

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

walt-disney-logoDoug Lipp escribió Universidad Disney (México, Aguilar, 2014), a partir de su experiencia en la creación de la primera versión internacional de la universidad fundada por la compañía más global en el mundo del entretenimiento. El subtítulo promete explicaciones y afirma con presunción su filosofía en la materia: “Cómo la estrategia laboral y empresarial de Disney forma a los empleados más leales y competentes del mundo”.

Con discrepancias filosóficas e ideológicas, comparto algunas de la ideas que revela Lipp sobre los “secretos” del éxito de los parques y la Universidad Disney. Por ejemplo, la convicción de que una clave es ligar la ciencia y el arte: un buen producto (la ciencia) con un buen servicio y una actitud impecable (arte) basada en la capacitación del personal y un óptimo ambiente laboral.

Pienso también que algunos de los hábitos o estrategias que seguían Disney y sus principales colaboradores son indispensables en las escuelas, como las caminatas que cotidianamente daba Walt Disney por su parque, deambulando entre el gentío, escuchándolos y, en algunos momentos, sentándose a conversar con sus empleados para pedirles sugerencias.

Uno de sus principales colaboradores, Van France, introdujo una variante: salía al parque con una cámara fotográfica y pasaba su ronda tomando fotos a los asistentes y al personal, para analizarlos después en la oficina. No se trataba de vigilar, explican, sino del respeto y el compromiso que tenían para satisfacer a la gente que viajaba horas por avión o en auto, con sus hijos ilusionados por conocer a Blanca Nieves o Mickey Mouse.

Cuánto ganaría un centro escolar si sus directores, en lugar de encerrarse en sus oficinas, siempre más frescas y cómodas que las aulas, pasaran el tiempo vital (cuando los estudiantes y profesores aprenden y enseñan) entre salones y pasillos, observando y conversando; o durante los recesos en los jardines, acudiendo a los baños, o usando las mismas cafeterías que los estudiantes.

Organizado en trece lecciones, al final de cada una presenta un “repaso de la lección”, con resumen y preguntas. Aunque están pensadas desde enclaves teóricas distintas, algunas de las interrogantes me parecen sugerentes incitaciones para analizar en una escuela la calidad de su funcionamiento, la participación de los actores o la responsabilidad de las autoridades. A continuación, algunas que me parecen útiles.

¿Qué valores de tu organización no son negociables? ¿Qué beneficios proveen esos valores a la organización y a los empleados? ¿Cuáles son los valores más sólidos? ¿Y los más débiles? ¿Todos conocen los valores?

¿Cómo se puede mejorar el servicio e instalaciones para mantenerlos actualizados? ¿Cuánto costaría mejorar? ¿Cuánto cuesta no hacerlo?

¿Si los líderes no caminan por el centro u organización cuál es la excusa para no hacerlo? ¿Cómo se comunican los mensajes importantes? ¿Se promueven apertura, honestidad y colaboración? ¿Cómo se mantiene viva la historia de la organización? ¿Qué tan creativa es la organización en materia de capacitación?

¿Los empleados están involucrados como agentes de cambio o solo esperan instrucciones? ¿Cómo se manejan las crisis? ¿Quién está involucrado en la resolución de conflictos? ¿Se llevan a cabo encuestas entre los empleados? Si no se hacen, ¿por qué? Si se realizan, ¿se aprovecha la información para actuar? ¿Los directivos evalúan éxitos y fracasos de manera abierta? Si no es así, ¿cuáles son los obstáculos para hacerlo? ¿Los líderes se arremangan la camisa y participan? ¿Los empleados se sienten valorados?

Quienes se dedican a tareas escolares podrían realizar el ejercicio de responderlas y examinar el ambiente y calidad de su centro. Mejor todavía si el esfuerzo es colectivo, porque no hay transformación cualitativa sin el concurso de los involucrados.


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  1. arthur edwards

    1. WOW! El dedo en la llaga! Existe una acefalía administrativa en el sentido de que es impersonal y mal informado acerca de los aspectos afectivos que imperan en las diferentes instituciones que dirigen. La satisfacción de los maestros y alumnos parece no importarles. Sin embargo, los variable socioemocionales suelen ser entre los aspectos más importantes en los entornos educativos. Al no tomar estos aspectos en consideración, se crea un entorno muy frío e indiferente, lo que prevalece demasiado en la actualidad.

  2. ij arthur edwards

    1.- I agree with you because in my experience I have not seen many problems resolved.
    2. Higher functionaries are never walking around the campus to discover how we feel.
    3. We never have problems so we never talk about them.
    4.- If we discover a problem, we do not feel free to express ourselves—we are often scared.

  3. 1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez

    1. I think that the “Disney university” is a great plan to make a better employees and by the same time better people.
    2. Also it´s true that the higher the degree someone have in a company the less they get involved directly.
    3. Maybe if they do it the lower degrees will get motivated in the work.
    4. Something like that has to be implement on the UDC.

  4. 1K Mildred Nataly Silva Méndez

    1. I believe that the strategy is good and workable.
    2. I’ve never seen important peoble in a company walking around the employees.
    3. If people are interested in your company, they should enforce the good habits.
    4. I think that successful companies, schools and governments have to talk with the people to improve the way they work.

  5. 1K Abril Guillén Reza

    Are employees involved as agents of change or are they just waiting for instructions? That question came to me as a shocker. I have previously worked for a goverment institution and I have never been asked to contribute in the improvement of it. How many times when working for a federal institutuion, we listen to comments like “Whatever the boss says” and indeed as employees we are asked to fulfill our duties, never contradict or say our point of view or we´ll be fired. Sadly, if we were ever to say what we really think, it wouldn´t be viewed as feedback but rather as criticism.

  6. 1K Miguel Angel Carrascp Olvra

    1. Pienso que la educación en México es muy pésima, las enseñanzas son las mismas desde el preescolar y aun casi en la universidad en lugar de avanzar y avanzar, nos vamos quedando a disposición de otros paises para que nos tomen como chalanes.

    2. “Actualmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar de los intérpretes.” que es lo que se supone que esta bien lo que nosotros creemos y necesitamos, o lo que los supremos directivos creen que es lo que ocupamos, si son ellos quienes no pasan hambres, falta de transporte.

    3.Las Universidades mejorarian bastante si las clases fueran de manera no rutinaria con maestros expertos en oratoria.

    4.Definitivamente en este mundo todos somos iguales y quien se crea más que alguién más que otro, a partir ahi los valores se pierden y es donde todas las organizaciones tienen cola que les piden.

  7. 1k Francisco David Preciado Mendoza

    1.-I think what the text reads, it shows a great example of the difference in culture to educate intelligently.
    2.-Unfortunately we never enforce our rights as students, we should require more education with intelligence.
    3.-We students we should take the example to remember that if we care about the future and education.
    4.-I wish there was a visionary revolution.

  8. 1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano

    1.-It’s better to be in touch with everyone, and make a connection as well

    2.-There’re systems that has to be implement in worldwide carefuly. One step at a time

    3.-We can barely see an important person, they still working in their own,

    4.-Actually, Disney’s University does a good job with his employees, and it doesn’t mean that no one sees the problem that are against them.

  9. 1 K Dámaso Benicio Rodríguez

    1.-It’s interesting how the moral of the workers are better if they stay in touch with their bosses.

    2.-It’d be amazing if we could take this to our educational system.

    3.-All the employees really deserve that, a good job enviroment, after all they are humans too.

    4.-It’s funny that the slogans of most of the institutes are “Honesty and Trust” but we rarely see our “superiors” as they call themselves

  10. 1K David Alejandro Alvarado Villa

    1.-When the boss know how work is his company his employees are happy because they are know that are important.
    2.-Techniques that use walt disney should be put into pratices in educational establishments
    3.- This article is very interesting because he says it should be a boss
    4.-Walt disney was a very successful person because I was interested in what was happening in their parks

  11. norma mercedes trujillo garcia

    1. Universities would improve if the classes were quite not routinely experts speaking teachers.
    2. -We students we should take the example to remember that if we care about the future and education.

  12. 1j kevin padilla garrido

    1. Its a shame we never see important prople among us such as principals
    2. Imagine how high would be our education level, i wonder if someday our actual system will change
    3.i wish our government and also our education system could take this as an example and improve its strategy
    4.its very interesting the system that he uses to know if people is happy and also what would he need to improve.

  13. Daniel Gerónimo Chacón Carrillo

    *I think, that sometimes the enviroment in what you study affects the way of how the student get the information and learn.

    *Disney university is a great idea, checking the correct working of an institution of a recreative center.

    *To improve the performance of a certain establishment, it´s highly recommended talk with the employees about suggestions.

    *the schools should be a place in where it promotes the student´s wellness.

  14. 1K David Quiroz Rodriguez

    1.-is the interesant.
    2.-good, it is read what speak about walt Disney and now saw its park.
    3.- walt disney used to talk with the visitors aboud the emploees service.
    4.-wlak disney did all this stuff everyday.

  15. 1J Leslie Jordana Fernández Moreno

    1.- I think it is great that “high command” living in the same room staff and people visiting this place.
    2.- In Mexico they should do the same in schools, since education remains the same for years, and no improvements.
    3.- Both teachers, as universities would be much better if they change the forms of study, which were not as routine as they are today.
    4.- This being the case as mentioned above, racing future graduates would be people with different views.

  16. 1E Christopher E. Velázquez C.

    1-An Excellent blog
    2-I think that this blog should be read by all the administrative organization bosses of the country
    3 -I consider your post a big lesson
    4-I want that in the future our country change and our authorities too

  17. 1E Carlos Alberto Vera Villegas

    1 -The attitude and work environment are linked to success in everything that witness

    2 – A good example that could give us the article is that paying attention to the teacher and see their needs improving school performance .

    3. To succeed you need to have values ​​and energy to do the right thing

    4- good article

  18. 1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio

    1.I feel good that have contact with clients
    2.I think managers should go to see the needs of students, teachers and administrative
    3.We never talk with managers about the problems we have
    4.It is an interesting proposal that should be applied in all institutions

  19. 1E José Juan Santillán Torres

    1.- The rector should follow the example of Walt Disney.
    2.- These questions made me think about the University.
    3.- I am a fan of the work of Walt Disney.
    4.- And now i am a fan of the work of “”. 🙂

  20. 1E Luis Gerardo Galindo Luna

    1. Maybe the school’s infrastructure would be better if the principals looked more often at their schools.
    2. This post was very interesting.
    3. Sadly most problems students have with the buildings are never discussed.
    4. I think this should be done by all bosses.

  21. 1J Christian Cagide

    1.- It’s sad not to see any important people in our university
    2.- Our education level would be higher if this things happen
    3.- It should be applied in all universities and institutions
    4.- This made me thing about the whole education system

  22. 1E Erik Parra

    1._ The Universidad de Colima needs a Walt Disney, not this “rector” that students don’t even his face.
    2._ Somthing like that must have the UdC, everything here is so bored, the students wants places for unstress.
    3._ It needs improve the facilities, someones are horrible.
    4._ The UdC needs too improve the services.

  23. 1E Juan Carlos Vazquez Heredia

    1.-Very good article.
    2.-This article seems interesting because it tells us how to be a boss really
    3.-The work towards Van France is very interesting to motivate the staff working with them
    4.-Although I do not really like the Disney universe I like this article

  24. 1K José Daniel Ceballos Peregrina

    1.- I think this is awesome
    2.- We need this way of thinking in our Universities
    3.- If the authorithies took their time to know the students maybe we’ll feel better in our school
    4.- Great ideas

  25. 1E Rogelio Oseguera de la Cruz

    1. I think that with an education like that in Mexico we would have more progress in that regard.
    2. Making the teachers give good classes and not doing strikes the students would have more knowledge.
    3. Using the mentality that walt disney uses in his university would help a lot of mexican universitys.
    4. Also going over the homework would make the learning much better since not many students do it right and teachers don’t grade them properly.

  26. 1E Nájera Cortés Brian

    1.- Something like that will be a great experience.
    2.- I wish study there.
    3.- The authorities must take their time for know their students.
    4.- We need a plan like this in our University.

  27. 1J Luis Fernando Gonzalez Sandoval

    1.-maybe thing change if our leaders show their faces to the public without any masks.
    2.-this is a very good method beacuse it makes you feel alot better on the place you are.
    3.-the resources should be well expended.
    4.-its good to hear what the people who work for you have to say so you can improve the place where they are working.

  28. 1K Cesar Alejandro Ramirez Arreola

    1.- The attitude and work environment are linked to success in everything that witness
    2.- I think managers should go to see the needs of students, teachers and administrative
    3.- Maybe if they do it the lower degrees will get motivated in the work
    4.- We need a plan like this in our University.

  29. 1K David Quiroz Rodriguez

    1.-Van Frace walking for by the park.
    2.-Van Frace he liked observed his the employees to work.
    3.-Van Frace took photos of he the employees.
    4.-Van Frace saw the people how acted.

  30. 1K David Quiroz Rodriguez

    1.-Van France interacted with people.
    2.-He spoke with people.
    3.-He asked people if they his liked the experence.
    4.-He remembers the expresión of people.

  31. 1K David Quiroz Rodriguez

    1.-Van France spoke with the employees.
    2.-He asked suggestions.
    3.-He analyzed the photographs taking.
    4.-He listened to employees.

  32. 1K David Quiroz Rodriguez

    1.-Tanks to Van France the employees more comfortable.
    2.-Van France studying every day park.
    3.-Van France put into practice thr suggestions of its employees.
    4.-He passed time with all the park.

  33. 1K David Quiroz Rodriguez

    1.-Van France use psycjology effective in their work.
    2.-The methods used Van France worked.
    3.-He to survey their employees.
    4.-He watched the education of the employees.

  34. 1K David Quiroz Rodriguez

    1.-Van Frace interacted with people.
    2.-Van Frace spoke with people.
    3.-Van Frace asked people if they he liked the experence.
    4.-He remenber the expresión the people

  35. 1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo

    1.- That system is meant for leaders, unfortunately in the university, our “leader” can’t have that title.
    2.- If something like that were implemented in our university, things would change really fast, mainly quality
    3.- Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do to change the way the university is organized, it should be a little more democratic
    4.- That university is one of the best ideas ever made

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