
Una mañana de aprendizajes

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Esta mañana estuve en Manzanillo, invitado por las autoridades de la Universidad Multitécnica Profesional para presentar una conferencia en su tercer congreso “Universidad, globalización y actualización”. Me correspondió el honor de inaugurar el programa ante unos 300 estudiantes de distintas carreras. Del tema que elegí y de lo expuesto no diré una palabra, porque me resulta más necesario compartir la alegría que experimenté al final de la sesión, cuando algunas personas me pidieron que les firmara el libro “Figuras y paisajes de la educación”, que generosamente habían adquirido; para mi agrado y sorpresa, estudiantes no solo de pedagogía, sino de psicología, derecho o comercio internacional, adultos muchos de ellos.

Sentado mientras firmaba y dejaba breves mensajes escuché con atención lo que me decían sobre su trabajo o carrera. Me emocionaron especialmente algunos de ellos: una inquieta estudiante del Bachillerato 27 que acompañó a su mamá-estudiante para conocer los temas del congreso, ante su inminente decisión vocacional. También una profesora, Martha, estudiante de derecho, a quien escuché con atención lo que me contaba sobre sus alumnos de secundaria. Ella me confesó que había decidido estudiar derecho para animar a su hermano, discapacitado, a que estudiara una carrera. Ese gesto generoso, como de madre, y la mirada entusiasta del hermano cuando me entregó el libro para firmarlo hicieron brotar de mi pluma la dedicatoria más íntima.

Las fugaces conversaciones y personas tan especiales fueron para mí esos indispensables motivos para reconfortarse, alentarse y obligarse a seguir luchando con optimismo en un territorio plagado de fatalidad, como el educativo. Al final de estas dos horas no tengo duda: aprendí mucho más de lo que pude enseñar y, sobre todo, de esos aprendizajes que difícilmente se encuentran en el curriculum o en un salón de clases, pero perduran por siempre.

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22 thoughts on “Una mañana de aprendizajes

  1. 2 D Christian Daniel Rentería García

    I wish i could meet Martha, she seems to be a great person.
    Most of our desitions are by our past.
    We have to help others before us.
    There is always a way to solve all the problems.

  2. Víctor Iván López González 2A

    It’s nice to know that there are good students.

    I can imagine how you felt.

    There are more students who complete a career.

    That is good for the country.

  3. Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A

    Good students make a better education.
    Always it´s better to learn that to teach.
    We with inspiration and dedication, we can change the world.
    I belive, We need people with pasion and motivation.

  4. 2A Daniela Moctezuma García

    I liked the story of the teacher of law.

    Still there are good students at this time.

    Throwing forward to school, we can form a better Mexico.

    There’s still time for change and be better students.

  5. José de Jesús Jiménez García

    There are certainly lessons that only gives life.
    Not only are encouraging words for you, then for me.
    Congratulations on all your accomplishments teachers.
    I hope you continue to have the same success as always.

  6. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    Honestly I don’t know what to comment
    I feel good for you
    Hopefully I can feel like that someday
    I just have to work harder

  7. Alonso Hernandez 2A

    the best education for the people what a need it!

    ok I happy for their changes and the better learn
    for the students.

    the university is a gate of the one world of opportunities

    is for all.

  8. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA

    Having a career is the most beautiful in the world.

    I think the lady if she will be an example to his brother, he is a nice gesture.

    With knowledge we can change our environment.

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  9. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2°A

    All person have something new.
    All person we unique an in think.
    very experience pass everyday.
    Skill of day.


    I am glad you are having success,
    also that of the time to meet people
    above all to be honest and humble people who approach you
    I hope and remain successful in their careers greetings.

  11. David Toledo Zúñiga 2B

    I believe that motivation is very important for a person.
    I can’t imagine what you felt at that moment.
    Beautiful experience.
    Congratulations for all your work, Doctor.

  12. J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A

    I think that the Education is very important and for one person as like you then result very happy than think this.
    Is very importan that we choose the option good when we be choosing the carer.
    Congratulations for you Doctor.
    Is very important that you mention.

  13. Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D

    Sometimes the most important lessons are personal.
    Glad to hear its simplicity and warmth.
    I would love to be in one of his conferences.
    It would be an honor to have his visit in the Facultad de Telemática.

  14. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 2 B

    Good that you have had that opportunity.
    The woman is doing a good gesture.
    There are still people who do good things.
    So the world would be better.

  15. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 2B

    It is a great experience for you, I think. Not every day occurs it. I feel happy for you. Keep working Dr.

  16. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A

    It’s a great story.
    It’s amazing that martha decides to study law to motivate her brother.
    Martha is a great person with a great story.
    You’ll learn a lot from people and you can hear a lot of amazing stories.

  17. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 2ºD

    I find it interesting what has been mentioned in this publication.

    That honor to attend an event of such importance.

    That is great recognition given to the power to be part of this event.

    I very much like the role of this event.

  18. Jose Eduardo Cortes Cernas 2B

    It’s good that young people willing to learn.
    I see that there are many people who have lost the desire to learn.
    Hope that those people that talk to you meet their goals.
    I hope it will.

  19. Edsel Barbosa 2"D"

    For what I have understood, I think all
    we went to a race by simply supporting
    to others in need, at least I,
    but not always is and will be.

  20. Jonni Eduardo

    Interesting know than out of classes can learn.
    Happiness know your spoken the students.
    Felicity is note.
    Always learn something new.

  21. José Luis Garza Gallegos 2ºD

    – The people make the difference in our jobs and schools.
    – To be a teacher and a student should be hard.
    – Give atugraphs would be nice.
    – Data isn’t all we can learn.

  22. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A

    There are people who fight for what they really want.

    There are people who surrender without having any disability.

    It’s wonderful what they do by loved ones.

    It was great experience.

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