Hoy domingo, enfadado y sin mucho interés, empecé a leer un libro recientemente adquirido. Se llama “Gente tóxica. Las personas que nos complican la vida y cómo evitar que sigan haciéndolo”. Su autor es Bernardo Stamateas, argentino, psicólogo, terapeuta y sexólogo. Lo conocí por sus intervenciones en el programa futbolístico “Atlas, la otra pasión”, la historia presente del autodenominado “peor equipo del mundo”. Creí que algo interesante tendría. En las primeras páginas encontré una razón suficiente para decir que valió la pena. De allí desprendí un breve texto que forma el siguiente mini párrafo, y que me gustaría colocar en el ingreso a mi oficina, al cubículo que visito tres días por semana, a la casa donde habito; ya lo puse en el muro del facebook y ahora lo comparto aquí, para que quienes caigan en alguna de las categorías se abstengan de dar un paso, o un centímetro adentro, para que nos evitemos, ambos, el mal rato.
Estrictamente prohibida la entrada a chismosos, envidiosos, autoritarios, psicópatas, orgullosos, mediocres… a la gente “tóxica”.
Cuando me preguntan “¿qué lees?”, suelo recitar más de un libro. No es presunción, es defecto y desorganización. Al listar los títulos del momento y explicar, por ejemplo, que “La torre elevada” es la historia de Al-qaeda antes del 11 de septiembre, la gente me mira como buscando algo extraño en mi perfil, tal vez hurgando si tengo intenciones de reventar un edificio o tumbar una torre.
Nada, digo, quiero entender algunos comportamientos humanos.
La gente se va dudando. Yo encojo los hombros y sigo.
diego alejandro 1b
it’s interesting that you truly like espresarte book, and a tine When listing the titles of the moment and explain, for example, that “high tower” is the story of Al-Qaeda before September 11, people look at me as if seeking something stranger in my profile, perhaps digging if I have intentions to explode a building or knock down a tower.
Nothing, I say, I understand some human behaviors.
People will doubt. I shrug my shoulders and continue.
I personally like it too much the little prince book begins, many may have read it but I like to me that people do not stop to look in detail: p
Juan Pedro Tintos 1B
“Toxic people” I have never listened it in that context, the simple word “toxic” is actually synonymous of venom, danger or something bad for us, often it causes the death. Something similar happens with this people, invidious, criticizing, proud, gossip, etc. That kind of people just damages our life; they are just looking the way to make our life worst, to make us unhappy and that is why I`m totally agree with that comment, it seems that book is a really good book, it invites us to think about what kind of people we are and what kind of people do we want around us.
Alicia Soto 1°A ♥
I have read the book, in my opinion a very good author.
Referring this text and excellent written… I say not only is important recognize the people toxic, also in important to know answer and communicate whit them, as because we have to work or live with people so.
For it is indisputable, people toxic are everywhere and find daily.
Those people that download comment negative that wound, can call that way “people toxic” and can be any people, one friend, brother, the head, mother or father.
All we like that people us respect, win acceptance, the recognition of other and listen words flattering.
Lamentably not always is thus, never missing one people toxic, but the important is know what to do when we are whit a person so.
Is of great helpful kwon how to relate and how to avoid we cause damage.
which also we have that take into account, is when toxic could be oneself, because we could be called other the same way. ♥
Alicia Soto 1°A ♥
I have read the book, in my opinion a very good author.
Referring this text and excellent written… I say not only is important recognize the people toxic, also in important to know answer and communicate whit them, as because we have to work or live with people so.
For it is indisputable, people toxic are everywhere and find daily.
Those people that download comment negative that wound, can call that way “people toxic” and can be any people, one friend, brother, the head, mother or father.
All we like that people us respect, win acceptance, the recognition of other and listen words flattering.
Lamentably not always is thus, never missing one people toxic, but the important is know what to do when we are whit a person so.
Is of great helpful kwon how to relate and how to avoid we cause damage.
which also we have that take into account, is when toxic could be oneself, because we could be called other the same way. ♥
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B
Interesting, alone header to highlight that most of the people we have some similar one.
Rodriguez Niebla manuela 1B
I think always we find hard people, We ought to be tolerant, It´s better. It´s a good idea to have a sign this on each door.
Alicia Soto Santoyo 1° A ♥
I have read the book, in my opinion a very good author.
Referring this text and excellent written… I say not only is important recognize the people toxic, also in important to know answer and communicate whit them, as because we have to work or live with people so.
For it is indisputable, people toxic are everywhere and find daily.
Those people that download comment negative that wound, can call that way “people toxic” and can be any people, one friend, brother, the head, mother or father.
All we like that people us respect, win acceptance, the recognition of other and listen words flattering.
Lamentably not always is thus, never missing one people toxic, but the important is know what to do when we are whit a person so.
Is of great helpful kwon how to relate and how to avoid we cause damage.
Which also we have that take into account, is when toxic could be oneself, because we could be called other the same way.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I think that all of us should have a sign which says that, and then, avoid people that we don’t want to deal to avoid problems. People sometimes judge other persons by actions that they do, but, what they don’t know is whit what purpose that person do it.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
really attractive heard that name, I’ll get it and to read a little, help you improve me writing and speak.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
Interesting the topic of the atlas football team, read your topics helps us to improve our writing.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
Regrettably, at least once in the life we know a “toxic person”. These people are harmful for our life, insulting and they are a hindrance in life. Our duty is to overcome these persons. We must not let their actions influence our lives.
Rommel Salvador Juarez Rodriguez 1B
The “toxic people” it is as its name says, toxica, and this type of people are those who harm us life, and only criticize, but it is better to not talk about this kind of people. As for the books, the fact to read a certain type of book, not makes us the type of profile that mentions the book. The books I’m reading are: “Los mitos de Cthulhu”, and “the Divine Comedy”.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
You’re right Juan Carlos Yanez. People who downloaded negative comments, they just look at anger, malice, rancor saved his life or fence by the way good can be called that way “toxic people” and can be any person whether or not near know it.
It’s good sometimes to look at life with a big smile and understand how to treat us.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias José Antonio, así lo creo.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 1A
In my opinion you always have to find a person but sometimes these people help you improve your personality so you will not affect things in the future and help you make it strong.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 1A
I think that there are chances that nosy people do not realize what we want.
If instead of criticizing us help all live in more harmony.
I do not think you should give as much importance to the comments of others and do what we like.
There will always be nosy but it’s better to have one and not two.
Osdy Fletes Arreola 1A
in my opinion all these people who are called “toxicas” is for me have nothing of interest to do because it only involved to see what others do in q her person.
I think that if they do not take the interest will stop them being who they are and therefore this will make runs to not to pay attention and do everything for us and not worry about what others think of these people.
For this we need to do things for us and if we feel with those things agusto best to do this.
The phrase “toxic people” is a very interesting phrase, which you can talk a lot and think much about the persons to whom your llamarías “toxic people”.
Irving De La Mora 1B
And just to name a few adjectives. You never know what you learn when you open a book. Give them a chance to books.
The truth is quite right in this sentence, in my opinion the furtherance of culture is the main thing, reading books makes us look like weirdos, maladjusted people, but really the books are full of instruction, they teach you to see life differently and to reason about the most difficult circumstances, to shrug, there is simply no reason people who have not read and has not reached maturity and appreciation of life as you. For me a book are not just leaves, if not a whole undiscovered world and story to life.
salvador hernandez francisco 1 a
In my opinion you always have to find a person but sometimes these people help you improve your personalit.
I think that there are chances that nosy people do not realize what we want.
If instead of criticizing us help all live in more harmony.
at least once in the life we know a “toxic person”. These people are harmful for our life, insulting and they are a hindrance in life…
they are just looking the way to make our life worst, to make us unhappy
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
In my opinion I would be interesting to read that book.
In life there are people who claim to be on your side when you are really only hurting.
We know how to choose the people we want to be with nosotrs day to day and who are to support us
In my opinion the people who genuinely toxic and do not bring anything good to society.
I think people who only know make intrusive nonsense will always exist.
I think that the less interest will make them better because Commencing step aside.
Ernesto alcaraz andrade 1 D
I think that phrase is very good and true.
I think we can learn a lot of things of that phrase.
We have to know how that kind of people do not affect us.
I think is too interesting read that kind of books because you can have an idea of how other people think.
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B
I think it is not only curious disorganization others book titles.
That our attention more books and start reading the content is waiting for as the title of the same.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B
The “toxic people” is a threat to the social integrity; they are those people who for some reason try to identify the evil in something, action or person; but all we know that at some time we were thus, although is single a minimum moment, mattered to us plus our person, our feelings, and we left those that needed to us fell by the sadness, the pain and the death.
La verdad, cadavez que vengo a esta pagina aprendo algo interesante.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Tony, me alegra que así sea. Espero que siga sucediendo cada vez que regreses.