

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Gerardo Tata Martino fue una pieza clave para precipitar la jubilación de Carles Puyol en el Barça. En su haber pocos logros, y varios hoyos profundos y negrísimos, como la retirada del indomable y castigado capitán de los catalanes.

Luis Enrique parece decidido a una hazaña semejante con Xavi Hernández, a quien tiene postrado en la banca, y dándole míseros minutos, como si un genio de esa estatura mereciera ese final. Hay un momento en que los grandes se tienen que ir, y normalmente dejarán su lugar a uno más joven, o otro mucho mejor futbolista. No es el caso, me parece. A Sergi Roberto le faltan años y la calidad que abunda en Xavi. Cierto que Barcelona y España naufragaron en sus últimas incursiones, y en ambas Xavi era el capitán de la tripulación, pero ni el Barça completo era el equipo de otros tiempos, y a Don Vicente del Bosque le fallaron las lecturas para ordenar a un equipo que sucumbió en aquel instante en que David Silva falló el segundo gol ante Holanda y pudo cambiar la historia.

Al Barcelona de Luis Enrique lo salvan de una crisis de credibilidad las cuatro victorias al hilo y cero goles en la portería. Al Tata Martino el destino le jugó una broma macabra con un inicio espectacular que luego se volvió sombras. Esta temporada, hurgando en cada victoria los números esconden debilidades que podrían ser fatales cuando llegue la hora de enfrentar al Valencia, Sevilla, Real Madrid o al campeón español. Entonces las minucias que hoy se avisoran podrían ser cataclísmicas.

En la portería parece que de nuevo el equipo podrá estar tranquilo. La defensa parece menos frágil pero no es tan sólida como para soportar a las mejores delanteras de Europa. Montoya tira centros y centros con destino a ninguna parte. Alves es una incógnita después de la temporada pasada y su desgraciado paso en el Mundial. Mathieu parece seguro en el área, pero a campo traviesa, como Piqué, sufrirá si Mascherano no hace alarde de experiencia. En la media cancha Rakitić e Iniesta podrían ser una dupla genial si los de adelante, Messi sobre todo, despierta de su largo y meditabundo paseo. Tal vez Luis Suárez sea la inyección vital para sus compañeros.

Este Barça, en síntesis, me parece que no tendrá problemas para sortear rivales menores, pero sufrirá cuando lleguen los gigantes. En la Champions su pobre victoria contra un muy menor equipo chipriota podría ser un augurio. Hasta aquí, pues, dudas es lo que me produce el Barcelona estilo Luis Enrique. En navidades haremos cuentas.

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23 thoughts on “DUDAS EN EL BARÇA

  1. 1J 1J María Conchita Santana Ochoa

    -Young players must have more chances of the game.
    -It’s a shame that not advantage of the big talent of Xavi Hernandez.
    -Barcelona was saved thanks to the four wins and zero goals into the goal.
    -Barca needs to has a good preparing to can go up the big teams in the Champions.

  2. 1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez

    1.- I agree that there is a moment in which even the best has to go away and let a new player shine into the game.
    2.- I think that if a player is still in good shape he shouldn’t leave the team just for a new player.
    3.- I think they should just kick players who aren’t doing very much for team and get a possibly better new player and see how it works out.
    4.- I don’t know much about football nor care much about it so I don’t really know what’s going on in this post as far as player’s names go or coaches or whatever.

  3. 1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez

    1- Barcelona has many problems with his team.
    2- Xavi and Puyol doesn’t deserve that final.
    3- Real madrid and athletic of Madrid are more strongers and best teams than Barcelona.
    4- Barcelona manager isn’t the best manager.

  4. 1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio

    -Barcelona is very good but should have a little more preparation to face the big teams.
    -Sergi Roberto need preparation having Xavi Hernandez
    -When was luis enrique was good that I had those 4 wins and zero goals scored,
    -but martino tata was not very good

  5. 1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez

    -The Barcelona of Luis Enrique what save of one crisis of credibilidad the four wins the thread and zero goals in the net.
    -The Tata Martino the destin you played one joke macabre with one home spectacular that I retuned shadows.
    -The defence it seems less fragile but not is as solid as for support to the top front of europe.
    -This Barça, in synthesis, it seems to me that not will problems for circumvent rivals lower, but will suffer when arrive the gigants.

  6. 1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela

    • Yañez says “there is a moment in that the big ones have to go away
    • Barcelona and España sank under the mandate of Xavi
    •The equipment has fortresses but even with them, it is doubted if it will be able against the best teams of Europe
    •Barcelona will not have problems with minor rivals but it will suffer when the major ones come

  7. 1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo

    -Puyol is the best defender that Barcelona has had.
    -Barcelona defeat with PSG in champions league.
    -Pepe Guardiola is the best manager that barcelona has had.
    -Barcelona must defeat to Real Madrid and Atletico de Madrid to be league champions.

  8. 1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez

    -It seems to me the Barcelona team competitive despite some changes, is still feared.
    -Hate to Barcelona? , It seems that commitment to Real Madrid.
    -I am not very fond of soccer but in the world did a good job.
    -Sometimes I see the European soccer because they play better than in Mexico.

  9. 1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio

    -I never expected Yañez to use soccer as the main topic for an post.
    -I never heard of most of the men mentioned on this.
    -It is a pity that I’m writting this like two week later.
    -This post reminds me of some fiends who are used to talk about soccer.

  10. 1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza

    -I think that if a player is still in good shape he shouldn’t leave the team just for a new player.
    -Puyol is the best defender that Barcelona has had.
    -Barcelona is very good but should have a little more preparation to face the big teams.
    -Barca needs to has a good preparing to can go up the big teams in the Champions.

  11. 1J Ramirez Urcino Pablo Alejandro

    *The soccer of spain is a great show
    *Xavi Hernandez have a lot experience
    *The F.C. Barcelona has internal problems
    *The Barcelona need more experience

  12. 1°J Juan Antonio Rivera María

    -Barcelona has always been a strong team.
    -No problems with weak clubs.
    -When playing versus Real Madrir for example, have problems.
    -Young players sometimes are more efficient.

  13. 1j Jose Manuel Gozalez Vazquez

    1-I have a lot to say.
    2-I do not really like this sport.
    3-I was surprised an article of this type.
    4-Barcelona is considered the best team in world soccer.

  14. 1J Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Santillan

    -Barcelone is one of the most important teams in the world.
    -Barcelona is going to be the best team because they are very sorted.
    -Barcelona is good because it has good Players.
    -I think Barcelona needs more atentiton to others players.

  15. 1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura

    – Carles Puyol is certainly a very good player and still had several seasons of play.
    – What are you doing with xavi is unforgivable because it is a key player for the barcelo.
    – I think with what the DT if he had trouble getting away to barcelona.

  16. 1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon

    1.Every big player needs a big end
    2.Barca is the one of the greatest team of all times
    3.They need work harder
    4.Messi isnt the all team

  17. 1J Yabin Alain Cinta Montelongo

    *Barcelona has many problems with his team.
    *Puyol is the best defender that Barcelona has had.
    *Pepe Guardiola is the best manager that barcelona has had.
    *The Barcelona need more experience.

  18. 1J Jesús Alejandro Chavarría

    -I want Thierry Henry back in Barcelona FC!.
    -Barcelona used to be a dangerous team, but now they are not even close to that team.
    – I remember when Thierry, Messi, Ronaldinho and Eto’o were playing together, an amazing team!
    -Xavi must be part of the titular team.

  19. 1°K Avalos Galindo Marcos Antonio

    1-Barcelona has always had a good team.
    2-One idea would be to return the stars to Barcelona.
    3-With new signings Barcelona team strengthened.
    4-I remember when ronaldinho played football in Barcelona.

  20. 1K Juan José AndradeAguilar

    -It could be a bad idea if Xavi Hernandez leaves the team.
    -Luis Enrique is doing a great job.
    -Barcelona used to be a good team.
    -Sometimes the changes arent a good idea.

  21. 1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro

    – Barcelona is the best football team in the whole word
    -They have to promote new alternatives for its performance
    -Grow up as a team
    -All world is goning to met Barcelona for its football team

  22. 1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva

    -Barcelona has many problems with his team.
    -They have to promote new alternatives for its performance
    -It could be a bad idea if Xavi Hernandez leaves the team.
    – I think with what the DT if he had trouble getting away to barcelona.

  23. Méndez Amaro Ferjosev Isaac

    1- They need work more.
    2- Grow up as a great team.
    3- The soccer of spain is fun.
    4- Barcelona is considered the best team.

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