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Por qué no educan los municipios

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Aunque el artículo tercero constitucional faculta a los municipios para impartir educación su participación en el sistema educativo es marginal. En la estructura organizativa de los municipios la educación no es una prioridad y no existe, en general, una dirección encargada de atenderla. Sospecho que por su irrelevancia entre los políticos nadie se pelearía por ser director de servicios educativos municipales -o como se llamara-. En las campañas electorales no suele ser parte de la oferta de los candidatos y si no aparece ni allí, ya podemos estar seguros que nunca figurará en la actuación de los gobernantes.

El lugar que ocupa en los gobiernos municipales se puede explicar por la concepción corriente sobre educación. Como antaño, mucha gente sigue pensando que la educación es aquello que sólo ocurre cuando existen un salón, estudiantes y un profesor explicando, por tanto, son parte del ámbito educativo básico, nada más, las oficinas de la Secretaría de Educación Pública y las estatales, así como las del Sindicato magisterial que cuidan celosamente los intereses de los maestros (no estoy seguro que cuiden con el mismo celo la preparación de los niños y jóvenes).

Se pierde de vista que la educación no es patrimonio exclusivo de las escuelas, que lo ocurrido dentro de ella es muy relevante, pero podría ser contrarrestado por un medio social hostil a los efectos benéficos del sistema escolar. Una sociedad, y dentro de ella las familias, en donde se priviliegien ciertos valores y usos, contrarios a los que promueve discursivamente la escuela, será un duro enemigo de los enseñantes. Los estudiantes aprenden más por lo que ven y hacen los otros, que por lo que les pregonan que es bueno o vale la pena.

Se pierde de vista o se ignora que las ciudades y los pueblos también educan, con sus calles limpias o sucias, con sus trazos y edificios públicos, con sus parques, con la vialidad y el lugar que ocupan automovilistas y peatones, con la recolección de la basura, con la seguridad pública o el alumbrado, con los animales callejeros, con las quemas indiscriminadas, con banquetas y accesos para discapacitados, y este efecto, lo que se ve, lo que las personas hacen es más potente que los discursos.

Si las ciudades o los pueblos educan, si la calle y el barrio instruyen, también los municipios deberían educar, cuidando todos esos aspectos y con programas de educación comunitaria, no reservando su acción a las direcciones de cultura con sus pobres ofertas en la materia, en las que realizan actividades para pasar lista. La educación es una tarea social porque nos formamos en colectivos y porque todos somos partícipes jugando distintos roles. Lo dijo en la Universidad de Colima Fernando Savater, con autoridad y claridad: todos los niños y jóvenes se educan, vayan o no a la escuela, pero si no tienen un aula su educación queda en las manos de los peores ejemplos, de los “malos educadores”, como la televisión o los poderes fácticos que hoy dominan en las sociedades.

Los municipios erróneamente se han retirado o no asumieron su papel formativo. Es verdad, los ayuntamientos no reciben presupuestos considerables para el sector, y no reciben porque no han exigido, pero si, por ejemplo, los diez ayuntamientos de Colima acordarán un plan al respecto y gestionaran recursos con audacia y creatividad, el dinero, más tarde o más temprano, llegaría y se invertiría en programas de educación no formal, de formación ciudadana. Con los años el efecto multiplicador de estos programas nos dejaría, no tengo duda, mejores pueblos y ciudades porque tendríamos buenos ciudadanos y eso, más temprano que tarde, significaría mejores gobiernos.

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42 thoughts on “Por qué no educan los municipios

  1. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    Is right, should create a nomination a someone who cares for education.

    Is true, government occasion cares more by salaries and interest of teachers than of students.

    All children and young are educate, being or not in a school, only if not go to school, are educate themselves of bad examples, is true.

    Would that, government of Colima put the batteries for better education in state.

  2. Leopoldo

    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con usted Maestro, sobre éste asunto le comento que al anterior Rector le presenté un proyecto sobre una escuela de Ciudadanía y buen gobierno, no obtuve ninguna respuesta.Lo saludo con afecto.

  3. Leopoldo

    Sobre este tema le presenté un proyecto al anterior Rector, sin ningún éxito. Un afectuoso saludo

  4. Balvanero

    Pienso que el solamente entender la educación como un proceso ligado al aula, y no como aquel que implica a la persona misma, en todos sus contextos, impide que se puedan desarrollar proyectos como el que sugieres. Implica cambios de mentalidad, si puedo aventurar una respuesta muy rápida. Educaciòn para todos, toda la vida, es algo que propone la UNESCO. Una ardua tarea.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Balvanero, sin duda una tarea complicado y lenta, pero posible y necesaria.

  5. Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A

    I think what , your idea is good, the education, should be

    in all sectors, for example, you said at shool, colony, our families.

    is true than media do not learn, and I think so what que the education is all

    everyplace greetings!

  6. Gerardo Alfaro

    Es verdaderamente gratificante , leer y enterarse de posibles acciones como las que plantea; los secretarios de educacion , o a quien corresponda, tienen que sacudirse ideas viejas y juntarse mas con usted…gracias.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gerardo, gracias por tus comentarios y por leerme.

  7. Adrian contreras Ocaranza 1 A

    I really agree with you.

    If true,there are many people who think that education exists only when a classroom with young people and teachers.

    I also think that municipalities must make education programs that help people.

    In all sectors for example,neighborhood,you said at school,our families,have a form of education.

  8. Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A

    Is right, learned more in the streets that in the school.

    Learned more because a real stage.

    But the government should work more.

    Is so as archieve the targets established.

  9. David Toledo Zúñiga 1B

    I agree with you.
    The good education start in the home.
    I think that the government doesn’t import the education or the students.
    It’s time that we will have a change in the form of government.

  10. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B

    You have absolutely right.
    Many things we learn outside of school.
    Is very important that society be good.
    The government should worry about have an educated society.

  11. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 1ºA

    Education in Mexico will always be a controversial issue.

    I agree, education is acquired not only in school but also at home and even in the streets.

    The government should be more concerned about education and not by irrelevant issues.

    I hope that the plan to be implemented in Colima work, and our state get better over the years.

  12. Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A

    I can not believe that the government don´t important the education.
    Don´t only the school is education.
    Don´t important if we go the best school, if in the street we learn contrary.
    All kids and youngs is educate go or don´t go to the school.

  13. Ignacio Ramirez 1A

    We must start with the smaller places for better education beyond.
    Very important for improving education in the country.
    Should try to improve this education so that the country can move forward.
    Good article Dr.


    The text is very interesting.
    I think it is wrong that municipalities do not participate in education.
    Is wrong that the rulers are not interested.
    We have to do something to change this.


    The third artucilo not on constitutional and electoral lascampañas partedelaoferta deloscandidatos sueleser.

    It aperdido view that education does not belong in schools.

    FernandoSavater said at the University of Colima with authority and clarity and young children are educated.

    The municipalities have withdrawn or failed to assume its formative role.

  16. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    It’s very interesting your point.
    Mexican education is poor.
    Now the mexicans don’t want to study.
    I don’t know why.

  17. Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B

    if it is tragic that people still think that education depends only on teachers and students, I believe that education encompasses more than just that but still needs to be done should not lose hope.

  18. sergio rodrigo ceceña lares 1:B

    I support his argument MR. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco. The good education is exercised not only in the schools but also in the home the pupils of the institutions must be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that are offered to us so much in our home up to like in our school. I think that the government have to of matter resting with mas academic and good teachers.

  19. Edwin Preciado

    I agree with you
    Very good text
    I also think That Municipalities must make Education Programs That Help People.
    Thanks for the article Dr.

  20. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B

    This gouverment should changes with new people with good education in the future.
    You are right with this text.
    Not everyting is learned in the school.
    Perhaps the gouverment in Colima have to work more in the education.

  21. José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B

    It’s a good publication.
    It’s unfortunate that the municipalities don’t have an office of educational services.
    People should take action on the matter.
    Hopefully things improve.

  22. Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D

    Yeah Mr. Yanez! You all right, it is one of the big problems that anyone worry about it.
    I agree with you, I am sure that we have better education too.
    I lived in a town and that happened.
    Nice articule.

  23. Alvarez Negrete María Guadalupe 1B

    Yeah, its all right..

    Education begin in everyone.
    For me, education begin in home, with family.. But if family dont have a good idea about what is education .. Childrens or ourself should begin learned about the persons that someone I admired.. This is take all good things that i liked than fellow man

  24. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    I agree with you Doctor.
    In Mexico the people think that the education is teacher, student and classroom, but these isn’t certain because we don’t know if the teacher give class good.
    I think that the government must put more attention in the public education.
    Teachers at your WORK!

  25. Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A

    Municipalities not important.

    The most important thing for me is people.

    As people look after the Municipalities will be better.

    If people treat him badly will a bad Municipality.

  26. Eduardo Jimenez 1D

    It´s true, many people continues with the belief that education occurs only i the school.

    I think also should educate any public server so you know “meet to the people”, since many not known treat people.

    Is very interesting the proposal mentioned sayinf that goberments should create community education programs.

  27. Christian Daniel Rentería García 1-D

    Everything needs an education system.
    The government nee to know all kind of education places that exists.
    We need to reinforce that places where the kids learn.
    The education begins in oneself.

  28. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D

    Rulers should support education in their political campaigns

    Schools teach only part of what you need to know

    We as students try to imitate what we see in and out of school so it is important to educate even outside the classroom.

    Education is not only knowledge but values.

  29. Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 1D

    I agree with you.
    I think we must care education of our young.
    We Mustn’t leave education in hands of crime.
    So we can have better citizens and less insecurity.

  30. Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D

    The base in a municipality, in addition to the family, it is education.
    If there is no education, no culture.
    If there is no culture, there will be trash.
    Municipalities, however small, need an education system.

  31. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A

    You can doing if you want.
    Your idea is good.
    Make really would be nice.
    Would a good project.

  32. Antonio Torres Figueroa

    I agree with you.

    I think that the government must put more attention in the public education.

    The good education start in the home.

    Many things we learn outside of school.

  33. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco

    I also think that municipalities must make education programs that help people.
    Make really would be nice.
    If people treat him badly will a bad Municipality.

  34. sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D

    Is true, government occasion cares more by salaries and interest of teachers than of students.
    Mexican education is poor.
    Is wrong that the rulers are not interested.
    Don´t only the school is education.

  35. victor escalera sanchez 1D

    Is right, should create a nomination a someone who cares for education.
    in all sectors, for example, you said at shool, colony, our families.
    is true than media do not learn, and I think so what que the education is all.
    that i liked than fellow man

  36. Edsel Barbosa 1D

    Municipalities are authorized if
    for that, but at the same municipalities
    not that people should learn to
    aciendo continue their dirty tricks

  37. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1"D"

    Education in Mexico will always be a controversial issue.
    Education should be improved.
    One problem is that students do not care about classes.
    Municipalities would be good to agree to improve education here.

  38. Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D

    The government education he’s least interested.

    If less people know the better for the government.

    People without education are that it is easier to persuade.

    For that reason the townspeople thought of everything you see on TV.

    And adding to that all open channels are handled with the government.

  39. Fabian Garcia Alcala 1-D

    Learned more because a real stage.
    One problem is that students do not care about classes.
    Is true, government occasion cares more by salaries and interest of teachers than of students.
    The government nee to know all kind of education places that exists.

  40. Jorge Caballero

    Old ideas should be replaced.
    Education is the only chance.
    But political interests take precedence.
    We must strive to be a worthy person.

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