
Mis lecturas

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

La experiencia lectora de cada uno es singular e intransferible. Es una perogrullada, reconozco. Pasada la escuela obligatoria leemos lo que deseamos, eludimos ciertos materiales y autores, la hacemos como nos place, la sufrimos o gozamos. Como aquella canción de Serrat: cada uno es como es, cada quien es cada cual. En la vida y en la lectura.

Me gusta leer textos a los estudiantes de pedagogía que asisten a los cursos que imparto; trozos breves, en forma ocasional, escogidos para provocar alguna reflexión y despertar inquietudes, para reforzar intereses, o sin intención, si es que ello existe. Por sus comentarios, tiempo después, sin calificación de por medio, creo que con algunos estudiantes cumplo el objetivo.

Me gusta la lectura también con mis hijos. Primero solo a Mariana Belén, luego llegó Juan Carlos, y leí para los dos, después Mariana empezó a leer y ella, Laura, su mamá, o yo nos intercambiamos el turno para leernos. Esta es una experiencia indescriptible. No ahondaré. Solo diré que la tierna curiosidad de Juan Carlos me compensa su obsesión de que siempre leamos el mismo libro, pero que lo haga no tiene precio. Es mi mastercard.

Leo cotidianamente, de preferencia varios libros a la vez,  de distintos temas, aunque no siempre tengo tiempo ni voluntad, porque estoy cansado, quiero ver fútbol, escuchar música o hacer nada.

En el camino de la educación, elegido hace más de dos décadas y que sigo peregrinando, la lectura es una actividad vital. El profesor no es como las señales en la carretera, lo aprendí tiempo atrás, mucho tiempo atrás. Uno no solo indica. El docente, en muchos sentidos, es testimonio, ejemplo, bueno o no tanto. No apostolado, preciso.

Para un profesor la lectura es imprescindible, como conversar con los estudiantes, discutir con los colegas, reflexionar y estar abierto. Cuando digo lectura, en este párrafo, no me refiero solo al ejercicio de pasar la vista por un libro, una pantalla o una hoja. Digo lectura para decir lectura de la realidad; enseñanza de Paulo Freire. Un profesor , una maestra no atentos a la realidad, a su realidad, no pueden ser un buen profesor, creo. Porque se trata de que “su materia”, lo que enseña, tenga sentido para el estudiante que vive una realidad concreta.

El profesor que no entiende lo que pasa en el salón de clases, porque permanece literal y metafóricamente de espaldas al grupo, no puede conectar con sus estudiantes. Si es sensible, si lee su realidad, será menos difícil la comunicación con el grupo. Por eso, y más razones, no tengo duda de que la experiencia lectora es vital.

Un libro, un artículo interesante, un buen documento pueden ser un pretexto magnífico para practicar la reflexión o el diálogo con el autor, con las ideas, con otras personas. Son también la oportunidad de nuevas lecturas, de penetrar las puertas y ventanas que se abren siempre en el encuentro con un texto, que se van descubriendo ante nuestros ojos, solo con un poco de curiosidad.

Ahora, después de este improvisado discurso, con su permiso, me voy a leer.

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35 thoughts on “Mis lecturas

  1. José Manuel Ruiz Calleja

    Pues si, y hablando de este tema, confieso que he reflexionado sobre lo que hago en el aula con mis estudiantes, pienso ahorita concretamente en que una lectura acompañada, pública y colectiva puede ser un buen método en el Seminario de problemas educativos contemporáneos, un buen punto de partida para la reflexión crítica que a algunos les cuesta trabajo por falta de hábito y metodología apropiada, una marcha inicial acompañada que les permita después continuar por si mismos en el camino del pensamiento crítico y reflexivo, una capacidad problematizadora como competencia humana esencial de todo profesionista.

  2. Juan Pedro Tintos 2 B

    Reading is a pleasure, but also I admit that I`m too lazy to read, haha I don`t really like to read and I do it just in few times. Even so, when I read, I can imagine another world, I can transport even to that place and be part of the story I`m reading. Referring to what I said before, sometimes reading is boring, it depends on what you are reading, and that`s why I try to read just interesting topics or books, like adventure, science fiction, motivation, self- improving, or stories in general, I like harry potter a lot for example, yes, sometimes I love to read, sometimes I fall in love with the book, or article I`m reading but, generally reading is boring, specially referring with school homework lol.

  3. Chan Ramirez Francisco Javier 2 B

    It’s true the reading makes us have an understanding of what we lived on a daily basis.I think that reading is a special hobby and wing once again acquire a skill for this. If it’s true that not there as read in family or with any person to discuss about what he read eh exchange points of view. My most recent few weeks reading was “PERFUME” grabbed me from the first day I read its doorway and introduction, I would recommend.

  4. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B

    Reading is the most important practice for the study, is acquired by reading most of the knowledge and therefore strongly influences the intellectual, most of the time reading is more a pleasure than a obligation, we develop the pleasure for our good, we must also have the ability to understand to enjoy reading more.

  5. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2 "A"

    In my opinion reading is something spectacular if we all know. But in my case better on me I do not like reading is not that I hate to read and read some books because apparently I do not like. I think it’s because of my age I’m at the age of fun to read and since I’d rather be doing other things. Knowing I think in a few years I will focus now will be more to read if my hobby, well at least I think so. I think that if I need it or just read what that special someone asks me to. I do not think of myself like read a book.

  6. Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"

    It is gratifying to hear that there are people who grow and cultivate their children with reading, if people concientizáramos and entertained family reading I think it would be better for making reading a habit, we remove much bad thinking young people. Hopefully everyone we began to practice family reading. Moreover begin now.

  7. Armando Vázquez Zamora 2° B

    The read is very good because from there we are improving the way we read, reading makes us reflect, have compression and much more a better reading. Reading not only can read one alone, but we can read in group or between the same family, to express our ideas, thoughts and opinions about reading, I just buy a book is small is called “letter to the father” the author Franz Kafka good reading I like my next book I want to buy is the author of George r.r. Martin “throne game”.

  8. Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A

    I think that reading can be boring sometimes but it depends what kind of texts read and because I do.

    I think when we read her dedication to better understand texts and learn something new with each reading.

    Reading is a way to learn new things and learn more your vocabulary every day is filled with more words.

    My opinion is that the more text we read every day better our vocabulary and we will look better in society.

  9. 2°A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    I think that reading is a wonderful thing, when you read you teleport to a magical place that only you can imagine.
    The reading will benefit greatly as you learn new words and improve the way you talk.
    I love to read but as a hobby, when I read books that leave school not because I do enjoy a lot more by necessity than by choice.

  10. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D

    I really like your opinion in this issue. Reading is very essential for teachers today. Because technology and Scientifics discoveries are in continue advance. And for that reason it is good to use readings to promote thinking, reasoning and reflection in students. Once grabbing passion and love of reading, you will feel it throughout your life.

  11. Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2A

    Reading is the main source of wisdom. To quote a famous saying knowledge is power. The reading area should be annexed drawer in our culture as you learn to read new words, cultures, thoughts, etc. We must have a conscious mind and attached to reading.

  12. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B

    The saying “to read live many lives”, because you’re immersing in the history of the book till such time that you are part of history. Read, apart from being exciting and interesting, helps improve the lexicon. As for me, my favorite books are the novels, perhaps not teach much, but in them I I lose a while living in the world of that book. One of my favorite books is “The myths of cthulhu” by H.P. Lovecraft

  13. Irving De La Mora 2B

    To read, should know how read, there is so much we miss by not reading, magnificent universes, worlds unimaginable, you feel so much reading, like music.

  14. Heredia Moran Alejandro Gilberto 2B

    I agree with you that reading is the food of the mind. Is the truth that makes us think about reality. Is the vision of the mind of crowds or individuals. Reading is a pleasure, a way of speaking and listening to others.

  15. Jose CARlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B

    Reading not only provides us information (instructions) but creat habits of reflection, analysis, effort, concentration, recreation, entertains and distracts.
    A person with a habit of reading is ready to learn for himself throughout his life.

  16. Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 2°B

    As you read live many lives, when I was a kid I used to read a lot sometimes because my mom forced me and others on reality because I liked a book, if I were a parent instill reading to my children, because it really is a good that is at our disposal but do not take it

  17. Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 2B

    This stated that “reading” is one of the most important things, however not all people are accustomed to reading some book, the reading is magical either in a book, where you you can imagine the story as you’re reading. I think family reading is one of the best activities that may exist.

  18. Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B

    I am agree with that you are a promoter the reading, the habit of the reading is very important for the family, I think that the reading gives individual values, culture and pleasure, for some people it’s his addiction. If the families had a book club in house, It would improve our thoughts and our culture.

  19. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B

    Read is a wonderful thing, most of the books that I read are novels, when my eyes read every word and my mind interprets them I’m practically living the Story that is captured in the pages of the book, it’s true the sentence that say: “When you read, you live many lives”.

  20. Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A

    In my opinión reading is very nice where you can learn so much aboutcultures. Ami I like to read little but the time I read is very exciting and entertaining. I learn many things or simple mind I enjoy reading. On the occasions that I read I like to read good books.

  21. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B

    Reading is essential to cultural development in each person life, in that, i’m agree with you. Me, personally, tend to read, at least, books that contain interesting themes, i like so much the ones which talk about tecnologies and scientist advances. And as an experience, i recommend those, because you could learn so much about them.

  22. Maribel Peralta 2D

    I like much to read books of all kinds from romantic novels up to books of history, politics and more
    I my opinion the reading is a way of learning and of culture important as society we that thinking.
    I like much to read the books that contain fanciful readings those others and imagine worlds
    I my opinions in Mexico lack much of culture the important that is read.

  23. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D

    In my opinion, reading is very important because through it we go to other places, I visualize things you never thought, as well as a student should read about the issues that we in college.

  24. Pedro Madrigal Velasco 2B

    I’m totally agree with you. Reading is very important because is a huge source of information and also It’s entertaining. I think reading is fun when you do it for pleasure. When you read something that you like, it feels like you are living the story and it opens you mind to new ideas.

  25. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2-B

    My opinion is every the one who has different readings to convenience and satisfaccion Like that like of own interest and of Intention.

  26. cesar ivan castro carrillo 2*D

    1 It’s really desert that when someone puts a dint read llee for reading and reading is very tiring.

    2 If it’s interesting when someone motivates people leeyendo fracmento as a reading for the individual between the curiosity you immerse yourself in that reading.

    3 It is important that the home be taught these great abitos so that after you do not do anger and tedious reading.

    4 And as you mentioned is important that readings leeamos more we like and NMO readings make us vexatious.

  27. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D

    I agree with what you say about the teachers,the teachers who doesn’t understand what happens in the classroom,because it stays behind the gruop and can’t connect with them.I think reading is a good thing because you learn alot from reading and it’s very important to read so you can be a better student.

  28. 2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes

    I think reading it’s an excelent activity if you want to chill and have a good time.
    Also, reading bring you knowledge of any type, for example, increase and improve your vocabulary.
    It’s important that the topic of the book is of your interest, else the reading become weary.
    Lamentably our country don’t characterized for reading, that is an aspect that we should change as soon as posible.

  29. salvador hernandes francisco 2 °a

    I think when we read her dedication to better understand texts and learn something new with each reading.
    Reading is a way to learn new things and learn more your vocabulary every day is filled with more words.
    And for that reason it is good to use readings to promote thinking, reasoning and reflection in students. Once grabbing passion and love of reading, you will feel it throughout your life.

  30. Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2*A

    It is true that reading makes us have an understanding of what we live every day basically I think that reading is a special fondness and again an ability to acquire it.
    While that should not be read as a family or with anyone to discuss what he had read eh exchange views, because it can be read any magazine or any book that catches their attention.
    My reading of recent few weeks was “straw horse” grabbed me from the first day I read the cover and introduction, I would recommend because it is a very expressive book grabs you from day to mess with what you read the character to have the desire to keep reading.

  31. j.Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A

    Personally, I admire the culture of reading you might even say that I envy, I too enjoy reading and the truth is that I do not do often, but when I do, really enjoy it a lot, reading opens our roads and feeds the imagination.

  32. Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A

    Well, I’m one of those guys who does not read often, and I also agree with, that really is good reading helps to open your mind, which is very important at this stage of my life. From time to time try to read more.

  33. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A

    That’s the thing, many teachers know the subject they’re teaching, but have no clue as to how to connect with the group and make it interesting for them. Reading is very important, but the passion to read is usually a spark that’s set on our minds when a subject piques our interest… not many teachers know how to do that, and of course, as students, we’re supposed to read despite everything else, however, I read with more enthusiasm when someone has helped me find my passion for that subject in particular.

  34. Miguel Leon Bautista 2A

    Starting teacher with the ability to read what you write is something that assure encourages or makes many think.
    It’s nice to your home situation and I congratulate you because you are implementing and encouraging their children’s reading, and what better to do that by example.
    It is quite true, when a teacher wants communication, and knowledgemust be close to what is happening around him.

  35. Juan Francisco Arreola Hernandez. 2 A

    I think we must learn from small to read for us begins to like reading, because it is a very good habit and which is characteristic of an educated person.

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