La Encuesta Nacional de la Juventud 2010, de reciente aparición, finaliza una guerra de cifras en torno a los millones de jóvenes mexicanos que no estudian ni trabajan. Cierra un capítulo y abre, debiera abrir una gran discusión nacional en torno al pasado, el presente y, sobre todo, el futuro de nuestro país, un país incapaz, después de dos siglos de vida independiente, de proporcionar buena educación a todos a quienes tendría que educar, y de propiciar las condiciones para su desarrollo pleno.
Las cifras de la Encuesta Nacional de la Juventud arrojan una cruda e impactante cifra de 7 millones 819 mil jóvenes de entre 12 y 29 años de edad que experimentan esa doble condición de no tener trabajo ni estudiar. Muestran, además, una cruenta radiografía de la desigualdad que caracteriza a nuestra nación entre hombres y mujeres, entre entidades federativas y entre grupos sociales.
Solo ilustro con el más socorrido de los datos: el de las mujeres. De los 7 millones 819 mil jóvenes sin estudio y sin trabajo, ellas constituyen 5 millones 919 mil, mientras los hombres en la misma condición son un millón 900 mil. Cuatro millones más entre las jóvenes.
La radiografía, amén de los datos expuestos, ofrece otros ángulos pero con estos bastan para mi propósito. He querido ilustrar que el derecho a la educación y a un empleo, en nuestro país, está condicionado por distintas razones, como el género, la edad y la entidad o la comunidad donde se nace. Tener empleo o buena educación superior es parte de una suerte de lotería que favorece y castiga. Así, hoy más que nunca México necesita revertir la desigualdad y diseñar políticas de discriminación positiva, de inclusión, para que el privilegio de estudiar se conquiste en las mismas condiciones y no por la vivencia de haber nacido en una casa de la capital de las ciudades o en un villa marginal.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
Mexico has suffered about this problem since time ago, teens stop studying sometimes because economic problems in their families, government should pay more attention to this, equality must be applied immediately, for women to have same possibilities of work as a man, an then, balance figures.
Arthur Edwards
So true…completely agree. Thanks for a great semester!
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
Sincerely, I didn’t know about the numbers of the men and women who neither study nor work. I’m amazed with these numbers, it’s a big difference between the number of men and the number of the women and that reflects the gender inequality. Our country has more than 200 years as an independent country; I think it’s time for gender equality.
Arthur Edwards
Thanks for a great semester!
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
This is unfortunate there are many people who neither study nor work. Almost everyone especially Mexico is suffering this problem from long ago. Teens that have their luxuries or have available at all they need is why we do not need to work or study on a whim that I was taught since they were very young.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 1A
I think the woman was discriminated against more than men so the women have a greater number out of work and study.
The lack of financial resources has to do with these figures, although some are born to parents who already have them set for life to their babies.
Mexico is a country where education is needed for a better future where there is no corruption or crime.
Try to give priority to education chile did and today is one of the richest countries.
Osdy Fletes Arreola 1A
I think for young people to study I think things need to implement or support them because many are young families can not afford their studies and they are the pillar of the family.
I think needed to implement ideas that can be useful in this aspect to make them a new Mexico and have prospered because the young are the future of the country and if we consider q can change the country for good.
Rommel Salvador Juarez Rodriguez 1B
There are many people that neither studying nor working. It would be good that policy of positive discrimination, so that there can be more jobs both in men and women.
Irving De La Mora 1B
Just today in the same station heard about the mismanagement, corruption and other common ailments that affect our country’s education. Looking a bit, we realize that something as basic and important as education is something to play for the government, now do not want to even imagine what they think of jobs.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
there are several factors that cause “Ninis”, the government should implement more jobs, scholarships, resources to leave that problem, society must also support the government in promoting their children eduacion. this is a problem of everyone not just of one.
The truth is right about the lack of study and work for some people, but really the main thing that affects the study is the economy, calls the second lever and the truth is unpleasant that figure given was unaware of this fact as disastrous but it is worrying, as a country should promote education and the values that underpin our training and make us citizens.
One of the things that to me are very important in life is the equality. Inequality I think that it is the main reason of because many women do not study and did not work Mexico should do something with all this inequality.
salvador hernandez francisco 1 a
I think the woman was discriminated against more than men so the women have a greater number out of work and study
Mexico is a country where education is needed for a better future where there is no corruption or crime.
Try to give priority to education chile did and today is one of the richest countries
Too bad the National Youth Survey 2010 figures have left 819 000 7 million young people around the millions of young Mexicans who do not study or work …
I think that until we really take seriously this problem may not be possible solution.
I think the previously mentioned CONDITION Dr. like it or not always be the primary bases for one thing or another because it is difficult to replace both at the same time.
Ernesto alcaraz andrade 1 D
It is very sad that possibility of get a good education is relate with the place where we born.
That numbers of “ni-ni” is very worrying, because are a lot of person that are not doing something productive to the benefit of the society.
I think that the government need to do something to fix those problems because all that “ni-ni” have the future of mexico.
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B
inequality in education all have the same opportunities?.
Mexico depends on the state in which you are admittedly not all states occurs in the same way as some if they invest in education.
And others just remember this.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B
Unfortunate these figures, but can be said that who have the opportunity to study do not exploit, that’s why that number better don’t try to overcome.
Juan Pedro Tintos 1B
well, I feel so sad because of this numbers, how is it possible to have so many young people without doing anything? we cannot just stand there before this and do nothing, but that`s the really good question, what can we do? more than 7 million young men and women between 12 and 29 years old without studying and working, it is a really alarming figure. I hope the government to take cards on this and do something to eradicate this.
Rodriquez Niebla Manuela 1B
I think that you are right Juan Carlos, it is an unfortunate situation has been always in Mexico.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
Good idea, on the amount of men and women who do not study, it is a very high number of persons who do not study.
In the 200 years we just meet be independent must try to down the number of people who do not study so that they can then easily find work with the studies that have a little.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B
It is essential to know that with a good education the direction of the country may be another is certain that the family is the base of the human formation but he is not it everything. We are able to confront this problem; the solution is in us.