Extraviado en mis archivos apareció en la mudanza reciente una carpeta que no veía hace algunos años. Su contenido: la participación de Ángel Gabilondo Pujol en el I Encuentro Internacional de Rectores de Universia, realizado en Sevilla los días 19 y 20 de mayo de 2005. Al entonces rector de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, y luego ministro de educación en el gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, le correspondió participar en la sesión de trabajo 1, titulada “Hacia un nuevo modelo de universidad”.
En su breve documento no se esboza una sólida argumentación, pero sí apunta lo que denomina “Diez señas y un desafío”, que en su momento y ahora resultan atractivos ítems para examinar la institución universitaria y proponer una visión de la universidad capaz de insertarse, protagónica, en la sociedad que le toca vivir, enfrentar, cuestionar y apoyar en su construcción.
Las diez señas que deben orientar a las universidades nuevas son: emprendedora, innovadora, investigadora, involucrada con su entorno, evaluadora y evaluable, concernida ambientalmente, con permanentes procesos de formación, capacidad de insertar laboralmente, implicada, comprometida y cooperadora e igualitaria.
Por su parte, el desafío es obtener una adecuada financiación, que explica en ideas sencillas y breves: un sistema de distribución de fondos públicos con criterios transparentes y equitativos; una provisión de recursos suficiente, eficiente y equitativa, que requiere una mejor asignación interna de los recursos en las universidades y sistemas promotores de la igualdad para los estudiantes.
Las diez señas del doctor Gabilondo Pujol responden a su contexto y momento. En otros, como el nuestro, son útiles para reflexionar y planear las universidades, para discutirlas abiertamente, pues en el tema hay un debate vivo. Boaventura de Sousa Santos, por ejemplo, tiene una visión distinta; pugna por una universidad democrática y emancipadora. Otros hablan del naufragio y la crisis de las universidades.
En su conjunto, las diez señas de Gabilondo arrojan alguna luz sobre el panorama en que se deben desenvolver las universidades, en contextos de incomprensión presupuestal, hostilización fiscalizadora gubernamental y por sus propias ineficiencias y vicios; víctimas también de terribles contradicciones.
El dilema es complicado: debe recomponerse en el interior (entre visiones y proyectos distintos de universidad: democrática y democratizante, de excelencia internacional, investigadora, burocrática, tecnocrática, empresarial…) y al mismo tiempo, responder a los distintos sectores de la sociedad que la sustentan y dan razón de ser a su existencia. Tarea complicadísima, pero urgente y cada vez más necesaria frente a vendavales (hoy España, mañana otros) que pretenden arrasarlas.
María Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 2° "B"
Doctor, for a prestigious university and the successes have designed itself. Must be of academics excellence, students with initiative and above all .. Optimism, that is what will take us to a future entrepreneur ..
Coming soon, we hope that our generation will not be discouraged and come to remove the bad habits and begin to study in themselves.
2 D Christian Daniel Rentería García
We always find something in our memories.
We need to start doing something for our university as fast as we can.
There is always a way.
We have to help in the way we can.
Alonso Hernandez 2A
hello goodnight Doctor
you wrote this content is interesting to me
especially want to let us
the importance of universities equity
by his colleagues, I hope all is well
I send greetings
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
Always is important to remenber memorias and old things.
“Ten sign and a challenge” was a good way of to change the university.
We obtain adequate financing is a good challenge.
We will succeed together.
2A Daniela Moctezuma García
I liked, is a interesting content.
The best we can do for our university is being studious.
I like idea of “Ten sign and a challenge”.
We have to work together for a better university.
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
Memories make us happy.
We always find something that makes us remember.
“Ten sign and a challenge” sounds very interesting.
Improving education requires a great support economic.
José de Jesús Jiménez García
I guess the points mentioned by the rector, are successful.
The universities do not only dedicated to teaching.
Universities now have bigger challenges.
The University of Colima has many tasks still pending.
Should organize these conferences followed and sending several teachers to see how this whole muno poedr the eucacion and taking action on how to get to have the best plans for improving education around the world, I think it would be great to be organized these conferences and participating countries and share the different models of education…
David Toledo Zúñiga 2B
Sometimes it’s good that we review things old for awhile.
I like the new signs that should guide to universities.
I didn’t understand what the shipwreck and the crsis of the universities.
This topic is somewhat difficult.
J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A
Is very important that we do of challenges to we see our potential.
The University of Colima his the need, challenges.
I agree with you Doctor.
Better work in the University.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
Is pleasurable remember old times.
I find interesting the 10 signs.
They are a good vision.
In University we still have a lot do.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 2 B
To be a good student, we must love the study.
Study is the best way.
Without the study will not be anything.
I like to study.
María Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 2° "B"
Doctor, it makes me wonder
to the opportunities that exist and that by flagging of the country and warn him not even imagine it.
It is a hard step for Spain, as in Europe .. At the height .. It is one of the most fortunate should raise awareness and equipment for their economy and their future education.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 2B
I like the ten signals of a new university. The challenge it’s difficult, but not impossible. It has a lot of aspects, It should be analyzed a piece by piece. I expect to read your posts soon.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
Memories make us think about great moments of our lives.
This ten signs are interesting.
We need to improve education.
To make a better university we need to improve everyone as students or teachers to have a better education.
Erick Donaldo Arceo "2D"
There is always a way.
I like the ten signs.
If it follow that, i think that it could be better.
Great articule.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 2ºD
Sometimes we find objects, belongings here was a document which creeiamos lost.
These signs that should guide the new universities are very interesting.
True, they can be very useful these signs.
The dilemmas are not always without easy.
Jose Eduardo Cortes Cernas 2B
This document appears to be important.
If fulfilled which says that document, the university would improve enough.
But it seems that this document has already long.
But I hope that some of this can be performed.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
We need to put more of ourselves
I hope we can do more for us
The university need to be smarter
And reach the goals it pursuit
Edsel Barbosa 2"D"
Hello teacher, your signs mark
in this report, and that once they take
on account of the 2005 reuniion are signs
so far are made by this university
but I think there is still more.
Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 2°A
Good thinking sir!.
Is good to remember old events.
True, there may be very useful all that.
I like your vision that you have.
Jonni Eduardo
I like model of university.
Feed than the university should if so
These topic are interesthing
The challenges is for achive.
José Luis Garza Gallegos 2ºD
– Let’s see if universities can help to Spain’s economical problems…
– I don’t like too much to hear (and read) about univesities and education.
– I don’t like PVC bottle collection, but that looks like it is the only idea that schools could reach about environmental awareness.
– Talk about jobs and corporation associated with schools sounds a bit better for me.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
Interesting are the 10 signs.
It would be good to apply to several universities.
There are some bodies that do little to universities.
The good news is that there are some who try to improve them.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A
Found a document that brings good memories.
I was struck by the challenge.
It important that university to do their goals.
Is an interesting text.
Gerardo Borjas Carrillo 2°A
-Is a good country unlike Spain.
-We have to br good representatives of our university.
-For that we must strive.
-But require financial support.
Jever Amezcua García
You have to do something for our university.
It is time to awaken interest in democracy students.
Not to oppose without a solid reason.
If not in the sense of opposing but propose something to improve the situation.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2ºA
Always all think Different.
University always should updated.
Innovative is overriding in research.
We can not by alone decisions.