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Una llamada de atención a los mayores

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Recibí hace algunas semanas un paquete con dos libros que había solicitado a un amigo mexicano que estudia en España. Uno de los libros, aun inconcluso en su lectura y del cual hablaré con detalle en otra ocasión, tiene por título “Una llamada de atención. Carta a los mayores sobre los niños de hoy”, cuyo autor, Philippe Meirieu, es un sabio profesor francés que enseña en la Universidad Lumière-Lyon 2.

De Meirieu he leído todo lo que he encontrado, desde su “Frankenstein educador”, porque me resulta uno de los expertos más provocadores y originales, y su sencillez rigurosa es una invitación ineludible para quienes nos dedicamos a la docencia.

Meirieu ha escrito a expertos y a profesores, nada raro, pero me sorprendió gratamente encontrar el título que comento, dirigido a quienes está escrito: los adultos, los padres y madres. Se trata de 18 pequeños textos, una amena introducción y las conclusiones. En la “Introducción” se pregunta, y desde allí empieza a darnos vueltas en la cabeza: ¿Qué mundo vamos a dejarle a nuestros hijos? ¿Qué hijos vamos a dejarle al mundo?

La obra es un extraordinario recordatorio de que la educación de los hijos es responsabilidad de los mayores, nos demos cuenta o no; que ellos aprenden por nuestros ejemplos y hechos, no por nuestras palabras. Que las quejas por su mala educación, sus malos modales o pésimos hábitos son atribuibles a nosotros. Que los muchachos no son los inventores de la mentira o la simulación, que la aprendieron de los mayores.

Dice Don Philippe en el cierre de la Introducción: “Nuestro futuro no está escrito, y eso determina nuestro imperativo: educar a nuestros hijos para que lo escriban”. La pregunta, pienso entonces, es sencilla: ¿cómo los estamos educando?, es decir, ¿con esta educación, qué futuro podrán escribir?

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38 thoughts on “Una llamada de atención a los mayores

  1. Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A

    I liked very much your story about the book , the french professor is a good person.
    the professor’s book, I really like your content to what you described, at the life is a true, the education of childrens are resposability there parents.
    better education, better future.

  2. Christian Daniel Rentería García 1-D

    Future it’s not upon us it’s upon our acts.
    The best education is given at home.
    You need to how to your kids the real way of life.
    Try to do your best with yourself and show something better to others.

  3. David Toledo Zúñiga 1B

    I agree, children learn from what their parents do.
    Children’s behaviour reflected as they are in their homes.
    Parents are responsible for the child’s behavior.
    I think all parents should have that book.

  4. Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A

    I want to my offspring better education.

    But don’t know if what I’m doing is right.

    Those writers have much reason.

    The question is, What I can do?


    Yo también creo que la educación depende de los padres.
    Thanks to them we behave in certain ways.
    From them we learn what is good and what is bad.
    Our parents are very important to our training both academically and personally.


    I too believe that education depends on the parents.
    Thanks to them we behave in certain ways.
    From them we learn what is good and what is bad.
    Our parents are very important to our training both academically and personally.

  7. Maria Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 1° "B"

    Parents every day trst in school structure education and can’t see how this bad organization or.. bad level affect and onfluence to her childrens.. and the teachers and organizations dont worry about the future.. Only for the wage of the workers of their asociation.. as the SEP

  8. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    I don’t know him
    I learn a thing or two from him
    I learn from my parents everyday
    It always keep like this

  9. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B

    A major part of our education is that our parents give us.
    Our parents teach us the first knowledge.
    I follow the example of my parents.
    Therefore it is very important the behavior of parents.

  10. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 1ºA

    I agree, children are the responsibility of adults.

    The children are a reflection of the parents.

    We learn from our parents.

    We can improve the future.

  11. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    The education not only is taught in school.

    The main education is given home.

    But also we as sons, we have to do something to improve our attitude.

    I think that is good book and worth reading.

  12. Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A

    Adults also can to learn of the children.
    It´s more important the acts and don´t the words.
    Don´t only adults have to think in the future.
    I learn don´t always is good to be as yours parents.


    Received a package with two books that he sent a Mexican friend who lives in Spain.

    Have you read all that aencontrado of Meirieu.

    The book is a reminder that the education of children is the responsibility of the elders.

    That complaints for misconduct are reflections of the elderly.


    I agree not only to talk about education to children but also when you want respect, or anything which expect a positive response, the best way is with actions that demonstrate how you should do things.


    Education is a mutual responsability. Adults have to support the study of the young people. Adult people would like a better future to the young people. Because everybody want a better country.

  16. Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B

    we do not know exactly what world we will leave to the next generation that we know we do not even think it does little to do and hopefully improve Could we meet the goal of leaving them a world of good

  17. Edwin Preciado

    Very interesting your text
    According to you
    Adults should guide children
    Ask the children know what is bad and what is good

  18. Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D

    Nice articule.
    These book looks very interesting.
    You’re all right, the parents should teach valvues to their kids.
    We are always learn so we must to learnd good things.

  19. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B

    We have to take precautions on the education of the children.
    They are the hope of tomorrow.
    The education doesn’t is only at school, also is at home.
    I want read that book.

  20. Antonio Torres Figueroa

    For the first time I applaud your criticism.
    Many teachers do not care whether the student learns.
    It seems that the more fail is better.
    And the responsibility of all.

  21. Ignacio Ramirez 1A

    Very true what this book says
    It is important at the outset that we give our best in order To reflect good examples to others the good education that you bring from home.
    Good article Dr.

  22. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A

    It’s true that the education of the kids is a responsability of adults.
    Kids learn of what they see.
    And parents should be involved with their kids.

  23. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D

    Many are asking is kind of questions (what world we will leave our children? What children we will leave the world?), But do not know how to answer.

    The largest are the example of what children and adults of the future.

    The bad behavior of some children are adults error.

    To correct children have to see where it fails.

  24. Eduardo

    Segun parece no ha tenido hijos en edad escolar, siempre es así, no hay que descubrir el hilo negro en la educación para saber que los hijos son el reflejo de los padres.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Hola Eduardo, sí, tengo hijos, una, en edad escolar. Saludos y gracias por tu comentario.

  25. José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B

    It´s a good publication.
    The book looks interesting.
    I would like to have the book to give to a special person, I know he would serve much.
    Parents are primarily responsible for our education.

  26. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    I agree with you Doctor!
    The boys must put much atention because in this level is very important give education of quality.
    The childrens must read since boys.
    Good article.

  27. Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D

    I think education is the responsibility of parents and students.
    Parents should look for the best future for their children.
    The children are a reflection of their parents.
    Excellent publication.

  28. Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A

    The future of the world depends the young.

    Parents should teach their children to be better.

    Young people are the future and the future has to be improved.

    It’s all about the parents and oneself.

  29. Eduardo Jiménez 1D

    I think the education not only corresponds to the theachers, but also to parents.

    I think the education is given at home and in the school only given the knowledge.

    Is the truth, our future not made, we do.

  30. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco

    But don’t know if what I’m doing is right.
    I think education is the responsibility of parents and students.
    We are always learn so we must to learnd good things.

  31. sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D

    I liked very much your story about the book , the french professor is a good person.
    Adults should guide children
    Thanks to them we behave in certain ways.
    Many teachers do not care whether the student learns.

  32. victor escalera sanchez 1D

    are resposability there parents.
    better education, better future.
    Very true what this book says
    It is important at the outset that we give our best in order To reflect good examples to others the good education that

  33. Edsel Barbosa 1D

    Education must promote from
    the first time that the child has
    use of reason, which is that I would like
    from small should teach the English language.

  34. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1"D"

    Are good questions: what world we will leave our children.?
    What children are going to give the world.?
    If we do not educate our children we can not change the future.

  35. Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D

    We are the reflection of our parents.

    Although often also educate us on the basis of the friends I have.

    Therefore it is important for parents to always pay attention to their children.

    Television programs also have much to do in their learning.

    Good article.

  36. Fabian Garcia Alcala 1-D

    Thanks to them we behave in certain ways.
    The children are a reflection of their parents.
    The best education is given at home.
    The children are a reflection of the parents.

  37. Roberto Banda 1A

    You could promote the book in meetings of parents.
    Especially in kinder.
    The good education begin from children.
    With one exellent iniciative the world also change.

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