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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Juan Marsé, escritor catalán, aseveró que en España el auténtico ministerio de cultura es la nefasta televisión. En México pasa lo mismo, y quizá de manera más cruda por ausencia de tal elefante burocrático que ya pretenden crear en un sexenio obsesionado con promover reformas.

Desde mi perspectiva, la cultura es todo aquello que queda cuando se agotaron las actividades programadas por la secretaría de cultura, o cuando se está lejos de la escuela. Es aquello que hace la gente por gusto en su intimidad, cuando nadie lo ve o para que los otros aprecien sus gustos. Allí, lejos de la parafernalia oficial, nuestros niveles culturales son inquietantes.

En una medición reciente del rating entre niños de cuatro a catorce años, el primer lugar lo ocupaban las telenovelas, enseguida, los reallity shows. Repito para escandalizar un poco: niños de entre cuatro y catorce años educan sus emociones con la maestra Laura en América y la basura que produce abundantemente la televisión mexicana, Televisa, principalmente.

Son ellas, Laura Bozzo y las telenovelas, las pedagogas más influyentes entre la gran mayoría de niñas y niños en este país. Ella son las educadoras emocionales de los niños de hoy, ciudadanos de mañana, futuros electores.

Según el Primer Informe para los Derechos de la Audiencia Infantil los niños mexicanos ven la televisión un promedio de cuatro horas y 34 minutos cada día. Y todo eso, durante siete días a la semana, tiene un poderoso efecto que sin duda compite (y combate) con la escuela. ¿Qué currículum es capaz de contraponerse a esos aprendizajes?

¿Le preocupa a la autoridades ese tipo de minucias, que no fueron tocadas ni por el pétalo de la más sensible reforma?

Una reforma educativa que desconoce, ignora o desdeña esa realidad, que niega la posibilidad de construir alternativas culturales y pedagógicas, es una reforma que está destinada al fracaso en lo más hondo: en los saberes de los niños y la transformación de las prácticas docentes.

Es esta una de las aristas por las que he sostenido que no tenemos una reforma completa, de largo aliento, pedagógica, centrada en la realidad y que conciba lo educativo en su más compleja dimensión: como un proceso que también ocurre en la escuela.

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  1. 1K Israel Alfonso Chavarín Castillo

    1.-It is idiotic, but certainly the authorities are not interested in fix this problematic.
    2.-Young people with knowledge about the real world would be hard to manipulate at his will.
    3.-While the population is busy watching that junk, the government can create reforms that only hurt us, but many are not aware of it.
    4.-If all things being the same course, in a future the country will only be worse than it is now.

  2. 1E Christopher E. Velázquez C.

    1-I never have seen that point
    2-Nowadays there are a lot of trash
    3-I want to see programs most informative in the free signal
    4-I wish that this not affect our country

  3. Galindo Luna Luis Gerardo 1E

    1. It´s sad how children actually watch that kind of shows.
    2.It´s not like teachers or other educators can force them not watch it.
    3.There should be programs that teach and/or inform in a better way.
    4. Nice post.

  4. 1E José Juan Santillán Torres

    1.- The parents should know better educate their children.
    2.- I am sad that television educate Mexicans.
    3.- Your opinion is very true about the country.
    4.- All students, teachers and people should strive for change the country.

  5. Norma Mercedes Trujillo Garcia "1K"

    1- Your opinion is very true about the country.
    2- There should be programs that teach and/or inform in a better way.
    3- I wish that this not affect our country
    4- Young people with knowledge about the real world would be hard to manipulate at his will.

  6. 1 K Dámaso Benicio Rodríguez

    1.- Television here in Mexico it’s just stupid…
    2.- The leaders don’t care about this kind of programs, they just want to earn money..
    3.- This situationes always makes me feel sick
    4.- Great post tho

  7. 1E Carlos Alberto Vera Villegas

    1-Stop it! ,
    not is possible that the authorities do nothing to improve education.

    2-Is embarrassing to see parents leaving children see these programs in the tv.

    3-The authorities do not do anything that benefits them.

    4-i don’t know what think… sorry

  8. 1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo

    1.- I think that the main problem behind the reforms is that our “dear” president wants to change all the country in just 6 years, just to show his “partido politico” is better than the other ones.
    2.- He is not considerating that the entire country has to succeed slowly, if i tries to acelerate the things, few people will be able to follow the progress and get benefited of tat.
    3.- If everybody hates Laura, why does she still has her tv show!?
    4.- Unfortunately we don’t have the culture to teach our kids the reading culture

  9. 1E Juan Carlos Vazquez Heredia

    1.-In my opinion the Mexican television are rubbish , they have no content to which a child will develop their culture.
    2.-Many times parents are the ones who are to blame for the children to put these programs to see , because they take the habits of their parents.
    3.-awesome post.
    4.-Your opinion is very interesting as you say correctly what is happening in the country.

  10. 1J Aylin Hernánndez Reyes

    1. all the garbage that shown to the children and adolescents on television makes that Mexico has a poor and decadent culture.

    2 but in my opinion not only are operas and Laura Bozzo, but also the football nonsense what filled the minds of children.

    3 we could leverage the time spent watching television if they put education programs.

    4. If you will pass more programs cultural or with a bit of common sense is veria a great change

  11. 1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon

    1.-A sad reality of the country
    2.-Maybe a better content in the televicion help in something
    3.-tv networks little care about what happens to the country
    4.-I do not understand how the authorities are not involved in this

  12. 1E Rogelio Oseguera de la Cruz

    1.- The tv is a bad thing for the boys.
    2.- Entertains children very much not to do the task.
    3.- Mexican TV programs do not contribute to education.
    4.- should regulate the use of TV on children.

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