Las circunstancias dictan un imperativo que no parecen atender los involucrados: asegurar la viabilidad financiera de las universidades públicas. Es tarea del Estado, por supuesto, principalmente de sus gobiernos, de sus diputados y de los rectores, pero se mira de soslayo o se confía en la generosidad de alguna mano invisible que vierta la solución. La mano no asoma y no asomará si no hay decisiones políticas e imaginación, hechos firmes y no la misma demagogia irresponsable.
El caso reciente de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas y las latentes crisis financieras en otras instituciones estatales son una más, la enésima advertencia de una bomba de tiempo en medio de un campo minado. Pero las condiciones acelerarán estallidos cuando se acumulen las variables en curso: la crisis de los jubilados, el aumento de los gastos de operación y las necesidades, la expansión de las plantillas laborales, la ineficiencia de los gastos y el estancamiento de los presupuestos.
Unos y otros se miran a los ojos mientras discuten el tema presupuestal, cada cierto tiempo, como esperando que el otro tenga la solución. Pero no hay imaginación ni voluntad. El gobierno tal vez esperando que las universidades aumenten sus cuotas a los estudiantes e inventen nuevas fórmulas para obtener otros ingresos propios; las autoridades universitarias confiando en la palabra de quien ha dado muestras, hasta el cansancio, que se compromete de palabra una parte del año pero no mucho más. Los dos sexenios panistas son una lección contundente, aunque, ya se sabe, ellos no son los autores intelectuales, pues el financiamiento de la educación superior es un problema crónico, histórico, no coyuntural.
Los actores siguen atendiendo los síntomas, pero la enfermedad sigue intacta. En ese escenario los programas de austeridad son una buena excusa para recortar gastos en áreas incómodas, o en casi todas, pero hay que tener poca inteligencia para darse cuenta de que dichos programas no aumentan los recursos, sino, en el mejor de los casos, su eficiencia y gestión. Políticamente tampoco son rentables al interior de las comunidades, pues los recortes siguen dejando fuera áreas íntimas, que no pocas veces esconden inmoralidades y corrupción, mientras las cargas de trabajo siguen aumentando.
¿Pasará este cacareado sexenio de promesas transformadoras sin resolver este problema clave de la educación superior, la investigación y el desarrollo? En principio la “reforma educativa” (casi todos acuerdan: es más reforma y menos educativa) no incluyó a la enseñanza superior. ¿Habrá una versión 2.0 de la reforma?
Frente a la historia, que a veces nos hunde en el pesimismo (y nuestra historia en la materia es brutalmente nítida), ojalá empiece una nuevo capítulo de decisiones inaplazables y soluciones inéditas a la altura, por lo menos, de la mitad de las promesas.
Arthur Edwards
People see education in terms of its cost, instead of an investment. That is why we try to decrease costs and increase investments.
José Fabio Ramirez
This is intresting.
The colleges of mexico dont have money.
The government dont have money
We are in a hole. A deep Hole
Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo
I think this is very bad. Now we are watching facts that in a future will affect us.
I think this topic is very important to everybody, we should do something to get all promises.
I think this is about government’s business with school. I guess.
Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero
The money has been a big problem, everyone lacks of this.
I don’t like what the fee increase your price.
The government must make a solution for this problem.
Which will be the solution?.
jpablo ramirez contreras
I think, that people do not have enough money.
I believe that the government of a state, could support and solve some points.
I also believe that not just sit and discuss whether inaction.
I think that could be improved if only to see for yourself if not for others.
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta
I think the decision is of one person and is duty of this discuss between the people.
Si a person not take the decision then no the taking nobody.
The politic is a disgust.
A the higher education no is the put much atention.
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles
The university dont have money
the government doesn’t give money to university public
the government make business with university public
the reform educative don’t resolve the problems with education
José Luis Torres Cervantes 1°K
That situation doesn’t care to the government, the government just want his own benefit.
The power blinds people, while politicians get rich we are fucke up with their reforms that instead of helping harm us.
The presidents promise thing that never accomplish, is how they win the elections.
Is why a lot of countries around the world are sunken in troubles.
Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez
I don’t know why the gobernment decide to support some trivial things, but what about the schools?
They try to solve the narcotraphic with legalization and some other measures that don’t solve the real problem.
I hope they don’t realize it too late when we can no longer save the students.
I would like to see a better Mexico, not in 40 years, but as soon as possible.
luis manuel sanchez paez
The lack of money in our contry is mostly caused(i belive) in the invertions our governamet do to hide the fact that we dont have money.
If we dont learn to make saves for our future mexico how are we gonna survive?.
Is in the mexican blood to waiste money, every single peso we have we used in usless shit.
What is wrong whit people? seriously why would we ever trust PRI again i just can’t belive that those peoples win, tha is only a proof that mexicans are a manipulable country.
hector priego
the education is important to improve in states of the republic .
education in mexico not fund to level professional.
the mexico the education not good .
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa
The educational reform partly this badly.
For the Mexicans the money is a problem as which we do not have the necessary resources.
All these problems can be solved by means of the understanding of a side and of other one.
The government does not take measurements for the education rather centers in other problems as the drugs.
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez iJ
Corruption in government is not good.
How promising and fail.
They have never done anything good for education only no actions unfinished and unfulfilled promises.
We need better education and government to provide the necessary support.
Alexis Buenrotro Arreola
Mexico is assumed that education is improving but at what cost? teachers leave their schools to go to make gears while clear, young students are left without classes. I really think mexico needs changes that benefit all and that we can become a world power
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J
The government has too much corruption is the worst.
It needs the support of government.
Do not allow universities to stop working properly.
The people need the help the country to move forward.
Auhtzin Reyes Contreras 1K
I think it is a big problem that the Government perform such actions
that only affect education in Mexico.
They should invest more money in its improvement, to the students rather than
them taking more expensive study they receive
Esmeralda Rivera
because the quota increase there will be less students, the cause is, they can not pay their studies.
Too bad the government only think about their economic welfare.
If we realize, labor work continues to grow physically and taxes too, but what you thing about the wages, they remain the same.
We should do something to finish this.
Esmeralda Rivera
Because the quota increase there will be less students, the cause is, they can not pay their studies.
Too bad the government only think about their economic welfare.
If we realize, labor work continues to grow physically and taxes too, but what you thing about the wages, they remain the same.
We should do something to finish this.
Gabriel Alberto Andrade Herrera
The government must make a solution for this problem.
All these problems can be solved by means of the understanding of a side and of other one.
I hope this “educational reform” worthwhile.
Hopefully in this administration put the cards on the table and improve this country.
Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel
Its sad to read about this, but is nothing more than the reality that we live. The government always has been stealing money every time they can. It´s ridiculous to increase the inscriptions of the schools. Thats why the education in mexico is so poor.
Yaritza Cárdenas Aguilar
Should have more investment in education.
Public education should have the same quality private education.
I think mexico needs to change many things in education.
Hopefully things will change someday.
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*the university thinks the students have a lot money, but this isn’t true
*I think the thinks government wants to earn money of the students and this is bad :S very bad…. wors
*this six year of the gobernamet must be the best in mexico
*i want the education will be free for all the students
Gerardo Orbe Sánchez
But hey, we have “free education” (*sarcasm*).
Seriously, what’s wrong with this country and the lack of money?
It’s pretty sad the fact that this month is “Mexico’s month”, a month when we celebrate our independence and our freedom. What are we doing now? what are we celebrate?
Is there something to celebrate? The answer is no (at least not for me). We have to bring back the Mexico we lost in the past with the bad government.
Carlos Daniel Espinoza Marcial
I think the goberment is taking advantage of us students. Not everybody is capuble to pay for school. I think that the goverment should give us Free education because we can have more oportunities. Us students are only looking for oportunities so we can be someone in life.
Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil
The government invests huge amounts of money to advertise their achievements, probably more than it really invests in these same.
This added to the poor organization of which most largely ignore or prefer not to admit it, leaves us with a public problem that requires an immediate solution.
They expect the money comes out of universities when these are public institutions, and supposedly free of costs for students and the universities themselves. And unfortunately the bad management of resources, is forming a vicious circle that not will stop if drastic changes do not occur.
Elizabeth Garcia Cardenas 1J
The government only seeks ways to rob people. They are not interested in higher education because they do not want people to have knowledge. I do not think they change their governance. I think that instead of promoting education only be suspended for a long time because of strikes.
Victor Omaury Marmolejo Medina 1J
The University of Zacatecas need a best backrest financial.
But another universities have that learn from this.
In the University of Colima we are not exempt of this situation.
The studends of the University of Colima need more power of opinion.
Andrés Cortés Martínez
A way to earn money for the schools was the quotas, the school supposedly was free but they charge quota for everything.The government need invest in education, if they want put less money for the school, it wouldn’t be viable for that people in money poor condition, and cutting their chances for that people, that are our possible future, to let know mexico.. That’s all, a invest in School is a invest on México, a invest for our future.
sergio omar lopez ceballos