
Punto y seguido

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Unos me ponen en esa fila, los otros en aquella. Es curioso este vaivén que ha de obedecer, supongo, a distintas motivaciones: un abanico que cubre de la ignorancia a la perversidad, pasando por los defectos personales. Es cierto, lo reconozco: curioso no es la palabra precisa, pero es la que ahora me viene a la cabeza para no ser políticamente tan incorrecto. A pesar de que me coloquen en uno u otro lado del tablero la verdad es que no me moví un centímetro. Con el paso de los años cambiar es inevitable, porque tenemos derecho a cambiar, a intentar ser mejores o peores. Pero en lo sustancial sigo creyendo mucho más (perdonen si la expresión no suena elegante) que hace dos décadas en el poder transformador de la educación, en la esperanza de su realización y en la necesidad ontológica del sueño. Lo dijo Fernando Savater en el Teatro de la Universidad de Colima y tuve la fortuna de escucharlo y leerlo hasta guardarlo en la memoria del corazón: la educación es el antídoto contra la fatalidad. Ese pensamiento podría suscribirlo Paulo Freire, para quien la pedagogía era una apuesta por la vida y por el ser humano. Creo en esa pedagogía y en esa convicción tan simple de expresar como profunda. Pese a estos pesares, aquí estuve y sigo, en esa esperanza y misión, nunca a la sombra de estos o aquellos intereses inconfesables (en realidad, claritos y redituables), sí al amparo de los enormes maestros que me siguen inspirando, cuyos nombres son legado y testimonio, como Paulo Freire o Pablo Latapí, por citar dos nada más. Aquí sigo inamovible. Con esas convicciones y la franqueza a cuestas, convencido, como lo reafirmo cada día, de que debemos recuperar los nombres de las cosas (Joaquín Sabina dixit) para llamar pan al pan, vino al vino; para llamar ladrón al que roba, asesino al que mata y mentiroso al que miente, aunque se disfrace de honorable. Aquí sigo y aquí seguiré. Punto y seguido.

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46 thoughts on “Punto y seguido

  1. León Castrejón

    Inmovible en las convicciones, con el punto y seguido que denota el perenne camino en la transformación del quehacer educativo. Sutil recreación en el mensaje.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Un abrazo, Arturo. Mi afecto de siempre, crecido con los años.

  2. Balvanero

    Pienso en lo que escribes y en las referencias que lo sustenta, has mostrado y demostrado que tu principal motor es la educación, creo que es lo importante.


  3. Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A

    I like that he talks much about education, it is the most important topic that must be addressed.

    I think we should all give importance to education and those who have changed it for the better.

    I find interesting the words Fernando Savater said that is actually true.

    In my opinion the pedagogy is very important for a good education.

  4. jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A

    I think though that you say you have the right to change and try to be better.

    I feel good that you’re always at the forefront of education.

    What it says Fernando Savater, that education is the antidote to doom me very well perish.

    In my opinion I think the phrases that express the authors seem very motivating and reflection.

  5. Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A

    Is unavoidable that the people speak of you.
    Although important is that you make with those words.
    Is necessary to change, but the life is very boring and sad.
    Is true, that the education is the antidote agains the fatality.

  6. 1A Roberto Banda Flores

    It amazes me how passionate he is on duty.

    I am proud to be the university to know a little more, as my superiors think.

    Roads can change, not mint.

    Well I hope the “followed”, do not stop at the difitultades time.

  7. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    Always is good to change as person.

    Waiting that always for good, but in occasions we change for bad.

    The pedagogy is very good for better education.

    I like that puts very attention in the education, since it is the most affect in my Country.

  8. Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A

    Not all people are equal because there are bad and others good.

    Personally I prefer to be good because they are having a better future.

    I wanted to study an educationist before poque I liked it but then changed my mind.

    We all have to go a good way to be a good people and cope with stress and happiness.

  9. Miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A

    The words of Fernando Savater are very important for the education.
    Because all of this is true, the education will make us progress.
    The education do the difference between having a good job or just be one of rest of the world.
    I’m glad that theres people like you, who writes a lot of things about education and open our minds to new things.

  10. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    Pedadogy synonymous of good education, congratulations doctor for your text.
    I interesed the phrase that implement Fernando Savater: “The education is the antidote against the fatality”.
    I read a essay of Fernando Savater the name is “Ethics to Amador” where the philosopher give tips at your son (tips of character ethics) and in the personal this book i liked.
    The education most be better each day.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias José Manuel.


  11. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A

    “Point and continued” you said this need for can continue.
    Can remember that the change of the person is in the same.
    The people should of change for do a better person.
    Your expression of “Point and continued” can use for a example of change in the daily life.

  12. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1"D"

    It amazes me how passionate he is on duty.
    Not all people are equal because there are bad and others good.
    Because all of this is true, the education will make us progress.

    edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1″D”

  13. Maria Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete

    I think that..
    How should call the the people to choose their government without any awareness of who he is and in reality as???

    It is horrible .. because we are the people and we’re the voice.. the voice that never be listen.

  14. Maria Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete

    I think that..
    How should call the the people to choose their government without any awareness of who he is and in reality as???

    It is horrible .. because we are the people and we’re the voice.. the voice that never be listen. 1°B

  15. Eduardo Jimenez 1° D

    Education is the most important issue to address.

    Fernando Savater was right in saying the phrase “education is the antidote to doom.”

    Without education we are not prepared for life.

  16. Jose Ivan Martinez Najera 1 D

    You prefer not to change, me too, but I prefer evolve.
    A role model is important but not good.
    Why? What for you were born, to imitate?
    That is my opinion.

  17. David Toledo Zúñiga 1B

    Some people see only the defects and they don’t know the important things that the person archived in his life.
    You have all reason, the people always change in some aspects.
    The education is very important and this must is excellent.
    I like this sentence that Fernando Savater said: “The education is the antidote against the fatality”.

  18. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    I don’t know what to think?
    The people in these times aren’t reliable.
    But i want think, there are many people who think in their country.
    I have to keep studying for a better future.


    A simple text was enough for you to acurately adress the most important issue of present time, education.

    I believe that education is the most powerful weapon any person have to succeed.

    It’s true that education can provide monetary profits and incomes but real knowledge and real wealth can only be messured by the people we inspire.

    I think that more people should think like you, so education can reach more people.

  20. Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D

    I agree with what you say.

    Over time sometimes people change for better or worse.

    Studies, friends and time makes us change.

    While you should always keep that inner child that makes us see the funny side of things.

  21. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B

    The people always talk about other people.
    Sometimes they are right, sometimes not.
    The important is to listen, and ignore the bad comments.
    Is true that education is most important to live.

  22. Omar Salvador Gutiérrez Zamora

    As you said, we have the right to decide if we do right or wrong.
    Both options bring huge consequences.
    It is easy to do wrong.
    But to do right, it takes guts to stand firm and walk straight in a world where some people will call you stupid for it.

  23. Christian D. Rentería García 1.-D

    We never change, time show how we really are.
    If you dont have a good education your going to have a bad time.
    What about if everyone have the same education? Could this probably be a mess?.
    You need to know where you are, to start acting like the way it’s need.

  24. sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D

    I like your comment.
    Shoe is true what the shoemaker.
    I do not understand why you mention another person?.
    Is unavoidable that the people speak of you.

  25. 1ºB Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez

    The fortune of listening and reading to save the memory of the heart.

    With these beliefs and openness in tow, convinced, as reaffirmed every day, that we must retrieve the names of things.

    Curious is not the right word, but which now comes to my head so as not to be politically incorrect.

    The transformative power of education, in the hope of its realization and the need sleep ontological

  26. julio cesar zamora ontiveros

    Because we need more people like you.
    It’s good to know there are still people who believed in its principles.
    Please keep writing despite everything we read is very useful stuff.
    It’s amazing how a few words can change a person’s thinking.

    julio cesar zamora ontiveros 1D

  27. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D

    1º Education is very important and is an issue that should be focused more attention.

    2º Pedagogy is important in education, not just in this area.

    3º Education helps people to have a good future.

    4º The voice in favor of education is very good since many do not.

  28. Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda

    I also think education and knowledge is a way of fighting ignorance.
    I believe we’re constantly changing for better or for worse.
    We need to understand the importance of pedagogy in our lives.
    By educating ourselves, we’re being better human beings.

    Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda 1°”D”

  29. José Luis Garza Gallegos

    People need to have values and priorities defined, without that the only guide is in popular opinion and it isnt rigth.
    Protect our position its ok when we have arguments and solid reasons behind that.
    In this relativist times, a clear definition of the things is necesary.
    We need a universal way, without it all is question of opinions and opinions can’t carry the truth.

  30. Luis Guillermo Becerra Solorzano 1B

    I hope that your apparent point of view and your stand on the educational topics stays the same. It’s great to hear that someone seems to really care for this country’s education. It doesn’t really matter how people categorize you as long as you are able to know for a fact were you stand and what you believe in. I hope you always maintain education as a priority as we all should.

  31. Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D

    Congratulations, It is pleasurable there are people as you willing to speak the truth in order to ensure good education for we.
    Exist few people who have the courage to say truth.
    Mexicans should have the courage to say the truth in order to change our Mexico.
    I am learning of you.

  32. Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D

    Teacher you have a lot of faith in
    prospective students and education and for me that
    this very well, and it says an old acquaintance, youth
    is the future of Mexico.

  33. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"

    Is surprising his conviction to keep talking about the issue uncensored on country situation.
    Have to study more if we want to be someone well in the future.
    How to move the country forward? is that the study of young people be better to.

  34. Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D

    I like your thinking.
    I like the way you see it.
    I like to think and tell.
    Must remove ignorance.

  35. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B

    It’s true that, Everyone can change for better or worse.
    Education is the best way to get to be someone better.
    No doubt it is true that education is the antidote for the fatality.
    Now I see that pedagogy is a science very important to understand the forms of education and overcome ignorance.

  36. José de Jesús Jiménez García

    I think You can win people with acts.
    If You are involved in education You can do it better.
    Your strength is based on personal trust.
    To be a good person You need to be arround of better persons.

  37. antonio torres figueroa

    The education make us better people.

    The education transforms us.

    the education, should be government priority.

    I like says Paulo Freire, the education is wager on life and the human

  38. Jorge Caballero 1 "D"

    I like reading the publications that cause emotions, those emotions are transformed into an impulse. When this becomes a change, you can be satisfied that you have contributed to something better. I like to know that now I have the opportunity to read this kind of content, because it contributes to a good thing for me. Now I just have to thank you for posting something that is really good to read.

  39. José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B

    For better or worse, change is good.
    Change is good because you know yourself.
    I liked the thought of Fernando Savater: “La educación es el antídoto contra la fatalidad”
    It’s good to talk about education because it is the foundation for success.

  40. victor alejandro escalera sanchez 1'D

    I like to talk about the study.
    I like the way you express yourself.
    never too late to change.

  41. Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B

    Education goes hand in hand with the maturity, and with maturity comes events that mark changes lives. I think it is important to continue feeding the intellect. We have to learn more worlds and live longer lives through learning.

  42. sergio rodrigo ceceña lares 1B

    The one that you do not think as other persons, does not want to say that they should have the right to judge yourself, every the one who follows his dreams and zeals to be like that better than the demas, the education is the key not to fall down in the naiveté

  43. Victor Manuel Estrada Chablé 1B

    I like the way to talk about education of this person.
    He continues to believe in the power of education to transform people.
    He keeps inmovable with convictions.
    We have to call liars to the liars people.

  44. Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 1o D

    Is necessary to change, but the life is very boring and sad.

    The people should of change for do a better person.

    The education is very important and this must is excellent.

    I have to keep studying for a better future.

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