A Iván Ulianov
Era sábado. Faltaban pocos minutos para las nueve de la mañana. Estábamos parados en la lateral del bulevar costero, esperando el semáforo que nos permitiera cruzar la avenida y seguir nuestro camino a la zona hotelera de Manzanillo. Iván aguardaba el cambio de luces y yo repasaba mentalmente mis primeras palabras en la conferencia que daría en instantes. Mi vista se distrajo y me detuvo en el hombre que, desganado y encorvado, ofrecía el periódico a los automovilistas que apenas lo miraban parado en la esquina. La imagen me revolvió las ideas y despertó una oleada de sentimientos. Sin pensarlo le pregunté a mi amigo: ¿imaginas cuántos periódicos debe vender ese hombre para llevar comida a su familia? Si le dieran un peso por cada ejemplar vendido, ¿cuántos necesita para comprar un kilo de frijoles o un litro de leche? No me respondió, o no lo recuerdo. No cabe duda, o algo así, le dije: nosotros tenemos un trabajo privilegiado. Si este señor no vende un periódico probablemente deberá regresar a su casa caminando; nosotros, en cambio, podemos no hacer nada durante la quincena y el salario está seguro, como los bonos y el aguinaldo.
Que sociedades tan desgraciadas e injustas (y ahora peligrosas) que no propiciaron las condiciones educativas y económicas para que la gente, a los 60 o 70 años pueda levantarse tranquilamente de la cama sin la preocupación de que no tiene frijoles o tortillas, ni dinero para dar de comer a los hijos o a sí mismo. Me podrán decir: es gente floja, que no le pone ganas, que no estudió porque no quiso, que vive borracho. Pero las cifras oficiales matizan ese tipo de interpretaciones dictadas por la comodidad: según el Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social, cada noche 52 millones de mexicanos se van a dormir con hambre, y al día siguiente despiertan con hambre 52 millones y unos más.
No pude aguantarme en ese sendero de reflexiones. Ya en la conferencia, ante unos 300 estudiantes, cuando el tema expuesto rozó la problemática social describí la imagen que habíamos visto minutos antes en aquella esquina. Lo hice pausado para mirar a los ojos a aquellos jóvenes -en su gran mayoría- cuando escucharan mis palabras. El silencio fue mayúsculo, las caras de muchos se alteraron; otros muchos pares de ojos se abrieron de par en par. Probablemente, pensé, algunos de ellos, como nosotros, no vemos a los viejos o a los niños que venden periódicos o cualquier mercancía, allí a la vera del camino, mientras manipulamos el celular o pensamos cuándo compraremos el nuevo.
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
People complain without knowing appreciate that they have.
Must be very hard to live, everyday you concerted about what you eat.
The opportunities should be same for all.
We shouldn´t judge to the persons without knowing what happens.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
Some people do not have a good job.
You might not want to study.
They also may not have money to continue studying.
There are many factors to not having a good job.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
I agree your opinion. The mexican economy it’s dramatic. It’s amazing that many politics don’t do anything while millions of mexicans work hard all the day and the wages are better for educated people. Also true that the effort is minimal for the future result.
Edsel Barbosa 2"D"
Teacher is a reality, I have a guy who goes through
the same situation, sells newspapers, weight gains 1
each newspaper sold, he did not have the good fortune to study,
made him feel like at work, but that does not fit for
live comfortably.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras
When you see people like this man always cause me great feelings and concerns.
The frustration on occasion feel alver men and women in the position it is plentiful.
We should be satisfied with what we have because there are people like him who can not have.
Many people see them and causes indifference, some others do not look at the fact of not feeling confusion and concern.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
The situation many Mexicans is unfortunate.
It is very unfair as some Mexicans must work 12 hours to earn $ 100 pesos, while others win double in one hour.
I’m so sad to walk the streets and see people who have nothing to eat.
How can we help?
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
Her story is sad, because there are many people living in the same way.
If sometimes we complain about our lives, there are people who are worse off than us.
Sometimes we only care about ourselves.
Your blogs always make me think.
On Saturday I was in Manzanillo waiting for the traffic light to cross to get to the hotel zone in Manzanillo.
Companies are now also very unfair and dangerous.
The National Evaluation Council says that 52 million Mexicans are adormir with ambre.
The conference reported that a man vendioa newspaper in the corner of the avenue and all were shocked.
José de Jesús Jiménez García
Sometimes we judge people without knowing who is behind them.
There are people who did not study and do not have the same opportunities as us.
The only thing that remains is to give our children the value of studying.
And go ahead smoothly.
Actually if it causes hurt to see that kind of action, if I’ve seen scenes like you and I have moved to actually see them you think about it, I think as a young person, what would happen if we continue like this, someday I’ll have that go through it, or if I can actually do something about it, until I bought something so anyone with the simple fact help, and there are even some men veneden large pallets, walk all day, I’ve run into several scenes well, that really make you think …
2A Daniela Moctezuma
For me people selling newspaper have more value than begging.
Since these people strive to succeed unlike the beggars.
These people live day.
We should have all the same opportunities.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
Sometimes I think about the situation
It’s very sad that so much people doesn’t have money
The worst is about us that didn’t think about they
Maybe someday we can open the eyes to feel that they feel
Jose Eduardo Cortes Cernas 2B
I’ve noticed that if there are many people living in poverty.
These people every day have to struggle to eat.
I’m so sad to see how society is very unfair to these people.
Instead of supporting these people, they are discriminated and treat them as less.
Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano 2A
everything happen in one moment!
is clear
and just keep the best accion for wanted the best day
the park , house, university , restaurat and corse the corner.
J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A
Yes Doctor we should have much opportunities.
There are people haven’t the same opportunities to study.
I think that Mexico have a serious problems in the education.
Thank Doctor for you text.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
That’s true.
We have problems with economy.
And there’s a lot of people like this man. who have this kind of job and don’t have a nice salary.
I think we need to have more opportunities to have a better life.
Jonni Eduardo
It’s amazing to think in number of people.
Sometimes not think in all that.
The society no is complete prepared for situation.
Is strong think in how much people not you have work.
Christian D. Renteria Garcia
We are not prepared for a big change.
Theres a lot of people in Mexico and we need to organize.
Economy is one of the bigest problems.
We could have more oportunities if we organize
Jever Amezcua García
I feel the same as you to see these poor people every day working in the sun to bring food home.
The government should encourage or sources of financial support for these poor people work.
We need to change this situation once and for all.
We can not live in a country where more and more increases their poverty.
Jever Amezcua García 2D
What a good idea.
I look forward to reading his adventures through Argentina.
I hope you enjoy your stay and is not inconvenient.
That pass was the best and look forward to their stories.
Jever Amezcua García 2D
I feel the same as you to see these poor people every day working in the sun to bring food home.
The government should encourage or sources of financial
support for these poor people work.
We need to change this situation once and for all.
We can not live in a country where more and more increases their poverty.
José Luis Garza Gallegos 2ºD
-And it will be worse…
-Most of people in the world is poor.
-The problem is that there are ample resourses.
-Some people is insanitly avaricious.
Gerardo Borjas Carrillo 2°A
-Unfortunately not everyone has the opportunity to study.
-Education leads to a better lefe.
-As students should value the opportunity given to us.
-So I think that everyone has what they deserve is for good or bad.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2ºA
Ithink, poverty comes predecessor.
Few succeed overcome the challenge great.
less opportunities major poverty.
None choose where born.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A
It is a text very interesting.
It’s sad what this man but it is admirable to work this hard!
Many do not appreciate the work of others and criticize.
But it is incredible that not give up.
David Toledo Zúñiga 2B
The situation many Mexicans is unfortunate.
We need to change this situation once and for all.
They also may not have money to continue studying.
We should have all the same opportunities.