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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

No me obsesiona mirar el vaso medio vacío, o solo los lados oscuros de la luna. No soy un pesimista por naturaleza, pero tampoco me gustan los elogios ditirámbicos de los gobernantes (y sus cortesanos) a sus propios actos y obligaciones. Me corrijo: no sólo no me gustan, me parecen intolerables en sociedades maduras, responsables, es decir, democráticas. Prefiero que los gobernantes gobiernen sin montar sus fastuosos aparatos de comunicación (y cooptación) para propagar sus bondades; y cuando llegue el momento de los informes, que los gobernados los califiquemos, de preferencia, con criterios más allá de los colores partidistas y los juicios baratos que alientan la necesidad de cuidar el empleo, la zalamería o la incapacidad para discernir entre deberes y derechos.

Estas reflexiones vienen a propósito de estas fechas de informes y mundos color caramelo. Mientras leo que todo son primeros lugares, números más promisorios, más acciones que nunca, más beneficiados, más apoyos, más, más… ya no acierto a pensar si vivo en mi país (o un estado mexicano) o en Helsinki.

Pienso, y pregunto, por qué los ceremoniales de ese tipo no se suprimen y dan paso a otros, lejos del culto a la personalidad, menos fastuosos y más inteligentes porque consideren a la ciudadanía más inteligente. Cómo hacerlos exactamente, no lo sé. Pero no más farsas. Pregunto, por ejemplo, por qué los informes gubernamentales no explican cosas como las que listo a continuación: cuántos crímenes no se aclararon; cuántos millones de pesos se despilfarraron en obras mal construidas o reconstruidas; cuántos pacientes murieron en los hospitales (para darle sentido a los datos de los informes: cuántas camas de hospital más se sumaron en el año) por problemas de la burocracia médica, presupuestos insuficientes o malas prácticas; cuántos burócratas deben trabajar más y mejor; cuántos millones de pesos se gastan en ceremoniales, representaciones, fiestas; cuántas de las gestiones realizadas en los viajes de promoción de hace uno, dos años fueron reflejadas en inversiones de pesos y centavos; cuánto crecieron sus riquezas personales calculadas en salarios mínimos, para dar una idea de la proporción (o desproporción) entre ellos y los que menos ganan; cuántos pobres y miserables más se sumaron en el sexenio y cómo se resolverá el problema en diez o quince años (no sólo cuántas becas y despensas).

No sé si la información que comento arriba, como muestra, sea relevante, pero podría ser útil para darle sentido a los datos rimbombantes que se presumen o para poner en perspectiva prioridades y superficialidades, mentiras e inexactitudes.

Por supuesto, no estoy contemplando que gobernar tenga sentido solo como plataforma para brincar a otro puesto, o para promocionar a sus coequiperos, o para su lucimiento personal. Estoy creyendo que se gobierna para los otros. Pienso en que los gobernantes gobiernen primero para los que menos tienen, y que a partir de allí, se empuje el desarrollo del conjunto de la sociedad, y no como ahora, en que por goteo se pretende bajar la riqueza tan armónicamente distribuida entre unos pocos.

Sí, creo que estas formas no son corrientes en el país, y que ponerlas en práctica implican transformaciones tan radicales que no caben en el horizontes de las reformas que nada más cambian el disfraz del ogro y salpican discursos.

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  1. 1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio

    -Government never shows negative stadistics.
    -Indeed, they talk about the bright side of their actions only.
    -It looks like Politicians only do speeches.
    -I ask myself if Yañez knows why there is people writing english sentences on his posts.

    1. arthur edwards

      Very well written!

  2. 1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martínez

    – The reports governments not explain as are.

    – There are many things wath the people not know .

    – I think what the reports should show to it is and causes and the solution of the problems.

    – Put the forms in practice, imply transformations as radical and all its revelation.

    1. arthur edwards

      Very nice work! Thank you!

  3. 1J Isaac Méndez Amaro

    -Excelent article very interesant.
    -We need open more the eyes.
    -The mexican’s government need a depuration.
    -The mexican people haven’t many information of their government.

  4. 1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela

    • Yañez prefer governors that do a good job for the country, that waste their time in publicity about their obligations.
    • Yañez is in disagreement with the political farces
    • Politicians never report the real results that they obtain in their periods
    • Yañez says that the correct way to govern a country is work for the people, and not for own interests

  5. 1J 1J María Conchita Santana Ochoa

    -The politics only think in their benefits.
    -Each day grow up more the poverty, the rich people have more money and the politics spend a lot of money.
    -The first days of the campaign the candidates promise things they never met.
    -I dont want imagine how will be the next years.

  6. 1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez

    1.- The government should actually show negative statistics just so that people can get an idea of how things are in the country.
    2.- I think they don’t show these statistics because they want to keep the people calm and make them think the country is progressing when in reality it isn’t.
    3.- I agree that governors should govern for those who have less.
    4.- The government only tries to look good to everyone and they don’t care about anything else.

  7. 1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez

    1- The people needs a government honest.
    2- Mexican people doesn’t know a lot of things about the government.
    3- The government waste and steal a lot of money in campaigns and publicity.
    4- We need open the eyes about what is happening in Mexico.

  8. 1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio

    – The great majority of the rulers including the current president, just think about what they believe beneficial for the country but never stop to think how it will affect.
    -The reports by prettiest look, should not believe everything that occurs in them.
    -I hope some day and can give a clear report of what has been done and not what is going to do.
    -too true the words of Professor Carlos yañez.

  9. 1J Ramirez Urcino Pablo Alejandro

    *The president ago much show.
    *He asks, why the government reports do not explain all things.
    *The rulers only work for your benefit.
    *Yañez sees other way of interpret reforms.

  10. 1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo

    -Mexico needing one governor more responsible and dutiful.
    -I agree, the government needing give more help the people.
    -The government spend more in a report and advertising before education.
    -The government even haven’t improved economy citizen.

  11. 1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez

    -I am also nonpartisan, and in my view should be centralized governments in low-income people.
    -The government will change when people want.
    -Apparently there will never be democracy.
    -Perfect points to ponder and try to make a change.

  12. 1E- Jazmin Moreno Hernandes

    -The reports rather than give bad news good
    -No reports complete give
    -Ocultan Many things that people do not know.
    -Reports Facing shame and Statistics

  13. 1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza

    -government reports are not what’s really happening in the country
    -Yañez is in disagreement with the political farces
    -I hope some day the things change in the country
    -we should do something soon

  14. 1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando

    •The dog will always try to take your food when you do not look at him.

    •The politics are the dog and our welfare is the food.

    •I said it many times: If i had to die to make my people raise then kill me one hundred times.

    •The suited man it is looking for his own raise.

  15. 1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla

    I think the most important mission of a governor should be working to fulfill their promises and not presume to achieve them.
    It is sad that so much emphasis in the reports given to a few things when there are many other do.
    I agree that “the rulers govern for those who have less, and from there, the development of the whole of society push”.
    It seems a utopia make governments work correctly.

  16. 1k Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero

    >bread and circuses. you can not expect more from a Mexican politician…and the government in general also.
    >politicians hide information that affects the image of their governments.
    >the government is accustomed to mental blindness of the people.
    >the government has always hidden information.

  17. 1J Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Santillan

    -Government people are stealers.
    -The Government just want “a lot of **** Money”. (not always)
    -The politicans in Mexico are there because they have Friends there.
    -We can improve the political system.

  18. 1°J Juan Antonio Rivera María

    -The government will never give clear accounts.
    -The government only shines a good side.
    -They spend the people’s money in parties or campaigns.
    -A ruler must see for the people.

  19. 1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon

    1.The culture in mexico is falling
    2.We need a better goverment
    3.The facts to my point arent very real
    4.The goverment neet to make public the real statement of our country

  20. 1J Yabin Alain Cinta Montelongo

    *The rulers only work for your benefit.
    *Perfect points to ponder and try to make.
    *Mexico needing one governor more responsible and dutiful.
    * I hope some day the things change in the country.

  21. 1J Jesús Alejandro Chavarría

    -Politicians will always be this way, they try to cheat us, controll us.
    -They only show us the “good” part.
    -I support his opinion about government.
    -We need to know how this kind of people try to blind us with “good” news.

  22. 1K Esteban Armando Brizuela Castillo

    -Always must the two face of the coin.
    -The government have or maintains the control?
    -I hate as gobern to the all people.
    -Peña Nieto not a good leader.

  23. 1J Jose Banda Espindola

    We need a government honest.
    Mexico is increasingly bad.
    The people should make a change.
    Only talk about pretty things.

  24. 1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza

    _The author disagrees with the Government presumed on the things that supposed to make.
    _The Government does not speak clearly about things that are actually happening in Mexico.
    _The Government only shows the good side.
    _Yanes mentions that you should first help that they need it more and then going to development in general to which I agree.

  25. 1K Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres

    1.- The rulers do not change their form of government that does not suit them.

    2.- Wealth has always been that the top touches them all and turn them slightly below.

    3.-I agree with you teacher what they should say in government reports.

    4.-Unfortunately we have always played well and governors do not think that will change in a long time.

  26. 1K Leonel Arroyo Elizarraraz

    There are many things wath the people not know.
    I dont want imagine how will be the next years.
    Politicians never report the real results that they obtain in their periods.
    They say only the good news and not the bad thing that happened, at the time of the report.

  27. 1K Juan José AndradeAguilar

    -The politics will never show you their “bad actions”.
    -If we dont do anything, this is not gonna change.
    -Also before we say something, we need to put the example first.
    -We need to take a look to our governors.

  28. 1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura

    – Like everything there are good and bad leaders
    – There are rulers starting with the least have them and others do encuenta
    – Some make very large works and sometimes not so much needed by the community and sometimes they do not give to the needy
    – It’s good to know how gebernante it takes or is more necessary for the community

  29. 1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva

    -I agree, the government needing give more help the people.
    -I hope some day the things change in the country
    -I support his opinion about government.
    -Government people are stealers.

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