Con la aparición del documental “De panzazo”, de Juan Carlos Rulfo y Carlos Loret de Mola, estalla una nueva ola de críticas al sistema educativo nacional, con argumentos que en el medio pedagógico hace algunas décadas ya eran conocidos, aunque el conductor de noticias afirme, supongo que por ignorancia, que descubrió el mundo secreto de la escuela; no sé si los secretarios (de hoy y ayer) y subsecretarios del ramo lo sabían, pero la rica tradición de investigación etnográfica en México ha expuesto, tiempo atrás, la sociología de las aulas mexicanas.
Es curiosa la historia alrededor de “De panzazo”. Con la autoría de uno de los íconos intelectuales de Televisa (modelo de un tipo de educación no edificante), se dicta otra condena a la escuela. Hay que consignarlo claramente: la institución escolar está alejada de ser un modelo de virtudes, repleta de defectos y con rezagos inobjetables, con liderazgos endebles unos y otros perversos, pero la visión que se aprecia en los avances de “De panzazo”, es fragmentaria.
El juicio que comanda Loret de Mola puede ser bien intencionado, pero parte de supuestos falsos. Dice, por ejemplo, palabras más, palabras menos: en este país nadie habla de una ausencia de educación de calidad. ¿Qué leyó Loret de Mola sobre educación?, ¿cuántos libros, a qué autores? ¿En verdad cree que está demostrando lo ignorado? ¿Habrá leído una de las obras cumbres de la pedagogía, “Didáctica magna” (1628), de Juan Amos Comenio, que en su capítulo 11 dice en el propio título lo que el periodista creía ignoto varios siglos después?
Lo de Loret y Rulfo no es un juicio menor, porque atrás de ellos está la sombra de una de las instituciones más poderosas en la construcción del imaginario social y cultural de los mexicanos, con rasgos poco estimulantes, objeto de severos cuestionamientos, y cuya hegemonía cultural no se circunscribe al entretenimiento y la información. Los hallazgos “reveladores” de Loret en los promocionales son reveladores, en sí mismos, de su propio desconocimiento e incomprensión. Parte de sus juicios, por lo menos, se basan en los resultados de los exámenes en boga: los del PISA (Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de Alumnos), de la OCDE. ¿Sabrá Loret de Mola que el PISA y el nacional Enlace son seriamente discutidos? Cierto, ambos son usados (no solo por Loret) con escasa mediación crítica, como factores para juzgar la calidad educativa, pero eso no exime.
Sobre el PISA abundan las dudas. Hace poco, en una visita a la Universidad de Colima, Rosa María Torres, educadora y política ecuatoriana, contó una anécdota sugerente: en la conversación que sostuvo con uno de los padres del PISA retó a la OCDE, es decir, a sus “exámenes PISA”, a que sean diseñados en América Latina y después se apliquen en todos los países. Ella advierte que una prueba hecha en esta región del mundo cambiaría el ranking de los países.
Mientras carezcamos de una ciudadanía más informada, de medios y periodistas críticos a la hora de evaluar y juzgar sobre temas candentes de la vida nacional, como el educativo, la escuela seguirá siendo víctima de sus propios males y de la severidad colectiva no siempre racional. Cuando Televisa, por ejemplo, elabore una propuesta cultural y educativa distintas, podremos suponer que las lecciones de los nuevos pontífices de la verdad escolar han sido escuchadas en sus propias casas. Mientras eso suceda, si ha de ocurrir, quienes trabajamos en las escuelas tenemos la inexcusable obligación de educar mejor, mucho mejor a cada vez más niñas y niños, y dicha tarea obliga, por supuesto, a prepararnos nosotros mismos.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
What? I stand all amazed by the ignorance of this guy, Carlos Loret de Mola; what the hell was he reading his whole life? Even worst, what world is he living in? This lack of good education is really evident in the whole country, we all know that. It is funny to know that there is a lot of people who doesn´t really know about the educational situation in Mexico, it is true that not everything is the government fault or the teachers fault, we all need to make our part to make this country work and increase the education level in our country.
I always thought this guy was a well-bred man, I suppose he went to school, even if he wouldn´t read anything about how is education in Mexico, it is obvious or at least I think it was the same in the past, so he must know this several years ago.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
What? I stand all amazed by the ignorance of this guy, Carlos Loret de Mola; what the hell was he reading his whole life? Even worst, what world is he living in? This lack of good education is really evident in the whole country, we all know that. It is funny to know that there are a lot of people who doesn´t really know about the educational situation in Mexico, it is true that not everything is the government fault or the teachers fault, we all need to make our part to make this country work and increase the education level in our country.
I always thought this guy was a well-bred man, I suppose he went to school, even if he wouldn´t read anything about how is education in Mexico, it is obvious or at least I think it was the same in the past, so he must know this several years ago.
Carlos Amaya
Estimado amigo:
Tienes razón en lo que dices de Loret de Mola, zapatero a tus zapatos….que yo sepa, escribió un libro sobre narcotráfico y el otro, Juan Carlos Rulfo, cuyo único mérito que le conozco es ser hijo de Juan Rulfo.
Personalmente, creo que su documental no aporta mucho ni dice nada que no se haya dicho antes…desafortunadamente, nuestro país sigue atrapado en el ciclo ignorancia-pobreza-enfermedad, pero como mexicano, creo que estoy fastidiado de ver cosas negativas, creo que lo que necesitamos los mexicanos son planteamientos positivos, estimulantes, optimistas, yo creo que los mexicanos estamos hartos del énfasis en lo negativo, en lo podrido; si lográramos divulgar ejemplos positivos, la gente sabría que hay cosas que se están haciendo bien en México y que podemos hacer las cosas bien…..
Un abrazo
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
I agree with the not to criticize without knowing fine to the say. Also I agree that both students and teachers we prepare ourselves thoroughly. As ourselves are guilty the situation, thanks this lack of read that not change. As of panzazo always to was very common hear it in the school so it is not new to me.
Pedro Madrigal Velasco
It is true that the more information citizen can demand more, but,happens when you have all the information that the government retains.
Rodríguez Niebla Manuela 1B
I’m in agreement with your comment, as the children´s mothers say rightly: We don´t matter how it do, we want results. Society requires results because They do their work, They are take up of children´s education, They send them to school, They are slope that your children do their homework and that your children get good grades, but I think it isn´t enough, We need the cooperation of people that their vocation is teaching and people how work is to improved education of our country.
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D
In my opinion.I consider that the students should study more.
With all preparation that have the teacher, time imbert, the class for we can understand the topics on the class.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1`D
It’s not new that we hear “Panzazo” in school here in Mexico,that’s why the education is bad because some prefer just to pass with a 6.We need to change our skills and start doing an effort.
Osdy Gersaid Fletes Arreola "1A"
I think we all have ideas as good or bad but I do not agree that education in Mexico is not as it says quality.
I think they should do new things to innovate education in Mexico. I think this will make the country Cresco in the education sector and it would be a great idea.
I think education in Mexico is very good
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
You’re right in what you say about Loret de Mola, to meddle in things you do not know. I think the documentary does not give us very clear what you mean. If something is right in continuing our education is not the best but I think we are gradually improving in that aspect. I think the Mexicans have a positive aspect is gradually improving.
diego alejandro 1b
it’s Parents have the responsibility They are take up of children´s education, criticize without knowing fine to the say,They are slope that your children do their homework and that your children get good grades,we all need to make our part to make this country work and increase the education. so parents and children better apollarian.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 1 A
Each person is free to express his feelings or think but you have evidence to support exposing, not just talk to attract ratings.
I think Loret speech only by talking without realizing the problems are behind not only a company if not the country’s education.
If the tests were made by people that are close to the participants to which you apply these pruebasa which were applied to him these tests would be a little more consistency.
I think to have an issue be investigated further.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 1 A
Each person is free to express his feelings or think but you have evidence to support exposing, not just talk to attract ratings.
I think Loret speech only by talking without realizing the problems are behind not only a company if not the country’s education.
If the tests were made by people that are close to the participants to which you apply these pruebasa which were applied to him these tests would be a little more consistency.
I think to have an issue be investigated further.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ªD
I think that when we discuss about every kind of problem is important know about the topic. I know, not every word that is speak, in despite of the prestigious of the environment of comunication, is an absolute true. we have to question all that we see and hear, also look into and learn. no one have all the answers.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 1A
I would argue that what he says Loret deMola is a little correct because education in Mexico is not the best but not all the fault of the government . Because students often are content to pass panzazo as say. But little by little it will improve this situation and are improving the curriculum. To have a good education in Mexico.
Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"
Everybody always criticize, sometime constructively and other no.I think when we talk some topic first we have that inform very well. And I agree with Mr. Carlos Amaya, we stop think always negatively, it is time to stand and walk.
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 1 A
In my opinion the truth, there are many people who feel entitled to criticize the educational level that is being used and the truth is they simply show their ignorance or do not know how they can say after not know about a theme and express it.
I want to see them do to improve or for what purpose do it because I do not know to look better or expand basic systems of the study.
Irving De La Mora 1B
I think that Televisa is the least appropriate to talk about education, it’s ridicule, and more if they use a character “intellectual” to the masses, better, to stop destroying the culture of our country.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D
Somebody think that they can talk about everything, but they should try to talk about things that they know. Loret de Mola is a great journalist and I agree with him, becausa he have a great carrer that supports. Mexico is same that last 20 years.
We ourselves are to blame for the situation, thanks to this lack of reading that does not change. To continue our education is not the best, but I think we are gradually improving in that aspect. I also agree that both students and teachers, we prepare thoroughly. Since we ourselves are guilty of the situation, thanks to this lack of reading that does not change
Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"
Not even because it says so televised. My opinion about it is that the criticisms are sometimes very annoying but very good enveces have a good side and bad side. But without a doubt on the entire EU respetoq deserves criticism is the most absurd I’ve seen “A panzazo”
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I think that those people who commanded this documentary, they are not enough informed about this topic to criticize it. Also I want to think that always works and make all as possible to improve day by day the education. If it is right, teachers or people who works in school, they really know what they face and they have right to make those kind of criticizes, but while people don’t be informed about a topic, nobody can judge directly.
J. Enrique Madrigal Diaz 1A
In my opinion all or most of the products of televisa, not provide nothing positive and beneficial to society. the only which provides are programs unfurnished, designed to steal time.
Loret de mola is are product of televisa, and i think there are people in this country with the ability and intellect to speak on the topic of education,and are they, who have to be addressed, this budget and these cameras.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1°A
Well, in my opinion, Loret de la Mola is not so wrong in a few things. I agree with Carlos Amaya, he didn’t said nothing new. We all know about the deficiency in the education in México. But, again, agree with Carlos Amaya we need positive approaches. I’m tired to hear about how bad is the education, the crimes, drug dealing, etc, etc, etc.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto. 1-B
My opinion is that is what a student want to go with the lowest grade is not to feel a motivation to study..
Ernesto alcaraz andrade 1 D
I think that all you are saying is right because that company have too many power in mexico in all kind of ways like in the head of the people or financially and control a lot of information.
I think that it would be better if we change our own vision of the education by doing something about it and do not make critical that do not leave us anything good.
luis humberto urzua araiza 1°b
I think the term to “panzaso” is correct many students in Mexico are very similar to most things left until last. In a matter of the tasks that are left with many days in advance for delivery at a specified date, or just to study for a test almost always do a few hours before this is done
As always the same story. Education in Mexico is theme of every day, I think that it is time that we do something to change this situation of education in Mexico.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
Teachers not preparated, classes with a high amount of students, plains of study that not always get cover, suspension of classes and othe factors make mexican education, fault of quality and equity for all.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
Sometimes is good to criticize because they can improve something about the education. But being critical doesn’t solve problems; we have to take action, find the source of the problem and solve it.
Alicia Soto 1°A
The system education no longer be subject of debate political and social, where criticism and ovations go hand in hand, however, teachers and students must work every day to improve our education, with the same enthusiasm with which thousands of children do from places as far asschool goes.
Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D
I agree with you!! Is regrettable to know that many people who doesn’t really about the educational situation in our country.
I think that the teachers should speak more with the students about this situation. Also they must help resolve our doubts.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1 B
You are very right Mr. JC, as Loret de Mola shouldn’t have made those comments, with that ignorance he showed the few culture of the not well informed. Okay if he is going to criticize the education, at least constructive criticism, because with criticisms without a goal we are not going to be better, otherwise, if we use the constructive criticisms, we will better as a country.
Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B
I think that to judge what arguments Loret de Mola is needed sufficient basis, that apparently he has not and that makes him look more ignorant than other Mexican societies.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
The term “panzazo” and is commonly used presently.
Because education is nowadays a very low level that only “panzazo” approved.
Teachers have some of the blame for this because the level of education is basic, and as it goes to another level of study, its preparation is poor.
1A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
I think to make a critique as Loret de Mola did you must know what you talking.
First, you must know thoroughly the topic to make the critique.
Question the quality of education of a country is very delicate.
As Dr. Yañez have mentioned, it seems Loret de Mola lack the resources to support their statements.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Moran 1B
I think that in Mexico they’re much of the problems in education but in a superficial way. The desertion or reprobation of the students, the little qualification of the educational plant or the little investment to the education, are the most touched points; even so the way in which they are analyzed would have to be deeper. Perhaps it is made thus, but what one occurs to know the society as soon as they are the main points which are. All we must correct the problem, but also all we must know thoroughly whereupon we are facing.
Alan Cisneros Godinez
My opinion is that bad documentary of these journalists are supposed to be well prepared.
Maybe they want made against this political party with the schools.
Maybe you really think that is very low MEXICO system.
Best to first investigate their topic well so that your documentary is a success.
Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D
I my opinion very unpleasant documentary to that very certain most of the student in México come in “Panzazo”.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
I think that it is very funny what the Televisa journalists said. Really as you say, they have not been informed as to throw a critique of this kind. Is funny too, how lot of people belives 100% in what they say and comment.
I respet free expresion, but in this case first we have to inform us.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
we should not believe everything the TV says, sometimes wrogn only to influence our children. but also has its advantages because you can be aware of what’s happening in the country.
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
I think the doctor is right because Loret may only speak for speak without extensive knowledge of the subject.
Should be documented well people before saying anything of any theme and more important issues like this.
Education is not an issue either so I can speak of the need to say things when we have long argued.
muy bien doctor, me parece perfecto que realice este análisis ojalá que alguien pudiera decirle con franqueza a Loret que para nada ha descubierto el hilo negro y que su investigación lejos de mostrar la situación que aqueja a la educación mexicana, demuestra la profunda ignorancia en la que se encuentran sumergidos nuestros funcionarios pues no existe contextualización en su escritorio.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
Good idea, I think should be the parents of the children want results is their children, they don’t care how you will do but they want the results, the parents are on the lookout that their children go to school to learn a little more.
Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
Your words are very true … While we lack more informed citizens and as we seek means not talking about important issues we can not progress.