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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Muchas veces escuché o leí las quejas sobre los servicios que prestan empresas, sus estilos de cobranza, sus formas de amarrar clientes y de clavarles los colmillos hasta sangrarlos en la economía y reventarles la cordura. Escuché divertido no pocas veces los insultos a aquellas prácticas sabidas y toleradas por las autoridades. No he estado exento: Iusacell hace tiempo y Banamex en otro, son los dos casos que más recuerdo. No me persiguen esas maldiciones, pero cuando sucede, trastornan sin compasión. Ahora pasa con Iusacell y Banamex, de nuevo. La historia es simple, no ha terminado. El pago de mi banda ancha móvil está cargado en automático a la tarjeta de crédito. El banco omitió la transferencia de este mes y se desató la persecución en mi contra, en casa, en la de mi hermana y las amenazas de que me cobrarán hasta donde me esconda. En un día no sé cuántas llamadas recibí. Después de haberme exhibido como deudor moroso, el problema debo resolverlo con prontitud; así lo haré. Sé que no tengo alternativa: con Telcel la experiencia no fue más gratificante y Movistar tampoco fue lo que promete su publicidad. Intentaré llevar la vida en paz, sin alteraciones vanas. Lo mío es, por fortuna, peccata minuta, aunque me vienen a la cabeza aquellos que pregonan la excelencia de la empresa: ¿ese es el espejo que quieren que miremos las universidades o los profesores? Hasta hoy no he encontrado mejor exorcismo que decir, como los personajes del Chapulín Colorado: ¿Y ahora, quién podrá defendernos?

Los claros

Cada oscuro tiene su claro, cada sur su norte. Hay también, en muchas partes, hombres y mujeres que hacen su trabajo gustosos, satisfechos de lo que eligieron –y si no, alegremente resignados, si es posible- y dispuestos a dar lo mejor de sí. Cada vez que encuentro a uno de esos personajes que te hace más fácil el trámite o el mal momento, los agradezco más que maldigo a las empresas. Recuerdo ahora con agrado a la enfermera Elvira, que en el Centro Médico tres días muy temprano me recibió con una sonrisa amable y cumplió eficientemente su labor. En el vigilante del Tribunal Estatal Electoral que una mañana me ayudó a encontrar el rumbo que había perdido. En Don Pedro, el vigilante de la estancia infantil de la Universidad de Colima, que cada mediodía tiene una sonrisa para mi Juancarlos cuando nos despedimos. En Don Sergio, el  buen hombre que cada jornada tiene nuestras oficinas tan limpias como nunca las tuve. En personas que no recuerdo su nombre, pero que una mañana o una tarde resolvieron expeditos los trámites que debía hacer en Corett, en Ciapacov, en el Ayuntamiento de Villa de Álvarez. No dudo que son más los buenos y los que hacen de su trabajo una vocación de servicio. Pienso, entonces, que no todo está perdido, y que aquellos sucesos sirven, infaustamente, para valorar el esfuerzo cotidiano de las personas de carne y hueso como las que desfilaron hoy por mi memoria.


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22 thoughts on “Claroscuros

  1. Ricardo Ploneda 2°A

    Certainly the companies or financing always will say, talk or show something “good” of them; trying to seduce the customer, although reality is another, and very different.
    And I agree with you, often find persons that by simply done to treat you with pleasure or with a smile, make this time pleasant or not so annoying.
    But when we with a person who has no attention friendly, Is even in some occasions, annoying the equally treat that type of person.

  2. Eustolio Magaña

    Estimado Juan Carlos, la lista de empresas engañosas en nuestro país es interminable, pero algunas mas que otras y como bien dices también existe el lado opuesto con todos esos personajes que a diario nos regalan una palabra amable.
    El caso es que se tiene que legislar de manera adecuada para que las empresas privadas no se sigan haciendo de nuestro dinero tan difícilmente ganado.
    Te envío una felicitación por tu articulo,un saludo y un fraternal abrazo.
    Eustolio Magaña Silva.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Eustolio, por leerme y por el comentario.

      Un abrazo!

  3. sandra

    Me gusto!! sobre todo los “claros” que de verdad son personas que hacen su trabajo con responsabilidad y yo diría amor, mi reconocimiento tmb para Don Sergio. un saludo Dr. Siempre un gusto leerlo.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Sandra!

  4. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D

    In my opinion the companies will make every effort that we choose them but what happens when you have a problem and go to the company, the same customers say negative things if this other thing that if you always have to put things on the balance and if I stay for me and if I change my company and go.

  5. Madrigal Velasco Pedro 2°B

    Most of the big companies have good methods to sell services and products, the problem is how they charge for them. Some of the people that make the companies work are very good persons, and they do their work with a lot of effort. Is really fascinating how some people no matter what their work is, they really love it. Sometimes we don’t appreciated a good service we receive but if they don’t treat us well, we found a way to complain even more.

  6. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B

    Actually, there are things that we complain, we think there are a lot, but actually if we start counting good things which receive us always with a smile, we don’t have idea how many are they. Go ahead thinking in things that benefit us and leaving back the ones which harm us, the most likely is we will be happy and without worries.

  7. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B

    It’s true; Companies deceive you with its publicity and with lies waiting for you buy its products. When Company has fails, it wants fix the problem saying “Sorry for the inconvenience”, but when you don’t pay the quota at time, Company is searching you until under of rocks. I get sad when I think that Universities instruct us to work for those companies.

  8. Chan Ramirez Francisco Javier 2 B

    It is true that in some places not always the persons are completely nice.Days ago I went to a bank and the treatment that recivi was terribly, scarcely and me querian to attend. But also the nice treatment for the persons who are is fabulous.My concentimiento to these persons for realizing his labors with entuciasmi and many amiability.

  9. Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2 A

    In my view, most large companies have good methods for selling services and products, the problem is how they often charge a lot of work done and very beuno for what you actually paid for it to cave rescue in many companies not valued employees only see for themselves. Some of the people doing the work of the companies are very good, and they do their work with much effort. It’s really fascinating how some people, no matter what your job is, I really love. Sometimes we do not appreciate a good service we received, but if you treat us well, we have found a way to complain even more.

  10. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios

    In my opinion if this is true of banks. Some days you try a little bad is not know their reasons. Exceptions are not saying that this involves all the banks but if the deal to its customers is not right, I think the treatment should be as friendship and respect that is appropriate. And if I want to say that Don Pedro always has a smile for everyone to give away.

  11. maria lizbeth ochoa sarmienta

    advertising is misleading, companies are never going to lose though so it seems with all these “deals” that offer, that’s why I never like to have my bank card or credit in some malls, because they always tell you a thing, and eventually always charge for something or other, that the clause had been in print. always ask around when you want the loan to the end will not come out with this type of situation.

  12. Jose CARlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B

    Certainly there are many people who are driven by a good deal.
    The important thing here is to read contracts are agreements to teach you.
    Of course I also care about the way people are treated, if it were not so, the client will not be interested in the service.
    Good treatment does not always involve a good service.

  13. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 2B

    It is true, although all the problems we could have, there is always an expectation ligth, there is always a ligth in the darkness and I have it more than checked. Even so, I can understand your anger because of this situation Juan carlos, because it is just a publicity strategy, almost nobody does what they really say, talking about big companies like telcel, telmex, movistar, iusacell, etc…. what a shame

  14. adrian alejandro vizcaino martinez 2B

    With the companies it will always be the same, its so tempting advertisements make that we accept, but at the end we just having more money or things as well. The good days are those people that you receive with a smile that happy day and make that you forget a little all your concerns.

  15. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B

    The important thing here is to read contracts are agreements to teach you. Of course I also care about the way people are treated, if it were not so, the client will not be interested in the service. But also the nice treatment for the persons who are is fabulous. My concentimiento to these persons for realizing his labors with enthusiasm and many amiability

  16. Vero Huerta

    Todos pasamos por este tipo de situaciones en algún momento, pero obviamente somos más los buenos, ánimo. 😀

    Comentaba una Profesora en clase de maestría, que los servicios en México no son de “calidad” porque nosotros, como consumidores, perdemos por no alegar (como se dice vulgarmente) y les resolvemos el problema a pesar de ser responsabilidad de ellos…
    Un saludo! 😀

  17. Juan Francisco Arreola Hernandez. 2 A

    I have seen that sometimes have problems with banks and customers inevitably have to pay for those mistakes, but we must not remain silent.
    In our country there is much monopoly and therefore we have to endure many injustices.

  18. Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2ºA

    There are always companies looking to exploit the limit to consumers. For my part I can not do anything of importance since it is the responsibility of each person. Viewing the moral enterprises do not have and who only care about money. Only companies that are not designed to profit are not looking to take advantage of individuals and cooperative societies.

  19. salvador hernandes francisco 2 °a

    Only companies that are not designed to profit are not looking to take advantage of individuals and cooperative societies.In our country there is much monopoly and therefore we have to endure many injustices. My concentimiento to these persons for realizing his labors with enthusiasm and many amiability
    ResponderAnd if I want to say that Don Pedro always has a smile for everyone to give away.

  20. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A

    It’s frustrating when someone doesn’t do his/her job, but yeah, you’re right, there are people who actually do their jobs quickly, efficiently, and with a smile on their faces; there are employees that do remember that they’re supposed to help the customers, and not just sit on their chairs waiting for payday; I’m not saying that customers aren’t annoying sometimes, but, well, sadly, it’s part of the job… but if we, as customers, proposed to be polite, and if we, as employees, decided to work hard, with a smile and a willing attitude… who knows… maybe we wouldn’t need so many lawyers…

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