.

  15. JosĂ© Luis Garza Gallegos 2ÂșD

    -Kids do what them see, and a head in a toilet its frequently wathched on TV.
    -Fathers need to educate their childrens better…
    -I’m still thinking that it is fault of TV in a big part…
    -I hate people that annoy without reason…

  16. Jever Amezcua GarcĂ­a 2D

    It may be that we are reaching these levels.

    Although this is influenced by the same situation we are living in the country.

    The solution is as you say first eliminating evil and crime in the country.

    And the problem with that deal directly with schools and child-oriented on this topic.

  17. Gerardo Borjas Carrillo 2°A

    -The bullying always bring bad deeds for those affected (DEATH).
    -Education should be some reform to prevent this phenomenon.
    -What the teacher in the morning, the TV it spoil the evening.
    -The main agent causing this phenomenon are the media.

  18. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2ÂșA

    Violence begins in family.
    Bad start, bad end.
    violence caused by clumsy.
    We defend each thought our.

  19. Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano 2A

    the bullying it’s a not new factor on the students

    I think so if a many schools should take a more several rules ,because to happen it happens and it’s very sad

    but the change is no have the students , the system is

    very bad very bad.

  20. VĂ­ctor IvĂĄn LĂłpez GonzĂĄlez 2A

    Violence against children is the worst thing there is.

    I hope, to punish those who did this.

    I would like if there were no people but unfortunately if any.

    They have to stop these cases of bullying.

  21. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A

    It is a text very interesting.

    The bullying is dangerous because happen these stuff.

    We must stop the bullying.

    They must be taught early and educate our children so that this does not happen more

  22. David Toledo ZĂșñiga 2B

    I hope that this section proves to be what your want.
    The bullyng is one of the strongest problems today.
    We must work together to end it.
    I think that the problem is that the boy see much violence today.

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