En las últimas semanas he dedicado varias horas al día a escuchar informes de directoras y directores de las escuelas de la Universidad de Colima, un ejercicio anual que realizan ante sus consejos técnicos para exponer los avances (y los retos). Pero no es de los informes de lo que quiero escribir, tampoco de los logros, cuyo mejor testimonio lo darán las comunidades escolares; quiero aludir a uno de los asuntos insinuado en varios informes y expresar un punto de vista porque me parece que conviene discutirlo abiertamente, por sus implicaciones. Me refiero a lo que podríamos denominar la formación de los estudiantes o la calidad de los aprendizajes, medidas por las opiniones de profesores y los resultados en una de las pruebas mexicanas que presentan los estudiantes de bachillerato (Enlace). Es un tema de amplio espectro y con múltiples aristas, así que acortaré aún más, para circunscribirme a lo que se supone que debemos hacer frente a las insuficiencias en matemáticas, lectura, escritura y ciencias (física y química, particularmente).
Como casi todo mundo aprueba que estamos mal, es decir, que los estudiantes de secundaria y bachillerato están mal preparados y llegan así al nivel superior, nadie discute ese aserto que merecería también ponerse en cuestión. Lo haré en otro momento, contra la corriente. Frente al consenso en la enfermedad, el paso siguiente es el remedio. Y uno muy común es que faltan horas para enseñarles a los alumnos, en el plan de estudios o en cursos extra curriculares, remediales, complementarios, propedéuticos, etc. No diría que no sirven, pero sí sostengo que el problema no es la cantidad de horas enseñadas o las que faltarían por impartirse.
¿Han calculado ustedes cuántas horas de matemáticas ha tenido un estudiante mexicano cuando llega a una licenciatura? Hagamos un ejercicio ligero: una hora diario en primaria equivale, al término de los seis años, a mil 200 horas (con el calendario escolar oficial de 200 días). Sumemos una hora diaria en secundaria (en las de tiempo completo son más) y tenemos otras 600 horas. Llevamos mil 800. En los bachilleratos de la UdeC son cinco horas por 15 semanas, durante seis semestres, son 450 horas. En total: dos mil 250 horas de matemáticas. Entonces, ¿cuántas horas más se necesitan para aprender matemáticas? No sé si alguien se atreverá a responder, pero a mí me queda claro que debemos cambiar las formas de enseñar, lo que sucede en el salón de clases y lo que hacen los estudiantes bajo la guía de sus profesores que, por supuesto, deben conocer la materia.
Es de calidad, no de cantidad el problema. Pero también creo que es de actitud, y no cargo las culpas a los estudiantes, porque oriento mi señalamiento a los profesores: ¿cuántos maestros de matemáticas, física o la materia que sea, se preguntan: qué no estoy haciendo correctamente? ¿Por qué aprenden los estudiantes y por qué no logro que aprendan? O en otros términos: ¿cuál es mí responsabilidad en que no aprendan?
Una pequeña dosis de humildad de los profesores, alimentada por la autocrítica, sería más efectiva que muchas horas de mala y aburrida enseñanza. Los estudiantes que están en el salón de clases son también nuestra responsabilidad, ya no lo son del ciclo anterior. La mala enseñanza, estimados maestros, también es un problema nuestro, no de los otros.
Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B
You are absolutely right I think are enough hours so that we as students can only learn it by enseñanaza methods of teachers, some not all good, some if saven get to that part of the student that is needed to succeed in tHE SCHOOL.
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A
Good night Doctor
you have a reason in all, Education should not be boring I think so , what for more hours of math if the teacher is a bad , the learning is bad too.
there are a good reflections and I hope the teachers can do a change for this problem.
… Estoy de acuerdo con usted maestro , yo creo que el docente es las materias de las áreas duras les hace falta trabajar con su ejercicio profesional, tal vez lo que les hace falta es su formación pedagógica, y con ello también me atrevo a decir desarrollar una cultura de evaluación para todos los sujetos de la educación. Gracias
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Susana, saludos!
Laura Hernández Vizcaíno
Muy atinadas y profesionales todas tus reflexiones Juan Carlos, desde que me aceptaste en el face, casi no me pierdo nínguna, pero está de verdad me parecio muy acertada como todás, ojala y la lean nuestras instituciones y la aprovechen para cambiar un poco el sistema educativo, en hora buena y gracías por todas tus aportacíones muy valiosas…felicidades y un abrazo…
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Muchas gracias por tus palabras Laura.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Daniela, muchas gracias.
Un abrazo!
Alvarez Negrete María Guadalupe 1B
Some teachers.. Just say.. that the baad education are our own learn.. I think about the teachers because we dont know about her life with beneffits that they have, and we the students dont worry.. just want to learn and be alone .
Hay muchos maestros que si dan clases es porque la necesidad de empleo de alguna manera los ha colocado en esa posición, es decir; muchos no tienen vocación y si a eso le aunamos que la preparación pedagógica es relativamente baja, entonces nos encontramos de frente con los resultados que la enseñanza no coincide con las necesidades del aprendizaje…”Los docentes tienen el honor de ser, simultáneamente,el peor problema y la mejor solución en educación” (Fullan, 1993)
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Nanishe, es una triste realidad: la docencia suele ser un reducto de la frustración profesional, y el costo es incalculable.
Eduardo Jimenez 1D
Is very interesting this post, the education should be to quality from primary.
I think many teachers do not “teach well” their subjects, as they give the theme seen when not everyone has undertood.
Christian Daniel Rentería García 1-D
How we suppose to learn from someone who haven’t learned anything.
We don’t need more quantity we need more quality teachers.
If we all have of it the rest is upon of us.
We need to responsilize of our acts.
David Toledo Zúñiga 1B
I agree with you.
The problem isn’t only with students.
I think some teachers don’t know how to teach.
But too many students do not take classes with seriousness.
Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A
In my opinion; the hours of class sufficient.
The teachers haven’t the problem.
The problem is that not all students has the same capacity to learning.
But is responsible everyone’s.
Adrian contreras Ocaranza 1 A
I think you should developing a culture of assessment for all subjects of education.
I Think excellent Reflection Doctor.
We need more quality teachers.
students as teachers is to blame for education.
The text is very interesting.
Many students have deficiencies in the area of mathematics.
we have to create a method to solve this shortcoming.
I hope we can reach a solution that benefits us all.
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
Yes Doctor! The students also I consider that they need more hours in your studies.
But, also the teachers most put of your part.
Each student put each day more desire in your studies.
I agree with you Doctor.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
That’s a good point.
I always have thought it was teachers fault
I reason it now
It’s kind of our fault
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B
You always tells the truth.
If students we don’t learn,is not because we are bad.
But teachers aren’t bad.
The problem is that teachers do’nt know how to teach.
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 1ºA
In my opinion we need a better education.
Students need more hours of study.
For better education need good teachers and students interested in learning.
This will always be a controversial topic.
Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A
They not because spend more hours learning means you will learn more.
If not there are quality teachers will not be learnt.
But, not only teachers have fault also students, because they don’t spend enough time studying.
For better education, we need support of both part.
Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A
All sickness have a cure.
The principal cause is lack time.
I think that important is the quality and don´t quantity.
Education is students and teachers.
These last days spent listening to reports of directors and directors of The University of Colima.
Regarding the quality of the students first have to deal with the disease after the remedy Allar.
Primary hours with high school students came to the Sifra of 2250 hours just math.
It is clear that we must change the way of studying.
I like your thinking Mr. Juan Carlos.
although largely teachers would have to do their part, also the program that are given to teachers is a little poorly designed that’s where teachers could see
that things are bad and they design their own strategy to see students, and students do their part a little more demanding teachers.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Ricardo!
There are many kinds of teachers. Education it’s a big responsibility. This responsability it’s bad standardized and many irregularities have caused problems in the learning of all us for many years. This problem will be fixed in too many years if we don’t feel necessity than exist.
Edwin Preciado
Very interesting your text
According to you
I think you should create some methods or ways that
Students must also do their part
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B
I haven’t thought about how many hours I have of studying mathematics.
I think now, we have a lot of hours of mathematics, but in another country, the students maybe they have more hours.
The teachers should asks about himself.
They should ask “What is my responsibility for my students to learn?
Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D
Yeah! everybody have to put our part.
It’s a good point.
I agree with you.
I think some teachers don’t know how to teach.
Antonio Torres Figueroa
La buena educacion empieza en casa.
La escuela tambien es importante.
El futuro no el la prioridad.
Estudia lucha, trabaja, es nuestro presente.
Antonio Torres Figueroa
Good education begins at home.
The school is also important.
The future is not the priority.
Study struggle, work, is our present.
Ignacio Ramirez 1A
We must all do our part to improve education.
I think it’s very good the Academic Avanze UDC.
I agree on how to improve.
Good article Dr.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A
Education is our responsability as a teacher or a student.
But as you say teachers need to ask themselves is they are doing something wrong.
I think if students have bad grades maybe it’s not only they fault.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D
The quality of education is poor.
You may not need more hours of study but to improve the system.
The teacher and students are partly to blame about teaching.
The forms of study and teaching must change for the better.
José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B
You did a good observation.
No need more hours of study, is needed to improve the quality of the classes.
Many teachers need to have these questions.
I like your phrase of “La mala enseñanza, estimados maestros, también es un problema nuestro, no de los otros.”
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 1D
I agree with you.
I think we should change the teaching techniques.
Some teachers are proud for reprobating students.
They should realize that if students do not learn are not doing their job.
They should be proud that their students learn.
Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D
I think the school is the key to get to college.
The school is the guide for University.
Thanks to high school, we can choose a career.
The question is, more quality and less quantity.
Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A
The teachers have to make clear all.
I think there are many ways to teach math.
Many forms easy to understand.
Teachers should look for better methods.
edgar eduardo zepeda orozco
We don’t need more quantity we need more quality teachers.
I think if students have bad grades maybe it’s not only they fault.
But as you say teachers need to ask themselves is they are doing something wrong.
sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D
The teacher and students are partly to blame about teaching.
there are a good reflections and I hope the teachers can do a change for this problem.
Regarding the quality of the students first have to deal with the disease after the remedy Allar.
victor escalera sanchez 1D
bad , the learning is bad too.
there are a good reflections and I hope the teachers can do a change for this problem.
many years if we don’t feel necessity than exist.
I agree on how to improve.
Edsel Barbosa 1D
Bad managers presenting resusltados
of powers over a year, not so much for them
but because the students do not come well prepared from
the middle and high school level.
kevin roberto gomez peralta 1"D"
we need more quality in teaching.
Students interested in classes.
That teachers care about teaching.
That the resources devoted to education come.
Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D
I agree with what he says.
Sometimes some teachers are very good but they can not teach.
A few hours with a good teacher enough.
Very interesting articles.
Good article.
Fabian Garcia Alcala 1-D
I agree on how to improve.
Many teachers need to have these questions.
For better education need good teachers and students interested in learning.
Is very interesting this post, the education should be to quality from primary.
Jorge Caballero
Teachers can do a change for this problem.
Some problems are not that hard.
I agree with what you’re trying to imply.
We just need to think about it all.
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