Termina un día intenso, cargado de emociones. Hemos presentado en dos ocasiones el libro colectivo Memoria y presente. Tres décadas de Pedagogía en Colima, escrito por un grupo de profesores de la Facultad de Pedagogía. Con la obra conmemoramos los treinta años de la primera facultad colimense y proponemos un conjunto de motivos para que su comunidad reflexione sobre pasado y presente, e imagine, en ejercicios dialógicos, futuros posibles y cómo alcanzarlos.
La celebración tiene un marco especial por los 75 años de la Universidad de Colima. La ocasión doble no podía ser indiferente a una facultad que debe caracterizarse por la vitalidad de su academia y el cumplimiento de la exigencia ética y profesional de pensar a la universidad y pensarnos en ella.
Este día los autores hemos hablado de nuestro capítulo y escuchado comentarios y preguntas. Mucho queda por decirse, especialmente a través de las voces del estudiantado y el profesorado.
Con esta jornada cierro un proyecto que consumió parte de mis actividades desde septiembre de 2013, pero especialmente este año en que entramos en la fase final de revisiones y correcciones. El resultado siempre es perfectible, pero el empeño máximo deja la tranquilidad de haber cumplido la meta.
Mi noche sería perfecta si no hubiera revisado llamadas y mensajes telefónicos informándome una terrible noticia que me conmocionó.
La muerte casi siempre es mala noticia, y hoy lo ha sido. Frente a lo inevitable, no hay apelación. Los que quedamos, tenemos que seguir bregando.
Un largo minuto de silencio que dure más de 60 segundos. Que descanse en paz un hombre cuyo nombre hoy no quiero mencionar, para respetar dolores ajenos y amistades francas.
Galindo Luna Luis Gerardo 1E
1. Death really is sad news.
2. Shame about that guy you´re talking about.
3. R.I.P. Some guy
4. Nice post.
Camacho Cardenas Noel Gabriel
1.It is always good to finish projects.
2. Congratulations achieve a goal more.
3. When you insist on doing something, you should always finish
4. A minute of silence for those who are not with us today.
Camacho Cardenas Noel Gabriel 1E
1.It is always good to finish projects.
2. Congratulations achieve a goal more.
3. When you insist on doing something, you should always finish.
4. A minute of silence for those who are not with us today.
1E José Juan Santillán Torres
1.- I do not really know what to say.
2.- Always go forward.
3.- This post its very sad.
4.- R.I.P. Some guy.
1k Francisco David Preciado Mendoza
1.-Any person is not knows really what to say in the difficult moments.
2.- Always see sky and remember them.
3.- This post it is a bad notice.
4.-Nice post.
1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano
1.- We don’t know when time is running out
2.- University of Colima has done a great goal with this
3.- It’s important, when we’re looking for a goal, we keep doing it until it has done
4.- A minute of silence for that person
1K Alvarado Villa David Alejandro
1.- The death is one form of immortal.
2.- All people who lived whith him will remember.
3.- The bad news must be overcome.
4.- One must always walk forward.
1K Rodriguez Ramirez Alvaro
1.- Future goals only have sense when today we work to it be reality.
2.- The feedback helps us to correct mistakes to transmit more broadly what we mean.
3.- Death is a natural and inevitable process, but friendships and emotional realaciones are events that we create as a bond of closeness.
4.- We enjoy the close people because we do not know what we have until it is lost.
1k Morentin Ballesteros Gustavo Fernando
1. Pedagogy is a good team
2. it is always good to finish projects.
3. He was a good person
4. the die is bad notice ever
1k virginia martinez castro
1.-the bad news will come When You Least Expect.
2.-These usually happen when you least expect.
3.-ised a project has many topics of conversation.
4.-After completing the project and if successful the excitement is great.
1J Marco Antonio Dìaz Navarro
1.My deepest pesamen for that person and for the family that is going wrong at the moment.
2.TheDeath is something we can not avoid and we can occur in situations that we can not avoid or wait.
3. A good start to present the book several times and check depsues tragedy
a minute of silence for that person
1J Leslie Jordana Fernández Moreno
1. My deepest condolences to you and for the family that person.
2. Death is not bad, just let rest for people who were sick, or that it was his time.
3. On the other hand I’m glad your day has been good.
4. But not everything can be so good after all.
luis Alberto Calleros Carrillo 1"K"
1. I do not really know what to say.
2. Congratulations achieve a goal more.
3. When you insist on doing something, you should always finish
4.very good post
1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla
1.- I’m sorry for your lost.
2.- Everything happen for a reason.
3.- It’s time to move on.
4.- Don’t forget to smile.
1E Velasco Rivas Rodrigo
1. The title just fits perfectly with the story.
2. I actually felt happy to read things were going well, at fist at least.
3. I got sad when I read about your loss, even if don’t even know about the person who passed away.
4. Don’t forget, death delivers us all to the same end.
1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez
1. I didn’t know how old was that university.
2. I feel you, it’s nice to finish big projects.
3. I also agree with you, our feelings can be like a rollercoaster sometimes.
4. I’m sorry to read about the death of someone important to you, I hope you are ok right now.
1K Javier Perez Mendoza
1.Death is always bad news and too sad
2.My condolences to the relatives of that person
3.A minute of silence for that person
4.The Faculty of pedagogy does not stop surprising us
1k oscar eduardo castrejon mejia
1K Oscar Eduardo Castrejon Mejia
1. Death really is sad news.
2. Congratulations achieve a goal more.
3. It’s time to move on.
4. Very good post.
1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo
1.- Is sad to know that some one died.
2.- How is posible that the university has 75 years old, but the first carreer has only 30 years old?
3.- It’s always good to finish our goals
4.- The best part of a project is when you realise that all your effort worthed
1. Is the in the heaven because the is in your memory.
2. The death is a process that frees you from pain.
3. PEOPLE ARE STRANGE I’ll do it later, my grandparents ALREADY BIG
4. Nice Post.
My condolences
1k Mildred Nataly Silva Méndez
1.- Congratulation for both things: Anniversary 75° and the book.
2.- I hope a better University.
3.- the dead is sad but is important go ahead.
4.- I’m sorry for your firend.
1k Mildred Nataly Silva Méndez
1.- Congratulation for both things: Anniversary 75° and the book.
2.- I hope a better University.
3.- the dead is sad but is important go ahead.
4.- I’m sorry for your friend.
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1. It is a good topic
2. thousand Condolences
3. It is a big issue
4. always keep a great performance
1E Manuel Eduardo Ramirez Velasco
1.- Death really is sad news.
2.- My condolences to the relatives of that person
3.- It’s always good to finish our goals
4.- I’m sorry for your friend.
1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon
1.-My more sense condolences
2.-This is the life I wish her family
3.-The death comes when least expected
4.- death is always bad news
1J Jiménez Santillán Roberto
1. This post it is a bad notice.
2. On the other hand I’m glad your day has been good.
3. thousand Condolences
4. I actually felt happy to read things were going well, at fist at least.
1j kevin padilla garrido
1 never stop smiling no matter what
2im sory for your lost
3death is after al of us
4 congrats for the book