Este fin de semana, en el inicio de la reunión anual del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, un tema aparentemente inofensivo ocupó el primer plano: la cultura. La noticia obliga a un comentario, así sea brevísimo.
No es usual que esos temas formen parte de la agenda de los grandes organismos financieros que controlan el mundo (el mundo de las finanzas y el mundo de las personas), pero ocurre. En la década de los noventa quienes se dedicaban a tema educativos debieron fijar la atención en las preocupaciones del Banco Mundial por los sistemas escolares. Se advertía ya que su presencia sería avasallante, como hoy lo es, a través de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico o el propio Banco Mundial. ¡Algo semejante podría estar cocinándose con la cultura!
De acuerdo con los reportes desde Montevideo, la reunión arrancó con una mesa redonda en la cual participaron el ex bailarín argentino Julio Bocca, el dramaturgo uruguayo Gabriel Calderón y la ex ministra colombiana de cultura, Paula Moreno.
En el discurso de apertura, el presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Luis Alberto Moreno, recordó que América Latina es la segunda región del mundo con más jóvenes, con una media de edad de 27 años, lo que la convierte en una enorme promesa, pero también en un latente arsenal de conflictos, si la situación de pobreza, marginación y fragmentación se conserva.
Junto a los cambios económicos y políticos en el continente, quizá antes, necesitamos una gran transformación cultural, que podría resumirse en lo dicho por Gabriel Calderón. Debemos cambiar, dijo, el “esto no se puede hacer”, por el decidido “a ver si podemos hacerlo”. O citando a otro enorme latinoamericano, Paulo Freire, diríamos: el cambio es difícil, pero posible, urgente y necesario. ¿Podemos? ¿Queremos?
Chan Ramirez Francisco Javier 2 B
It’s true that not even be a topic of lesser weight ignore. The culture in all environments of society always have an important role.I hope and that “debate” conducted in Montevideo, aren’t you have been in a simple chat. And the cultural transformation of the whole is not for evil or for benefits for some.
Tienes razón Juan Carlos, no hay nada inocente en las agendas de dichos organismo, todo tiene su intencionalidad, que, desafortunadamente, pasa por el tamiz del $
Saludos y gracias por hacernos volver la mirada hacia éstos temas…
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Atención y análisis es algo de lo que debemos hacer, sobre todo quienes trabajamos con estudiantes.
Saludos Balvanero.
Juan Pedro Tintos 2 B
It is hard to imagine that bank society would think about culture, or talk about it. Culture is a huge word; culture can refer to education or social parameters even can refer to art and general social knowledge. This time you are referring to social culture, what are we doing to change our community, to change our thoughts? I can`t change the world, but change my self, that is the beginning of everything I guess, and that is what I`m doing.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2 "A"
My opinion is it, that culture is related to the “banks” (financial world). As everyone says the future is in our hands. And many people think that way we will not get much. But I say after a huge mistake because a rising when creating a company do not think the Allan created perfect but that over time that problems had visualized it and managed to correct them.
Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"
In my humble opinion I think we need a change and a sense of urgency. You think we are the second region with more young people, few things we could do if we all had the initiative to change things in a positive way. I am of the opinion that love is power that goes through your mind if you want to go through your life, the question is do you really want to do? power because if we can do all things that comes to mind.
Armando Vázquez Zamora 2° B
I think the culture at the Bank is something important you have to take seriously the word culture has many meanings, in this case refers to social culture, it is not easy to change the culture of any person and much less his thought, because each person is a different world.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A
I think the shift toward a promising future is not only young people if not in each of the people who inhabit this planet.
I think the culture has been lost with the passage of time and lack of a good education today is no longer in school.
They should give more support to programs that are dedicated to promote different types of cultures promote reading and different types of courses for the development of culture.
My opinion is that if there was more culture in each person would have better things would be greater consistency in decisions made in the world and there would be fewer conflicts.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D
In my opinion it is very difficult to change a people and their way of being. Especially older people who are accustomed to their lifestyle and are more closed minded. While young people are more accessible to convince and to be a majority in the population, it is our duty to try to change the way we act and think.
Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2A
It is true that we must make an urgent change in our culture. The answer to your question is the behavior and interest that we ourselves do our part to remedy this. The desire is to the question is we actually want? Whether or not. The future is written in what we do Let us go today so we should start today to be different for the better.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B
In my personal opinion we need the will of all to make changes, you will always do the same, do we want? Can we? When? and why not start now saying “I want a change” and so infect the other people of our will, there are still people who believe in change, who believe in culture, young people who can make you a better the country.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B
Change is not only young people, but around the world, and that change should be already!. The culture has been lost with the passage of time and people have focused more on greed. But I think that this change is not difficult, I believe that we can and we want this change, many will say that it is difficult, but see that if proposed, based on efforts they make.
Irving De La Mora 2B
I think only if get something economical, it is worth investing in culture, being an important part of our history and now we are part of it, we need a focus, a change.
Heredia Moran Alejandro Gilberto 2B
Change is possible with hard work and dedication anything is possible. If we are wrong in something we what compensate with else in that we are well. We are stuck in complacency. If they say that many young people, we must listen to their ideas, their opinions, we must stop viewing experience better than innovation.
Jose CARlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B
Release of curiosity, let people evolve in their own interests to loose the sense of inquiry, open all the questions and exploration, recognizing that everything is in flux, but never achieved in full. (Rogers, 1997)
Youth had a highly centralized education that can only get their ideas to where they were told they could get, I think the model of teaching in schools is very poor and monotonous. Maybe starting from there we could see a change.
Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 2°B
Education should be the main occupation of the leaders of today and the school system today is based on what was occupied at the time of the industrial revolution and is now to modernize it for the demands of the future.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 2B
I believe that the theme of “culture” is not a harmless issue, is a very important issue that we see daily everywhere, and as they saw in the Inter-American Bank was a main theme. The culture we will see it everywhere, culture is our same education.
Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B
I think the BID makes a great work, I seem that it gives opportunities mainly to the young people who have innovating ideas, the perseverance and the continuous work is important for the development of the country. I think that if it can obtain the objective.
Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A
To start which says Juan Carlos Yanez you are right, the issue of culture here in Latin America is very serious, we need more culture to us all. And Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno said that Latin America has many young people, with a little support to young people can leave their careers and give a boost to our country
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A
In my opinion culture has gradually been losing the lack of culture and lack of preparedness in schools. Support is needed more education to make it not disappear. And go slowly recovering traditions etc.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B
I think that culture of society is one of the most important things to that the people live in harmony, it doesn’t matter change economic strategies and political strategies if culture doesn’t change, it doesn’t matter change economic and political strategies if we don’t change how to think, act and behave.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B
Culture is a very important factor in each región. America’s culture varies in each one of their countries. But agree with you, mostly of the cultures need a change. And as you say, that change is difficult, but posible.
Maribel Peralta 2D
I my opinion if Mexico made an effort to concentrate the education is end up problems of marginalization.
I think there is much potential in Mexico but the young we have no culture the important that is education and that information.
I like that see that Mexico can be a great power if able to eradicate their problems
I my opinion the reading is a way of learning and To improve to make possible a better Mexico
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D
In my opinion covers various aspects of culture is right and we want to change something big if they do not start with us, the way people think is that to do something if they will not change the cosas.Nuestro first step is to change the mentality of persons
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 2B
Culture, a big theme to talk about, it’s true that the economy is not in the best shape but are other thing to think. Mexico is a “young country”, here we live lots of young people but without culture, we are going nowhere. Culture opens your mind to new ideas, to new ways of resolving problems. We can’t name someone “student” if it doesn’t do more of what the school requires.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2-B
My opinion is must be able be like a better culture in the labor and economic, and in the world of the Finance, and To substitute the way of spending.
cesar ivan castro carrillo 2*D
1 True it is not usual that tequen topics in a meeting like that but how things change is relevant ido ahn be ṕreucupado by topic or vfe3nian not previously the case.
2 If it is important that the youngest are being interested in those topics.
3 And also very alarming that the poverty situation remains the same.
4 I agree with you need a trasfiormacion culture.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D
I my opinion if Mexico want to go on, he should spend more money on education.
I agree with you, first factor is a changes of our culture.
It’s very important that everyone is interested in all topics about money around the world.
I’m happy to see how Mexico is battling to eradicate all his problems.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D
I think that Mexico should think more in the education and invest more in it.It’s important the everyone should be interested in the topics about the money that is around the world.Mexico should do more to get it out of it’s problems.
I think that culture of society is one of the most important.
the culture opens your mind to new ways of think and resolving the problems.
I think that mexico should invest in more the education and improve the programs school..
salvador hernandes francisco 2 °a
This time you are referring to social culture, what are we doing to change our community, to change our thoughts? I can`t change the world, but change my self, that is the beginning of everything I guess, and that is what I`m doing.
It’s very important that everyone is interested in all topics about money around the world.
I’m happy to see how Mexico is battling to eradicate all his problems.
muebles manizales
Buenos dias acabo de enterarme de tu web y la verdad es que me parece genial no sabia de mas personas interesadas en estos temas, aqui tienes un nuevo lector que seguira visitandote constantemente.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias. Espero también leerte y cumplir expectativas, o por lo menos generar alguna opinión de tu parte.
Un abrazo!
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2*A
In my opinion it is difficult to imagine that the banking company might think about the culture, or talk about it.
Culture is a big word, culture can refer to educational or social parameters, including art and may refer to general social knowledge.
This time you are referring to social culture, what are we doing to change our community, to change our thoughts? I can not change the world, but change my car, which is the beginning, I suppose, and that’s what I’m doing very badly indeed we are putting our thoughts to what is now the era of modernism I see us While expensive things have nice things, things that pollute the environment that’s very good post Greetings life.
2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
Culture is very important, we must inculcate at early age.
The fact that Latin America has a young population is a advantage that we must take.
We must begin to create a population with culture, which also makes them better people.
Youth are the future of the society, hopefully they do a good job.
j.Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A
I think the change is in our youth, the future of Mexico and Latin America, I think if we make a change, but not everyone wants to do, or are not aware they have to want that change, lack of culture and poor education of the media in Mexico is a blinding youth, imposing fashion, bad habits, junk music and no message, bad programming, social networks also influence I think, if we were more objective to what really matters in advance steadily.
Ricardo Ploneda 2°A
Starting with “this can not be done” and “to see if we can do” I likemore of a “already done”.
Why not, if you see the banking system as a culture is taken as what is said, in these times and anyone is accustomed or willing to have in your wallet and athousand cards, debit, credit, department stores, And all this without taking action or responsibility that this warrants.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A
We do need to change the way we think… for some reason it seems like dreams get crushed every day, and we simply give up… it’s like the reality of violence, helplesness and corruption has eroded our faith in the future… but it shouldn’t be that way, we DO hold our future in our hands, even if that sounds corny… as long as we decide to be happy and to keep trying, we’ll find a way to cope, and even better, improve the way our society works.
Miguel Leon Bautista 2A
Bank culture?, Awareness should create
us to be careful with that of the
commercial banks rely.
Certainly many young people who
like to enjoy the good benefits of
having an account and many credit cards.
And hurt many of these youth are not
entirely responsible.