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Presupuesto para las universidades

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

El fin de semana un grupo de rectores encabezados por la Asociación Nacional de Universidades (Anuies), acudieron a la Cámara de Diputados para entregar sus estados financieros y solicitar una ampliación de la partida presupuestal destinada a educación superior. Es parte de las estrategias para exigir mayores recursos. Se trata de una práctica que empieza a añejarse; las instituciones educativas deben negociar con los diputados para pedir lo que todos, o casi todos, aceptan que es vital para una nación: preparar a sus jóvenes.

Como se sabe, la iniciativa del Ejecutivo no contempla incrementos para atender problemas y áreas prioritarias de la enseñanza superior pública. El hecho no es novedoso: en la última década ha sido insana costumbre, aunque este año, con ojos optimistas, el panorama pintaba de otro color.

Había, hay múltiples razones para apostarle a la educación, por ejemplo, siete millones 300 mil jóvenes sin empleo y sin escuela, la urgencia de elevar la cobertura en licenciatura y la reforma que hace obligatorio el bachillerato. Pero sin recursos, casi todo es demagogia.

Hasta ahora la historia anual se repite. No debiera. Por un lado, hay una propuesta para asignar presupuestos multianuales a las universidades, sujetos a evaluación y rendición, con respeto a la autonomía. Por otro lado, solo sin voluntad se puede sostener que no hay recursos para educación, porque hubo partidas que crecieron en el proyecto del Ejecutivo, por supuesto, ligadas al aparato de seguridad.

A diferencia de otros años, el contexto internacional hoy es peligrosamente contagioso, con movimientos estudiantiles en Chile, de maestros en España y Francia, y múltiples expresiones sociales de inconformidad en Estados Unidos. En quince días tendremos el desenlace. Los resultados, aunque sean positivos para la educación superior, imponen decisiones contundentes. Ojalá se tomen.

Escucha la nota

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39 thoughts on “Presupuesto para las universidades

  1. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez

    Dr. JC hopefully and take these proposals, and that education each time they begin planning at all levels of education. Regards……..

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Francisco Javier!

  2. Miguel Rosales Ochoa

    I think more resources will a better education.

    The future the country starts with good principles, values and education.

    To approve this application to improve the quality of education.

    That the money indeed be used for education and to expand their fortunes.

  3. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B

    I also agree that more support be given to education. The fact that there are many young people without jobs or education is something to be taken seriously. I like the idea that the minimum level of educations is high school and young people will be more prepared and able to get a better paying job.

  4. 1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro

    Of course I agree that young people are the future of this country. Is a shame not covered the funds to higher education. The amount of young people without work seem a bad joke. So can not be a change psitive with such lack of all.

  5. Alan Cisneros Godinez 1"a"

    My opinion is that it is a good idea to budget.
    So in many states there will be younger looking and less crime.
    More professional and less unemployed.
    I hope the budget is met would be best for everyone.

  6. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios

    You’re right, if it is a penalty that many people have not finished a race. That walked out of school to go to work. And of course they do not have a race can´t find work anywhere. You have to see the results, although education is not very good anyway to know something.

  7. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    Education again, I think this is the most important topic in our life or at least it must be. It is impressive the numbers, increasing every day: 300 thousand of young people without study and work, what is happening? I feel really fortunate to have the great opportunity to work and have the possibility to have a better future.

    Even so, without resources it is still a dream and we all hope to come true, unfortunately resources are sometimes the only way to have a better education and therefore a better and more comfortable life.

  8. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    Education again, I think this is the most important topic in our life or at least it must be. It is impressive the numbers, increasing every day: 300 thousand of young people without study and work, what is happening? I feel really fortunate to have the great opportunity to study and have the possibility to have a better future.

    Even so, without resources it is still a dream and we all hope to come true, unfortunately resources are sometimes the only way to have a better education and therefore a better and more comfortable life.

  9. axel orozco 1B

    its important that we face the facts that we cannot be depending on our government each time universities in our country run out of money, education is important in each country but for the people that work in our government its more important to feed their families, buy things they need and many other things…

  10. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D

    In my opinion I believe that education is very important but that there are schools, universities should be a budget to have a safe place to attend.

  11. Irving De La Mora 1B

    I guess that students we will have to make a revolution, only to demand, which by law, we have the right, ¿Desperate measures? I see no other way.

  12. Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 1A

    I hope to give them such an increase for that numbers of young people who do not study or work decreases, and may have more young people studying or employment. With more opportunities to study our Mexico will be better and we will be better, and thus decrease the crime.

  13. Rodriguez Niebla manuela 1B

    I think it is necessary an agreement between political characters, social and educational for to fortify Mexico´s public education higher as a project long-term. The financing is the key to the policy to the State.

  14. Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B

    Government should be more concerned about the education of the country.
    Education is the only solution to various problems of the country.
    I hope they take a good decision.

  15. Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B

    Good idea Carlos, there are seven million 300 thousand unemployed young people, should be given more places so you can work these young people and are not out of work because they are the future of mexico and the country.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Hola Armando, gracias!


  16. luis humberto urzua araiza 1b

    Compare the writing with what I think and it is true that many young people without school a few with high school that I was personally very well made it mandatory proposal because I believe that the years pass conformable to do the same with an undergraduate to ensure compliance with a first-world status.


    I think that if it is necessary that the ANUIES request more budget to medium superior education. I believe that we should worry much by these young people without jobs and without school. Education is very important for everyone and everyone is entitled to take it.

  18. Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D

    I think that education problem is too delicate and it have to be resolved quickly.

    I think that we have to find the way where the education get more resources,because it is the base of the development of country.

    I think that all student movements are going to make think to the authorities and see the problem in the education.

  19. Alicia Soto 1°A

    True is that security today is a subject primordial which is allocating more resource economic, however, discussed the resources allocated for education must cover salary workers and academics, and continue to provide secondary and higher education to the youth of Mexico, because without education we are destined to failure, This not counting between poverty and backwardness educational of the victimsmillions of young people in our country. (:

  20. Alicia Soto 1°A

    True is that security today is a subject primordial which is allocating more resource economic, however, discussed the resources allocated for education must cover salary workers and academics, and continue to provide secondary and higher education to the youth of Mexico, because without education we are destined to failure, This not counting between poverty and backwardness educational of the victimsmillions of young people in our country. (:

  21. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1 B

    It would be a good idea to give support to education. I agree that the minimum level of education must be upper half level, because with that young people will be better prepared for their work and that would have more opportunities in life.

  22. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D

    I think government should try to help every teenagers in this country, because if teenagers have a better education, they’re gonna have better jobs. Politicians spend more money in travels, clothes and another things, that in education. Mexico could be better if government spend less money in unnecessary things and more to education Mexico would be better.


    Education again, I think this is the most important issue in our lives or at least it should. It remains a dream and we all hope a reality, unfortunately, resources are sometimes the only way to get a better education. Education is not very good anyway to know something.

  24. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B

    Government must to think about all teens who haven’t possibility to finish their studies. If government makes an effort to improve facilities and accesses to education, for example, I think it would be a help and a big advance for people who can’t assist, try it. It should dedicate more money to education no matter it is removed from less important things.

  25. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    The truth is that everywhere looks and says there are no resources to support education.
    Simple for the government not being willing to give and help and if they invest more in training young
    Outside there would be no need to invest in security because the results would be more positive and would avoid the strikes and all that emerges from this mismanagement of resources.

  26. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D

    I think the deputies should have been approving requests made by the Anuies for a while.
    Anyway, will be good news that they support this year, cause there are a lot of people that is looking for a opportunity in University.

  27. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B

    the government should invest more in education and to ask young people their participation, so that in one future can be best people,carrying to Mexico to a better democracy,for create more opportunites in the ambit labor.

  28. José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A

    I think that education must be a priority when deciding to administer the budget.
    With the baccalaureate being obligatory, the budget becomes more important.
    As we know, education is the way to our country can grow in all aspects.
    Therefore, I think is need to invest heavily in this and then reap the benefits.

  29. Osdy Gersaid Fletes Arreola "1A"

    I think we should have accepted the proposal to make the Mexico in which we live and make the country move forward with a better education.
    with the budget increase for education querianque in Mexico was very good idea because education is the key to a Cresca country economically and culturally. with this we can ensure that Mexico will suffer a Cambion in the field of education very formidable and good for the country.

  30. Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"

    My opinion is that education has always been and will be the basis for a better country for anything.
    As we know, education is the way our country can grow in all aspects.
    Therefore, I think you need to invest heavily in this and then reap the benefits.

  31. Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"

    I think the education budget if that money is just not designed for this purpose.
    I think that is what is causing so many violent student movements.
    While the money is not a good use as it is having more education will continue fighting as those who have been giving in these times.

  32. Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Moran 1B

    Let us hope that education should take more importance for those who have a high position in the country. I agree that we must be persistent in asking more support for education, is an indispensable tool in the training of young people. We must not allow that you reach the protests and work stoppages that only affect the image of the country.

  33. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B

    my opinion is if inplement more resourse and better educacion wing works all result are then reflect loss of investment, goin all

  34. J. Enrique Mdrigal Diaz 1 A

    In my opinion could propose something, i see students coming from another state or municipality to study in colima, many of them have to pay rent to live, this generates a cost and pressure for study, one option that could be analyzed is a student housing

  35. Pedro Madrigal Velasco

    For every university gives coverage that can in As students and that is why the best but accepts Students need to think we are privileged to study and build on what we have and demand better educated.

  36. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ªD

    Well I don’t know about how this country is driven, but I think, with so many money I don’t understand why not invest in education. Why lead this money in others business like security, a lot know that at time the education is a solucion to many problems. I think the protest some times work in others situations ends with violence. I hope the money to pay education be enough one day, hope that one day every mexican have the chance to study.

  37. Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D

    They have to take into account the students, since they are the future of this country as well as politicians should stop taking the money for themselves and start thinking about the country in which they live and how we are live here.

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