Dos semanas atrás la Universidad de Colima convocó a la realización de un foro para analizar su proceso de internacionalización, a partir de dos temas: la movilidad y la calidad. Participé en la organización y escuché los debates en dos de las mesas de trabajo, una con estudiantes y profesores; la otra, con profesores. Posteriormente, al cierre del foro, escuché las relatorías y pude tener una visión general; por eso decidí comentar aquí algunas ideas en torno al hecho y los temas.
En principio, la convocatoria tuvo una respuesta satisfactoria, por el número y calidad de los participantes, así como por la cantidad y nivel de las ponencias presentadas en las cuatro mesas de trabajo. Entre los estudiantes y profesores percibí una valoración positiva de los avances de la Universidad en el tema de la movilidad, no exenta de cuestionamientos válidos y pertinentes. Aunque persiste la pregunta por el sentido de movilizarse, las ventajas expresadas son insoslayables.
Queda claro, sin embargo, que el proceso de internacionalización de la Universidad, inevitable hoy para las universidades del mundo en desarrollo, no se puede reducir solo a la movilidad semestral de estudiantes y a estancias cortas o viajes académicos de los profesores. Está fuera de discusión que en el proceso debe involucrarse la institución en su conjunto. También está claro que no se puede internacionalizar una universidad sin una base de calidad adecuada, y que para hacerlo se requiere, primero, respuestas efectivas y pertinentes al entorno local.
Escuchar en la mesa de profesores las ponencias y los intercambios fue interesante, enriquecedor e ilustrativo de cuánto hemos avanzado, probablemente sin darnos cuenta. En ejercicios de tal naturaleza, de discusión e intercambio entre profesores universitarios, cabe esperar todo, menos elogios vanos, sí, en cambio, señalamientos críticos de lo que no funciona adecuadamente, y aunque no es lo más común, compromisos compartidos entre los profesores y de ellos con la institución.
De todo eso hubo un poco en el foro que comento, pero la parte que me resultó más sugerente, para analizar y asumir tareas inmediatas, fue el resumen con las opiniones vertidas en las mesas con estudiantes de otras instituciones y países que toman cursos en Colima. Ellos, desde otra experiencia y otros referentes, son un valioso espejo para mirar nuestras imperfecciones. De ese grupo me llevo, esta vez, la gran lección de los pendientes que tiene la Universidad de Colima de cara a un mundo de competencias donde la mediocridad y la irresponsabilidad deparan un lugar solo al lado del camino. Allí está el gran reto para los siguientes años.
Roberto Banda Flores 1A
Teacher,from the principle I was anxiously to read some ideas mentioned and left me with doubt.
Ask the foreigners would not hurt.
Well, I not gone exchange but if I noticed improvements with more korean.
I am grateful for the CITI,I admit not make my better effort, I would like that the english was a class mandatory, that it is in all professions gives seriousness but little time I feel like saying,”Internationalize the UCOL,but not guarantee that our studient understand”,because only taught them me four hour in the week and class sometimes suspended, more holidays.
Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A
Like my partner, left me with doubt to know the ideas that were discussed.
I think would be good that university give more opportunities of exchanges.
To give opportunity to more country, and that outside longer exchange time.
Thanks to this forums the university can get an idea of the deficiencies that we have.
Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B
Me personally I love the idea, Dr. yañez of internationalization of the U of C that I think are chances that this institution continues to grow along with students and teachers and better internationally and is recognized by other schools most renowned. just fills me with pride that some students from other countries come here choose to continue their academic studies if only for a little season.
jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A
Sounds good to come together to see and solve problems.
In this forum can hear many exchanges of ideas that might be interesting.
In my opinion,I think this forum is well mad,because we can realize that we were moving.
I hope they continue to make more forums like this the university.
José Luis Garza Gallegos 1ºD
We have a big challenge in front of us.
Make good relation with international companies is a good idea to test our skills.
I need to practice my english a lot.
Make an exchange trip would be very interesting for me.
Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D
Mobility is a great tool because it allows us to meet several people and learn another culture.
It also lets you acquire new learning from different people.
That is one reason why it is very useful to know English.
And it can be helpful to practice a language other than Spanish.
David Toledo Zúñiga 1B
Students must have more opportunities.
I think that University of Colima need some changes to be better.
We have to see that defects has the University to remove them.
University of Colima is one of the best in Mexico and we should be proud of our University.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
It’s necesary that students could travel to other counties easily, because there are the real opportunities to grow. Mexicans aren’t really competitive and this incopetence could be a short way but a wrong and permanent decision.
Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A
“Internationalize” this is a word very complex, but something not impossible.
The Ucol has the element necessary to make.
For ucol can internationalize iis necessary the participation of all people.
But even more students and teachers.
The text is very interesting.
The University of Colima must be at the same level as other universities in the world.
To accomplish this, students, teachers and administrative staff have to work hard to achieve change.
We must all do our part to improve the university.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B
it’s important to hear opinions of people from other places.
I would like to go to another country in exchange.
I have to learn to speak more languages.
I can’t be someone important if I speak only one language.
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 1ºA
There should be more exchanges.
I would like to do an article on the issues discussed at the meeting.
Should take the opinion of all students.
Before internationalizing the university, we have to improve both students and teachers
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 1ºA
There should be more exchanges.
I would like to do an article on the issues discussed at the meeting.
Should take the opinion of all students.
Before internationalizing the university, we have to improve both students and teachers.
José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B
It would be nice if students have more opportunities.
The publication is very good.
It’s good to do that kind of forum.
I would have liked to attend the forum.
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1 A
in my opinion, I liked that it was satisfactory to meet the objectives of I gree with you that was interesting the participation of international and local papers, I like to comment that the level must challenge mejorarloy as we can.
María Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 1°B
I think that its very important show the reality of the university is not bad because more universities are in commplet for more incremment of technology and imformation for …
Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A
The development of a university depend much of the mobility and quality.
I think that is important that students and teachers are in agreement.
The mobility should be international.
We should outstrip the mediocrity and the irresponsability.
Sergio Rodrigo Ceceña Lares 1b
This one very well wing involves university of colima in international congresses since to us the pupils us enrich of knowledge, is true that alone they are interested some this congress many people were the persons who did not come, many others were not putting attention and some of them were going away to half a presentation, but for my part if some presentations were interesting since some of them finished with my doubts besides the ignorance towards some topics.
Edwin Preciado
The text is very interesting
It also lets you acquire new learning from different people.
would like to do an article on the issues discussed at the meeting.
Should take the opinion of all students.
Antonio Torres Figueroa
The forum will measure our level of quality.
It is very interesting to hear opinions of people from other countries.
But you need to master English.
We serve a lot of teachers and students at a time.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B
It’s very important collaborate with other universities to have a mutual learning.
I think the University of Colima will not have a trouble to get an internationalization.
We, the students as part of the university will take the challenge to achieve the goal.
No doubt this will benefit everyone.
Jorge Caballero 1 "D"
We certainly have a lot to learn.
We need to get to a higher level than we have now.
That way we can compete with other countries.
We may also provide a quality education for foreign exchange students.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A
I think it’s great that university think about beign international.
The opinion of students and teachers of other countries will be a great help to see what are we doing wrong.
Also, sharing our opinions with teachers and authorities can make a solution for some problems.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D
1 University quality is of great importance as it mobility.
2 Teachers and students must show good quality around the educational and moral.
3 Teachers and students must work together to make education quality.
4It has long way to go but all we can do it with commitment.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°A
Were very interesting conferences.
It was amazing how much we can realize in a few years.
I was struck the ideas they had.
I hope to see more events equal.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
Maybe with that the university will proceed.
I can see a prosperous future.
It’s great that you have the initiative.
I hope i can see that future.
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
We have that follow driving the university.
As?, maybe ensuring that to the leave of baccalaureate the students have a better level in English.
I think that the solution is in the teachers.
But also in the students.
Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A
I like your comment it´s very good.
I’m glad you share your experiences with us your readers.
Things need to have more mobility each university.
All that is now the University of Colima’s something.
Eduardo Jimenez 1D
I think it should give more time to students of exchange for at leas to continue the “thread” of other cultures.
Would not be internationalize the University of Colima, because it would give more “prestige” which already has.
Ignacio Ramirez
Congress was very important so that further strengthened the internalization of UCOL.
This conference was very interesting and full of important information for the development of new technologies.
I found very interesting and also very helpful to know new technology projects.
Good article Dr.
Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A
The forum sounded exciting .
I hope and invite more students.
It would be interesting to hear that.
It is very important and I would like to learn more.
Christian D. Renteria Garcia
Your experience works on us.
We can still hoping in our country now.
We always have to try something new.
We need to keep learning in every moment of our lifes.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 1D
I think is essential improve the quality in our University.
For thus to be able send students to compete against others students from Universities Internationals.
Be competent is not only send students outside the country.
But be really to its height.
Fabian Garcia 1D
Make good relation with international companies is a good idea to test our skills.
We may also provide a quality education for foreign exchange students.
Teachers and students must work together to make education quality.
I hope to see more events equal.
Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D
The ideas of mobilization and quality
I like, because that allow students
profecionales are more and more places conoscan
empesar before working.
kevin roberto gomez peralta 1"D"
We have much to learn.
Classes must be improved to give a good image among foreigners.
It is also important to open more doors for students to swap out.
And demonstrate that the university is also good.
Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D
The opinion of foreigners is very important.
The university needs even more momentum.
Need for better standards and more work.
It is a joint effort of teachers and students.
hector Jose manzo Briceño
I agree with your opinion.
The development of the university is important.
The forum will measure our level of quality.
I like that the university has more opportunities.
Jose Ivan Martinez Najera 1D
We have a big challenge in front of us.
The development of the university is important.
Teachers and students must work together to make education quality.
Thing than it is very important.
Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D
Nice articule.
I think that these is very necessary.
I very agree with you.
That way we can compete with other countries.
sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D
I like your comment.
It would be interesting to hear that.
Your experience works on us.
Need for better standards and more work.
victor escalera sanchez 1D
Sounds good to come together to see and solve problems.
I think that University of Colima need some changes to be better.
I hope they continue to make more forums like this the university.
No doubt this will benefit everyone.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°a
Is important that students and teachers are in agreement.
The publication is very good.
I need to practice the english a lot.
Maybe I seem more interesting if.