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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

En las páginas finales del último capítulo del libro Universidad, responsabilidad social y bien público. El debate desde América Latina (2012), Ernesto González Enders, profesor de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, propone cuatro líneas de acción para dar contenido al discurso de la responsabilidad social universitaria.

El capítulo forma parte de un volumen coordinado por el ex rector de la UNAM, Juan Ramón de la Fuente, y por Axel Didriksson, académico de la UNAM y ex funcionario en el gobierno de la Ciudad de México. Junto a González Enders escriben otros habituales en el análisis de la educación superior regional, como José Dias Sobrinho, Ernesto Villanueva y Carlos Tünnermann, quienes dan cuerpo a un volumen que merecía mejor edición de Miguel Ángel Porrúa y la Universidad de Guadalajara.

El conjunto de trabajos se unen por varias ideas poderosas que argumentan con solvencia: el compromiso social de las universidades, una singularidad que aporta Latinoamérica al mundo y que encuentra un punto de referencia en el Movimiento Universitario de Córdoba (1918); la defensa racional de la educación como un bien público y un derecho humano, cuya obligación reside en los Estados; la necesidad de adaptar las universidades latinoamericanas a las transformaciones sociales de la mano del desarrollo de sus respectivos países, así como la construcción de proyectos propios de internacionalización en respuesta al entorno global.

En el capítulo de cierre, “Universidad y sociedad: nueva visión para el siglo XXI”, Ernesto González Enders resume algunas de las metas que podrían seguir las universidades para cumplir su responsabilidad de cara a las sociedades. Enseguida las repaso de forma sucinta.

  • En la gestión académico-administrativa se debe transformar a la universidad “en una pequeña comunidad ejemplar de democracia, equidad (supresión de las segregaciones y corrección de los privilegios), transparencia (política y económica), y hacer de ella un modelo de desarrollo sustentable”. Una universidad socialmente ejemplar, donde el estudiante aprenda una carrera pero también los hábitos y valores ciudadanos.
  • En el ámbito de la docencia, capacitar a los docentes en el enfoque de la responsabilidad social universitaria y promover el aprendizaje basado en proyectos y en resolución de problemas vivos, “abriendo el salón de clase hacia la comunidad social como fuente de enseñanza significativa y práctica aplicada a la solución de problemas reales”. Sugiere una pregunta: ¿cómo el estudiante puede aprender lo que tiene que aprender haciendo cosas socialmente útiles y formándose como ciudadano informado y responsable? Ello dará pie, dice, a “talleres de aprendizaje en las facultades, mayor articulación entre las disciplinas (por la necesidad de un enfoque multi e interdisciplinario para tratar los problemas sociales), y mayor articulación entre la docencia, la investigación y la proyección social”.
  • Se debe promover la investigación para el desarrollo e innovación. Ejemplifica: “que la universidad establezca convenios de cooperación solidaria con distritos urbano-marginales o rurales e invite a los departamento de las diversas carreras a desarrollar investigaciones interdisciplinarias aplicadas con dichas localidades. Así, investigadores y docentes se encuentran trabajando sobre la misma problemática en el mismo lugar desde sus especialidades respectivas, creando una sinergia de saberes y la interdisciplinariedad deja de ser un elefante blanco”.
  • En el rubro de proyección social y extensión, se podrían implementar proyectos como fuente de investigación aplicada y recursos didácticos para la comunidad universitaria, “dejando atrás la marginalización institucional de estas iniciativas voluntarias humanitarias, por la debilidad de su vínculo con la formación profesional y la didáctica universitaria”. La integración de las funciones de docencia, investigación y extensión aumentaría significativamente, asegura, el voluntariado estudiantil universitario.

Es claro que muchas de las acciones ya se realizan en mayor o menor medida, pero todavía de forma insuficientemente cohesionada, como se puede apreciar a lo largo de la obra. Sin embargo las universidades son incipientes en el trazado de sus rutas y en los avances. Las posibilidades son infinitas, sostiene González Enders, solo es preciso “brindar el apoyo institucional adecuado a las personas creativas de cada claustro universitario y cuidar el retorno permanente de las acciones sociales emprendidas.”


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  1. jorge salvador ciprian figueroa

    The university should of promote project of investigation to innovate.

    The university should be a community transparent.

    Should of promote learning.

    It´s you have that offer support to people creative.

    1. Arthur Edwards


  2. Montes Velázquez Ricardo

    I think it’s good to try to transforme universities, but, it should begin to transforme teachers, the best way to teach is by example.

    Improving teaching techniques is essential for the development in a globalized world.

    Promoting research and innovation development should be transformed not only by management, but, also by students.

    The integration of students in the transformation of universities, developed to deal the actual workplace.

  3. Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo

    I think it’s very interesting the idea about make projects with society. It could be very cool, and I agree, because if universities do it, students could solve true problems. I agree that an university must be a good comunity but I think that students must do the same around themselves, I mean, not just in school.
    Research is the best way to grow up, it’s something that all universities should have and do. I think.

  4. José Fabio Ramirez

    I have nothing to say. All the points exposed here are true.
    The colleges of Latinoamrica needs to improve somethings, like the teacher´s knowledge. And maybe the abilities to keep the students “studying”

  5. Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel

    I don´t know if all the university´s respect and apply those purposes. Like Yañez said, if those arguments would be applied in our university will make a big difference in to much aspects. Unfortunately It´s not enough to bring knowledge to the students. The university has social compromises that they have to perform.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      good argument!

  6. Alexis Buenrotro Arreola

    I appreciate all you’re words and I agree with that but we need to understand that not everything can be from one day to another. Will be a long process, the universities are making a big step but we have to be patient to see big results but we need to wait slowly

  7. José Luis Torres Cervantes

    I like the idea of make a democracy in the universities because in that way the student will can get values and be a better person with ethic and in a future they can solve problems using their knowledge.
    I feel that it’s better that teachers learn all the things that they don’t know before they can promote the apprenticeship based in projects and problems solving, because in another way the students won’t be better and they’re the future of the country, is why they must be better, not worst.
    It’s a good idea promote investigations where students and teachers are involved because together they can solve problems faster.
    I hope that these initiatives some day will be applied in more universities in the country.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      very nice!

  8. Andrés Cortés Martínez

    It’s very important that university instruct his students to open his mind and see outside of himself and putting himself in the place of other people that are in others circumstances, maybe poor circumstances.

    In that way when the student end his career, he is going to be example of a good university that takes care of his students and make students with social responsiblity and compromise with the society.

    If the university implements a study way that use real life examples, the student will have more chance to prepare for “the crude real life”.

    All the universities can do it, but maybe if they try to do it by herself they will fail.
    But with help of each ones of his states maybe and just maybe they will do it.

    The question is if they want do it?

    1. Arthur Edwards

      you express yourself well!

  9. Esmeralda Rivera Rueda

    It´s good to remember the social responsabilities that universities have.
    It’ll be great if we all remember about it and not only some of us.
    As the univeritary group that we are, we have to be solidary towards society.
    It´s good for us to read and get informed to acquire more and more knowledge.

  10. Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles

    Promove the students in the culture is could.
    the article is very interesting.
    is good when the teacher instruct the culture.
    when governed democracy in the university is more nice coexist.

  11. Luis E. Montes de oca 1J

    It´s important that universities make international projects.
    Somethings that the university forget to teach are the habits and citizen values.
    I think a good way to learn would be solving problems of daily life.
    Sometime is good idea to support changes that benefit to the students.

  12. Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero

    I accord with the first goal very much, i like.
    You have a reason, the teachers must have very responsability.
    Investigation is a good idea to obtain the best knowledge and education.
    Is good motivation to the students that the teachers be investigators and learn of them.

  13. Gabriel Andrade

    I like work of the people university make other people take awareness about the universities.
    The work of: Ernesto Gonzalez and the others is very interesting.
    The universities should take as an example the work of these people.
    The summary of Ernesto Gonzalez about university and society is very interesting.

  14. Carlos Daniel Espinoza Marcial

    I think all this is a good idea. People should try to practice these thing because this could help you in the future. Someone with a career should practice all these things they tell us so they can but more profesional and polite to people. This is the basic things you need to do so you can be a very important person.

  15. hector priego

    There are things having change the institute in mexico are
    education more and schools public.
    have first the education and teacher grade,affiliated other institute world.
    i agree in their opinion on education in america latin.
    there to improve the education and values.

  16. Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez

    In the University of Colima, the educative model is already working in giving the students the project-based education.
    All the colleges should teach the students values, and how to be kind and nice to everyone, not just the ones they like.
    The pacts between colleges always will be very important, is the method of communication between some countries, and it’s a valued experience for the students.
    When a student graduates, is noticeable when they have experience in what they are doing, and the companies prefer them, not only “well educated” students.

  17. jpablo ramirez c0ntreras

    I think, it’s good to want to transform the university implementing democracy and equity for students and teachers.
    But to take that great idea, I say first start for all of us involved in the university environment, that also can be reflected towards others.
    not saying it is not a bad idea, if not the other is something that will benefit us all if we realize that good change.
    I think, too, that teachers as well as students most of all have a commitment to the university and learn to take action to improve the bad of universities.

  18. Brian Alexis Florian Peralta

    I think the education in Mexico is good, but needs more care.
    The students need explore and investigate more for expand their knowledge.
    The Universities needs promote more values and the responsability having the students with the society.
    The article is very good and their views are good.

  19. Elizabeth García Cárdenas 1J

    To achieve these goals all must cooperate. Teachers should set an example, and students put into practice. But for this we must be constant. In this way the university community will be a great example to society.

  20. Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina

    *I think the universitys or college must be better in education than in other countries,

    *I Agree with a one commentary, we should make organization or campanies, where students of the college help, learn and talk with other people in urbans and rurals distrust

    *The university of colima should talk with us, about this, social responsability, and might the students try to help other people with his owns merits

    *My conclution could be, Everybody need to know about social responsability, and they will try to help in favors who the other people want, and this person who realize the problem will be good with himself 😀

  21. Mariana Sandoval Escalera 1J

    They should incluide work with honestly in their plans.
    I agree with the projects based in the real life, this could be more useful to us.
    The innovation is key in education.
    The way they teach us, should be more didactic and less boring.

  22. Gerardo Orbe Sánchez

    Interesting. It’s true that we have to focus in the future of the universities of our country, but this responsability we are talking about here needs to begin even more early.
    It’s not about take responsibility until someone arrives at university, it’s about to teach every student the responsibility while they are kids.
    Teach them when they are in an age where they can evolve with this lessons.
    Of course, everything we are talking about here will end in nothing until we begin to teach the very young.

  23. jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1 J

    The most important thing is that universities progress in the methods of teaching.

    They help the students to influence society.

    teachers should help the university with the student workshops.

    For students to learn abit of life and their profession.

  24. Alexis Noel Ceballos Amezcua

    I think, it’s good to want to transform the university implementing democracy and equity for students and teachers.
    All the colleges should teach the students values, and how to be kind and nice to everyone,too, that teachers as well as students most of all have a commitment to the university and learn to take action to improve the bad of universities.

  25. sergio omar lopez ceballos

    I believe that good goals to it must follow the universities to comply with the society.
    It is important to transform the University into a democratic community.
    It is very important to train teachers, since these are the guides of the students and give rise to interest student.

  26. César Pérez Vuelvas

    The points proposed are interesting but is obviously these are based in a system for the another country.
    The idea of give money a special peoples with creativity this is the best form of innovation.
    I think the students of universities in México are apathetic because never think new forms to improve the education.
    This guy only write articles of interesting academic.

  27. Luis Manuel Sanchez Páez

    The idea of transforming school into a social academic place where students can better environment for study would beneficiary all the comunity of mexico.

    If they make school a place to learn how the real word is, meaby we all would be ready dor the real word.

    I wonder if there’s actually a plan to implement this ideas or are just ideas that will never see the light.

    In text, when this sentence apper, ” creando una sinergia de saberes y la interdisciplinariedad deja de ser un elefante blanco”. What does the autor mean whit the phrase “elefente blanco”, meaby something that is very uncomun, i dont know.

  28. Cristian Baron G.

    I don’t think that they are goals that universities have.
    I think that if these goals the universities proposing them is, society would improve.
    I think that they should meet these goals, not only propose them.
    It would be a big change in society if these goals were met in the universities, making our society a better.

  29. Salvador Alan Pérez Tostado 1J

    -I think that a good university, teaches their students not only subjects, also ethic values.

    -Also, always is good promove cultural activities.

    -Good teachers are who inspires to learn for conviction and not for obligation.

    -It’s necessary promote the investigation.

  30. Jose Luis Gomez Martinez

    It good to teachers be trained to teach better to students and those deemed the classroom a source of significant teaching.

    I agree to the universities exist democracy and transparency.

    It`s good to values citicens in universities.

    it interesting to coordinate people expert to improve pupils.

  31. Yanira Judith López Carrilo

    *The university must adapt to the social exigence.
    *The students must learn citizen manners and values.
    *Make practices of solution of real problems.
    *Integrate to more volunteers students.

  32. Alfredo Topete Escamilla

    I agree the study isn’t just know about math or physics, the study should prepare us to be a good citizen.
    Another important point is prepare the teachers for teach us how use our knowledge every day.
    The investigation projects should be promoted.
    We should read “Universidad, responsabilidad social y bien público.”

  33. Alonso Angel Sanchez Maldonado

    I think than definitely need to make a change in the university.
    The university’s people need a change before worsen.
    Definitely need transparency in this university.
    Teachers well trained …. That must be law, no suggestion.
    My eyes are bad and I can not read well by the migraine.

  34. Bizmarck Martinez 1 J

    The information about the rules is so interesant !
    The school is for everyone.
    The teachers need do change their mind to teach better things at the students.
    The projects of he speak, we can carry out

  35. Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil

    Certainly, the ideas proposed by Gonzáles Enders in his book, could suppose an important change in matter of social integration of the universities. This could help to generate more than one benefit at one time; giving a field of study and practice to each discipline. And in turn, enabling the students to take the interdisciplinary work as a base system of interaction and consummation of mutual development. And, finally, at the same time proposing functional solutions to problematic of rural areas that were mentioned, decreasing research and production costs.

  36. Julio Cervantes 1 J

    It should apply the new things that are written.
    Teachers should be trained better !
    Values ​​should be integrated more students.
    Information very important !

  37. Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez

    I think that the 4 actions proposed by the professor of the University of Venezuela are very well raised.
    That the Latin American universities contruya their own poyecto and internationalize.
    If the four actions proposed by Professor Enders will be held university social responsibility would be different and better than today.
    Many of the proposed actions already under way in universities but in an insufficient way.

  38. Yaritza Cárdenas Aguilar

    I think the changes are always good.
    The university needs many changes.
    I think the changes are successful enough that they want to do.
    Improving education for the good of all.

  39. Omaury Marmolejo Medina 1J

    Ernesto González Enders write poits relevats to advance as institution.
    The first poit of the text it very important because the university have some values.
    When the university assist the proyects of the students will better.
    The greats professors concur in the ways of improve the universities.

  40. David Batista Rodríguez 1J

    -Is great see they think refresh the university book.
    -Every persons of thing change the book are very important.
    -They need do this now.
    -The students and the teachers need read this eventually.

  41. Martin Eduardo Villaseñor Merino 1J

    – I think the teachers need more preparation to teach a student.
    – I think the Research should be more promoted.
    – All students, need learn and should make it a habit into practice.
    – the Teachers need motivate they students.

  42. carlos

    The most important thing is that universities progress in the methods of teaching.

    Teachers should be trained more.

    I agree to the universities exist democracy and transparency.

    It is important to transform the University into a democratic community.

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