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La educación prohibida

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

 Les invito al cine. La película se llama “La educación prohibida” y puede verse en el canal de videos Youtube. No tiene costo y, aunque dura más que un partido de futbol, es una buena inversión. No es una película como las que se ven en el cine o en la tele, con una historia de amor entre hombres y mujeres, o de muertes por montones; tampoco de aventuras, suspenso o terror, menos de héroes fantásticos.

Hay un poco de todo ello: la profesión de educar es un oficio que reclama pasión, y los educadores, como dice Fernando Savater, deben ser optimistas, creer que su tarea tendrá un efecto positivo sobre otras personas. Educar también es una aventura que, así asumida, es fascinante y desafiante. No es un oficio de héroes, pero trata de evitar el horror de la mala educación que se convierte en mutilación de la curiosidad.

“La educación prohibida” no es una película para la admiración o el mero goce pasajero. Es una invitación a pensar la escuela, las prácticas cotidianas de maestros y estudiantes, a pensarnos en ella y en el sentido de nuestras vidas como docentes, alumnos o madres de familia. Es una propuesta para la discusión.

Algunos ubican “La educación prohibida” en el mismo saco que “De panzazo”. Hay una gran diferencia: en la segunda pretenden demostrar que la escuela es malísima y los maestros un peligro, o que la escuela es un peligro y los maestros malísimos. “La educación prohibida”, por su parte, no elude la denuncia de los problemas, pero también comparte ejemplos alentadores, proyectos alternativos de escuela, opiniones que atisban otros horizontes.

La lección es sugerente: cierto, la buena educación está prohibida en muchas de nuestras escuelas, pero es posible construir una escuela y una educación distintas.

Escucha la opinión

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28 thoughts on “La educación prohibida

  1. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    I agree with you, the education demands passion.

    The truth I had not heard speak of movie.

    I will see movie to discuss between “La educación prohibida” and “Panzazo”.

    As always the education in Mexico will be a big of discuss.

  2. Alvarez Negrete María Guadalupe 1B

    I think so..
    Students are the light of the school.. Schools don’t have beneffits without bad students and teachers..
    Techaers learn for teach.. And students learn for work about all things that learn..
    Education is bad because we are bad and dont worry for the future and ourself..

  3. Christian D. Renteria Garcia

    I hope it’s a good movie to show us the truth.
    We need a lot of movies to explain our situation.
    Kids are leaving the school because they have no dreams
    It show us how education is.

  4. Fabian Garcia 1D

    It is a good recommendation.
    The film presents the two sides of the coin.
    Should give greater importance to these films.
    I’ll take the time to see the pelicula.

  5. Eduardo Jimenez 1D

    I think that not only teachers need passion and optimism at work but all professions claim the same.

    Sometimes the teachers don´t thrown forward to work.

    I think if all we get really to study and work with optimism the country had a change important and remarkable.

  6. David Toledo Zúñiga 1B

    It’s a good recommendation.
    I think that is a good movie.
    I liked the film Panzazo so I think that this movie haves some things interesting.
    I will see this movie.

  7. Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D

    In Mexico schools nomas not pass
    horrible things, not teach us
    pure evil things teach us great things
    but we have to put our efforts
    to learn.

  8. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1"D"

    Provided education in Mexico will be subject of discussion and fight.
    Already seen the movie “de panzazo” but not the “la educacion prohibida”.
    Hopefully showing the good side of the education in mexico.
    An education that teachers really care their students.


    I did not know there was a movie called forbidden education.
    I have to see that movie to compare it with the panzazo.
    With the title can be seen that the film will have a focus to what is not taught in schools.
    I’ll have to see the movie to find out.

  10. Germán Pérez

    Ya la vi doctor, es buena la verdad.
    Mucho mejor que “De panzazo”.

  11. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B

    I would like to see that movie.
    I saw the movie “De panzazo”.
    Is true, the movie only does criticisms of education in Mexico.
    I think the movie should propose something to improve.

  12. keneth michell luna naranjo 1b

    Bad education is everywhere, but is important to know the good part of the problem. We have a little number of good teachers too, that part is than have to be the promoved not privated.

  13. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    I think it’s a good movie
    Maybe i can see it with my friends
    It will be a big opportunity to learn more
    Definitely i will see it

  14. José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B

    That movie looks very good.

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    I have to see this movie in order to have other criteria, apart to have received of the “De panzazo” movie.

    Seriously, I hope education in Mexico better soon.

  15. Edwin Preciado

    Very good text
    Teachers must educate with optimism
    This movie shows major projects to improve education
    According to you

  16. Antonio Torres Figueroa

    The eduacion principalemnte dependent student.

    With the Internet, any student who wishes to overcome is good.

    The school and teachers are only complement.

    Students have their say.

  17. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B

    Many teachers lack of passion to teach.
    Now I have teachers with passion to teach, from the previous teachers that I have, some teachers don’t have it.
    I remember some teachers with ways to teach so bad and it doesn’t matters while they get their salaries.
    I want to see this videclip later carefully.

  18. Ignacio Ramirez 1A

    We need to change or better prepare our teachers.
    For Mexico to progress in education and not continue with this deficiency.
    This very interesting movie.
    Good article Dr.

  19. Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D

    “De panzazo” was for me just a political strategy.
    They give a worst face of education in Mexico.
    I will consider the movie that you recommend.
    Can have a good education, when there is a good teacher.

  20. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A

    Good movie is very interesting.
    I think that the teacher need more.
    Is similar as the film panzaso.
    The education will always be important.

  21. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco

    Techaers learn for teach.. And students learn for work about all things that learn.
    Is similar as the film panzaso.
    This movie shows major projects to improve education

  22. Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D

    If I like what you think.
    Education is the best.
    And the education is important.
    But our country does not give good resource.

  23. sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D

    With the Internet, any student who wishes to overcome is good.
    The truth I had not heard speak of movie.
    An education that teachers really care their students.
    We need a lot of movies to explain our situation.

  24. Jos{e Luis Garza Gallegos 1D

    “De Panzaso” is a bad movie.
    This one souds interesting.
    I will try to watch this one in december.
    I think that studies are our resposability, not of the teachers, we need to search that we want when we have good or bad teachers.

  25. Jos{e Luis Garza Gallegos 1D

    “De Panzaso” is a bad movie.
    This one souds interesting.
    I will try to watch this one in december.
    I think that studies are our resposability, not of the teachers, we need to search that we want when we have good or bad teachers..

  26. victor escalera sanchez 1D

    The truth I had not heard speak of movie.
    I hope it’s a good movie to show us the truth.
    I want to see this videclip later carefully.
    Sometimes the teachers don´t thrown forward to work.

  27. Jever Amezcua Garcia

    It seems that movie worth watching.

    Teachers must do their work by passion, not duty.

    The film shows just how bad panzazo this education.

    I hope this movie does not.

  28. Jorge Caballero

    We need a lot of movies to explain our situation.
    I think that the teacher need learn more.
    Education is bad because we are bad students.
    This a very interesting film.

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