

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

De los comercios que conocí mientras caminaba de la mano de mis padres, cuando uno camina de la mano de sus padres, pocos quedan en la Ciudad de Colima. Casi todos desaparecieron, cerrados, extintos, perdidos en el tiempo, enterrados en la historia, aunque sobreviven en la memoria de sus dueños y en algunos de nosotros. Y fue apenas ayer ¡hace 30 años! Muchos para una persona, pocos para una ciudad. ¿Por qué algunas cosas se van para siempre y no nos dan la oportunidad de re-vivirlas?

Don Pedro, viejo querido amigo argentino (en el más cariñoso sentido de las palabras viejo, querido, amigo y argentino), me contaba lo que ya vi, lo que conocí a través de sus relatos: trozos de la historia argentina, de sus próceres, de sus ciudades, de los restaurantes, de sus personajes, de las costumbres, de los vicios. De lo vivido y conocido por don Pedro en sus mocedades casi todo sigue vivo. ¡60 años después! Cómo carajos se hace eso, me pregunto.

A dos calles de nuestro departamento en Santa Fe se ubica la Biblioteca Popular Emilio Zola, fundada en 1911 por inmigrantes europeos. Es verdad: es pequeñita, vieja, modesta… pero está abierta, viva, invita a los habitantes del barrio a visitarla. ¿Cuántas bibliotecas tenía México, todo el país, hace cien años? No sé la respuesta ni me interesa, en realidad, solo quiero rendir un sincero, cariñoso homenaje a las sociedades donde lo viejo tiene un lugar, donde lo viejo se respeta, se aprecia, pero sobre todo, donde los viejos, las viejas no se quedan en casa, no se arrumban como muebles inútiles, no se arredran ante la vida ni se entierran al llegar a los 60. Eso es, dentro de estas divagaciones, la mejor lección: la vida social no se termina a una edad, sino cuando la actitud lo decreta.

No tengo duda, hoy menos que nunca: si don Pedro, mi querido viejo amigo argentino fuera mexicano, perdonen que lo diga, hace tiempo estaría muerto, pero siendo como es y lo que es, sigue viviendo todos los días con una fuerza y determinación que a veces se extraña en los jóvenes.

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40 thoughts on “ELOGIO DE LA VEJEZ

  1. Ana Luz


    Gracias por tus reflexiones, soy cómplice de tus emociones. Sabes? ya te extraño, aunque no nos veíamos mucho, siempre era agradable el encuentro. Deseo que estés pasando un tiempo lindo.

    Un gran abrazo!

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Muchas gracias por tus palabras Ana Luz.

      Un abrazo!

  2. Esmeralda Rivera

    It is true, many of the children do not respect their parents and elders, and many others are humiliated and abandoned.
    Day after day the respect that young ones had for the elderly has been vanishing.
    We remember with pride to each of our loved ones and think that if they continue to live would they’d be struggling to move forward, so must each of us.
    We as young people we must have more strength and determination in each of our activities, which helps us to improve as a person.

    1. arthur edwards

      Very nice thoughts and very good English. Keep it up!

  3. german mtz.

    I liked so much this post, it tells the reality for old people and stuff in Mexico. But it also says that old people in Mexico feel like the are socialy dead, they don’t wake up with will to continue. Or at least that’s the impression they give to me. Not too long ago it was kind of like a fashion for teens to be lazy, wich it’s not like a very cool fashion but it was comfortable.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Muchas gracias Germán.



    2. arthur edwards

      Very GOOD!

  4. jorge salvador ciprian figueroa

    Speaks of the longing of the shops that existed and are not now.

    Mr pedro what he’d talked lived and thus was learned from the past.

    Also talk that the old are respected and valued.

    And that age is no impediment to doing things or be happy.

    1. arthur edwards


    2. arthur edwards

      Nice work!

  5. Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel

    when I read this I realize that is true what you tell us. Unfortunately the mentalism in mexico for old people is so sad. I think that 5% or less of the old people in Mexico has a very good attitude and they see the life in a good perspective. I like your story it make me think about the life and that we have to enjoy it every moment we can.

    1. arthur edwards

      Nice reflection! Good!

  6. Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo

    You are right. I think young people need a positive feeling about life, that feeling of want to live and make things better.
    People should appreciate more old things because they’re our past.
    All old things have history a lot, we can find beatiful history and facts, they can tell us great histories. We should appreciate more old things and don’t let them die.

    1. arthur edwards

      I enjoyed your thoughts!

  7. Alexis Buenrostro Arreola

    I agree with you. when one is a child is seeing all the businesses that can be found on their way. but also are slowly disappearing due to the large stores that come to overshadow those small businesses that are in Colima. I’m sad that is, but there is so much I can do :/

  8. Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J

    I agree with you, when I was a child I saw many businesses that already disappeared.
    Many shops disappear because their owners have died.
    Older people have good memories.
    Nowadays, many young ignore the older people because they believe that older people know nothing.

  9. Gabriel Alberto Andrade Herrera

    This blog is very interesting because it is the reality of older people and their desire to live his life.

    Day after day the respect young people have for the elderly has been disappearing.

    The young people never understand to the old people, ´cause they not lived in his time.

    And the most sad is, one person can learn much of the old people, and not want accept.

  10. hector priego

    you are right now almost the most youth longer respect adult wings.
    besides adults have tips we can help or who have gone through that.
    the adults is interesting and happy both.
    i like people adults by the history and past .

  11. Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez

    Now many young children no longer respect their parents.
    Increasingly we young people lose respect for the elderly.
    It was right when you had more smaller companies now disappeared.
    Reading the article I realize that you have to live day to day and enjoy every moment

    1. arthur edwards

      Very nice work!

  12. Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles

    i like story of old men is nice,
    i think young people need learn from history.
    the blog is very interesting because i learning from global culture.
    the life time is very small

  13. Brian Alexis Florian Peralta

    I agree with you, is evident when the city’s been changed.
    I think what it a day was something, now not is nothing.
    The life follow, the time follow the course.
    All has end.

    1. arthur edwards

      Nice thoughts!

  14. Brian Alexis Florian Peralta 1ºK

    I agree with you, is evident when the city’s been changed.
    I think what it a day was something, now not is nothing.
    The life follow, the time follow the course.
    All has end.

  15. Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero 1°K

    I like remember all things of when i was little. This things put me sentimental. Is very good when you are old and remember the past times. Like me this history, would like me when i be a old man remember my childhood. :’)

  16. José Luis Torres Cervantes 1°K

    A proverb says that remember is live again.
    I like that some shops still in that place.
    Definitely a lot of things changed through the time around the World.
    I would like turn back in time to my childhood to can go to that places that I used to visit often and live again that memories.

  17. David Batista Rodríguez 1J

    -thats information is so interesant.
    -is bad thats the store end.
    -so bad un México clase antigued librarys
    -México doesnt give a opotunity to make something things.

  18. jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1 J

    Find an old friend is something fabulous.

    Remembering is something only real friends.

    They can continue on in this life is a challenge.

    From experience I know that finding a good friend is a feeling that is not always known.

  19. Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina

    *When you were young, you said, you met a stores, what kind of stores did you visted?
    *Why this comercy will desaper?
    *i see you friendship with don pedro, is very cool because you describe him with old friend, and good friend.
    * i think im agree with you in the case about your friend pedro, it he will mexican, he will dead :l because the argentin people live more i dont know why

  20. Carlos Daniel Espinoza Marcial

    I liked this publication very much. Old peole are very important in our lives, because they can help in everything. I don’t like that old people think that because they are old they are close to die. They shoulf enjoy life and everybody should take advantage that he is there and enjoy them because they get to miss them alot when they die

  21. Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez

    I am 18 years old, but I also remember some things that I liked when I was a child.
    My grandmother used to tell me stories about her and her family, and they were great stories.
    As you say, sometimes it’s a shame that the new generation doesn’t seem to take the time to spend it with the others.
    I like Colima, but it does feel like it’s other different city from what it was.

  22. Cristian Baron G.

    I think it is wrong people of Mexico do not care and respect what they have from them and all.
    I think that if more people in Mexico appreciate old things with history would continue having more things with many years of seniority.
    When people in Mexico appreciate the things that we have in the country, all will live better and more last things.
    If people reflect and think that we could take care of our things, would endure more.

  23. Gerardo Orbe Sánchez

    Everything changes. People, places, things, everything is in constant change. Maybe ,for example, today I have a laundry and I have a lot of work, but it’s possible that tomorrow nobody come. Nobody can predict the future (at least not 100% of it).

  24. César Pérez

    I think that the more old, the story is more amazing.
    The young people forget the important work of the old man and women.
    Today’s action will be a legacy tomorrow.
    The temple SHOULD replace libraries.

  25. jose luis gomez martinez

    *the business we delieve lost never be forsoten its owner.

    *when are childre and see place where of large it feel like no longer do that alredy disappeared.

    *there are places passing years and still being visited per person. since it was built.

    *people,age for lack of attitude, when you have positive attitude, even be old will feel as youing and strong.

  26. Alan Heriberto Gutierrez Vigil

    I have the luck to meet someone very old. In fact, he is like Don Pedro. Despite his age (I don’t know exactly, but is around 90 years old), he lives with an energy that I have always admired, and also, he has many stories and experiences that worth to be immortalized in a book. He lived in the time of the famous and historical “Cristiadas” and he met at first hand to many important figures of the time. I really wish him to live many more years, and when the moment comes, I want to live like him and Don Pedro, with a long and fascinating life behind, to be narrated.


    I agree with you. For places, it is very sad That no retention of older places, They are part of our history. On the other hand, it is true That People Have the Power to determine his death. I think if a person is happy and active, live longer. My great grandmother is 98 and she says she still 98 more missing.

  28. Salvador Alan Pérez Tostado 1J

    -I respect people who try to do something productive even when they are more than 60 years old.

    -I’m 18 years old, but i know what you mean, i have seen some places in ruins, how you said, lost in time.

    -I like this blog, i can see you have a lot of topic of conversation, i would like to talk someday with you.

    -Also i like your blog, because i like your thinking.

  29. Victor Omaury Marmolejo 1J

    The beautiful of time is all the memories.
    When im old, i want have many memories.
    There many thing that will be, with the time.
    But all continues life in our memory.

  30. Andrés Cortés Martínez

    We need make conscience and admire the old people that still working with a strong perceverance on whatever they do, and sometimes they still doing their work not because they need it, the do it because they want do it, they want feel themselves useful.

    Thanks Yañez, you made reflect.

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