De “Viaje a Portugal”
José Saramago ocupa un sitio relevante en mi biblioteca personal, si cabe llamar así a una colección de libros acumulados por quien escribe, sin más criterio que el gusto. De nadie tengo más libros. Todos he leído ya, algunos más de una vez. Hasta hace poco sólo uno estaba pendiente, por alguna extraña razón que todavía no comprendo: “Viaje a Portugal”, el relato íntimo y minucioso por su país. En casa reposaba años atrás, pero siempre se mantuvo en lugar secundario en a lista de lecturas. Otra misteriosa razón me llevó a colocarlo en la mesa de noche en las últimas vacaciones. Allí aguardó algunas semanas hasta que llegó su turno. Quedaron, como testimonio, algunas esquinas doblada y dos o tres tuits.
Una mañana, la misma en que escribo estas líneas muy temprano, con la compañía de pájaros cantando a lo lejos, me descubrí divagando, soñando despierto, imaginando y describiendo mi propio viaje a México, un periplo que iniciaría y terminaría donde empezó y ha de terminar la historia, en el lugar donde nací. Como el escritor luso, saldría con lo indispensable apenas, una colección de cuadernos, una pluma fuente y suficientes cartuchos de tinta.
El viajero y el viaje estaban listos ya. Empezó esa mañana, domingo tal vez. No pude ir muy lejos. Apenas el propio y otro estado pude atravesar. El domingo siguiente estaba de nuevo en casa, en el mismo lugar donde escribí estas notas, escuchando tal vez los mismos pájaros y ladridos, u otros perros y cantos, lo mismo da. Había olvidado, y recordé al instante, que las carreteras y caminos ya tienen dueño, y que la seguridad aconseja viajar solo en alas de la imaginación, o en el más afortunado de los bolsillos, en avión y a sitios resguardados. Como no es el caso, decidí poner punto final a este viaje efímero por un México secuestrado y después, con pesar, cerré el cuaderno.
Faby Vargas
Una realidad muy cruda, nadie se siente seguro en este pais, ningun miembro de cualquier especie, ni nosotros los humanos dentro de un marco de violencia e impunidad, ni los animales que cada vez se ven mas amenazados por nosotros como los principales responsables de su extincion o nuestra falta de responsabilidad con los que son domesticables, hasta nuestras plantas y arboles los cuales talamos inmoderadamente y que decir de nuestros mares y nuestro cielo que a diario son contaminados irresponsablemente. Nadie ni nada esta seguro en este planeta y es triste.
Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D
Is really sad than we can’t travel through the country just to see the beauty of this without a fear by the actual situation and the attitude of the government than I guess they know the reality of the situation but I don’t know if they dont care about this or simply is not a priority.
arthur edwards
“It’s”…..que pasó….pasa a hablar conmigo!
aldo david hernandez castañeda 1B
It is very terrifying to know that there is very Little security in country every time someone wants to leave should with munch care because that there is violence or problem with the case is not to find or look for problem but there is insecurity in these days is not possible not to find problems.
Luis Antonio Narajo Mora 1B
These Words reflect the situation in our country.
These Words discourage me when I hear.
But they are also words that motive me to don’t stop fighting.
These words make me think and motive me to don’t surrender for the country’s situation.
Jose Enrique Madrigal Diaz 1A
Juan Carlos I think that happened to me sometime, Star to read some book, and the end, ramble with the imagination,think, and enjoy this dreams, but any time now, enters this reality to dream and destroy it. Sad but true.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
My opinion is, we to reflect a little in country by this going. We not of stop fighting so we want do, we have to stop crime for us can visit place with things touristic as the state of Mexico.
We must continue for forward for can end with this and the country is security.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
That’s very true, I think all of us would close that notebook almost beginning. It shows us that we are not fine in our society. It’s a shame, but also is a motivation to change what happened. We have to strive to be author of that new notebook, where we want to be the protagonist in our perfect world, that what we want to share with others.
Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"
That’s right, is as absurd to think that only roads are kidnapped by other owners i deveria not be owners who keep thinking that sooner or later will be also whether my municipality and not think that if the follow if they MEXICO pole there that our homes will put a stop ….? And you have the courage to say it or you .!!!!!
diego alejandro 1b
is a comment beautiful juan carlos and talk about his book the author
when reading comment I see a person who no longer ay in Mexico reading being lost in mexico mention the part where those trips that freedom these expressions is seen as one enjoys the art of reading so beautiful in their 5 senses
diego alejandro 1b
is a comment beautiful juan carlos and talk about his book the author
when reading comment I see a person who it winner ay in Mexico reading being lost in mexico mention the part where those trips that freedom these expressions is seen as one enjoys the art of reading so beautiful in their 5 senses
Irving De La Mora 1B
This should not be, this country is ours, we are more that they, and everything depends how we’ll control this situation and our country.
jose carlos hernandez hernandez 1B
Its a true reality. Here in mexico nobody are exempt of the delinquency.There is the case of the shots in the Coquimatlan Campus. Who would think it? I dont. Nobody never saw something like this before.
Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D
I like reading history to fly and have wings know worlds new life hundreds of lives.
I welcome know that there people that enjoy a reading good book and indulge your imagination.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
It’s a shame that the roads aren’t like 5 years ago.
In this times we need to be careful of all the places and almost all persons. We need more security and the faith to believe that all can change.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
So sad, it is so sad that we could not enjoy this beautiful country. The weather is full of insecurity, fear and hopelessness. What could anybody do to know this country at all, to enjoy the nature, and enjoy traveling and knowing people with different cultures? It is really sad that we are now living in this heavy weather of violence in our all country, it is not fare, we all have the right to enjoy a “travel to Mexico” as in Saramago´s book. I feel sad because we are living this now…
Alicia Soto 1°A
Mexico remains a country so beautiful and very rich cultural, natural, archeological sites, many colonial cities, villages magical, artistic wealth, everything that represents our roots and traditions.
The party Mexican,and joy of each entity dazzle residents and visitors at each fair, each festival.
Being Mexico the country most abundant in its range of ecosystems,all you have our Mexico.
And think that we can not enjoy it, that everything is falling behind, there are few that really still interested our culture, our country.
But the difference of how see Mexico is to think that we can and that do to improve where we live.
Rodriquez Niebla Manuela 1B
I think no matter the place, the books can us move to any country, and it is certain that México our land is a paradise unexplored even with magic places, and if well the dangerous is latent in every side, too we can us travel with the imagination, and that better to acompany us a good book, any book to take us to best memories.
Arthur Edwards
El libro y la escritura nos permite revisitar a personajes y lugares que en nuestros tiempos nos dieron remembranzas indelibles. Sin embargo, en su momento, no eramos tan afficionados a la pluma o a leer lo que producía. Me encuentro que con la edad, más siento la necesidad de recordar y a momentos revivir los momentos a veces perdidas en lo más recóndito de me memoria. Gracias a Dios que me da un lugar único, privado, que no comparto con nadie. Y ahí me quedo hasta que la realidad reclama mi presencia.
Madrigal Velasco Pedro 1°B
I think that it always have been this way to travel in our imagination, it is just that we forgot how to do it.
I remember, when I was a kid, I just needed to sit somewhere and star to travel forward where I wanted to go, to places I wanted to know.
Now I just sit and remember what I lived and the places I visited and I travel again to those places and say what a good times.
Sometimes we just stop to travel that way because sometimes we have more compromises and responsibilities, but we must, we just have to give a chance ourselves to start to travel again.
Arthur Edwards
wonderful work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
I say to my point of view, of the can understand is the how look to MEXICO. The country this kidnapped.The how think and deepens so in this your trip.I wait your answer thanks.How you think thus.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Moran 1°B
Our minds are been blocked by different situations that we face. We are able to dream, and we do it, but when we get down to work there is always more than one challenge. Politicians ensure their interests, negative attitudes of other people and most of all, ourselves; make us think “I can’t do it”. It is time to remove the barriers of our mind.
Arthur Edwards
you are improving very much!
osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"
Reading books and imaginative adventure makes more we learn new things in them.
It is very important to read because it makes our lexicon increase.
Although the uncertainty is very strong in Mexico we can forget some books and do a happy time.
I really liked this publication!
alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"
In my opinion Mexico its leadered by Drug dealers, the Scares the president, police, and all the authorities.In this times we dont have any security.And its so sad that we dont do anything to change this.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
My opinion is that is the My truth, we Mexicans do not trust our country, fewer foreigners, to suppose have a negative thought of MEXICO by what they see in newspapers, magazines, documentary etc.
Miguel rosales ochoa 1A
1-I think that our mind is powerful and with I can travel.
2- The imagination is very beautiful us ago think stuff amazing.
3-Reed us help to have a better lexicon to express better.
4-I Think that in country the opportunities are very few.
José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A
I guess all we ever dreamed awake with a book.
Until suddenly we fall in our reality.
A reality that maybe we not like.
But there it is, and that certain way all we are responsible.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodíguez 1B
This is the harsh reality, Mexico has gone from being a beautiful country to be one of the most dangerous, before when we walk free without fear of anything, now we living in fear and believe that being locked in the home will save us, but reality is another. I would give everything i have for mexico again as before.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1`D
It’s sad how we can’t travel without being scared that something or someone will start a gunfight or something worst.All we want to do is enjoy the beatiful things and sites that the world has.Hopefully this mess that we are living in can stop!
Edgar Daniel Gaitan Rodriguez 1°A
I think I sometimes do not know of an unconscious things and at least agree we wonder how and when we did, or as is often the case that we care about our future and every day without thinking.
Rubén Ricardo Trujillo García 1 A
In my opinion the truth is that Mexico’s security is very bad and we have no freedom toleave the street or even much less to another state.
Ivan alejandro Novela Macias 1B
Reading these words and in dates we am aware qe me to be Mexican is not only go to a party to give “the scream” but realizing the location we are in narcobanners gun battles dead bodies that is the Mexico that we want? do not believe but now can not do so much in future with education and honestly we can to make a new Mexico.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D
Books are the doors to our dreams. There isn’t better way to combat the ignorance that reading. If you want to pass a good time read a good book.
Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1 A
In my opinion feel that the most of Mexicans feels proud of are, including me. But if is penalty that in the news do not talk about more than death, shootings, assaults, corruption, etc. At least today should not be so negative, and feel more proud that never of are Mexicans .
Ismael Perez Avalos 1B
It would be very interesting travel and see new places. And enjoy with no concern our country. The actual situation of the security, some times take away the idea to travel. It’s sad, and we have to take precautions, but we shouldn’t let those precautions grow in to panic than avoids appreciate the wonderful that it can be a ride out of our minds.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ªD
I believe the books feed our imagination. I find the books as inspiration for many people. I see that a travel around Mexico is far of “dream awake”. I think is more a nightmare of injustices.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 1B
He is beautiful to read a book and to begin imaginarte as if that was happening, but soon we realize how it is the reality, of the insecurity that there is in these times, and then we thought about that it is impossible that it happens like in the books, that the insecurity always will be there.
luis humberto urzua araiza 1b
Although i have never read this writer think it should be very good.
And the fact that a and read all the books in this collection again and again excepting one i think is that the title is not very attractive to say.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B
1.-My opinion is that is just reality.
2.-But that if you are nice dreams.
3.-It is better to dream cant face reality.
4.-It to know life in the city.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
In my opinion personal it’s good send fly our imagination,for forget the reality for some moments, as in Mexico imagine it’s more correct fantasize with our country in tranquility,peace and use this as one distraccion for evade our reality.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
I think that its excellent. A book filled with mysteries that gets get excited. I like to read this book is exciting is exciting. Happy to greet him.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
In this country you used to have more liberties, the people used to be friendlier.
But now the people are afraid and worry of his children and themselves, all because of these violent acts.
Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B
is really sad what happened to you, unfortunately we notice that we are not in the same Mexico, we can see what is happen with our country,where is the security, the freedom, the people quality?. At the moment seems that we are in a deep pit, where light is not very encouraging and visible, maybe this “ligth” is another “ephemeral trip”.
arthur edwards
No vas a mejorar si no aplicas lo que vemos. Solamente en la primera palabra no usas mayúsculas y no usas”it’s” correctamente. Tienes que aplicar lo que vemos en clase….si no, no puedes mejorarte. Quiero que escribas tu comentario de nuevo corrigiendo errores.
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
In my opinion is that the imagination can take us to many places.
Because the mind tends to be very powerful.
Everything is in that we focus and we move to where we want to be.
Imajinacion is one of the things we all have more sinificantes as human beings.
Arthur Edwards
Jose Nicanor Ruiz Lopez 1.D
I think that the imagination is nice.
By that can take us to where you want.
By that the mind is a wonderful thing in cambiamble
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
Not yet I have the pleasure of reading this book, it seems interesting.
This seems an interesting book, I like how you talk about it.