Tengo dos hijos, Mariana Belén y Juan Carlos, maravilloso los dos, distintos, adorables, que me enamoran cada día.
Tengo una buena familia.
Tengo el recuerdo amoroso de mi madre siempre viva.
Tengo un buen empleo (no por el sueldo sino por el gusto y la responsabilidad).
Tengo una profesión que me exige cada día y cada hora me compromete.
Tengo un mundo de amigos, más de los que suponía.
Tengo un buen número de enemigos que también me alientan a estar por encima de ellos.
Tengo un proyecto vital.
Tengo una biblioteca respetable.
Tengo muchas lecturas, pero más libros por leer, por vivir.
Tengo un Norte para el Sur que elegí.
Tengo algunas tierras que pisar.
Tengo varios kilómetros que caminar.
Tengo un montón de defectos que superar.
Tengo un güisky, un tinto, un tequila, un vodka, un salud.
Tengo algunas convicciones que revisar, otras que morirán con su portador.
Tengo algunos enemigos que, sin saberlo, me inyectan una dosis de vitalidad indescriptible.
Tengo algunos enemigos que, si supieran el efecto que causan, cambiarían de bando.
Tengo cada día una mañana para sonreír de nuevo, cuando abro los ojos pero, sobre todo, cuando beso a mis hijos.
Tengo una sonrisa para cada nuevo abrir de ojos de mis hijos.
Tengo cada día una nueva razón para empezar again.
Tengo entrañables compañías, conocidos como Saramagos, Gelman, GarcíaMárquez, Galeanos.
Tengo maestros que se llaman Pablos y se apellidan Freire, Latapí o Neruda.
Tengo amigos hoy, maestros antes, que firman Geneyros, Díaz Barrigas, Furlanes, Casanovas.
Tengo hermanos como Batalloso o Pep.
Tengo alumnos brillantes e interlocutores mejores, como Marina o Gloria en España, como Julia en Argentina, como Marcial en México,
Tengo un conjunto de canciones que escuchar para reir o reflexionar.
Tengo un montón de pasiones.
Tengo más de cien razones, más de cien motivos (Joaquín Sabina dixit)…
Tengo suficiente…
¿Alguna pregunta?
Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A
I think all you have is very good.
And that you succeeded with much effort and dedication.
I like many things you wrote.
As, I have some ground to tread and I have to walk several kilometer.
Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A
¡Excellent reasons for to live!
I belive that always is important to have reasons that you inspirit bay by day.
Always will have reasons for demotivate but will have mor for to go forward.
I have happiness because i have very goods friends and a wonderful family.
José Luis Garza Gallegos
I am happy for your condition, I guess that you have good health.
God gave me a beautiful family, and them love me.
I know god loves me too.
I have a lot (a big lot) of reasons to be happy thanks to God.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
Congratulations for your achievements. Everyone wants to complete any goal proposed and have other list of things to do.
You have a lot of reasons to continue day for day. The idea it’s ever lose the inspiration.
Antonio Torres Figueroa
the friends donlt exist.
The friends are of lies, but the enemies are of truth.
My best friend is the money you bring in the bag.
No money would I have friends?
Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez 1°B
The family should be cherished.
A family must always respect and love her forever.
Reading a book is like a great experience.
Listening to music is great moments to remember.
Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D
You have pretty good reasons.
I think everybody should have it.
It’s our motivation for be better everyday.
I’m so glad for you, your reasons are so good.
Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D
Beautiful prayers.
I do see the pleasant side of life.
Reading makes you wake up with a smile on his face.
And appreciate what I have around me.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1ºD
In this life we all have a reason to live.
The most important reasons for going is our family.
Friends are as important in our lives as they are one of the pillars on which we can rely.
The best teachers are not in school but in everyday life, are in books, friends and family.
Roberto Banda Flores 1A
Your life seems perfect.
After of all easy arrived there.
Congratulation for all you have, single not forget share.
And you is happy?
Roberto Banda Flores 1A
After of all is not easy arrived there.
Felicidades, Juan Carlos, por ser consciente de lo que tienes y de lo que te falta, de lo que cambiarías y de lo que permanecerá contigo, de tu cerca y de tu lejos…
Mónica Reyes
Felicidades! tiene muchas razones para ser feliz, ¡gracias por compartirlas con nosotr@s, sus alumnos.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Mónica!
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A
I a gree with you, those are many reasons
all have a good reasons for will be a better person
and I am glad for it I think what the good acts we all have the decision.
Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A
I liked the phrase “Tengo muchas lecturas, pero más libros por leer, por vivir”.
My congratulations. You are a good worked but too you are a good dad.
In conclution you have a lot of good thing.
But things you all has, you know how done.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Manuel!
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
Yes, is beautiful have!
And is more beautiful when the you has won with much endeavor.
One person is happy when have all.
Congratulations Doctor.
Eduardo Jimenez 1D
I like this blog, you talk only the true.
I seen with you have all, i would like be as you, have it all.
I´ll work hard for that have all.
I think enemies always exist, but only make us more strong.
Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A
His reasons are very emotional.
I like everything he has written.
I think we all have very important reasons why we live.
It is a pleasure for me to read everything you write.
David Toledo Zúñiga 1B
My respects for you Doctor.
We always have to be happy with wath we have.
Because we will never have everything.
Congratulations Doctor.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias David, un abrazo!
Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A
You have two good reazons for that live.
Thats reazon is your son.
Don’t have other good reazon for live.
This is the reazon be all fathers.
jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A
I like all your feedback.
Always have to love the family.
I like your comment where you say we have to appreciate the work.
As you say we always have to wake up witch a smile.
I can see you have many reasons to you overcome every day.
Everyone has their own reasons to be overcome.
The important thing is how much we can overcome.
That’s what I believe.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A
I think all of us have reasons to make us better.
Some reasons to live.
Your family is the best reason to suceed in your life.
And theres other things we will found and join to these reasons.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B
I think you should be very happy.
I congratulate you for having achieved many things.
But especially for wanting to have more achievements.
I like the way you thinks.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°A
In the life always we have stuff that do.
The comment seems very good.
Everything seems to wonder what the missing?
I agree with it that wrote.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
I agree with you.
I have everything I need.
A family and a good health.
I don’t care about material things.
Edwin Preciado
There are always problems and congratulations
But we have to make good things bad things
Sometimes bad things are not so bad just have to see them differently.
Good comment as always thanks
sergio rodrigo ceceña lares 1B
The way is very long that you to tour, the experiences are great that you to acquired and for it his knowledge also to grown. Also my I lack many kilometres for walking and for it I tread always very firmly and you eat I do myself backward.
kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"
Congratulations has achieved much in his life.
But lacks even more.
Continue efforts and improve every day.
Never give up.
Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D
It’s a real personal pride knowing that you have what it takes to be happy.
I think however, that to be happy only need to have a family.
It is necessary to have them, listen to them and hug them daily.
And also, have a twitter account :p.
José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B
You have very good things.
People would like to have what you have.
Always you need more.
I have a question, you have a dinosaur?, It’s a joke.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B
I liked this article among other things by the way he expresses things that are present in your life.
Excellent reasons to continue striving as always in this life.
These reasons not only make you happy, also it does better person.
Keep working hard as always, you are an example to follow.
Christian D. Rentería García 1.-D
Hapiness come from our hearts.
If we want to be happy, we need to follow our insticts.
Im happy to now.
If we all think in this way we probably can live in a peacefully world
Ignacio Ramirez
I think you are a very hardworking
I think you have great things
Some reasons to live
Good article Dr.
Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D
One gets what he wants, that
very clear to me, and an example is
you, but all done
with dedication and effort being made.
Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D
There is always a reason to be happy.
Happiness does not depend of the circumstances.
Happiness is feeling good about yourself.
Happiness is know that you give best about you.
Luis Manuel Cruz Ortiz 1 A
You are very intelligent.
The reasons are the important part that motivates us to do things.
We must always look for reasons to succeed.
Greetings good contribution.
Jorge Caballero 1 "D"
This looks like a good exercise.
Maybe this can be positive for all us.
It’s a good base for motivation.
This makes us lighter the effort of the work
Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D
Have all good.
But if you have everything sometimes is bad.
Work with pleasure is the best job in the world.
I agree with you.
Jose Ivan Martinez Najera 1D
Excellent reasons for to live.
I like this blog, you talk only the true.
I think you have great things.
This is positive for everybody.
2B Miguel Medina Tejeda
I’m agree with you Juan. We have to look the good things that we have and the goals. The good things like yours are our motivation for live happy and have succes in the life.
We need goals to live, because, what is a life when we haven’t goals?
I like you blog, have a nice day!
2J jorge salvador ciprian figueroa
I know god loves me too.
You are very intelligent.
Congratulations has achieved much in his life.
Congratulations has achieved much in his life.