Cuaderno, Viajes


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

En enero tuve la oportunidad de hablar con Juan Carlos Geneyro durante su visita al Distrito Federal. Juan Carlos es uno de los mejores profesores que tuve en la UNAM, y en mi vida escolar. Hablando de mi viaje a Argentina, su país, le confesaba temores por el recibimiento que tendría entre los profesores en Córdoba. Me tranquilizó y retó, al mismo tiempo: siendo mexicano te recibirán muy bien, pero si no demuestras que sabes pueden rechazarte. Más dijo, él, que vivió varios años en México como parte del exilio forzoso de muchísimos argentinos que llegaron a nuestro país por la última dictadura argentina. Con México hay una relación muy especial, contó; de hecho, es la única identidad binacional que tienen los argentinos, así, a ese híbrido le llaman: los argen-mex, como su caso, como todos los argentinos que se quedaron en México o regresaron con los gobiernos democráticos. Le creí, por supuesto, porque su credibilidad y mi afecto crecen con los años.

Estando en Córdoba, en la Universidad, y entre las personas con quienes he tenido la suerte de convivir, aquella afirmación de Juan Carlos Geneyro es absolutamente cierta. Hoy lo constaté más que nunca. Después de un día de trabajo en el departamento decidí sentarme en un restaurante de la plaza Velez Sarsfield, de frente a la glorieta de Patio Olmos, uno de los sitios más concurridos de esta zona de la ciudad. Allí me atendió un mozo (mesero, diríamos nosotros) joven y rostro adusto. Su frialdad me sorprendió. La gente que trabaja en estos servicios siempre es amable. No fue el caso y  pensé: este es el tipo más duro. Pedí la cena y entonces me preguntó: ¿de dónde es? México, respondí. Su actitud, mágicamente, cambió. Esbozó una sonrisa. Molotov, afirmó. ¿Conoce Molotov? Claro. Tres veces he ido a verlo acá, me confesó. Y se soltó hablándome de Molotov, las canciones, sus integrantes y que alguna vez habló con uno de ellos.

Recordé a mi amigo y maestro, Geneyro, como le digo con afecto. Y descubrí, entonces, el dulce encanto de una palabra que dejó de ser extranjera en estas tierras: México. 

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  1. Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B

    Wow! Nice anecdote. Personally, I think that it’s magic that more and more countries are culturally less separated. It’s incredible how in a few decades the continent its a more together society. Luckily, some foreigners are lucky to meet good people in another country and their life improves.

  2. 2A Daniela Moctezuma

    Wonderfull, I liked this anecdote.

    Is nice to know, that they know our country, and treat it with joy.

    But even better you have treated well once they knew you is Mexican.

    That gives a lot to say.

  3. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA

    It’s a fascinating anecdote.

    In recent years, Mexico has been linked to more countries.

    Having a good relationship with other countries benefits us too.

    Thanks for sharing your anecdote is wonderful.

  4. Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D

    It’s very nice know that Mexicans are well received in Argentina equal the Argentinians are well received in Mexico.
    I would like go exchange to Argentina, or at least someday go to trip.
    But I was curious if I would be welcomed because be Mexican, now I know that nothing to worry. Thanks!

  5. Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A

    This is a wonderful anecdote.
    It is really very nice meet you with old friends.
    The prejudices always make us think the worst.
    It is amazing to find someone with whom coexist in other country.

  6. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 2B

    I’ve always think people in Argentina sucks
    “They most be ugly people” I thought
    Maybe I was wrong about that
    I have to think more about other countries

  7. Daniela Moctezuma 2A

    Wonderfull, I liked this anecdote.

    Is nice to know, that they know our country, and treat it with joy.

    But even better you have treated well once they knew you is Mexican.

    That gives a lot to say.

  8. Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano 2A

    doctor dont have fear there Argentine love to mexican things

    you saw a your teacher is very good and what he told you about this great comment sounds grat for you.

    the cultures ( mexican and argentina) have a good relationship.


  9. Christian D. Renteria García

    I liked this little story.
    I like when other people know our contry.
    I like the people from argentina.
    I wish someday i could be there.

  10. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    I like your anecdote, Doctor!
    When we find a person like you say, is more easy talk about a topic that both know.
    This is an example of mexican.
    Good luck Doctor.

  11. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 2ºD

    Fear of coming to a place and not knowing how long treatment will be very large.

    It’s good to have someone to encourage you in your moments of uncertainty.

    Upon discovering that the fears and doubts are ending when you realize that everything improves.

    The meet people who at first show in a way but over time are shown as they are, that’s what happened to the young waiter.

  12. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto.

    Empathy that is created when receiving neighbors.
    That is why the knowledge of each country.
    Just as its international relationship.}
    Being that mix the union of nations.

  13. Roberto Banda Flores

    LOL Do you like Molotov?

    I not wise in Argentina were dictatorship.

    I am happy that in Argentina accept to Mexico.

    For comments in networking I believed that they were racist.

  14. jonni eduardo

    Thanks for sharing your time is very nice.
    A word can change things.
    Is normal to feel some insecurity.
    The Talk with someone is much help.

  15. Víctor Iván López González 2A

    Often travel to other countries know people like your country.

    It is amazing to see people from other countries.

    The same happens when they are visiting our country.

    Good anecdote that told.

  16. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A

    Great story!.
    It’s awesome how we can be relationated by something like music, like this talk with the waiter.
    I think is important that like this case, countries have to be relationated, and have this kind of connection.

  17. Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 2D

    Wonderfull, I liked this anecdote.
    In recent years, Mexico has been linked to more countries.
    Is normal to feel some insecurity.
    The same happens when they are visiting our country.

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