Diario 2015


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

¡Bueno, bueno! Están en campañas, señoras, señores. ¡Sean serios! Lo que tienen enfrente, si no lo sabían, son ciudadanos de una democracia, no súbditos de su reino.

Todos tenemos libertad de proferir sandeces, algunas cuantas, pero varios de ustedes abusan y no tenemos obligación de aguantarles. Ninguna.

Ejemplos abundan. Un candidato a la grande dice que ni estas ni aquellas encuestas sirven; que la encuesta buena es lo que le dicen las personas en las calles y que allí va ganando sin duda. Otro dice que los taxistas ya le contaron que están hartos y van a votar por él. Un candidato, el más virulento, organiza marchas por la paz; luego, afirma que sí, se hará esta y esa prueba, siempre y cuando su contrincante responda las 250 preguntas que le tiene preparadas. Hoy, en mi colmo, una correligionaria del PT dice que su candidato está punteando en la elección para gobernador. Un día y otro también en la misma tónica es excesivo.

Señoras, señores, no se extrañen de que mejor digamos ya no más, cerremos ojos, oídos y nos vemos el 7 de junio. O nos abstenemos de votarles y los botamos.

Así no. Seamos serios. ¡Un poquito de por favor!

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12 thoughts on “MANUAL PARA CANDIDATOS 4

  1. 2A Luis Arturo Luna Guendulain

    1-.Should stop attacking each other first.

    2-.We need to hear more .

    3-.Convey confidence and no doubt behave as they do .

    4-.I think in the future, candidates are really the best choice ? Are you sure ?

  2. 2 A Rafael Ramírez Rodríguez

    1.- Almost always, the candidates are just promises.
    2.- I’m sick of all political advertisement.
    3.- Unfortunately, we have to choose the “least worst” candidate.
    4.- Someday, we will have a real democracy.

  3. 2D Isaias Antonio Orozco Rios

    1.-politicians wearing their lies

    2.-in these election campaigns , people are very confused

    3.-opefully next governor does not abuse it his power and bring to ruin the state

    4.-better this June 7 we must enjoy a Sunday family instead of voting

  4. 2B Luis Gabriel Romero Cervantes

    1.-I think that the politics all him life had been false
    2.-The politics don’t have any idea about us and the needs of the citizens
    3.-Themselves make a show for us sometimes i belive that don’t exist a good candidate
    4.- I would like that a candidate propuse eradicate the corruption but that it’s impossible

  5. 2a Ivan Alejandro Bautista Bonilla

    Everywhere the candidates are press us.

    I hate this times, exactly bucasue occur these things.

    It’s hard give their our vote with theire lies.

    The polls are a lie they just make it to steal the vote.

  6. Any

    Cuando cumplí la mayoría de edad estaba contenta porque por fin me tocaría elegir a los gobernantes de mi estado, pero que desilusión me he llevado, la primera vez que tengo que votar y lo lo quiero hacer porque los candidatos me resultan mas bien payasos que personas que merezcan gobernar, hay pocas excepciones pero tarde que temprano resultan caer en el mismo juego.


    polititians are always a liers.
    they think they’re the best but who don’t?
    they want to win and they do t¿whatever they think its necesary.
    i hate that stuff because when they’re at the power the forgot everything.

  8. 2D Osorio Alcala Jonathan

    1-.Should stop attacking each other first.
    2-.We need to hear more.
    3.- It’s hard give their our vote with theire lies.
    4.- The polls are a lie they just make it to steal the vote.

  9. 2D Méndez Hernández Germán Eduardo

    1.- many candidates are the most corrupt
    2.- most of the time do not meet what they say
    3.- people must be serious when it comes to choosing a candidate
    4.- we must choose the candidate who suits us as a people

  10. 2D Aldo

    Politicians are always trying to win by attacking the competence, not by trying to do nice things to help the people they are supposed to help. They wont even do a nice thing if it doesn’t end up benefiting themselves.
    Politicians need to focus on doing things that actually help people, not on making cumbias for their publicity.

  11. 2b Hector Miguel Rodriguez Muñiz

    1. Should focus on helping and attack the real problems instead of attacking each other .
    2. We have to be aware and not be conformists.
    3. You must put a stop to all those politicians who abuse power .
    4. Candidates are only promises

  12. 2D Luis Alfonso Llerenas Maciel

    1.Seems a mockery of what the candidates are saying
    2.What they say must comply
    3.The candidates when they win they forget what they promise
    4.Many people conform with very little

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