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¿Universalización de la educación media superior?

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

La modificación del artículo tercero de la Constitución Política, que obliga al Estado a otorgar educación media superior a todos los jóvenes, es un tema con múltiples vertientes de análisis. Solo enumerarlas requeriría más de los dos minutos de que dispongo. Me concentraré en una.

En principio, no se puede estar en contra de una decisión histórica, pero su anuncio no garantiza nada. La educación secundaria también es un derecho ciudadano y una obligación estatal, sin embargo, suman millones quienes no han conseguido un certificado de secundaria.

Es verdad que hay progresos. En las últimas dos décadas mejoraron las probabilidades de acceso a la escuela, pero no las de permanencia y conclusión exitosa, menos de una educación con calidad.

Aunque son distintos los factores que conducen al abandono escolar, la condición social de los estudiantes y sus familias es una variable determinante. En otras palabras: las probabilidades de ingresar al bachillerato aumentan o disminuyen con el grado de prosperidad de las familias. Dichas aseveraciones son producto de estadísticas, no invenciones ideológicas.

Es un avance que la educación media superior sea obligatoria para el Estado, pero es insuficiente. Urge una política de Estado en la materia que se traduzca, por ejemplo, en recursos para construir escuelas bien equipadas, contratar buenos maestros y becar estudiantes en situación vulnerable. Y tan urgente, como que tengamos bachilleratos de calidad, para que los jóvenes puedan inscribirse, permanecer y egresar con buena formación.

Si no sucede todo eso, que se dice rápido pero no es lo común en nuestro país, ya podemos elegir el epitafio para un acuerdo que, siendo histórico en el papel, terminará ocupando un sitio más o menos irrelevante en el panteón de las muchísimas reformas estériles.

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49 thoughts on “¿Universalización de la educación media superior?

  1. sandra

    Como bien lo señala, un anuncio no garantiza nada y sobre todo a veces da la impresión de que se toman políticas y decisiones un tanto electoreras que sabemos que se traducen en buenas intenciones, buenos documentos pero “pocas acciones”
    Sin embargo, si es un avance y esperemos que ahora ya no haya pretextos para no apoyar con buen financiamiento este nivel y sobre todo para impulsar nuevas estrategias que permitan mejorar la calidad de la educación que reciben los jóvenes, como usted lo ha mencionado en otras ocasiones; las mejoras en el bachillerato se verán reflejadas en el nivel superior, gana la universidad y por supuesto los alumnos.

  2. Aarón Vázquez Godina

    De acuerdo contigo, Juan Carlos; no es dable sacar una reforma “al vapor”. En todo caso: es necesario asegurar la calidad de la educación a ofrecer.

  3. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    Education again, well, this is the whole life topic it seems, and how not? It is the most important thing we can do in our life; education is the key to have a better life in a future. It is interesting what you say about how easier it results entering school, but it´s true, it is hard to stay there or graduate, sadly, these things listed here are the facts in many cases, no money, family issues, etc.

  4. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B

    Nice thing about modify an article is that you will hear interesting what had been proposed and attracts a great deal of attention,but everything has it’s contraction and in this case I think it’s, that this amendment to article will be carried out and don’t leave as a mere “proposal”,to be carried out and the objectives are achieved. In a nutshell this sensational that alteration to the constitution.

  5. Arthur Edwards

    Las garantías y la operabilidad que se da para que estas sean universalmente hechas una realidad son dos cosas independientes. Por eso cuando anuncia el congreso una nueva ley y se presume haber resuelto algún problema, me deprimo. Sé de antemano que “NO PASA NADA”. La pegunta que me hago es como asegurar una educación de calidad en medio de la ignorancia, violencia, pobreza (malnutrición y vulnerabilidad), manipulación (política/religiosa), desesperación social e indiferencia (muy relacionados), inequidad, corrupción (material y moral/ético), etc. Se necesita resolver estos problemas antes de poder educar efectivamente a nuestra juventud.

  6. Rubí Gómez Aro

    Que bién que se retomen estos temas en el foro, porque si bién no nos toman en cuenta nuestros legisladores para proponer o aprobar iniciativas de ley tan importantes como estas, creo que nosotros como comunidad académica tenemos que tomar la palabra y hacernos escuchar por lo menos respecto de los temas académicos; las universidades deben retomar y hacer valer una de las labores sustantivas que es el análisis y el debate de temas académicos, políticos y sociales que importan a nuestra sociedad porque se supone que es donde se concentra la gente pensante, porque si no como dice Luis Porter nos convertiremos cada vez más en una universidad de papel.
    Por lo pronto analizado o no, concensado o no, que bueno que se ha aprobado esta reforma pero ojalá que la sociedad y las comunidades académicas nos pongamos las pilas y propongamos y hagamos acciones tendientes a exigir también una política y más acciones concretas que verdaderamente permitan que los jóvenes de nuesto país puedan acceder a las preparatorias, por ejemplo se me ocurre que las becas no solo se deberían ofrecer y otorgar a los alumnos que ya tenemos en la escuela, que las becas hay que ir a ofrecerlas y enseñar a gestionarlas a las colonias, a las comundades, alli donde estan los Ninis, alli donde es prioritario el trabajo asalariado de los hijos que ayudan al sustento económico de las familias y que ni siquiera piensan en acercarse a las prepas o a las universidades porque de entrada creen que sus condiciones económicas jamás les permitirian estudiar en estos niveles..

  7. diego alejandro 1b

    I think more resources will a better education.
    The future the country starts with good principles, values and education.
    To approve this application to improve the quality of education.
    That the money indeed be used for education and to expand their fortunes.
    The fact that there are many young people without jobs or education is something to be taken seriously.

  8. diego alejandro 1b

    ES verdad Juan Carlos y tocaste un exelente tema, el primero de noviembre escribiste otro buen articulo llamado PRESUPUESTO PARA LAS UNIVERSIDADES, esteos temas son muy relacionados ya que en nuestro pais que es mexico las autoridaes no se quieren dar cuenta que los alumnos ocupan escuelas con CALIDAD las autoridades tinen que ponerse al tanto y los alumnos informarse e exigir sus derechos. ;p

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Diego!

  9. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D

    In my opinion, this is very important for some students that it’s listening the notice, get excited because they think that can have a future and if they are people of low income, offer of scholarship serious more convenient for while not confirmation maintains a the students whit a hope what alone in the future you will know if it’s true

  10. Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D

    I My opinion in Mexico is stab in higher education is mandatory not solve the problems lag education in Mexico no solver the problems the future.
    I believe that education starts in at home is duty the parents awakening the son the desire of studying.

  11. 1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro

    It is assumed that first should ensure the study with facts. There are so many peoples without can not study for the progress family. lack so of to not only will better a little, is to we are competent. The rest how the reform just are promises.

  12. Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B

    I think it is good your article, if it is necessary that the bachelors have better quality so that students are left, but on the other hand there are times that they leave, because they can not continue studying, economic things, problems with his family, etc. but if it would be nice if it has good quality high schools, for example in the baccalaureate technical # 2 put drinkers but what value to themIf it does not water.

  13. Miguel Rosales Ochoa 1A

    I think with this new reform the law of the Mexican education improve a little more and increase school level we have in the country.

    I think the problems in education is due to the economic resources of some students.

    I think some teachers preparing most of which some are children of people who have some important social position also matters.

    The future is in good education and a good education is formed starting This firm with a forward view.

  14. Osdy Fletes Arreola 1A

    very well spoken, we live in mexico a country where poorness has become a mayor issue for our comunities, government can change the law but how can that make a difference if there’s no money for someone to continue with their studies.

  15. Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 1 A

    I also agree with you want to want to change the high school level when they still can not control that all teens dig out of a level as high school degree but it is a good purpose because it makes people in the family make or begin to become aware and support their children to achieve goals.

    But I also like to see if government support will exist because most young people are studying is not for lack of funds and decide best work I like to see more scholarships to young people to have more motivation.

  16. Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A

    My opinion that school is a right and an obligation.
    But there are many people who only see it as a right but an obligation.
    They prefer to work is good but first is better education.
    Others prefer the easier crime and more money but no more respect.

  17. Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 1A

    My opinion is that there must be better proposals to make education better. And to ensure the permanence of the students. Because it is true that there are now more chance to enter but the permanence is what failed. So there must be better strategies for that fence disappearing

  18. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A

    Article 3 refers to a certain right to education. Unfortunately many young people get to work before leaving school for lack of money. If I believe that a scholarship could keep many students in high schools and institutions can be improved a little education.

  19. Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"

    I completely agree whit you, that is not only becomes secundary school but also to facilitate study options for people who do not have the resources to study that would be great

  20. Irving De La Mora 1B

    The government and the population have obligations, the government providing quality schools and the population, taking advantage of the opportunities the government offers.

  21. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1ºA

    I agree with you, the steps Mexico gives to a good education system are baby steps, and statistics do show results that can make us wonder if it’s even worth it… but I think it’d be even worse if the education system was neglected completely, at least there’s some interest, and maybe, just mayble, someday, we’ll be a country that takes pride in reading.

  22. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1D

    I Agree.There is young men and women that can’t afford a scholarship and can’t study at a good school.We need to work hard so we can have a better future.

  23. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B

    I think that today in day, teens have ease to finish their high school step at least. Also families strongly influence in the way to educate children to continue studying. Secondary education is an option for students who want to and have possibility to continue studying, they make endeavor to do, and it needs to be better economic management of secondary education to many people can end it.

  24. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B

    Juan Carlos, you have much reason. It’s true that although the education of high school is a right and an obligation of the State, many people are not completing high school. Maybe the government can’t improve the conditions of families, but it can improve their economic condition, helping them with scholarships and improving schools.

  25. Jose Nicanor Ruiz Lopez 1°D

    I My opinión that is good that is to mandatory the education half higher.
    I agree in have political of state about the resources to build school good equipped

  26. Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B

    I agree in which single a modification in a law did not change too much the possibilities of offering an education of quality; no doubt investment and good management of resources is essential to deal with as many problems as education is concerned. Although we cannot deny that this is a good start, we just need to give continuity.

  27. Eduardo Valentin Hernandez Aguilar 1ºB

    It is true that the most difficult part is stay or finish a grade, I see that is a good idea to become a high school in a obligation,but also we can noticed that secondary education leves are poor,and need a reinforcement. how you can plant without plowing??


    It is the most important thing we can do in our lives, education is the key to a better life in the future. The school is a right and an obligation. Work is good but is better educated.

  29. J. Enrique Madrigal Diaz 1 A

    In my opinion, the political ideologies of the education wing are not always applicable reality, there are many factors rather than probocan the situation where we are.
    I think a plan to analyze the real problems of this problem would be an improvement over fruitfulness.

  30. 1A José Carlos Llerenas Montes

    I agree, is insufficient only modify the third article to get more and better students.
    It’s true, it’s a progress that baccaulaureate is mandatory.
    However, the government must support for a better school infrastructure.
    Otherwise, this reform will be few useful.

  31. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1 B

    Such reform would be fine, but you are right, they would win with that? Anyway, there are many people who do not study that they do not even have secondary or even primary, finished. I think that they should first put proposals to encourage people to complete their studies, and then think to also grant the upper half.


    Education is every day. Every day we talk about education and is good, because education is the most important in our lives, because in these times if you don’t have a certain degree of studies do not get work.


    I agree that the article has been modified for the good of the young.

    But not only that, but it will need more government support as it mentions the doctor to have many scholarships but many students who really need the scholarship.

    Education will always remain a dilemma in different ways.

  34. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    Study up on high school academic level, open many doors for young people who still want to continue studying.
    But they also have to talk about areas of study, since these are not quality.
    If the government wants you to study through high school, they have to build to the appropriate areas to raise the academic performance of the country.
    Education starts at home from parents instilling the values ​​that we do in our daily lives, and therefore should be to educate parents to set a good example for moving forward.

  35. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D

    The changes will make gradually, the changes of this law will take a few years to get results , but the important is to keep changing to get better.

  36. Alicia Soto 1° "A"

    The approval to the obligation of high school level education is an advance in our educational system, however, there are social problems that exceed the duty and obligation to do so, as many young people do not study due to circumstances beyond impeding its continuation in school coupled with the quality of education should offer.

  37. Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"

    I My opinión that is good that is to mandatory the education half higher.
    I agree in have political of state about the resources to build school good equipped.
    many people are not completing high school. Maybe the government can’t improve the conditions of families, but it can improve their economic condition, helping them with scholarships and improving schools.

  38. Alicia Soto Santoyo

    The approval to the obligation of high school level education is an advance in our educational system, however, there are social problems that go beyond the duty and obligation to do so, as many young people do not study due to circumstances beyond preventing its continuation in school coupled with the quality of education should offer.

  39. Alicia Soto Santoyo

    The power to be heard by a diverse audience is just the beginning of the transformation that words can do in those who listen and reflect and even more to act accordingly, Congratulations teacher.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      Alicia, an education is much more than books. It is a culture that you carry with you always and you share with everyone so that we can all be better!

  40. Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B

    I hope that just as the population grows, grows schools as well.
    I think we should make mandatory at least high school.

  41. Rodríguez Niebla Manuela 1B

    You are right; I think that the progress of education is insufficient in all aspects. Rome wasn´t built in a day and the situation of education upgrade slowly in Mexico but I think that It will an achievement.

  42. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B

    In my personal opinion is a good decision for me because it will help Mexico to be top competitors in all aspects of both educational and athletic. making Mexico a country of competition.

  43. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D

    I think that this situation is more about if the poeple want study or don’t. May be more school, more free education, but if Mexican doesn’t change his things, he isn’t never gonna have a better culture. While people can get a job without a good education, they aren’t never gonna be worry for their education.

  44. Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B

    How long it can work if there are no resources to pay teachers.
    To some extent is good because there are jobs that demand minimum high school education.
    But where going to get both young?

  45. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto. 1-B

    My opinion would be if you you used to communicate your point of viewthe radio more people come your reasons.

  46. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1°D

    I think is important have the will and the resources to study. This change is not enough the people need the economic resource to pay scholarships and many don’t have it.

  47. Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D

    It is satisfying to know that and are taking serious measures to not only have better people in the world but also a better place in which we live, with people prepared and educated.
    And that this proposal reaches all parts of the world.

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