Diario 2015


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

En Argentina hoy se festeja el Día del Trabajador. Se parece, pero es distinto al mexicano Día del Trabajo. Uno pone el acento en el proceso, la actividad; el otro, en la persona. En México nunca vi, recibí, escuché ni felicité a un compañero en este día.

En Catamarca, noroeste argentino, pasé un primero de mayo en compañía de buenos amigos. Por la noche, a la hora de las copas, caminando una noche fresca en busca del bar, Gonzalo, mi colega y amigo, saludaba a sus ex alumnos, alumnos y compañeros, mientras las felicitaciones se cruzaban con naturalidad. Fue sorpresivo para mí presenciar la efusividad de sus abrazos y palabras.

Me gusta más ese gesto que acá. Es preferible, mil veces, la sincera felicitación del colega que también se entrega a un trabajo cada día, a recibirla en el vacuo discurso oficial de un gobernante o sindicalista que poco o nada hizo por mejorar condiciones, y no pocas veces se encargó de joderlas.


La primera parte de este diario la escribí antes del amanecer. No habían sucedido los infaustos hechos en Jalisco y Colima. A mediodía los reportes generan preocupación y tensión. Es un desmentido rotundo a la tranquilidad que pregonan los discursos oficiales. Habrá que esperar a que se disipe la humareda de los incendios para balances ecuánimes.


La suerte del Chicharito en el Real Madrid es motivo de desmesurada atención nacional. Me temo que su destino es más relevante, para los medios, que la reforma educativa y los múltiples problemas que horadan la vitalidad de las escuelas. Un solo día en la tele se habla más del futbolista que varias semanas o meses de los otros incómodos y aburridos temas.

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8 thoughts on “DÍA NEGRO

  1. 2a Ivan Alejandro Bautista Bonilla

    Exactly, this would be best a true greeting.

    I didn’t know that in Argentina the people does these things.

    I never think that somethings like these would happend in Colima.

    The news always make us see anything for seve the true under the mask, it’s a technique.

  2. 2D José Antonio Torres Garibay

    -In Mexico lately and seen the day worker use it to go to get drunk
    -Unfortunately one day had to come to Colima organized crime
    -The speeches of the leaders often they do not even write them, so it is best a simple card from a colleague
    -Chicarito betrayed us

  3. 2D Carlos Francisco Nuñez Delgado

    1.-Unfortunately the media always said more of football than the real news
    2.-The day of work is used for a day to get drunk
    3-The leadres always trick and says that they do something for us
    4.-It’s really nice how in Argentina celebreate that day

  4. 2B Abraham Morales Inurreta

    *Here are tabloid newspapers do see the government as well
    *here in Mexico any day they take it as day to go to take
    *people think much without asking
    *because the problem is that disfrasan all with football here in mexico

  5. 2A Jesús Alejandro García Núñez

    1.- The people is a little fool to take more interest to “Chicharito” that the problems in Mexico.
    2.- The “Narcobloqueos” are pretexts to distract to the persons and hide the interests of governments.
    3.- The work in Mexico is more enslaved.
    4.- Argentina have a better mode for celebrate the labor day.

  6. 2b Hector Miguel Rodriguez Muñiz

    1- Unfortunately those are the interests that people have in Mexico , care more about football than what happens in politics.
    2- I would be January 1 May in Argentina and witness these facts.
    3- The government and the media that this is good for them and to get more out of their interests
    4- Unfortunately this is the Mexico in which we live.

  7. 2D Kenovi

    1-Unfortunately one day had to come to Colima organized crime.
    2-I would be January 1 May in Argentina and witness these facts.
    3-The work in Mexico is more enslaved.
    4-It’s really nice how in Argentina celebreate that day.

  8. 2D Jesús Alejandro Hernández Mancilla

    1.- Mexicans always held things in their own way that suits you.
    2.- Unfortunately we wasted things to them that way.
    3.- I also think that sometimes deserves a good rest.
    4.- There are many things that are not given due attention and others that are not worth it.

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