El fin de semana en Campeche se celebró una reunión del Consejo de Universidades Públicas e Instituciones Afines, de la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES). Distintos asuntos aparecían en la agenda, entre otros, el análisis del documento Inclusión con responsabilidad social. Una nueva generación de políticas de educación superior, que entregarán los rectores en mayo a los candidatos presidenciales. Desconozco los acuerdos adoptados en la asamblea, aunque en los días previos ya se preveía que dicho documento podría sufrir modificaciones “no significativas”. De las versiones preliminares pueden expresarse algunos comentarios.
Dos aspectos destacan, a mi juicio: la propuesta para la creación de una secretaría de estado, tentativamente denominada Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología, y ligado a ello, la modificación del artículo tercero de la Constitución Política para reconocer el carácter “estratégico” de la enseñanza superior. Acorde con tales modificaciones, la reforma del artículo 25 de la Ley General de Educación, con la cual se destinaría cuando menos el uno por ciento del PIB a las instituciones públicas de educación superior. En el mismo renglón del financiamiento, se insiste en los presupuestos plurianuales y la corresponsabilidad de los gobiernos federal y estatales, de tal suerte que se garantice la suficiencia presupuestal, sometida a los controles de transparencia precisos.
Otro grupo de iniciativas son alentadoras señales de la respetuosa crítica a las políticas oficiales: “en la ANUIES estamos convencidos de que diversas políticas e instrumentos han llegado a su límite”. Destaco la revisión de los problemas asociados a la trayectoria del personal académico, desde su incorporación hasta la promoción, estímulos y jubilaciones; una bomba de tiempo, especialmente en los programas de estímulos al desempeño docente y esquemas de jubilación.
Mención aparte para la revisión y redefinición de los programas y fondos de financiamiento extraordinario, en su clasificación presupuestaria y reglas de operación. Su abordaje es clave, por las nefastas prácticas que introdujeron en el sistema y en las instituciones.
También me genera prudente optimismo el examen de los regímenes de autorización de estudios a particulares, los REVOE, frente a la escandalosa proliferación de las “escuelas” chatarra. Un paso incierto, tal vez, pero positivo es la necesidad de avanzar en el derecho a la educación, con la meta de una cobertura de 50% en el ciclo 2020-2021, así como la profundización de las reformas a la educación media superior, sobre todo, ante su nueva condición de obligatoriedad.
Algunas iniciativas del documento son reiteraciones preocupantes, como la de crear un sistema nacional de evaluación de la educación superior para mejorar los procesos de evaluación, acreditación y certificación, cuyos procesos deben ser acordes al quehacer académico (porque no lo son, se tendría que entender). Sin embargo, dicha intención ya estaba expresada desde hace 12 años, cuando se elaboró el documento conocido en el medio como “20-20”, con los planteamientos que entonces preparó la ANUIES. En el mismo tenor, la pretensión de “construir el Espacio Común de la Educación Superior en México”, sin buenos resultados, a juzgar por el balance del organismo que aglutina a las universidades e instituciones de educación superior públicas y privadas.
Esas son, enunciadas, algunas de las propuestas de la ANUIES. Las de los candidatos, analizados por el periódico universitario U2000 no son más frescas o innovadoras, por lo menos en el examen de la fuente. De las declaraciones a los hechos hay distancias a veces insalvables; de uno a otro punto se rompen expectativas y se generan divisiones o acuerdos tácitos para postergar decisiones estructurales. Así sucedió y podría repetirse de nuevo. Muchos capítulos faltan. Veremos y, en su momento, valoraremos.
Así es Juan Carlos, en este momento de coyuntura política-electoral mucho habremos de escuchar, promesas al por mayor, reconocimiento a la educación -de todos lo sniveles-, pero concluyes con un comentario certero, de la declaración al hecho, hay un largo camino… esperemos lo mejor y sigamos en las propuestas…. saludos.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A
I think these meetings should take advantage and do not just meet for some have good intentions but others are only going to collect money.
I think higher education is something that should work for a better future for students from high schools.
Education should be exploited and not only be without merit powers to really have that opportunity.
We believe that only by attending classes part we are doing our education we try to improve what we have and do better every day.
Juan Pedro Tintos 2 B
Superior education is so important to all of us, especially for the future of this country, I feel happy to know about the creation of this institution, and can improve the professional education in this country. Although it is still a project, I think that we students would be really satisfied with this because it will improve government investments in education and reach the great goals that all of us have, I just hope it doesn`t stay as a simple promise and it really can be a reality.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D
We hear encouraging proposals to improve the quality of education. The proposal to create a new secretary of state is interesting because it is easier to work together than alone.
I hope the secretary will not be created for more high ranking position with a good salary. And education remains aside.
Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2A
The organization of higher education to tackle only causes more problems. Although some projects are to applaud others are disappointed by the results. I think the main reason for lack of further discussion for improvement in place and initiatives. As it is only an opinion but I hope the best results and news for the near future.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B
In my opinion personal the study of the university is a long period in which students are able to develop different skills. At the end of the upper level is the student and professional, entitled which will help you get better work and achieve economic growth, contrary to the person who does not study the upper level has less chances of getting a professional job, study the level is important as it achieves a single improvement physically, emotionally and intellectually.
Irving De La Mora 2B
If the creation of the secretariat will have more attention and investment to higher education, so be it, but like everything related to the government and its agencies, pay attention to everything because something may go unnoticed.
Heredia Moran Alejandro Gilberto 2B
Why the candidates think that education is political? Strive to make “promises” to support the education of there thinking that can draw fans. Do well to give advice on proposals and express the needs that arise in education topic. We need to follow up these proposals, obviously, without pressing.
Jose CARlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B
Higher education in the world is an area of profound ransformations,impacting on the economic, social, political and cultural. many countries are reforming their education systems because they envision what happens in classrooms today will mark the path of its future.
Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 2°B
I hope that not only stay in the project, these ideas would have to appear more often because the upper edcuacion is the future of the country’s future engineers and graduates are those who can do a better country in the future.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 2B
I hope that everything is fulfilled, so that our schools are good and excellent quality, sincerely Mexico needs strong changes to improve their education. I do not understand how these initiatives are of the past and not been fulfilled. It would be good gift that we could improve our education, we not only for those who are studying higher level, but also, for generations that come after us.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B
The creation of that Secretariat sounds interesting, because higher education is very important for everyone, because it is easier to find a job if you have done your higher education, thanks to the skill acquired in all the time that hard, people will be more than suitable for their work.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A
In my opinion the organization of higher education in some projects do not grab anything. But on the other hand others are to applaud. But if they have to improve many things to make the equation better. For Mexico in the future will be better in all aspects.
Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A
Superior education is so important to all of us, especially for the future of this country, Higher education in the world is an area of profound ransformations,impacting on the economic, social, political and cultural. We hear encouraging proposals to improve the quality of education. The proposal to create a new secretary of state is interesting because it is easier to work together than alone.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B
In this area of education, is usually done infinity of proposals. But, like we all know, if a half of proposals have did, we would be talking so much. Education needs actions from people of the high command, and the least it needs, are imposible proposals.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B
I like the idea that promotes support economic to education, that way we students could dispose of best study materials and the teachers could be more prepared. I think it would be nice if from elementary school be promoted the “good student culture” to decrease rate of desertion and maximize this support to education.
Jose Antonio Aguiar palacios 2 A
In my opinion I think these meetings just stay in one project, I hope I’m wrong and fulfill what is expected of each organization. Because these new ideas we give a bonus to education that we are studying. New are ideas which we can capitalize. More than anything the country needs a new idea of work which will help us (I hope) to comply with better education to all people in our nation.
Maribel Peralta 2D
I my opinion less compelling and concern that have ANUIES for better the education in Mexico.
I think there concern the education should be generalized to the whole society aware of the importance of education.
I like know that in Mexico It continue worrying but a change is needed
I my opinion the education is Topic of supreme importance in a developing country
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 2B
Education is one of the most important themes of the future of a country. Although in Mexico it seems than we don’t put a lot of attention in it. Ideas to improve education, some are good ideas, but the bad thing is that are only ideas. If we want a good country we need a better education, we need a better education system.
cesar ivan castro carrillo 2*D
1 If your proposal is very important to change some items for improvement.
2 It is also important detaca the proposal along with the ustad
3 If it is important that you are faced with the proliferation of schools.
4 It is very important to deepen reforms to upper secondary education, especially with its new status as mandatory for in my opinion I think from there, or rather from the secuendaria is the problem.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 2°D
It is very important that all Mexican have the opportunity of have education.
Principal change should be with ourself.
If politicians really want to do something for Mexico, they should spend more in education.
This kind of meeting only serve for one thing, try to improve education.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D
All of us Mexicans should all have an opportunity to be educated.Because we are the future of our country.The goverment should spend more money on the education of our country.Mexico would be a better place with better education.
Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B
I find out that if there is an initiative for to improve education in México, it won´t be easy so neither fast, we’ll see within several years the results. I think that The ANUIES has many plains to future for young people and next students.
Ramon Francisco Martinez Velazquez 2°D
I think if politicians actually approve the proposals mentioned would be very good for society, as are good and everything is propueestas veneficio for us all.
Higher education is very important because impacting on the economic, social, political and cultural and because i think higher education is something that should work for a better future for students from high schools because they beneficiary and improve mexico.
salvador hernandes francisco 2 °a
think higher education is something that should work for a better future for students from high schools.
Education should be exploited and not only be without merit powers to really have that opportunity.
We believe that only by attending classes part we are doing our education we try to improve what we have and do better every day.
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2*A
In my opinion, I hope everything is fulfilled, so that our schools are of good quality and excellent, honest, strong changes Mexico needs to improve their education. I do not understand how these initiatives are the past and have not been met.
It would be good gift we can improve our education, not just those who are studying a higher level, but also for the generations that come after us.
Although often nomas is on something else and nothing is done about the lack of dedication or of good proposals and lack of support from others how good that is already grabbing something to improve how to study.
2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
I think it’s good that people interested in the education of our country meets to discuss.
In these meetings, arise the ideas that can change the quality of education.
Hopefully arise a well planned project and has the support of all.
Thus, our country will enjoy a truly superior education.
j.Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A
In my opinion, I hope you do not run in just proposals, but will be monitored and who really want a quality of studies for us, who really want this change
Ricardo Ploneda 2°A
With obvious being an extremely important issue, since in the universities is the future of our country, for a moment leave aside the politicians, who are we as citizens we must forge our interests, who must do something you want and as we want.
Setting an example to the UNAM, colleges are now collecting theirmonthly payments, registrations, examinations and other moderatelypriced high for some, other sums are unreachable, however UNAM , has costs that with all respect, are a laugh alongsidemany others, and is a very prestigious institution, importance and the best in the country.
But of course our government is not fully functional, and therefore we have to “hold” changes all this.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A
It’s true, we need better opportunities to get more than just the college education… but then again, there aren’t many interested students; from my group, only about 3 or 4 plan to keep studying; even though in this world becoming specialized on a subject is really important, some people keep thinking that with just a finished career they’ll have their dream job. I think that we still have a long journey to walk when it comes to education, but first of all, we need people who are willing to walk it.
Miguel Leon Bautista 2A
In my opinion the important thing for us
is not only known to say, but YES will.
Not only with a signed paper or
proposals, but action!
They say the future lies in young people,
but as we will if we have the total of all consideration.
A very important step in our life is the
university, choosing a career, choosing an institution,
prestige, closeness, and most importantly the work.