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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Leí con atención el capítulo “México con educación de calidad” del informe presentado por Enrique Peña Nieto hace dos semanas. Miento si digo que esperaba un documento con alguna valoración crítica de lo realizado o un atisbo de autocrítica, pero me quedé cortó en el escepticismo. Se trata de una complaciente recitación de logros, que muy poco contribuye en la valoración cualitativa del esfuerzo para cumplir lo pretendido con la “reforma educativa”.

La nota distintiva es un exaltado culto a los números, sin comparaciones analíticas de largo plazo, con repasos rápidos a las cuentas del año anterior, sin juzgar avances contra otros países o medidas internacionales. En síntesis, una colección gozosa de las buenas cuentas de dos años.

Al comenzar 2009 escribí un artículo que en pocas palabras definía mi balance anual en materia educativa. Lo recordé ahora porque entonces, en otro momento y con otro presidente, con otra correlación de fuerzas políticas, imperaba una relativa euforia, de esas que no permiten ver los árboles ni el bosque.

Como entonces, me gustaría ser optimista y afirmar, sin sombra de duda, que avanzamos en serio en materia educativa, que efectivamente vamos transitando lento pero firme hacia un estadio de desarrollo muy superior. Anhelaría que así fuera, especialmente por los 35 millones de niñas, niños, jóvenes y adultos que asisten a las escuelas en los distintos tipos educativos.

Entonces dije lo mismo que ahora suscribo: me gustaría creer con bases ciertas que el sistema educativo está resolviendo sus problemas de fondo, los estructurales, los que son origen de muchos de los males del aparato escolar. Quisiera pensar ilusionadamente que vamos hacia un sistema educativo nacional que cumpla ambas condiciones: que sea un sistema, es decir un conjunto integrado orgánicamente, y que sea nacional, con menos abismos entre estados y en su interior.

Cuando digo me gustaría, o quisiera, no pretendo señalar que todo esté perdido o podrido; pero los males son tantos que terminan por abrumar lo bueno que el país ha logrado construir en dos siglos de vida independiente. Me gustaría creer, imaginar, pensar que hemos transitado hacia un sistema escolar a la altura de los desafíos para colocarse, de a poco, en el panorama educativo mundial como una nación digna, que se respeta a sí misma para ser respetada por las otras, que efectivamente apostó a la educación y formó a todas y todos, convencida de que todos pueden ser educados porque todas y todos deben serlo. Que en su interior los ciudadanos crean en lo que se dice y no lo duden porque se habla con honestidad. Que maestros, directivos y estudiantes entreguen lo mejor de sí cada día, lejos de la simulación o la irresponsabilidad, del cinismo o la incompetencia. Me gustaría.

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  1. arthur edwards

    Para mejorar, hay que ser autocrítico. Desafortunadamente, gobiernos que manejan esquemas mediáticos o electoreros en todas sus comunicaciones, termina por engañar al pueblo en su auto-complacencia.

  2. 1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio

    -I never had to much expectations from the educational reform anyway.
    -Peña Nieto’s report surely is not as nice as the real facts are.
    -I guess we all are not agree with the government’s low advancements on education.
    -Government might be really cooking the books.

  3. 1J 1J María Conchita Santana Ochoa

    -The education has be more important for all the mexican.
    -A lot of childrens and teenegers dont have a basic education.
    -The students must be more responsabilices.
    -The objetives of the educational reform has not been achieved.

  4. 1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez

    1.- I think the government is just trying to look like they are doing a good job.
    2.- The education in Mexico unfortunately isn’t the same in the entire country making it impossible for some students to reach a true competitive level.
    3.- I think this problem would only be possible to get solved if the teachers and everyone else who is involved actually cared about what’s happening, including the students.
    4.- I would also like this problem to just disappear or at least part of it, I think this would bring everyone hope for a new Mexico.

  5. 1J Isaac Méndez Amaro

    -The education sistem in Mexico is obsolete.
    -The new educational reform is bad.
    -It will can improve in a future uncertain.
    -We need more information about the education sistem.

  6. 1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez

    1- The education in Mexico doesn’t look very well.
    2- The president only show the good things of his government.
    3- Many people in Mexico dont have basic education and that is a big problem.
    4- The Mexican government and the teachers and parents needs to resolve the problems about the education.

  7. 1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio

    -Good to know that education is moving ahead.
    -I think I too would like to become a national school system.
    -Or at least that’s what many people want for their children.
    -And I agree with Yañez on your point of view in education.

  8. 1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez

    -Him read the book “México con educación de calidad”.
    -The note distinctive is a over excited cultured a the numbers, In synthesize, at collection delighted of the goods counts of two years.
    -At begin 2009 writed a article that in littles words define my balance annual in matter eductive.
    -I Like to believe with bases trues that the sistema educative this to solve hir problems of background, the structural, the that is origin of mucus of the elvis of machine scholastic.

  9. 1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo

    -Yañez read book “Mexico with education of quality”.
    -I agree, the government haven’t given education of quality.
    -Yañez want better education in Mexico.
    -The education is paramount and the government has not improved education.

  10. 1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela

    • The report of education disappointed Yañez
    • Mexico has not advanced In educational matter
    • The educational system doesn’t solve his problems
    • Yañez is disappointed with the educational advance

  11. 1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez

    -Not everyone can have quality education but some teachers are good.
    -Each day students will be better and will try to change education.
    -Everybody expect the situation to change in education.
    -No reform gives what he has to give.

  12. 1E- Jazmin Moreno Hernandes

    -Wait To serve all new reforms in the educational environment
    -That will improve education
    -Complications which do not come and everything falls apart
    -Both as students and as teachers improve

  13. 1E López Morales Francisco Javier

    the government only says things about if whether they are true or false anyway the people always believed.

    President is the representative of our country and if we fail fails.

    the country be lifted only if all still flush with education.

  14. 1J Ramirez Urcino Pablo Alejandro

    *The system education is a lot best that before.
    *Mexico should have same system education.
    *Yañez would like a good system education.
    *The professors should give your most big effort.

  15. 1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando

    •We had woke up at the studies, but we have a very long way to beat.

    •Peña do not tell you what you do not want to hear.

    •The progress is waiting for us, we just have to take it.

    •I lose my hope a little bit more everyday i get to school. But there is a light. Is not?

  16. 1k Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero

    >Mexico’s government will never accept their mistakes.
    >like mr yañez to all students would like to know we’re getting a quality education.
    >I do not believe that the structural problems of the Mexican educational system will someday be resolved.
    >in spite of the problems in the education system is good to have hope for the future.

  17. 1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla

    I ask me “Mexico with quality education”, how the perception of who?
    I think the numbers are not the most important since they can lie, the more reliable are the results reflected in the population.
    I think we should not be satisfied with the dismal performance of the education system.
    Much work remains on educational reform to produce the expected results.

  18. 1J Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Santillan

    -The education sistem here, in Mexico needs to be better!
    -México has good students but no good teachers.
    -The people in Mexico should be more smart.
    -México has good education but it can be better!

  19. 1j Jose Manuel Gozalez Vazquez

    1-We have many problems in education.
    2-Think that one reason is the lack of work.
    3-The new education is bad.
    4-Students did not take school seriously.

  20. 1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon

    1.Mexico needs more decided people
    2.We need more autocritic
    3.Who decided that we have good education?
    4.The mexicans need more strong and be more decided

  21. 1 J Edgar Ivan Alcantar Guerrero

    -the government never wants to help people.
    -educational reform harms more than improving.
    -some teachers should teach more and stealing less.
    -the ignorance going to disappear when people will be really educated.

  22. 1J Yabin Alain Cinta Montelongo

    *Mexico should have same system education.
    *Yañez is disappointed with the educational advance.
    *Yañez want better education in Mexico.
    *The students must be more responsabilices.

  23. 1J Jesús Alejandro Chavarría

    -Peña Nieto tries to show us only the positive part of Mexico´s education system.

    -Politicians don’t care about this country, they only want the power and the money.

    -I believe that we, the students, can make a real difference, but without the support from politicians is very hard to progress.

    -Education is very important, more than wealth.

  24. 1K Leonel Arroyo Elizarraraz

    It is uncommon for a Government to accept their mistakes.
    Somehow President only shows the good face, although we all know the shortcomings of education.
    For the Government is easier if people are not prepared, so may they modify and do what they wantwith the country.
    With bad teachers, how expect the students to be first world.
    We need to know more about education as it organized trade unions, teachers, etc.

  25. 1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza

    _The Government’s action as if they do their job but just pretend.
    _Students want a better education but need to be more responsible.
    _The author you would like us to have a better education.
    _The new educational reforms are not so good.

  26. 1K Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres

    1. Mexico is progressing in the field of education.

    2.-The progress leading Mexico in the educational realm is slow but steady.

    3.-The country has enough capital to take economic adeltante everything related to education.

    4.-Mexico someday be a country in the ranking of countries with better education.

  27. 1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura

    – I guess we all are not agree with the government’s low Advancements on education.
    – The education in mexico not give it the importance that should be given
    – The systematic education in Mexico is obsolete.
    – Deverian think in the future and update the form of study for Mexican

  28. 1 k Luis Fernando Aguirre Reyes

    1.-The students must be more responsabilites.
    2.-The education has be more important for all the mexican.
    3.-A lot of childrens dont have a basic education.
    4.-will improve education.

  29. 1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro

    -Mexico has grown a lot in the past years in the education area
    -Mexico needs strengthen with more novelties.
    -In my opinion we need to improve the educacional system
    -Mexico could be the best in education if it have more dedication

  30. 1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva

    -The students must be more responsabilites.
    – I guess we all are not agree with the government’s low Advancements on education.
    -t is uncommon for a Government to accept their mistakes.
    -The new educational reforms are not so good.

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