Cuaderno, Viajes


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Lo reconfirmé ya y no voy a alterar la rutina, hasta que no me provoque malestares en el ánimo. Es fácil la descripción. Despierto normalmente temprano. Salgo a la ventana del departamento, quinto piso, con vistas a la ciudad de Paraná, provincia de Entre Ríos. Luego de comprobar el color del cielo o que los más altos edificios de la ciudad vecina siguen allí, voy a mi mesa de trabajo o retorno a la cama libro en mano. Una hora, dos de lectura, dependiendo el interés o la agenda. A veces me acompaña un taza de café o un mate suave. Después, dos o tres horas en la revisión del documento de turno para corregir, ampliar, reescribir, o bien, en la escritura del par de cuartillas que tengo como meta para cada jornada. Cerca del mediodía, o después de la comida (almuerzo argentino), regreso a la computadora para leer las noticias y resúmenes informativos, solo entonces, para no amargar la mañana.

En matemáticas dicen que el orden de los factores no altera el producto, pero en la lectura sí, y su efecto en mi actitud es contundente: no es lo mismo leer, por ejemplo, primero a Petros Márkaris (autor del libro que leo en este momento) o Stéphane Hessel, que  la misma nota refriteada en cuatro medios de Colima. No es lo mismo, ni parecido, leer a Zygmunt Bauman o Paulo Freire, de letras inteligentes y lúcidas, provocadoras del pensamiento, que las notas periodísticas que me comprueban cada día que, además de redondo, el mundo sigue ubicado en las mismas coordenadas, entre el cinismo y la desgracia, esquina con ramplonería y guerras estúpidas. 

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  1. Andrés Cortés Martínez

    Normally the news just have bad things, and i’m not saying that there out don’t exist good things to share, but the bad things are the kind of things that make money, just because the most of people in the world are corrupted and have more morbid curiosity for the bad things, probably they think that are more interesting read that kind of publications than publications of good news.

  2. Brian Alexis Florian Peralta 1ºK

    I think your article is interesting.
    I think your life, it’s a routine. You should change the thing that you do everyday.
    Try to do different things as you do.
    I agree with you that the order of the readings if it affects the attitude.

  3. José Fabio Ramirez

    I agree with you. I normally read like 4 or 5 biweekly.
    But I dont read for the news, or for the knowledge. I read beacuse I like it
    The proble here its, i dont even know if the use of “biweekly” its O.K. in that phrase

  4. Gabriel Andrade

    I too would like to read to disconnect a moment of the things happening around us.

    My favorite authors are: Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez, Paulo Coelho, Oscar Wilde, Stephenie Meyer.

    I agree with you that reading if it affects our attitude and our mood.

    Unfortunately, as you mention, the world remains the same, and will continue so for the simple fact that we are well and do not want to change.

  5. Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K

    your life is one routine?
    i like you articule
    what is your favorite newspaper?
    you can try change routine.

  6. Gerardo Orbe Sánchez

    I agree. It’s not the same read “bad news” after read something that you like. Unfortunately this is what we called “reality” and we can’t escape of that. We have to face the reality and change it into something we all like.

  7. hector priego

    hardly read books as some do not catch my attention.
    but i like books the rich dad poor dad.

  8. Alexis Buenrostro Arreola

    Maybe this a bit tired from work and should take a break from your blog. hahahaha I’m bromeando.perder some improvement routine day or at least works for me. I have not much to say. regards

  9. Carlos Daniel Espinoza Marcial

    Your life has become a routine. I think yoy should change the stuff you do. Having something planed can bring deseptions to you. Try to do things that you think can be good, and do what your hearts says.

  10. Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero 1°K

    I think that you have reason.
    Have a routine isn’t bad, while you be happy.
    I think that everyone have a routine in our lives.
    I prefer first reading the good notes that the bads.

  11. Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo

    You’re right the order of things, not just about reading, affetcs the product.
    I think it’s an intersting routine but life doesn’t must be a routine.
    I think you should try to do something different and not just because your life is good now, it doesn’t mean that you can’t try something different. But I respect your decisions.

  12. Cristian Baròn

    I think this article is very interesting.
    I think that it is good to show us a little routine that makes the days to get him to know a little more.
    I think that perhaps your life is a routine and does the same thing every day but it is something that he likes to.
    I think that you might be tired of doing the same thing every day.

  13. Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez

    The routine is something that happens to everyone.
    Maybe because of that, the newspapers always publish the same things, day after day.
    Because of that, I like to investigate by myself when I see something that interests me.
    As a Mexican, i’m sure i’d like to see more people reading.

  14. Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil

    I like how I always find similarities between my thinking and what you write, I consider myself a world away from your wisdom, and yet doesn’t hurt to say that I aspire to get to it in the future. Of course, for this I require years and years of study. But for the moment, I will continue reading that every week.

  15. Jose Luis Gomez M.

    +is it true about the alteration in the reading changes the meaning, and not math.
    +It’s pretty routine to read.
    +I do not like tall buildings and in my opinion to you if.
    +The world will be difficult to change

  16. jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1 J

    The habits are most important in life that’s clear.

    Live every day thinking about the future.

    With habits that always help us move forward.

    And understand that everything has a reason and an action.

  17. Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez

    His life is to become a routine
    I like to read but do not read the morning
    Should I change some routine
    I like what he does on the day

  18. Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel

    I think you are right.
    It’s an intersting routine but I think you should do different activities.
    life is more about to enjoy not always do the same things. But I respect your life and what you do and think.

  19. Balvanero

    Así es, letras hay que son para coincidir o disentir, siempre en el contexto de las ideas que enriquecen… hay otras que, por necesidad -o necedad- hay que leer para no perder el hilo de los aconteceres, con actores predecibles…

  20. Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos

    I think your article is interesting.
    I like to read but do not read the morning
    I think that you might be tired of doing the same thing every day

  21. José Luis Torres Cervantes 1°K

    Unfortunately I don’t have the habit of read books, I prefer spend my time doing other things.
    Even so I like to read some magazines of my interest issues.
    Sometimes I read the news that happened around the world.
    I should have that habit, I like some titles but I’m slothful and I don’t get any book yet.

  22. Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina

    *i like your idea about read 1 or 2 hrs in the day with a coffe
    *i see, you love read, thats very good
    *jajaja, i think diferent, in the case of the autor, its good read everything doesnt care what kind of theme, the thing its read.
    *i like read too

  23. Luis Montes de oca Flores 1J

    I think your life, it’s a routine. You should change the thing that you do everyday.
    You can try change routine.
    Sometimes I read the news that happened around the world.
    I like this article very much.

  24. Victor Omaury Marmolejo Medina 1J

    You live well, but can being atrapped in a world of routine.
    An author can “refritear” very good the things.
    Always good read.
    I haven´t more comments.

  25. jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J

    This article is interesting.

    routines happens to everyone.

    I would like to see that people read more.

    must have good habits.

  26. Martin Eduardo Villaseñor Merino

    – I Love that idea.
    – This is so interesting
    – I think, you need change your rutine.
    – The rutine will have good habits.

  27. Perla Esmeralda Rivera Rueda

    I think your life is a routine.
    If he has a routine is not bad, as long as you happy.
    I parese very interesting topic, and would be a very good research.
    I think you are right. It is quite common to read.

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