El caso de la carrera de medicina en el Instituto José Martí, creado por el Partido del Trabajo, podría significar un punto y aparte en la educación superior colimense. Quiero creer que así será, de lo contrario, menos justificación tendría la frustración de dos años perdidos para un puñado de jóvenes. De lo ocurrido y el papel del PT o de la secretaría de Educación no escribiré. Intentaré mirar adelante y sacar conclusiones proponiendo que el caso sea ejemplar en serio. Expongo primero hechos elementales, luego el reto.
Es verdad que en México los gobiernos federales han renunciado a una de sus principales funciones con la educación superior: normarla, regularla y supervisarla (por supuesto, tampoco invirtieron como prometieron). La explicación es simple: ante su incapacidad política y falta de voluntad para impulsar con determinación la educación superior y el derecho a acceder a ella, alentaron la apertura de escuelas de enseñanza privada de baja calidad y costos accesibles a ciertos segmentos sociales.
Regular la creación de instituciones de educación superior privada sin crecer la oferta de escuelas públicas habría significado un problema mayúsculo, así que miraron para otro lado mientras proliferaban changarros de fast education. “Simulacros de servicios educativos a bajos costos”, los llama con tino el experto brasilero José Dias Sobrinho.
Pero los gobiernos estatales no fueron ajenos, a escala, en su actitud y responsabilidad. Tampoco regularon o supervisaron la expansión indiscriminada de establecimientos de enseñanza privada por las mismas razones: en general no crecieron la oferta de educación pública con opciones atractivas. Sus apoyos, ya se sabe, se circunscribieron a apoyos rentables en fotos pagadas en los medios (en forma de becas, principalmente).
En esa situación nos encontramos hoy. Para quien sepa un poco del tema está más que claro el panorama. Pero eso tendría que cambiar, digamos, si la decencia y la responsabilidad se imponen. Colima podría ser ejemplar regulando en serio y con rigor la educación media superior y superior. Primero, respetando y haciendo respetar la normatividad existente, así, si la ley estatal de educación establece que la educación media superior tiene una duración de tres años, no tendrían que reconocerse instituciones que la ofrezcan en menos tiempo, justificándolo con artimañas legales, salvo los casos que contemple la propia ley.
En segundo lugar, aprobando las adecuaciones legales y normativas que procedan para que no se cree ninguna institución educativa, léase carreras profesionales y posgrados, sin previamente haber sido evaluadas rigurosamente. No hay que inventar el hilo negro, basta mirar los ejemplos de otros países, como Argentina, en donde las universidades públicas y las instituciones privadas deben pasar por una evaluación de la propuesta educativa, que no se compra con dinero porque reside principalmente en los académicos, lo que no se puede afirmar de los “Revoes” (reconocimientos de validez oficial) en México.
Medidas de ese calibre tendrán impactos de distintos tipos: se irán de Colima las instituciones de preparación chatarra, o podrían suspenderse las contrataciones de profesionistas como profesores de esas instituciones; a cambio, la gente, los jóvenes, sus familias, los empleadores tendrían la seguridad de que sus hijos recibirán una buena educación, porque sus planes de estudios, las instalaciones y los maestros han sido evaluados y respaldan esa garantía. Por supuesto, las instituciones que hoy existen, públicas y privadas, tanto como las nuevas, tendrían que ser sometidas a dicho proceso para dar fe pública de sus calidades.
Al mismo tiempo, sería preciso un renovado impulso ampliando sustancialmente la oferta pública con nuevas carreras e instituciones. Si el gobierno estatal y los diputados elevan la voz frente al tema de los rechazados, quiere decir que tienen voluntad: pues entonces, que hagan lo que corresponde para resolver en el futuro y a fondo. Sí, se requiere dinero, por supuesto, pues no hay manera de concretar el derecho a la educación solo con becas y escuelas privadas, menos si son de baja calidad.
¿Podrán? ¿Quieren hacerlo? ¿Seguiremos con los mismos problemas, las viejas soluciones y la incapacidad de resolverlos estructuralmente?
luis manuel sanchez paez
I always thought that those schools were a fraud, because, you cant make high school in 1 year, at least not right.
A faster and cheaper way of finishing high school it’s good option for people who work or dont have the amount of money requierd for a private school.
I really like this activity its a very good way to improve my english skills.
Coca Cola it’s my favorite drink since I was a child but i think it will kill me from diabetes.
Jorge Armando hernandez
Coca cola wtf, pepsi rulez
arthur edwards
Nice comments. Nice work! Very good!
arthur edwards
Thanks! I am glad you like the activity! And don’t drink so much Coke!
Alexis Buenrotro Arreola
About the case from the Jose marti i would like to say sometings.
First, it’s a disrespect for students because they thing to are legally studying but the reality is different, because the profession is not approved yet.But we are on mexico and here the government it’s… a little negligent
arthur edwards
Alexis A. Buenrostro
About the case from the Jose marti i would like to say somethings.
First, it’s a disrespect for students because they thing to are legally studying but the reality is different, because the profession is not approved yet.But we are on mexico and here the government it’s… a little negligent
carlos damian 1J
The school “jose martir” it is so lying.
Such schools do not have to be.
It is a good review.
Mexico need more education.
arthur edwards
Good effort!
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
I think that this topic about the Jose Marti School in Colima is very important, because some students literally waste their time 2 years. The Government has to supervise the academic level of all the schools (private or public). And the students has to check which is the best option to study, especially when some options is a new school.
arthur edwards
Luis E. Montes de oca 1J
What do you think will happen to the students of the institute Jose Marti?
There are few private schools that comply with the rules of education.
I think young people need to investigate where they will study before starting.
The government should remove ducklings schools.
Bizarck Martinez 1 J
The governments of Mexico and its laws do not serve.
They allow anyone to create an institution without being quality !
It would be better if the university and institutions were like those of Argentina.
This could improve the institutions of the state of Colima !
arthur edwards
Errores mínimos! Buen esfuerzo!
Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel
Firstly I can say that most of the private school´s are a fraud. Yañez has a very important viewpoint about Mexico education. If the Secretary of Education applied those requirements in all the public and private School´s would made big changes. Unfortunately here in Mexico the corruption win´s in all aspect and that´s a sad factor in our society.
Perla Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
Corruption goes on and on. I wonder where will we end.
They take advantage of poor people, from those who want to overcome in life.
You are right! Nobody should skip one year of study in the baccalaureate.
It’s good they are checking “open-schools”
hector priego
you have reason with schools as has all the quality of education if bribe inspectors to pass.
compared with other countries, mexico is at far below them.
but really the people can change that just have to have SECT and our representatives (government) do their part to fulfill what they promised.
Keep in mind that there is also the master of all levels of education have test to see how much you know if you disapprove pass a course to implement what failed
Luis Adrián Chávez 1J
The problem isn’t the bad education from these pseudo schools, the people forgot what is in really study a degree, they want a title for work not matters what really can learn.
About the Martí’s case, im not sure but i think which the students should suspect that would happen; they know how long is the medical career in the UdC, if they didnt wonder why in a private school without experience could do it in less time is cause are really fools.
Unfortunately, to the politicians don’t care anything about education, the FEC give some student grants, but again in private schools which has not proven his quality.
I feel sorry for those affected, but, that will make other people react, was a necessary evil.
arthur edwards
Good discussion! Great effort!
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
I think that this topic about the Jose Marti School in Colima is very important, because some students literally waste their time 2 years.
The Government has to supervise the academic level of all the schools (private or public).
And the students has to check which is the best option to study, especially when some options is a new school.
All schools must have good academic quality whether public or private.
Gabriel Andrade
The truth is Mexico need more education.
I think scrap school not is a good place to study.
Would be a good idea that school have an evaluation to ensure quality education.
Hope that the government complies with the provisions.
Omaury Marmolejo Medina 1J
The institute “José Martí” had expiration day.
This happens by saturation of some áreas.
The rejeted need more options for continue their studies.
The institutions have to improve their quality for have bets students.
Carlos Daniel Espinoza Marcial
I agree with this information that you give us. I don’t really think that someone that only studies 1 year of high school can learn the same stuff that somebody that studied 3 years. I think that the only people that work and have a family who depends on him should try to study on these schools, because they dont have the same time that someone that doesn’t do anything except studing. If Mexico wants to be a bigger country they have to change these things so that mexican people could him more progress.
Jorge Armando hernandez
i wonder wath is goin to happen with the people that studied there, they will gonna lose her jobs?
i have a friend that studies in one of those schools
they are right, those schools aren’t very good
those tipes of schools are for people that not have much free time or have a job. maybe this schools are from the excepcion
Yaritza Cárdenas Aguilar
I think in mexico public education is not very good.
Public education should be to have more investment, to improve it.
I think public education should be at the same level as private education.
Still I have faith that one day progressed Mexico.
german mtz.
It´s nice to know that someone is publishing this themes on the internet, that way everyone can be conscious that mexican education sucks in almost every way, although I might be wrong, it could be in actually every single possible way.
Hola Juan Carlos, las oportunidades para nuestros jóvenes pasan por la obligación del Estado de garantizar lo elemental… y se está fallando en ello. Saludos.
José Fabio Ramirez
Actually, i have to say somethig.
This is not a case about faith in mexico progress.
Its about a school, and a lots of poor students. They lost years studying in that shitty school.
In my opinion, we should destroy that shool.
If you ask me (don´t do that), the answer of all your questions are:
-No, they cant
-Yes, they want
-And yes, we´ll have the same problems in the future
Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo
I think government is doing it intentionally, even those poor schools pay to government if they let them get the bussiness. Everything is a business to government.
About students that go to poor private schools, people should know that they don’t give a real education. And I think a part of people know it, and that’s a bigger problem.
Now this is a problem to everybody because students get bachelor’s degree and there are professionals working, what are they doing with country?
I don’t say is student’s fault, I’m saying that people, all of us have to do something to make education get better, in future Mexico’s education can be private.
Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil
The problem of education in Mexico is a point that always gives a lot to discuss. Anyone who becomes aware of the situation knows that even in public education provided by the government, there are many shortcomings of our system compared with that of more developed countries. And if we add the comments about “false education” no doubt we have much to improve.Just a look to Colima is enough to realize.
César Pérez Vuelvas
it is really sad that the Mexican government is not interested in improving the education of its citizens due to the current situation they must think is the least
I’m not sure that private schools are of poor educational level but I think some are a fraud, in all its glory the institute Jose Marti
The regulation of the creation of private schools is a good measure to prevent bad educion be split between the young and they do not become victims of bad teachers and bad institution
Jose Marti school it was time they finished with the farce, poor of all those “medical students” certainly all sued and they will fight and bribe etc
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa
In mexico should have less corruption in education.
Must have more information about junk schools.
They should approve a law that schools must be monitored and Gararantizar a better education.
Schools have to have good facilities.
Felipe Adrián Juárez Robles
Mexico has worse education because teachers are bad.
The students lost 2 years of classes.
Jose marti is a bad institution because is not certificated.
The PT was wrong to create a non certificate institution
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*where is located Institut Jose Martí?
*And i agree with you, the education in mexico is bad and somethimes sucks. mexico need get better his education.
*In mexico exist one problem, in all the privade school acepted all the students with money, and this is bad, just in argentina acepted students with good grades 😀
*In mexico exist a lot of poor students
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1 J
Schools that offer a career in less time because it is impossible to form a professional in three years with the same quality as they do in or years.
If no valid ofical therefore have not allowed starting classes because only enough to be denied official recognition to student time.
The government should eliminate all private universities that are useless and only make the student lose time and money.
The government must give props to anyone who wants to study either grants or services to access univercidades.
juan pablo ramirez contreras
The state education law must take into account and consider laws who are a good dispocision for the student.
To others I think, that you should not give credibility to institutions and higher education level without being rigorously evaluated, by persons belonging to the Act.
I’m not saying they are but not fresh, but if state law provides for a maximum duration to that race would have to respect that and do not run with less time, and so it would be fair payment fees are accecibles the student.
José Luis Torres Cervantes
I’m feel bad for all students affected, i hope they can find new education opportunities in other universities.
I think that all education problems in Mexico are because to the government doesn’t care give good education for students who needs better education.
Even so, I think that the students have to sue the responsible of that problem.
I hope these education problems ends soon, this isn’t the country that I want for my sons.
juan pablo ramirez contreras
I also believe that students pursuing a career in this institution, whether private aplicad to them based exam and reviewed by people responsible for giving legality to lose no time, and has been reversed.
Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez
The gobernment it’s responsible of doing lots of things, but they don’t prioritize education, they prioritize the oil industry.
When they must take into account the education and its quality, they only worry about creating places,instead well prepared colleges.
The teachers strike’s make this worse, it’s like they don’t care anymore of the students.
Maybe, at least for Mexico, it’s time to do an educational reform.
Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero
In Mexico this is a big problem, the education is less eficient than other countries.
Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero
In Mexico this is a big problem, the education is less eficient than other countries.
I think that gobernment should dedicate more time to the education in all country.
This is a case very worrying because form there depends our country in a future.
The authorities must find a solution to the problem.
Alonso Angel Sanchez Maldonado
First I think it the blame is in part of the students for not investigate the institution.
I would not go to college without official recognition.
The government should open more institutions trained in truth.
Also let me know if this degree closed or if more with the same problem.
And, now that will make students?
mayra jimenez 1k
Well first of all to thank you for having the conviction of talking of a problem as strong as it is the lack of scruples of School Jose Marti School.
Is of utmost importance to note that these institutions do not have no type of sanctions by the abuses that carried out against it student.
The laws should have more harshly against these schools.
I also believe that the public sector should increase openness or institutions to have a greater number of students and better results, so that such problems would avoid.
Thank you for your lines that make us reflecionar on the situation of Mexico.
Alexis Noel Ceballos Amezcua
I think this topic is very serious because the government does not care about giving support we really need, education in this country and an example of this mention is made of garbage schools do not have the resources or trained teachers, other big problem is corruption since in some cases the few scholarships that are deliveries ends with people who really do not need and is a very common case.
Romero Espíritu Iris B.
In my opinion, the article is fine, because it tells the truth, most high schools do not do what they say.
And really, all that you say always known, nothing but ALL made a blind eye and never does anything.
I think many people ignore the advice of others to improve others but only seek our own good.
Never going to worry about improving estudiates preparing as I mentioned, because just looking for own welfare …. Money comes to me.Improve but very little, not enough, I think that if you have money to spare. Where is that money?
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta
I agree with what you wrote.
Teachers who have mexico do not have the knowledge they need to teach students.
I also believe that education is very low but this is due to the teachers and not only them but will also allow those who are not trained teachers who are teaching young children and adults something that even they know.
Finally I think the corruption that is here in mexico is increasing.
Gerardo Orbe Sánchez
Agree. It´s true that the education in this country is something we have to worry about. However, nothing will chance as we let pass this.
We are the future of Mexico(surprise!) and this country will depend of us in a nearly future.
Never forget that is possible to change this situation.
Montes Velázquez Ricardo
I think the government don’t care for the people’s education ’cause “Educated People” are less manipulable.
Another big problem are the same persons, ‘cuase although they have opportunities, while they have more economic opportunities, they become weakers.
If the government put more attention at the education in Mexico, the country could become a power, like great countries who are more educated.
The privated schools are a big problem ’cause they don’t care about the education, only take core of the money.
Itzel Auhtzin Reyes Cotreras
It’s a shame that the government cares about improving the education of the country, with this all happend affected
But the problem is not the rudeness of these schools, people forgot what is actually learned, and just want a degree that will work.
Andrés Cortés Martínez
In my experience, i spent two years in a school of that kind “fast education”, and didn’t learn anything new, all was the same thing that i learn on high school.
Maybe a school where you can do your studs in a fast way would be ok, but thats schools need have great teachers and a hard rules or should enforce their rules they already have.
But always mediocrity is first. The easy way is the perfect way for the majority of the people, they doesn’t want dedicate efforts to do something right they are lazy.
And behind all that mediocrity we found politicians. Behind this lack of new schools comes the benefit of themselves and, are often, the same people that impede the growth of Mexican education sector, are who are behind all these new schools of fast learning.
And this will continue until someone dares to stop it.
José Antonio Martínez Aparicio 1 J
It is a shame that these young lost two years for studying there.
I hope that these young people do not get discouraged and keep studying.
México should regularize this type of schools.
I think that schools should not have so many.
Jesus Adrian Covarrubias Hernandez
I think México needs to have a better education system.
The way this can happen is with quality control in the institutions and professors.
Though I still believe there are certain 2 year high schools that are actually good.
That kind of institutions represent an oportunity to keep studying to a lot of people.
Elizabeth García Cárdenas
I think people who founded institutions like this, they do not really intend to provide education and knowledge to the young, but I melt like a good deal.
The secretary of public education, is making a mistake by letting this possible, as are those that give legality to the same.
In part also believe that young people who enter such schools are mediocre students because beforehand know the reputation of the institutions.
However, parents need to pay attention to their children enter school if they really want to get a good education.
Cristian Baròn
I think that it is true what he says about the little help from Government to education.
All Governments in Mexico promise to invest in education but does not do well, and do not fully meet.
I think that there should be institutions that offer its service in less time than it actually is.
I think that all Governments propose a better Mexico but without promoting a good education that will not be possible.
Alfredo Topete Escamilla
It’s a shame, the people who want to be a professionist, can’t do it in México.
México really needs more education, but sometimes it’s really hard get it.
Maybe the México’s gobernment should spend more resources in infrastructure to education.
Isn’t just more education, the education shoud be satisfactory to the México’s needs.
* is true that always promises but rarely respected
* easy to understand why mexico is not improved by low school quality
* the low quality low quality school students
* if you requir to improve quality have to invest
Martin Eduardo Villaseñor Merino 1J
– One of the greatest problems of education in Mexico, that is not being monitored.
– Teachers should be monitored and evaluated.
– A better educational offer is not the duration, if not, the preparation of teachers.
– Applying the supervisions and assessments, Mexico would have a greater level of education.
César Pérez Vuelvas
it is really sad that the Mexican government is not interested in improving the education of its citizens due to the current situation they must think is the least.
I’m not sure that private schools are of poor educational level but I think some are a fraud, in all its glory the institute Jose Marti.
The regulation of the creation of private schools is a good measure to prevent bad educion be split between the young and they do not become victims of bad teachers and bad institution.
Jose Marti school it was time they finished with the farce, poor of all those “medical students” certainly all sued and they will fight and bribe etc.
David Batista Rodríguez 1J
-The information is very interesant.
-Is only a lost time for teenager of the institute José Marti.
-We can’t wait more for thats type of schools.
-They need clausure thats schools.
Zuriel Gerzaín Sánchez Solórzano 1J
Very good observation you had on private schools in Colima, only good those with a basic level, and there are very few that are top-level.
Also mention the evaluation of schools in Argentina, here, only do the teachers, blaming them for the bad teachings, without thinking that students are also those who refuse to learn.
Those who participated in this project José Martí School were very foolish in not investigating the benefits they would leave to future.
By not investigating the certification of a new school, you can lose 2 year career.
Mariana Sandoval Escalera 1J
It’s so disappointing how the goverment try to make money with the education and don’t care at the same time.
I think that education could get up the country in different ways, and it’s so sad how the autorities only think in the money.
It’s no just this cheaps schools, also in the public school the teachers don’t have a good level or they don’t want to teach.
The students of this school should be more careful the next time.
Salvador Alan Pérez Tostado 1J
– It seems, in Mexico the education is receding and to people that should give a solution, don’t cares.
-People don’t investigate if schools are registered in the board of education, and this is a problem.
-Nowadays, in Mexico the education is view as a bussisness.
-If students investigate if a particular school is approved, they wouldn’t lose the time they spend in that institution.
Yanira Judith López Carrilo 1J
*The governments don’t invest in the education like must, inasmuch as more students remain out of the career.
*For lack of offer in public schools oneself made a lot of private schools.
*The law of education must change and become more solid.
*All the private schools must be evaluated for that fulfill like a good education.