
Momentos imborrables

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

IMG00022-20110429-1255Esta mañana me senté frente a Mariana Belén para explicarle mi nueva situación laboral en la Universidad. No había preparado nada especial, solo decirle mi verdad con palabras claras. Con sus siete años escuchó atenta que no estaremos más en esa oficina a donde acudían felices, ocasionalmente, ella y Juan Carlos, su hermano. Le dije que había tomado una decisión y me mudaría provisionalmente al cubículo en la facultad – la “oficina chiquita”, le llaman ellos cuando la visitan con no menos alegría- mientras emprendo el viaje a Argentina. No precisaba demasiadas explicaciones, no lo son para los niños, más inteligentes y perceptivos de lo que a veces suponemos los adultos. Mariana oía con su borrego en el regazo, miró a la ventana  y lanzó dos preguntas para saber lo que hacía falta contarle. Al término de la breve explicación no dijo una palabra, me abrazó el cuello, me besó en la frente y yo pude mirarla con ojos emocionados y más tranquilo que nunca.

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15 thoughts on “Momentos imborrables

  1. Balvanero

    Hola Juan Carlos; así es, por algo se dijo -y se repite- que debemos recuperar mucho de las niñas y los niños…


  2. Ana Luz Quintanilla

    Hola Juan Carlos… Creo que hay planes nuevos en tu vida, no sé bien cuáles son, sin embargo te deseo lo mejor en cuanto a ellos. Un abrazo!

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Estimada Ana Luz, muchas gracias.

      ¡Un abrazo!

  3. Luis Porter

    Hola Juan Carlos, te felicito porque hay que saber reubicarse en este mundo académico y seguir el norte de los buenos valores, de los sueños y los ideales, después de todo, el verdadero mundo en donde nuestra oficina tiene que ser amplia y lujosa, es nuestro mundo interior…

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Querido Luis, me alegra mucho leerte y recibir tu generosidad, como siempre. Y gracias por darte una vuelta a este sitio y dejarme tus palabras.

      Un abrazo!

  4. María Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 2° "B"

    Doctor, I think to do that. Telling your children that You will no longer in your office is very honest, I really wish you to undertake plans from now on which for your sake and for his family.
    Take it for what they can get back.
    To undertake new things to become successful.

  5. Alonso Hernandez 2A

    Hi Doctor
    well I think so what a childrens should are be happys for you change of cubicle.

    about your job I belive is a great
    I hope you enjoyed your stay in Argentina


  6. sonia baltazar

    Apreciable Doctor ..Juan Carlos
    lo mejor en Argentina…le deseo..

  7. Edsel Barbosa 2"D"

    Hello teacher, first of all congratulations on your trip to Argentina
    I hope he does really well, as you say, children are
    perceptible smarter and what one comes to think, and also
    as the teacher says Luis Poter: the real world where our office has to be spacious and luxurious, our inner world is …

  8. Jorge Caballero 2 "D"

    It is difficult to get away from the people you love. But it becomes easier when you carry their smiles in your mind. When the last thing you see before you go is joy in their eyes. And when you get that, you can feel peace when you leave. And remember their faces with a smile every time you need it, when you’re away. It fills you with enthusiasm and peace. I wish you luck. Also congratulate you because you have a beautiful family.

  9. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 2ºD

    Children show us things we can not see.

    We have to learn from them and remember what we were like at that age.

    Being with our children vita points change profoundly.

    Be like the children is what is missing today.

  10. 2A Roberto Banda Flores

    Enjoyment your daughter that she will miss you.

    Your daughter is so cute.

    Teacher, From Argentina also you will write in the blog?

    Many luck in your new travel.

  11. Miguel Arias Sandoval 2A

    The girl has a great feeling for you.

    She undestand because you to go.

    She can see the situation and undestand.

    I would be very proud

  12. José de Jesús Jiménez García

    I think all the changes are for the better.
    His daughter, at her young age, seems to understand this issue well.
    Hopefully everything continues as well in his new position.
    I send a cordial greeting.

  13. Jever Amezcua García

    You have a very sweet and caring daughter.

    I’m glad you can go to Argentina.

    I wish him well on his trip to Argentina.

    The changes are we stronger every day.

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