Entre el texto aprobado que modifica la Constitución en materia educativa y las realidades a que dará lugar habrá distancias, diferencias, resistencias y deformaciones. En qué grado, es casi imposible advertirlo ahora, pero que existirá de todo ello no hay duda.
Voy a explicar la afirmación anterior a partir de la visión que sobre el tema del curriculum tiene el experto español José Gimeno Sacristán. Quizá convenga aclarar, aunque sea de forma breve, que el curriculum, en palabras del propio Gimeno Sacristán, es el “el contenido cultural que las instituciones educativas tratan de difundir en quienes las frecuentan, así como los efectos que dicho contenido provoque en sus receptores”.
A partir de esa definición apta para todo público, Gimeno Sacristán explica que se pueden distinguir distintas fases en el desarrollo del curriculum: 1) El proyecto educativo o texto curricular. 2) El curriculum como lo interpretaron los profesores y los materiales para su desarrollo. 3) La ejecución del curriculum a partir de cómo lo interpretaron y del uso de los materiales, es decir, de la práctica de sujetos concretos en un contexto real. 4) Los efectos educativos reales y 5) Los efectos comprobables y comprobados.
Aunque la reforma constitucional no aprobó un curriculum, el esquema anterior, que ilustra las múltiples formas de concreción (y dimensiones) entre el curriculum y la realidad, también sirve para imaginar el probable derrotero de la reforma en cuestión: si a este de por sí complejo proceso de ejecución del curriculum le sumamos las actitudes de sospecha, reserva o franca resistencia de parte del profesorado, entonces el presidente, los diputados, senadores y autoridades podrán festejar con toda parafernalia la histórica decisión, pero la realidad, las realidades, huidizas, caminarán por otras sendas, esas que ilustra la investigación y la experiencia de muchísimos expertos desde hace un buen número de décadas.
Cuidado con los festejos
Apenas promulgada la reforma educativa y leídas las opiniones de los políticos, pienso que esta fiesta de cohetes y luces podría ser más ruido que sustancia. Hay muchos mitos que reaparecen como peligrosas señales.
Si solo los maestros tienen que enseñar mejor, pero el resto del país se queda igual, pues ya nos podemos sentar a mirar como se hunde el sistema educativo y el propio país. No descarguemos toda la responsabilidad en los docentes, porque no son los únicos, ni la educación es tan poderosa contra un sistema general plagado de dificultades. No hay islas felices en un archipiélago de tristeza, diría Raffaele Simone.
Es verdad, para ser un país mejor necesitamos buena educación, pero no solo eso. Debemos resolver algunos problemitas no menores y de alta incidencia en los resultados del sistema escolar: inseguridad, pobreza, desempleo, violencia, corrupción, malos gobiernos, desnutrición, hambre, mala salud, impunidad, injusticia. ¡No es poca cosa!
Finalmente, ¡qué duda cabe!, necesitamos mejores maestros y directores, pero no solo eso, necesitamos también mejores funcionarios públicos, mejores gobernadores, mejores diputados, mejores médicos, mejores medios, mejores jueces… mejores madres y padres de familia, mejores ciudadanos.
Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A
I really like what he says about the festivities.
It´s true that often only blames teachers.
As you say the problem isn´t only in education.
So what really would be good is to have a better system.
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
We haven´t celebrate early.
If education is arrange, isn´t arrange the country.
We need, don´t only better teachers but better people.
Good reflection as Raffaele Simone said, “Haven´t islands in a archipelago of sadness.
Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano 2A
I a gree with your comment
and as true all!!.
the education system is a fall down , but not always by teachers, o the some students.
the problem is for origin of the problems come from the culture that holds back country
J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A
Is True Docotor!
We complain of bad education, and we say: BAD TEACHERS!
I agree, that we have bad teachers, but also we have bad government and could say bad students. Bad students or bad parents?
Very good text Doctor!
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
I’ve heard about the educational reform
Teachers will have to take a test for their jobs
I like that very much
Maybe now the teachers will have more knowledge
José Luis Garza Gallegos 2ºD
– Probably the only change will be that the syndicates will have less power, but I think that the education system will still being trash.
– Home is for education, school is for papers, we need to understand that.
– We need to start to think about how will be educate our childrens, I will not let them alone with the public schools…
– At the end I hope that good teachers earn more oportunities to go up with this changes…
2A Daniela Moctezuma García
The education this way for so much corruption.
The govern should solve this problems you comment.
But we as citizens we should help for that can solve.
This country you need are better persons.
The approved text of the constitution will be many conflicts.
The constitutional reform did not approve the curriculum.
The party could be more noise than substance.
For a better country we need better education.
Victor Fidel Garcia Sanchez
Always you write very interesting things.
The theme I find something interesting.
Education reform will change education.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
For something we must begin, although education reform is not the end of the way can be a good start.
We will have to make a revolution to change politicians.
Do not know how you can change the thinking of Mexicans.
Any idea?
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
The reform is for the benefit of students and those charged area.
Sometimes it is not the fault of the teachers but also the students.
Education is a very complicated issue.
But good education comes from the home.
David Toledo Zúñiga 2B
The education is the most important.
We need good teachers.
And better Mexico.
Because there are many things that must be changed.
Ricardo Gomez Guerrero
You are quite right in saying that students much blame teachers, always an excuse to put something bad.
And it’s true that teachers not only have to educate pbligacion.
You must solve the problems of poverty, unemployment, hunger problems that are too serious.
And there is no doubt we need better pioder profecionistas everything to change the country.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 2 B
Teachers are not to blame for everything.
I think government is problem.
Maybe is problem of the whole country.
The reality is that education isn’t very good.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 2B
Lately I have listened about this reform.
I don’t know what I have think.
We need solutions, but little by little.
We need better professionals.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
Our government should improve a lot of things.
I believe that all this things that you’re saying are truth.
we need to improve our education system.
I hope that goverment make a better education reform.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
The truth is that Mexico have many problems addition the education. Probably the education looks like the easier problem to solve. But mexican education is a big problem that nobody does responsable. Teachers and fathers have to interest more in Mexico’s future.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
We need better people to be better.
The more good people better.
We need a better government.
Someone to lead the country better.
Jose Eduardo Cortes Cernas 2B
I think they are celebrating too soon.
Not only the teachers have to improve.
We need to improve all students, staff, everyone.
We could have a better education system.
Edsel Barbosa 2"D"
It is a fact that although
places greater emphasis on edcuacion
forcing teachers to teach better
This will have no resusltado the country is full
does not change.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras
The curriculum is very used by us all and is of great importance.
With the faces above me is more interesting and relevant the same.
Not that the reform curriculum aprovo not but must have their reasons.
It’s true what they say, we have to solve some problems in education.
Christian D. Renteria Garcia 2D
We need another plan to try changing Mexico.
Its also a problem from the citizens.
We need to start raising bit by a bit.
Its the fault of everyone.
Erick Donaldo Arceo "2D"
Our government should improve a lot of things.
Education reform will change education.
Some teachers should have to take a test for their jobs.
But with a lot corruption is hard trust in them.
Gerardo Borjas Carrillo 2°A
-For a better country need a good education.
-And sorry to say but.
-Mexican citizens.
-Do not give width to a beeter counrty.
Jonni Eduardo
The education in México need improve.
In México is do much work.
The education depends the all.
The education is important for a better future.
Jever Amezcua García
This problem is not just the teachers also have to do with the government.
We need more government support to educational institutions.
We need corruption by teachers stops.
And beyond a renovation in the highest positions of the unions that are the most divert resources on everything but education.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 2ºA
Reform this is project convenience.
Reform masks the reality.
We us true problem.
Remedy that problem we change all people.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A
It is a text very interesting.
This good about the 5 phrases.
I did know a little more a little curriculum.
I agree that needed best teachers.