Cuando en Colima empezó la ola de violencia que nos inunda, la cantaleta oficial repetía que éramos el estado más seguro del país. Tal vez no lo valoramos en su justa dimensión, pero más tranquilo sí que lo era. Algo se rompió al comenzar la segunda década del siglo en este otrora pacífico lugar. Las muertes violentas ocurrían solo en las carreteras, en los accidentes o en las fiestas populares, al calor de la discusión alcoholizado y las desavenencias personales. Algo se rompió y nacieron otros paisajes. Primero una muerte por ejecución delincuencial, trozos humanos hallados en bolsas negras y recados, secuestros, decapitados, tiroteos en las calles, en Colima capital, en Manzanillo, luego se fueron extendiendo por la geografía colimense. Aquellas muertes tuvieron la justificación que pronto dejó de surtir efecto: no eran de aquí las víctimas y los presuntos responsables, se decía, y no lo dudo. Los periodistas hablaron de “la hora de los ejecutados”, o algo así. Las fotos de nota roja ocuparon espacios de primera plana en algunos medios que encontraron en la sangre la oportunidad de elevar tirajes. Las imágenes macabras impresas en diarios primero sorprendieron y desconcertaron, hoy expresan los niveles de afectación social y psicológica. La muerte, los asaltos, las ejecuciones en las calles, en ciudades y pueblos, a plena luz del sol o en la oscuridad, la muerte violenta, en fin, se naturalizó, fríamente natural, como el calor colimense o el sol abrasador, compañía natural, como parte del paisaje. Algo se rompió y el temor inicial parece dar paso a otras conductas. No estamos como antaño, pero tampoco como al inicio de esta era sangrienta, aunque la escalada sigue. Para muestra: anoche agredieron una gasolinería, hoy la prensa habla de la muerte de un anciano sacerdote, del asalto en un banco de Tecomán, de la muerte de la niña secuestrada. Cierro el periódico, uno cualquiera. Es el menú de estos días, meses, años. Así estamos ahora, un poco ajenos hasta que no toca una vida cercana; un poco indiferentes, un poco indolentes, mientras los cimientos de esta ciudad, de este Estado, no recuperan la fortaleza, ni las calles su tranquilidad habitual. Nuestro sentido común está mutando peligrosamente. En conversación ajena escuché a alguien justificar el cuarto asalto a una gasolinería diciendo: “Es que –los dueños- no quieren dar dinero –a los extorsionadores”. ¿Cuánto más habrá que seguir en esta condición que mezcla resignación, impotencia, complicidad e indiferencia? Algo se rompió, sin duda, ¿cómo habremos de recomponerlo?
Roberto Banda Flores
Teacher, I believe that all this is linked with education,I see boys daily, I talk with them, And… They want not study, I teach them to copy and paste of wikipedia and that is all your homework.
The rest of time they are play in facebook or wherever.
The system of education eliminates students that not reach with goals of competition, Teacher ¿What do you think they do out of school? … I do not believe…. I see… They become in “cholos”.(the large quantity).
Is more easy quit one person out of education that search the solution of advance with us… I do not like the system.
Teacher, I do not believe this change, Our adapt to changes external and for this story.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias por compartirme esa liga Roberto. Saludos!
2A Daniela Moctezuma García
True, Colima before was a calm, now this between more dangerous.
Before they could go out without slope, now scary to walk alone for the street.
We are tired of extortion.
We are tired of alleged abductions. We want a better Mexico. With security.
Edsel Barbosa 2"D"
Jajaja, me da risa como hasta la fecha escucho a politicos
decir que Colima todavia es una ciudad segura, pero no cabe duda que no lo es
asi, puesto que mientras a personas las matan en plena luz del dia, la policia
tarda hasta media hora en llegar al lugar del crimen.
J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A
So is, Doctor, Colima already aren’t equal.
I think that wave of violence started because was said that Colima WAS the state more dependable and of people that has problem for be more dependable, they came to Colima also with the they had the problem also came to Colima and is where start this bloody wave.
Colima aren’t is dependable!!
I agree with your text Doctor. Regards!
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2ºA
Is easier killing a human that read a book
The delinquency is promoted by narco corridos and so games.
All bad begins in the home.
If in the home these ruined disengaged.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
I don’t have faith in humanity
That’s my new watchword
My ideology is to have nothing of confidence in the people
Until I know them of course
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 2 B
Is really worrying what is happening.
Is becoming more normal to pass these things.
I don’t trust in the government.
I sometimes think that is involved in many things.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A
Colima was one of the states most quiet.
Where will the world so violently?
The world is a mess
As trust in government?
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
It is sad to see in what became our state.
Most people who kill, are people who are unemployed or poor, because of the country’s economy and bad managers.
I remember not previously heard murder cases much less shootings in the streets.
In my opinion the government has contributed to the formation of offenders.
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
It is pitiful to see our city so bad.
I belive, Colima was best before.
We should sove that it´s break.
Life was best without so fear.
David Toledo Zúñiga 2B
Is true, things have changed in Colima.
Before it was not common to happen murder, robbery or any other crime.
Colima isn’t longer the safest in the country.
I think these things happen every day.
It is unfortunate that it came to this point in Colima.
Yet the government should take more precautions
not only as we are if not for how we can get
do not wait until it has more inseguriad, act once.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
It makes me get angry. Unfortunately Colima has been a small but energic state. Weakness won over the intelligence and poor people prefers violence than still working. Also, the government is associated with organized crime.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
Sadly colimenses only complain of the authorities but We do not do nothing for change ourselves.
Until something happens to our family we do not mind the pain of others.
It broke our conscience, we call evil good, and we call good evil
Until we love others as ourselves things will not change.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 2B
Colima isn’t it was before.
I and perhaps some people be tired of listen the same: “Colima is secure”.
It’s terrible the actual status in Colima.
Me too I think something is broken.
Jose Eduardo Cortes Cernas 2B
It is true that there is a lot of crime in Colima.
Truth politicians are doing little to solve it.
I hope the politicians can get to solve this problem.
I hope we can live in a Colima and a safer Mexico.
2 D Christian Daniel Rentería García
We have to be prepared for all.
We need more security.
We were a nice city before.
We have to do something before its to late.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
Personally I do not like to watch news because it will always evil.
They see the country unsafe.
Few good news.
They need to hear more good than bad, not scare people.
Alonso Hernandez 2A
hello good night
I think if the truth in Colima was once a very safe
unfortunately worse comes inseguiridad and problems
sento is not so much to assess or not assess whether rather not act and let things clear
exijir unify us as a society and peace
best regards
José de Jesús Jiménez García
Colima not the same as before.
The people of Colima is already accustomed to this.
Everyone in society must do their part.
And failure to note that, the government also.
Erick Donaldo Arceo "2D"
Well, I think that Colima is safe in comparison with other states.
The fault is of all because we let them do it, even thought the goverment doesn’t anything.
All the people is getting used to it.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 2ºD
In fact we were a calm and without many problems but all this has changed somewhat.
When started appearing all these events, decapitated, mutilated, kidnappings, etc.. was something of great impression.
When these events occur mainstream media saw great probechos to show notes of this unusual topic for us.
Is this really the beginning we appeared surprised by what happened, now we have become more normal and I do not pay much importance unless we come to that.
Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 2°A
It was said that the state Colima calmer.
Many things aren´t known.
People make people believe that all is well in the state.
Colima has changed a lot!
Jonni Eduardo
In colima had day en which is felt in the air dead.
Colima not is equal of safe than sad.
I agree with your something occurred.
This is disturbing because if this continues equal, where will we get?
José Luis Garza Gallegos 2ºD
– Can we?
– I don’t like the newspapers.
– I don’t like new on tv neither.
– I think other states are worse, isn’t it?
Gerardo Borjas Carrillo 2°A
-Really sad how people live in fear.
-That’s just unconscious people.
-Who feel no remorse for the loss of a citizen.
-That touches the misfortune of being a victim of these inhuman exterminators.
Jever Amezcua García
I lived in Pihuamo and I moved to Colima by crime and
insecurity but it seems that I am in the same situation as before.
It is increasingly fear it feels to walk the streets at night.
Since you can not trust anyone these days.
You can not go out at night with your friends as you have your parents awake and worried waiting get home.