Hace un par de horas grabé mi participación para el noticiero radiofónico de “Ángel guardián”. No me había percatado, pero constatarlo me alegró inusitadamente: se trata de la vigésima cápsula de dos minutos, que se graba hoy, lunes, y se transmite durante el noticiero matutino de mañana. Son más de 40 semanas las transcurridas desde que inicié mi colaboración; me gustaría decir: “40 semanas ininterrumpidas”, pero una agenda laboral complicada imposibilitó cumplir en una ocasión. Por lo demás, estuve y pretendo continuar hasta que ellos, en la cadena, o yo, decidamos que no voy más.
No sé cuál es el efecto de mi participación. Marginal entre los radioescuchas, por supuesto, pero trascendente en mi incipiente ejercicio periodístico, por varias razones: porque nunca había hecho actividad semejante, porque me obliga a la disciplina de lectura y escritura, porque me fuerza a escribir una colaboración que (en mi opinión) pueda resultar de interés para un público que imagino heterogéneo, porque cada grabación es un desafío que no deja de atemorizarme y desafiarme.
Las razones escritas, y algunas otras, se compendian en una: el privilegio de la oportunidad cotidiana para nuevos aprendizajes, nuevos retos y motivos para oponer esperanzas y convicciones contra las realidades que uno, desde su humilde espacio, pretende que sean distintas; en el caso de quien escribe, como sabrán algunos, en el campo siempre cuestionado y siempre ilusionante de la educación. No intento decir, en modo alguno, que desde una cabina de radio, grabando una pequeña cápsula de dos minutos cada quince días, estoy en camino de una cruzada, aunque me tienta la idea. Quiero decir, nada más, que estas pequeñas victorias de la persistencia son un aliciente para la revitalización de esfuerzos y rumbos.
No sé cuánto tiempo habrá de durarme este lujo de participar con una opinión de 120 segundos, pero sé con claridad, en cambio, que cuando no experimente estas emociones, ese día habrá llegado el momento de cerrar la carpeta correspondiente en mi computadora, agradecer la gentileza de toda la gente que saludo en la estación de radio: el portero que me atiende siempre con una sonrisa, la señorita que me formula siempre la pregunta de si voy a grabar, los jóvenes profesionales que solícitos graban mi participación. Cuando eso sucede, cuando no tenga razones vitales para continuar esta aventura, ese día agradeceré y luego extrañaré de vez en vez. Mientras llega la hora, que no estoy seguro si ha de llegar, disfrutaré los lunes de cada quince días. Como hago ahora cuando pongo punto final a estas líneas.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1 'B'
Great JC, I hope and your actuacin favorable as expected and good luck, my dad listens to that station very often.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Francisco Javier.
Recibe un saludo afectuoso
Buena noche, pienso que sí es una cruzada, ojalá y se te agreguen muchos más en esta tarea titánica por la educación… yo valoro tu entusiasmo y ganas de diversificar el mensaje, cada vez más amplio, buscando amplificadores, quienes lo multipliquen y quizá, en un futuro se pueda tener otra realidad…
diego alejandro 1b
it’s wow a real challenge that is challenging yet yo valoro tu entusiasmo y ganas de diversificar el mensaje, cada vez más amplio later still with excellent feedback and giving people new ways of seeing life.
diego alejandro 1b
Juan Carlos es algo muy importante, y muy amplio el trabajo que haces , ademas de tener un pleno conocimiento en tus aportaciones lo haces con un mensaje que nos quede a todos.
A mi me gustaria participar en la radio donde los jovenes te escuchen con algo que yo pueda compartir a ellos a si que un saludo y un muy buen comentario :p
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Diego, prueba a hacer lo que te gusta. Acércate a la estación de radio de la Universidad, pregunta cómo puedes colaborar. Muchos chavos allí practican. Inténtalo!
Saludos y gracias por tu comentario.
Rodriguez Niebla manuela 1B
I like reading your articles of you blog because you give us freedom of expression and of reflection. I have recommended many people you blog, mainly student youth. Thank you for the valuable two minutes of wisdom.
Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"
How good I think we all dimensions filled with joy to hear how it went and how happy aver that participated in the radio
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
Good Juan Carlos, it is a really good experience, it is really exciting to work in a radio cabin, I had the opportunity to do it in high school, I loved it, although my participation there was way shorter it was good, it made me feel important hahaha even famous at least in my school lol. Good luck, my best wishes for you Juan Carlos, I hope this great adventure may last more weeks, even years, why not, enjoy it.
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
I have no idea they speak in the radius of the UDC. But I find it very interesting know that you involved in this place. For my part I wish that lasts long in your 120 seconds of opinion.
Just I have say good luck.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
Nice article, is good idea to listen to youth radio you should, because they can learn to listen only to things that one does not know. I like your articles because I can and we can express the views of every person, as they say everyone is a different world and thinks differently than others.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 1A
I like almost all his blog but sometimes it is very repetitive with the same topics almost always of education or violence. but it gives you to think about changing some things in our lives.
Osdy Gersaid Fletes Arreola "1A"
when you really think about it its a actually a wonderful experience even if its the smallest thing in the world. enjoy every moment of this new adventure that you are living juan carlos.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 1A
Apart from the great work for the university also takes time to attend a radio program when we complained about some good times do not accommodate.
When things are made with love and passion like when everything goes better, harvesting it is rewarding.
Not everyone has the opportunity to address the public through these sites but you are a person who has studied and deserve it.
Axel Orozco 1B
first of all congratulations on your new assignment, such as your blogs and now this… its actually for me a really cool experience, being able to speak in a radio station, and have everyone listening to you, not only once but every monday. well i hope you enjoy this new task and make the best of it…
Axel Orozco 1B
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 1 A
In my opinion, I find it interesting that can give their opinions on the radio because many people have the privilege to know you your reading their writing and can express your feelings towards people who are listening at that time.
I hope and going to last long on the radio to transmit their views to make young people have more excitement in your life both work and staff.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
That father has to be send a message to people who hear you.
I am convinced that your words are successful employees in each person who listens to you.
You just have to enjoy the moment and the end of this experience came many more
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
Excellent Juan Carlos this is very important. I would like to participate in the radio where the young and people will listen to anything I can conpartiles to them. I appreciate your enthusiasm and desire to diversify the message, widening, looking amps, multiply and those who maybe in the future may have another reality.
ivan alejandro novela macias 1°B
You very well! I hope and continue to its interests and to continue bringing the joy when you do congratulations for his 40.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Miguel Ángel, un abrazo. Tus palabras son muy estimulantes.
Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"
I think about thoes things we enjoy, we like to do, is as really we ago feel living. This time are the engine that drives us.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1D
It’s good reading your articles because it inspires a lot of us students.We need to follow are dreams so we can experience things like this.Thank you Mr. Juan Carlos.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias, mil gracias Roberto, tus palabras me alientan a continuar este camino.
Irving De La Mora 1B
Should be a great experience that you can hear many people, where young people and adults to hear meaningful words.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
Juan Carlos, I’m glad you like do this. Thank to your post, I have heard of events of which I did not realize. I liked when you said: “I don’t trying to say, in any way, that from a radio’s booth, recording a small capsule of two minutes every fifteen days, I’m on the way to a crusade, but I’m tempted.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
Juan Carlos, I’m glad you like do this. Thank to your post, I have heard of events of which I did not realize. I liked when you said: “I don’t trying to say, in any way, that from a radio’s booth, recording a small capsule of two minutes every fifteen days, I’m on the way to a crusade, but I’m tempted”.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1ºA
I like the way you think about work and life, it is said that on the things we write, we leave a little piece (I myself think it’s more of a big chunck) of ourselves. Keep up the good work, and the way you see life, but more than anything, keep sharing both with us.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I think is very exciting and interesting be in an activity like that constantly, because reading and writing are qualities that are admired by some people when somebody needs an opinion. Expressing ourselves is the best way to understand us and give us recommendations to go ahead.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B
Firstly, I congratulate it by the great contribution that does to the society with its objective commentaries; I hope that you continue with this important work which inspires hope to believe in a Mexico with a future. I hope that more people take his example and his name to endure for a long time. Thanks.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Alejandro, gracias por tus palabras.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
I congratulate you for having participated in a radio station is important in this state.
Helping young minds with the topics you teach through these comments, say them is of great help to us.
Jose Nicanor Ruiz Lopez 1°D
I’m glad of that transmitted for the radius already that us transmit information important.
your Articles of your blog are very good already that us put to reflect….
Eduardo Valentin Hernandez Aguilar 1ºB
CONGRATULATIONS!! i can apreciate that you really loves this activity, you look like engaged with the public,and this is a signal of a dedicated person, once again..congratulations!!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Eduardo, un saludo afectuoso.
It is always interesting things to talk on their blogs. It is also a very good experience working in radio.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1 B
Many congratulations to you Mr. Juan Carlos, that their collaboration is a daunting task, since you have a busy schedule but makes every effort to comply with their collaboration, hopefully follow having much luck in it, we all support. Best regards
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Rommel.
Un abrazo
J. Enrique Madrigal Diaz 1 A
In my opinion, I think every big move begins with a grain of sand.
if those two minutes that You are a citizen records, we were to invest that time in the same would be a great bit.
1A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
I think yours opinions in the radio are very interesting.
It’s a very popular news in Colima; sometimes I listen it with my parents
After 20 participations get some experience and feedback in what you do.
As mentioned, we should enjoy the present, because we don’t know how long will it last.
I really like that way of hers not to give or refuse to any job.
Is admirable that way you work and one way or another serve the society.
I think the day that you leave it trabkar will be withdrawn on that day a great man who personally is a great example to follow.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
I think the radio is one way to express yor thoughts with freedom. The locutors always make good points of view, they can change your frame of mind. Always doing something new is exciting, the best hopes in your journalistic career.
Alicia Soto 1° "A"
The power to be heard by a diverse audience is just the beginning of the transformation that words can do in those who listen and reflect and even more to act accordingly, Congratulations teacher.
Alicia Soto Santoyo
The power to be heard by a diverse audience is just the beginning of the transformation that words can do in those who listen and reflect and even more to act accordingly, Congratulations teacher.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
congratulations Juan Carlos, hope you have luck on the radio. is that you will give good advice and teaching
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias José Carlos, un saludo afectuoso.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
In my opinion, I find it interesting that can give their opinions on the radio because many people, Not everyone has the opportunity to address the public through these sites.
we must not waste these opportunities.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D
I think that we need more people that talk in this kind of place. People doesn’t try to change their way of think, for that we need more people that say what we need to change. If we lend more attention in this kind of comment, our way of thing would change.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto. 1-B
My opinion would be if you used to communicate your point of view but the radio more people come to your reasons.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1°D
I think the radio is a very effective way to transmited ideas and set differents points of view. I know the radio reach a lot of persons and help the society.
Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
Congratulations on your participation in this important medium.
So more people will hear your opinions and know your thinking of some of the problems that befall us.