Anoche en Manzanillo tuve el privilegio de presentar mi libro “Aprendiendo a enseñar. Los caminos de la docencia”. Fue una velada más que especial, organizada por la Fundación UCOL, bien representada en el puerto por el maestro José Martín Torres Ríos; el marco fue también gratísimo, con la hospitalidad del director y su equipo de trabajo en la Escuela de Gastronomía y Turismo de la Universidad de Colima.
La alineación se completó con tres comentaristas de lujo: el rector de la Universidad Tecnológica de Manzanillo, Miguel Santana; la encargada de asuntos académicos en el CET del Mar, Luz María García, y el investigador universitario de la Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Aramis Olivo.
La concurrencia fue estupenda, estimulante, diversa por edades y procedencias, de Manzanillo y Cihuatlán. Grata porque me permitió reencontrar viejos conocidos, e igualmente emotiva porque asistieron profesores que no conocía de distintas instituciones educativas públicas y privadas. Una noche personalmente inolvidable.
Hoy 27 de agosto se cumplen cinco meses de que saliera por primera vez el libro a las manos de ya un buen número de lectores. Fue un 27 de marzo cuando, nervioso y emocionado, acudí a la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, la casa de los maestros mexicanos, para la primera presentación. Y a esa, felizmente, se sucedieron muchas más (perdonen la expresión) de las esperadas, calculadas o soñadas, todas singulares y memorables. En el Tec de Monterrey, en Café de Luna, en el ISENCO Tecomán, en la Jornada del Libro Universitario Altexto…
Cinco meses de feliz peregrinación por aulas y espacios varios, encontrándome con profesores y muchos estudiantes que me regalan pequeñas historias almacenadas en el baúl de las emociones íntimas y las satisfacciones profesionales. Recuerdo un puñado de ellas, pero no quiero abusar. En Tecomán un par de estudiantes me recibieron afuera del auditorio con el libro en la mano. Una de ellas lo había leído ya y me contó que lo estaba usando en su tesis. Anoche una directora de secundaria compró cinco libros y me pidió que los dedicara. ¿A quién se los dedico? Pregunté. A nadie en especial, los quiero rifar entre mis profesores, respondió con una gran sonrisa.
Trozos como esos van dando cuerpo a un cúmulo de sensaciones y emociones que cada día vuelven más entrañable un libro con respuesta inesperada pero, sobre todo, me van haciendo cobrar cabal conciencia del enorme privilegio de la profesión educadora que elegí.
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-Yañez definetly enjoyed the book presentation day.
-It looks like Yañez is working in many books now.
-He met old friends on the presentation day, as weel as people he didn’t met before.
-His book is being used for a thesis.
1J David de Jhesus Vargas Banda
•Yañez was on Manzanillo.
•His book went out five months ago.
•That night is unforgettable for Yañez.
•Yañez is proud of his profession.
1j - Juan Enrique Delgado Martinez
-Yañez vitited manzanillo last night.
-Yañez show them one of his books.
-He said “personaly one unforgetable night”.
-He liked the holpitality of the people.
Mario Rendón y Lozano
Bueno el libro en cuestión tiene desde mi punto de vista algunas virtudes que lo hacen objetó de estudio. No se trata de ningún tratado de pedagogía cargado de teorías densas y tortuosas.
Su lenguaje es claro y fundamenta hasta dónde es necesario. Conciso y sin rodeos lleva a los que ejercemos la docencia a reflexionar una y otra vez acerca de como lo estamos haciendo y sobre todo como podemos mejorar nuestro trabajo.
En la Escuela de Artes Visuales de la Universidad de Colima ya hicimos un ejercicio con los profesores de la planta docente de análisis y reflexión para mejorar nuestro desempeño y apreció un cambio en buena parte de los maestros.
Aquí una felicitación al Dr. Yáñez y nuestros mejores deseos para que se siga difundiendo.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Aprecio infinitamente sus palabras maestro Rendón.
Un abrazo fraterno!
1J 1J María Conchita Santana Ochoa
*It is a great satisfaction to have writers like the teacher Yañez.
*It is a good idea from the director to give the teachers some books.
*Yañez must to have a lot of more histories that can tell us.
*I hope some day can go to some of his presentation and have some of his books.
1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela
• The book had a great acceptation among the people.
• Yáñez enjoyed the presentation and the great moments that it gave to him.
• Is good that prepared people as the Doctor Yáñez write about the art of the education.
• I listened about his book, the clear language, the strong foundations and the reflection that brings you of the education.
1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez
1.- I am glad that your book had a lot of success and that you had a great time in the presentation.
2.- It is good that you got to meet a lot of people different professors from different institutions.
3.- I haven’t read your book but I’m sure it is worth the reading.
4.- I think your work should be recognized by everyone in the country.
1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez
-It is a good writer therefore deserves a good welcome.
-Many people love what you write.
-We hope that soon you can write a new book
-Living with more people also do better writer.
1E Eduardo Angel De León Garcia
-Is good know old known.
-Expose a book it’s great because open new forms of think.
-know new people help to add new memories to our life.
-Live new emotions is very great, something more that count.
1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martínez
– Juan Carlos Yañes Velazvco presented its book learn at teach in manzanillo.
– Today 27 august it’s meet 5 months of what out for first time the book at the hands.
– In tecoman one pair of students me received out of auditory with the book in the hand.
– One student uses this book for thesis.
1J Yabin Alain Cinta Montelongo
-Yañez presented his new book “Aprendiendo a Enseñar. Los Caminos de la Docencia”
-It is a good idea from the director to give the teachers some books.
-know new people help to add new memories to our life.
-He liked the holpitality of the people.
1J Pablo Alejandro Ramírez Urcino
*Juan Carlos presented your book in Manzanillo
*Yañes is very happy with his book
*He likes the comments of your book
*one student uses the book of Yañez for your thesis
1J Isaac Méndez Amaro
-Congratulations for your new book.
-Is good that to the people likes your book.
-Impresionant that a student uses this book for thesis.
-Good luk yañes whit your new book.
1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1- March 27 the day when Yañez public his book.
2- Yañez is to happy because his book.
3- The book is very popular and has many fans.
4- A lot of people talk with Yañez because the book.
1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio
-It was great to present her book in Manzanillo
-The best was that he met with old friends
-That was good sense of duty to make a book and people recognize it.
-It was the best choice to have chosen a profession that you like, a part of which is very good at it.
1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo
-Yañez present his book “learn a teach”.
-Yañez remembered the day of first book presented.
-Yañez enjoyed of presenting his book.
-This book was presented in Manzanillo.
1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza
-yañez presented his book “Aprendiendo a enseñar. Los caminos de la docencia”.
-It was special to attend to present his book
-The book is very popular and has many fans.
-March 27 the day when Yañez public his book.
1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando
•Since i was a child i wanted to be two men: A teacher and a president.
•When i star to grow up, i realice what corruption means. I leave my presidencial dream.
•Tired of having one option, i search for many different sides a way to fill that empty slot.
•I read books. The newspaper. The blogs. I can not compare me with you, sir. But i certainly can imagine all the euphoria you get.
Esta última se la regalo, con todo respeto… Como se tenía contemplado, esto empezó como un proyecto universitario. No dudo que previamente se haya anticipado a este comentario, pero, sí dudo que alguno de los estudiantes se tome la molestia de leer un buen escrito y llevarse algo más de lo que sabía antes de sentarse a ordenar las letras en su subconsciente. No voy a decirle que soy especial, ni que soy contrabandista, pero, al menos en este escrito y por este momento me hizo sentir que no estoy haciendo tarea, o en su defecto, que estoy disfrutando el hacerla.
Éxito en sus próximas publicaciones y mis felicitaciones por las ya hechas.
Juan Carlos Yáñez
Muchas gracias Fernando, eres muy gentil en tu confesión.
1J Jose Banda Espindola
Yañez presented a new book.
He was in Manzanillo at night.
Your book are such interesting.
They ask a lot about his books.
1J Jesús Alejandro Chavarría
-Yañez presented his book last night in Manzanillo.
-He met some old friends.
-He will never forget that night
-A student is using his book for her tesis.
1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza
_Yanez presented his new book in Manzanillo “Learning to teach. The ways of teaching”
_Yanez is apparently a good writer.
_His book is being used for a thesis.
_Many commentators were present.
1K Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres
1.-Congratulations teacher for the publication of his book.
2.-The book helps to improve the way teachers impart their knowledge.
3.-Professor Yañez published his book five months ago.
4.-Recently presented his book in the port of Manzanillo.
1K Juan José AndradeAguilar
-Yañez published his new book”Learning to teach. The ways of teaching” and he presented the last night in Manzanillo.
-The best way to leave something good for the future generations.
-Not everyone has the ability to publish your own book.
-I can feel the humility.
1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura
– Firstly congratulations sir for their dedication and effort
– I think it’s very difficult to create a book that you are a great profesionista
– When you grow a large book of good surprises
– You debiria rector