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Lecciones ajenas

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Por distintas razones leí en estos días varios documentos analíticos y mensajes personales (vía correos electrónicos y redes sociales), sobre la situación en España, especialmente en materia educativa. No quiero recitar las abundantes cifras –abrumadoras, también- que exhiben el rumbo ideológico y económico emprendido por el gobierno de Mariano Rajoy, quien, autista frente a los reclamos populares, como suelen serlo los gobernantes, declaró que no ha cumplido sus promesas, pero sí ha cumplido su deber, y así se lava las manos.

Las evidencias sobre el páramo que están dejando las medidas están a la vista. Para mostrar un poco la situación compartiré un fragmento del correo electrónico que me envía un colega desde Tenerife: “la situación a la que nos ha llevado el neoliberalismo y el neoconservadurismo es realmente insufrible para los casi seis millones de desempleados, para los jóvenes titulados y para los estudiantes. Ahora mismo aquí, la  gente joven no tiene futuro. Los servicios públicos esenciales como la sanidad, la educación, los servicios sociales, etc., están sufriendo graves recortes mientras se privatizan hospitales y se incrementa el gasto público en centros educativos privados. En la Universidad se ha reducido la inversión notablemente y los precios de las matrículas para el alumnado ha aumentado hasta un 20%. Los precios de los Másters se han puesto por las nubes y a la mayoría de la población el acceso a la Universidad se le ha hecho prácticamente imposible. En un año de gobierno del PP con la reforma laboral se han perdido casi 800.000 puestos de trabajo y las condiciones de despido se han abaratado de tal manera, que al empresario hoy le resulta prácticamente gratis echar a un trabajador. Mientras, la corrupción en el Partido Popular llega a las más altas instancias y están implicados desde el presidente del gobierno hasta algunos ministros y ministras. Entre el gobierno, la banca, los empresarios y sus líderes, las grandes constructoras, los presidentes de algunas comunidades autónomas, los alcaldes y concejales de muchos municipios, han llevado al país a una situación límite.”

El caso de la universidad española es tema que amerita tratamiento aparte, pero ahora he querido traerlo para repasar la relatividad de un concepto asaz común en la pedagogía y la política (y en la literatura de superación personal): cambio. Con su invocación muchas veces se sigue creyendo que lo que se pretende cambiar es para mejorar, y la historia reciente ha sido pródiga en ejemplos que lo desmienten.

Hundido por sus desaciertos, el gobierno del Partido Socialista Obrero Español y José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero abrieron las puertas de par en par al discurso de un cambio, prometido por Mariano Rajoy. Y lo compró la mayoría de los ciudadanos. El cambio significó, sin embargo, un retroceso en las conquistas que habían alcanzado muchos españoles.

El cambio, como promesa política, proyecto de gobierno o como proyecto educativo, no significa un paso adelante y sí puede representar varias décadas de retorno al pasado ominoso. Pronto veremos de qué tamaño será la empinada cuesta que deberán remontar los españoles en los siguientes años y generaciones, después del cambio prometido. Hoy ellos, mañana otros, de eso no quede duda.



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28 thoughts on “Lecciones ajenas

  1. 2A Daniela Moctezuma García

    Spain really is having a very bad economic situation.

    We should learn from what happens in other countries.

    To achieve a better country.

    And don´t make the same mistakes.

  2. Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A

    I think, Government should do what it promises.
    Mexico isn´t only country with problems.
    We must change before we won´t can.
    Today they, Tomorrow others.

  3. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A

    As mexico other countries have a lot of problems.
    For example Spain is having a lot of troubles about economy.
    Like you say, having a master degree or a good education is difficult because sometimes is so expensive.

  4. Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B

    the situation is very trizte really, but I think that giving us more strength deve to get ahead of these situations

  5. J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A

    Is very important the comparative than gives, Doctor.
    In Mexico occur equal, the jobs to students that finish an career are scarce.
    I think that the problem be in the goverment.
    I agree with you Doctor.

  6. Jose Eduardo Cortes Cernas 2B

    I see that things are really bad in Spain.
    I hope that does not happen to us.
    We have to do something to not reach that point.
    We have to change things now that we can.

  7. 2 D Christian Daniel Rentería García

    All the problems are originated by the goberment.
    We need to solve the problems from the center of it.
    This is a sad situation but we have to get use to it.
    If just a matter of time.

  8. Víctor Iván López González 2A

    Currently Spain has a hard time.

    So happens when a president does not do his work.

    Almost every president does not mind his country.

    I hope and Spain improve in the future.

  9. Alonso Hernandez 2A

    hello goodnight Doctor

    University investment has declined markedly and enrollment rates for students has risen to 20%. Masters prices have gone through the roof and most of the population access to the University has been made ​​virtually impossible.

    truth that this country is going through difficult times
    both moral and economic
    I hope to stop the errors and keep the promises

  10. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    That happens all the time here
    They just do the superficial part
    The other stuff it doesn’t care
    It is inevitable

  11. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA

    It is good to compare, to improve.

    Although Spain has a little problem.

    I believe that all countries have the same problem, but less severe.

    Thanks for sharing the mail contains interesting information.

  12. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2ºA

    Any country have problems.
    For Spain is a problem cerium.
    A country as spain give much talk give.
    Difficult time.

  13. David Toledo Zúñiga 2B

    I think that the problem be in the goverment.
    The things are really bad in Spain.
    Mexico is not only country with problems.
    I agree with you Doctor.


    A number of analytical papers and read messages, shared a portion of a colleague cporreo Tenerife. The Spanish government socialistic labor party.


    Governments have a little guilt forever.
    I think this is part of the crisis that exists in the world now see that Mexico is not the only thing wrong ay other countries that are falling down and governments must put the batteries so that the same people are suspicious and

  16. Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D

    Sadly maybe tomorrow be us.
    The last elections were an example of regressing.
    The governments have lost all shame.
    Corruption has reached its limit.

  17. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 2 B

    I think the whole world is wrong.
    We must be intelligent.
    Government in Mexico is not good.
    In Mexico, the government only thinks about their own good.

  18. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 2B

    I see that it México has problems and also in other countries aren’t the exception.
    Spain had a fall on his economy, and it has difficulted his progress.While they have a bad government, never they will have a progress. Spain needs help to overcome this situation.

  19. José de Jesús Jiménez García

    The problems in Spain are bigger than in Mexico.
    I’m so sad to see a student studying truncated.
    As I’ve said, the people have, only what the people deserve.
    I hope the situation improves in Spain.

  20. Erick Donaldo Arceo "2D"

    I think that the must of problems are originated by the goberment.
    We should learn from what happens in other countries.
    I think that isn’t possible do him must if he didn’t his promise.
    Thats a big example of we don’t have to do.

  21. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 2ºD

    Education everywhere is very wrong.

    The small piece of mail that has shown very interesting.

    Struck me what it says on services, health and education.

    As much as politicians or school leaders promise change but not obvious.

  22. Edsel Barbosa 2"D"

    The Spanish government is going right day
    by one of its greatest crisis, trying to
    impoder idealism, for this very reason, Mexico has
    to learn, not to fall in the same game

  23. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 2°A

    The rulers should fulfill what they say.
    would solve many problems of the country.
    If the government would work well all different.
    The most serious problem is the corrupccion.

  24. Jonni Eduardo

    I feeling wrong by it than dried in España.
    Mistake by president than not faces situation.
    Not lose the hope.
    Situation difficult hopefully recover.

  25. José Luis Garza Gallegos 2ºD

    – I cant’t believe that Spain recovers.
    – And the worse thing is that Mexico is not too far of that (or Mexico are worse?)
    – I wonder how is Greece today.
    – I heard that most of public greek goods was sold.

  26. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A

    The text is interesting.

    The problem to solver is corruption.

    The presidents of Mexico only act your benefit.

    They are only promises of rulers.

  27. Gerardo Borjas Carrillo 2°A

    -Should be a good country.
    -To not go through what is happening Spain.
    -We must put ourselves in their shoes a bit.
    -To reconsider and not fall into the same herror.

  28. Jever Amezcua García

    It really is a real economic crisis Spain.

    Spain did not think you were at those levels of economic crisis.

    This economic crisis left much of the population without studying.

    I hope and Mexico does not reach those levels as extreme as those being experienced Spain.

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