La noche aquella en que decidí leerlo, apenas lo tuve entre las manos no paré hasta terminarlo. Bueno, casi no pare. La cosa iba muy bien, pero está claro que nada ni nadie es perfecto, menos un libro. Y eso me sucedió leyendo las “Memorias de un amante sarnoso” de Groucho Marx. La cosa fue más o menos así.
La primera parte transcurrió entre risas ahogadas y carcajadas solo amortiguadas por los gritos de la sala donde mi familia miraba la televisión. Desde la dedicatoria ya resulta un destello de la genialidad humorística y literaria del autor: “Este libro fue escrito durante las prolongadas horas que pasé aguardando a que mi esposa acabara de vestirse para salir. En este sentido, si nunca se hubiera puesto nada encima, jamás se habría escrito este libro”.
Con supremo deleite fui pasando las hojas y disfrutando las singulares historias. En la primera de las cinco partes, L’amour, la gran diversión, ni una sola de las fantasías de Marx abren espacio para dejar de reírse, de lo contado y del personaje, su mismo sufrido autor. A decir verdad, tampoco en las otras. Y así fueron desgranándose las partes con sus relatos: Historia innatural del amor, Ecos de sociedad por un paria de la sociedad y Lo que ocurrió a otros ocho mamarrachos. Aquí, en la última historia de la cuarta parte, mi ánimo cambio para experimentar una grave lesión en el sentimiento mexicano, desconocido aun en las peores batallas deportivas, como empatar con la poderosa selección de Jamaica en el Estadio Azteca.
Para ser francos, ni siquiera ver perder a la selección mexicana contra Estados Unidos, o que Vicente Fox haya exhibido la banda presidencial durante seis años me produjo tanto malestar como la historia de los cuatro hermanos Marx, martirizados por las terribles comidas grasientas de una cocinera mexicana en perdida estación texana de ferrocarril y su hija, Pepita, poco agraciada por la belleza, a juzgar por su descripción: “Sus encantos exteriores comprendían una serie de dientes torcidos, un busto oblicuo y una nariz que parecía un mapa en relieve de los Andes superiores… constituía un desafío al que ningún hombre sano habría intentado responder”.
Pero la fealdad de la tal Pepita no me incomodó; creo haber visto especímenes peores, y estoy seguro que los habrá en todas partes. Fueron las diatribas contra la gastronomía popular mexicana las que me provocaron una irritación como si estuviera comiendo la asquerosidad retratada, por ejemplo: la especie de café, dice, es achicoria mezclada con un poco de arcilla. Los efectos del menú fueron letales en los hermanitos Marx: “El miércoles por la noche los efectos acumulativos de aquella dieta latina empezaron a hacerse sentir. Apenas podíamos dormir en medio del concierto de gruñidos, gorgoteos, maldiciones extrañas y otros sonidos bestiales que resonaban en la habitación.”
El relato habría sido maravilloso si Groucho Marx hubiera elegida otra nacionalidad para la cocinera y su espantosa hija, pero eligió mexicana y a mí me atoró la lectura. Pasada la molestia retorné con menos brío para la última parte, llamada “Filosofía marxista, según Groucho”. Supongo que estará tan apetecible como el resto, pero no me supo igual. Entonces tomé una decisión que nunca había tomado. Con las tijeras escolares de Mariana Belén corté todas las páginas, de la 171 a la 181, donde se pudo leer “El que tuvo que echarse al ruedo”. Estoy seguro que un día regresaré al libro y volveré a reír, pero ahora sin sobresaltos provocados por mi inusitada y maltratada mexicanidad.
Igual de sencillo debería ser eliminara aquello que nos molesta en el vivir, cosas dentro nuestro y aquellas que nos afecta, a pesar propio. Interesante lección.
Saludos Juan Carlos.
Gerardo Alfaro
Es una delicia leer sus comentarios Maestro. Salud para que nos siga deleitando con sus relatos…
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Gerardo!
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A
Cause me Curious the book. 😀
Someday I’d like to read the book.
I like how it is that speech about the book.
2A Daniela Moctezuma García
Each that showing such comments, I realize that is a very cultured person.
I quite liked this story.
True, women took many times to dress.
I think would be interesting to read this book.
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
I like to comment on his reading, is very interesting.
I liked the little story about the book.
I understand that taking behavior.
Thanks for writting your blogs are very interesting.
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
Books are a good way of live other lives.
We should read more for feel new experiences.
Books as all are imperfect.
Nothing is more painful that draw with Jamaica.
David Toledo Zúñiga 2B
I hadn’t heard of that book.
I find funny what you sayd of the book.
I wouldn’t be one of the Mary brothers.
I will look for that book.
It’s good to read comic books when we like more encourage reading
clear but they are good books, that its content is appropriate humorous
I think that is the part where you get into the habit of reading these books,
very good story is always a pleasure to read their stories
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
It has been an interesting experience along the last semester. Your blog is a different view of the education problems. We should know and get interest about our society reality. I think than all my classmates are more aware about our society.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
Books are great as a hobbie.
I think we should have to read more offten.
There are some many good books to read and learn something.
It looks like an interesting book.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 2 B
This author never has eaten mexican food.
All woman is beautiful.
For me it is an insult say to a woman “ugly”.
So I don’t like this book.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
It gives me sadness.
But even more than the Mexicans themselves are despise.
We humble us with words like “Indian”.
Not defend their culture and traditions.
Sadly, we aren’t pride to be mexicans.
J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A
The book is interesant.
I think that is very important that we practice the read.
Your Book it very funny.
Thanks for write, doctor.
Jose Eduardo Cortes Cernas 2B
I hope someday to read that book.
I can not believe that some people believe that being Mexican is bad.
We should be proud of who we are.
Also to recognize our roots and be proud of that.
2 D Christian Daniel Rentería García
I wish I could read that book someday.
Most of the people think that Mexico is a poor country.
We need to demostrate what we can do.
Be proud of our culture.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
There are many interesting books.
I love to read and discover new things.
Each book is a world devemos explore.
Not everyone likes the same things.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 2B
I never have seen that book, it looks interesting.
Someday I will read it.
I would like do the things simple as you do it.
I don’t have liked the part of la nacionality, the how Groucho Marx takes the mexicans in his story.
Alonso Hernandez 2A
you right is very funny
about all their themes , is a joke all
the fut bol
the president
the best is your selecction of your books
I think so are very good
enjoy thoses.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2ºA
I think all person you have their form of think.
books are to the thought.
no all is as is want.
good topic.
José de Jesús Jiménez García
I will consider this book someday.
Books are also of life, a good education.
Things that do not work, you have to get them out of life.
Thank you for this amazing post.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 2ºD
The dedication of this book is rare for a book, but it shows that no matter the exit of the everyday.
I found this book interesting and guistaria me a chance to read it someday.
The beauty of a woman is not only outside but inside but many women are uglier inside than outside.
Mexican meals are tasteful but not all are like that, and this story shows an example.
Edsel Barbosa 2"D"
Admiration caused me to see, as with a simple
Comment can be described roughly
(In a bad way), as a country, its gastronomy,
the appearance of the people, not relied upon by the
author to describe the woman as well.
Jonni Eduardo
Your lecture the book is funny
Your commentary is positive and attractive.
The equal form not like the ofense mexicana.
Last different better.
José Luis Garza Gallegos 2ºD
– If author still alive we could show to him that mexican food isn’t bad.
– Yes, take scissors was and excellent movement.
– What bad taste gave that chapter.
– Why is necesary to mock our neighbor to laugh?
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
Its funny how marx makes a joke about how much time took his wife to get dressed.
Looks like an interesting lecture.
like the example that we can see in this book, there are many stereotipes for our country.
Jever Amezcua García
It has attracted interest from reading that book.
Although it does not seem right that the author offends our nationality.
I think these are the items that I like.
Because small sample reading parts of books that I find interesting.