Diario 2015


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

La gran ventaja que tenemos los ciudadanos es que un candidato que ya gobernó o legisló no nos puede convencer con discursos. En esos casos la cosa es más fácil. Perdonen la coloquialidad. Los hechos, sus actos, la congruencia entre palabras y acciones es la prueba de fuego. De nada sirve que nos hable de su honestidad a prueba de balas (en verbos huecos), cuando las acusaciones reales no fueron respondidas ni siquiera atendidas. De poco sirve que diga todo lo que impulsará, cuando, pudiendo hacerlo, hizo caso omiso o volteó al otro lado. Y así, al infinito en las situaciones que contrastan lo que hoy dicen con sus hechos del pasado más o menos reciente. Con ellos, repito, la elección es menos incierta.

Claro, los masoquismos y fundamentalismos están a salvo de argumentos razonables.

Ante los candidatos nuevos en la cuestión pública, la decisión es más complicada. Pero tampoco tanto. Bastan pocos dedos de inteligencia para advertir la honestidad y la charlatanería, si se lee entre líneas, se conversa, se les escucha en radio o en vivo, se lee la prensa y atiende al rigor. Aunque hay casos que se mutan o disfrazan, su inteligencia no es mucho mayor que la nuestra, del ciudadano común.


Lo que comenzó siendo (sigue) un proyecto de experimentación en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura, gracias a las redes sociales se ha vuelto un grato coloquio con lectores que, en su mayoría, conozco, pero a los que se suman nuevos. Me refiero a la escritura de mi Diario 2015, con el cual me propuse escribir una página, o un trocito cada día. Mi audiencia inicial era yo mismo; luego decidí circularlo en redes sociales y hoy, más de 120 páginas después, tengo la fortuna de un puñado de lectores que me conceden tiempo y, en ocasiones, sus palabras estimulantes.

Los proyectos de esta naturaleza podrían hacerse solos, pero con la compañía como termómetro, se convierten en un aliciente extra.

¡Sigamos, entonces!

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16 thoughts on “MANUAL PARA EL CIUDADANO 3

  1. 2a Victor Raul Pulido Mendez

    1- it is truth that former rulers can’t longer convince the people with their proposals.

    2- The candidates promise a lot, but do not comply.

    3- it is often projects are left unfinished.

    4- I hope that the citizens of Colima choose a good ruler.

  2. 2D Christian Lau Heredia

    1.-It is true the fact that the projects that he says that he will do, aren’t reliable at all.
    2.-Nowadays this charges are about the money.
    3.-Some politicians are not prepared for their positions.
    4.-Young now cease to believe in politics at an early age .

  3. 2D Isaias Antonio Orozco Rios

    1.-the public in general need more of these manuals jaja

    2.-people are ceasing to believe in politicians , that’s progress

    3.-you must know how to discern the words of politicians

    4.-we’ll see who will take the reins of the state

  4. 2A Ostil Adrian Pedraza Dolores

    1.- In my opinion the people generally vote for being “faithful” to the party and do not mind the candidate.

    2.- I think a good governor, would be the one truly strives to move forward to Colima.

    3.- I think the governors should spend money on works such as parks, sports facilities and no bridges or streets are already paved.

    4.- I hope that the next governor will succeed to advance to Colima

  5. 2A Luis Arturo Luna Guendulain

    1-.Trust who failed ? I think no

    2-.Believe that a candidate only because it will fulfill new proposals would be a serious mistake.

    3-.But because believe someone just because we’ve never seen fail?

    4-.Think better in reasonable proposals can be met and not on the miraculous .

  6. 2B Luis Armando Duran Vega

    1.-It’s common to see candidates talking a lot but there’s not any congruence with his acts.

    2.-An exemplar candidate could be a person who is not interested on hiself. He would rather be a leader who is honest and humble

    3.-It’s complicated to choose a candidate, in my opinion, I would choose Independent candidates, Just trying to do a difference between the biggers.

    4.-I really appreciate your work Mr.Yañez, To be honest, Sometimes i visit your blog to read about your opinions and points of view.

  7. 2 A Rafael Ramírez Rodríguez

    1.- We need to do a good choise with our representatives.
    2.- I agree with your opinion.
    3.- Thanks to your diary, i can read a entertaining but mature opinion.
    4.- I hope what our future goverment do the things right.

  8. 2B Abraham Morales Inurreta

    It occupies more knowledge people
    every time progresses more people
    one must learn when to lie a political
    to help ourselves

  9. 2B Eduardo Antonio Reyes Carvajal

    1)we would have the freedom to propose to our government , not that they be proposed.
    2)we are far from be a free and sovereign country.
    3)We are creators of our own destiny .
    4)Politicians are known only when they need the job they want.

  10. 2B Luis Gabriel Romero Cervantes

    1.- In this case we can applicate an action value more than one thousand of words.
    2.-Your point of view about this topic is important because gave us details about the political in this times.
    3.- The words the wind leave but the actions they´re important.
    4.-Thank you so much for share your points and thinking.

  11. 2a Ivan Alejandro Bautista Bonilla

    It’s true, we can know it after of their government time.

    I am used that the candidates lie.

    I hate their commercial of politic in the social network and page.

    The social networks help us to that other people look or visit our page.


    i think we need to know and make our own idea obout politics.
    we are now higher and we dont trust in fairy tales.
    we are the ones that have the power we can take them off from the power.
    the thing is that while we say “democratic country” it actually isn’t.

  13. 2D Osorio Alcala Jonathan

    1.- In this case we can applicate an action value more than one thousand of words.
    2.- we are far from be a free and sovereign country.
    3.- It occupies more knowledge people.
    4.- The social networks help us to that other people look or visit our page.

  14. 2D Méndez Hernández Germán Eduardo

    1.- there are people who still believe him past governors
    2.- their wrongs deeds are what lead to misfortune
    3.- They should have governors who really want their people to upport
    4.- I think the work you do is really cool

  15. 2D Aldo

    Politicians think they can convince people just by talking about things that probably aren’t going to be done, the worst part is that there’s people who actually believe in those words, just because they are not informed enough.
    People need to be informed, because if they are informed they can take a decision on their own opinion, not on the things they are told.

  16. severo iglessias jimenez 2A

    1.- I likes this story.
    2. certain things that speaks this note and
    3. I like to read these notes.
    4. but I do not like comments

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