Lo único que podría detener el imparable crecimiento de la matrícula en las instituciones de enseñanza privada es una severa crisis económica. O una reforma legal de otro calado que, por lo pronto, está fuera del horizonte.
La reforma educativa, dicen sus defensores, no promoverá la privatización de los servicios educativos. Algunos opositores o críticos sostienen lo contrario. Los argumentos de uno y otro bando allí están, más o menos sólidos, más o menos falsos.
Es verdad que la reforma no propone expresamente privatizar las escuelas de sostenimiento estatal, y no ensalza la introducción de mecanismos de mercado en los centros escolares. Pero tampoco hace falta, no hizo falta en el pasado, ni en el futuro.
La privatización no es una medida, es forma de concebir la educación, una actitud y un conjunto de instrumentos que se introdujeron tiempo atrás en la escuela y ya son tan ordinarios como los conceptos competitividad o excelencia. Es la visión que concibe a la escuela como una empresa, y al alumno o su familia como clientes.
En síntesis, la reforma educativa en marcha no propone privatizar las escuelas públicas, pero sí podría engrosar su matrícula en todos los niveles porque nada hizo para regularla y no definió mecanismos legales para impedir que cualquier persona o agrupación abran escuelas, universidades, instituciones, establecimientos o simples changarros expendedores de instrucción relativamente barata y de mala calidad.
En la educación posterior a la básica el problema es mucho más grave. La SEP o las secretarías estatales no pueden cerrar una escuela privada. Pueden no reconocer los estudios, o limitar que se abran carreras en ciertas áreas como sucedió en Colima con el Instituto José Martí. Sin embargo, un particular puede ofrecer una carrera profesional aun sin reconocimiento, y si los estudiantes quieren cursarla, es su responsabilidad. Hasta los diputados federales ya clamaron por elevar las sanciones para quienes falsifiquen títulos, pues con seis mil pesos, dijeron, se pueden obtener certificados.
De ese tamaño es el boquete legal que los gobiernos aprovecharon para alentar abierta o veladamente la apertura de esas escuelas que proliferan frente a la incapacidad (material, financiera o de voluntad) de las universidades públicas o de las escuelas de media superior.
Mientras los gobiernos apuesten a becar “para que nadie se quede sin estudiar”, y no apuntalen el fortalecimiento de la educación superior y media superior creando o ampliando sólidas instituciones, seguiremos observando otra forma de su privatización, la que privilegia en el acceso a quienes logran salvar las dificultades económicas y pueden terminar sus estudios, en general, aquellos en las posiciones más alta en la escala social. Un hecho incuestionable que, además, constituye la brutal negación del derecho humano a la educación.
Frente a estos problemas, la reforma educativa guardó ominoso silencio, aunque promete garantizar la calidad, imposible de consumarse en una sociedad democrática si se reserva a una proporción menor de la población, mientras a las mayorías les dispensa una mala o mediocre enseñanza.
mario rendon lozano
Una vez mas un artículo chiquito pero picoso. Encierra verdades graves porque se nos han hecho costumbre porque pareciera que es lo normal. Una educacion caotica y de bajo nivel.sin supervision real ni criterios serios con visión de largo plazo.
Mario Rendón y Lozano
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Estimado maestro Rendón, gracias por su comentario estimulante.
¡Un abrazo y feliz fin de semana!
2B Orlando Daniel Sotelo Cobián
The true is that I understand very little of all this, but I understand that this alone favors to that have a good level economic
In the personal, I need a scholarship for my studies (how you mention)
I can’t change this reality, but I do not want this for my sons
Needed more of a person for change, unfortunately people are not interested in all this
2a Anabel Cervantes Amador
The only thing that can stop educational institutions is a severe economic crisis.
still not well argued that there will be no privatization of educational services.
I personally do not see the school as a business, and the student or his family as customers.
We can make this change, to make a difference in thoughts.2
2B Juan Sánchez
you got all right, education shouldn´t and it cant be privatized, as the same that happens year by year about entry to the colleges. Theres always young people who remain without studying for two reasons:
the first one is because they havent enough means to to sustain their carrer, and the second one is because universities dont have enough vacancies, without mention that lots of students gets their entry with “facilitators”, little details that make us think, are the colleges are making a good job about selecting students ?
The only thing that could stop the growth of enrollment is a severe economic crisis.
It could also help other legal reform draft.
Education reform will not promote the privatization of educational services.
It is true that the proposed amendment does not expressly state schools privatize support.
2A Jose Carlos Gonzalez Ramirez
This new reform educative is very delicate some people say that private the education in mexico in all levels from kinder,primary and junior high school but said this reform that not will affect it economic,this reform said of the training of the teacher that increase yours quality for given most best education
2A Everardo Torres Viera
An economic crisis is all that can be.
Schools should not be privatized, hopefully not come to pass.
We can not change the present, later the consequences will be.
2B Diana Polanco
Educational reform does not prevent the opening of private schools so they can open too many unchecked.
Supervised education needs reforms to its proper functioning.
The economic crisis affects us more reform.
A high price of tuition can stop enrollment in private schools.
2B Corona Silva Salvador
I agree that privatization is not a good way to take this.
And I think that nothing would stop and say more than a crisis.
And unfortunately for the school we are customers.
I think if they saw a little more for us they would take other changes
2B Sergio Eduardo Andrade Perez
I hope they don’t privatiza schools.
Education is what little we have left to sustain ourselves.
Now if they make us work hard to barley earn money and then they provatize schools.
This country is going nowhere with that kind of stuff.
2B Juan Manuel Alcaraz Aguirre
First, I think that we are in a serious economic problem.
Like you said, the education is a big problem here, and the government movements are so little.
That about the “patito” school is a very important topic, because we can’t advance if we have bad schools.
I think that we need to change the law about the education, but a real change, a transparent change that can be reflected in the society.
2A Arnoldo Alcaraz Velázquez
Mexico’s education needs an immediate change
I think the same about privatisation
Young people needs more scolarships for their studies
The students should put themselves fot be better every day
2A Alexis Alfaro Ochoa
The author have reason because if anyone can open a educational institution even withoutlegal support, what awaits us?, there are many institutions that only do that the students waste your time for at the end they effort arent supported.
2A Alexis Alfaro Ochoa
This is a problem that all need to consider serious because that affects us all. With this it should reflect about whats doing to the education today
2J - Garcia Ely
True, education reform, does not propose to privatize schools, but never did nor will do foul.
I didn’t know that the SEP or state secretariats can’t close a private school. The government should be concerned about this situation. The Mediocre people can get their title with six thousand pesos while others earn it by the sweat of his brow.
David Batista 2j
this topic is very interesting.
Education is very important for our future.
Education of Mexico need a good change.
can’t close private schools.
2A Jose de Jesus Zamora Santa Ana
Everything is caused by an economic crisis in society, being the most people which receives poor education but at the same time is people looking for a place in quality universities, rich people are those who do not value their education, without more options they take the easy way, private schools where they don’t spend effort and get certified, resulting bad professionals
2J César Pérez V.
I do not think privatization is bad for Mexico.
Always we do the best to be productive.
Education in mexico many people believe teachers.
I consider myself to be positive in the future of Mexico.
2J jorge salvador ciprian figueroa
I can’t change this reality, but I do not want this for my sons.
I hope they don’t privatiza schools.
And unfortunately for the school we are customers.
An economic crisis is all that can be.
2J Julio Daniel Cervantes Díaz
I think the worst people is in mexican government.
Politicians govern just for money, and not for helping the people who put them in power.
Making the schools a business will end in a Mexico more ignorant of what is already.
"2B" Edgar Miguel Avalos Barajas
*If it is true that privatization is not a good learner’s
*And I think that nothing was going to stop and would worsen the situation with privatization
*It’s a shame that schools see us as a source of cash
*They must make some changes but do not take education as a business
David Batista 2j
I think the worst people is in mexican government.
Always we do the best to be productive.
First, I think that we are in a serious economic problem.
this information is very interesting.