Invitado por el programa “No la chifles que es cantada”, de la estación radiofónica de la Universidad de Colima, regresé a dos de los temas que más me interesan y ocupan. Se trata de dos cuestiones altamente sensibles en la sociedad y sobre los cuales me parece que subsisten preocupantes confusiones, confirmadas en notas periodísticas y análisis superficiales. Por eso me pareció afortunada la elección de los temas por parte de las conductoras, encabezadas por Ana Luz Quintanilla. Me refiero a la escuela pública mexicana y la calidad de la educación.
Del primero no me cansaré de repetir, hasta que las evidencias me abrumen en sentido contrario, que a pesar de todo la escuela pública en México sí educa. Es verdad y nadie puede defenderla a ciegas: está plagada de defectos, de males alentados por políticas erróneas, de vicios que crearon el sindicalismo y la propia práctica docente; es verdad que no es la escuela que quisiéramos, pero tampoco será posible que cerremos todas las escuelas, contratemos otro millón de maestros e importemos alumnos de Finlandia o Corea del Sur. Esta es nuestra escuela, y con sus peculiaridades y mil problemas, tenemos que reconstruirla, con un proyecto distinto, que es urgente y posible. Falta la determinación política de los principales actores, el gobierno y el sindicato, pero la sociedad civil podría ser un acicate preciso.
Calidad de la educación debe ser uno de los temas que consumen más tinta y teclazos en las pantallas; aunque calidad asociada ambiguamente a exámenes. Un conjunto de lugares comunes en la materia deben ponerse a examen, esos sí, como suponer que la fórmula para elevar la calidad son las mediciones. Sostuve en el programa que el problema educativo en México no se resolverá perfeccionando los exámenes, o haciéndolos con mayor frecuencia. La gran preocupación tendría que ser el enriquecimiento de la calidad de las prácticas y procesos educativos: que los maestros enseñen mejor y los estudiantes tengan aprendizajes relevantes. Si eso ocurre, el de los exámenes es un asunto de segundo orden. Pero cuando lleguemos a las pruebas, tienen que servir no solo para premiar o denostar (a la educación pública, por ejemplo), sino para partir de buenos diagnósticos y diseñar estrategias de cambio. Eso que hoy no ocurre en México con la prueba Enlace o la del PISA.
Lamentablemente estas confusiones no son solo del “público”, de la sociedad, pues cuando el propio gobierno federal sostiene como meta de su programa nacional (por fortuna a punto de fenecer) subir los puntajes de los chicos mexicanos en la prueba PISA, ya podemos advertir que la cosa no es fácil, si en la fuente el agua no emerge limpia.
La preocupación que nos condujo a ese tema es una noticia que provocó escándalo en ciertos medios informativos y sectores sociales: que no se reprobará en los primeros años de la escuela primaria. Así lo hacen en Finlandia, dice el secretario de Educación, que antes fue candidato y antes secretario de Salud. Quizá por eso no capta la diferencia pedagógica entre Finlandia y México, expresada no solo en los asimétricos niveles de vida entre uno y otro, o en las formas cómo se accede a la docencia aquí y allá.
En resumen, diría, no es con más exámenes como mejoraremos nuestra educación. Tampoco es copiando llanamente las políticas de otros países. Cómo le harán, no sé. Lo único que se me ocurre pedir (esperar) ahora, desde esta columna, es que el próximo secretario de Educación sepa un poquito, por lo menos un poquito de educación.
Lidia Teresa Ovando Cervantes
Considero que sera, cuando dejemos de seguir a ciegas politicas que ya en otros paises fracasaron lo ultimo la evaluacion que solo con letras como en Norteamerica, ya fracaso allá y se dieron cuenta que salian de High School sin saber leer; considero tambien cuando realmente se haga un examen a los maestros que ingresaron al sistema sin preparacion y que estan esperando primero, que llegara Lopez..y quitara la reforma..ahora que el nuevo la quite..y total que no se ponen la camiseta y siguen echando a perder, desgraciadamente no son camisas como una fabrica de ellas, echan a perder vidas que despues tienen que aprender las cosas con el maestro, sin el maestro y a pesar del maestro..No hay etica profesional, en algunos..entraron al magisterio porque papy me dió la plaza..y el sindicato los protege y ademas cuantos ya no pueden trabajar pero, el ISSTE no les hace cambio de actividad..y los que sufren son los alumnos..
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Lidia, comparto tu opinión e indignación.
Saludos y gracias por leerme.
David Toledo Zúñiga 1B
I agree with you, exams aren’t the solution.
I think that we need best teachers.
The problem is that the government doesn’t know how use the money in education.
The best that we can have is education.
Jonni Eduardo Aguilar 1A
The exam not guarantees education.
The warranty is at teach better.
Is better not copy other country, the better is have our project.
There what learn to improve our education.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
Exactly! The exams are only a knowlegde evidence, and we need to strengthen this learning. There is the budget, but there is too the corruption. We have to move forward together.
Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A
Education is a very important and controversial issue in Mexico.
In my opinion the tests don´t guarantee anything.
Exams are to see errors and correct but not for failing.
Should be more education and not just exams.
Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A
It is true, the exams are not the only solution.
Also, the you get an exam complete, not guarantees to be good.
We not should copy the educational reform of others countries.
Why not create our own educational reform and not depend on anyone.
The text is very interesting.
Quality is one of the most important things that should have the schools.
I agree that with more exams not improve education.
I believe that improving schools is a very important thing.
Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez 1°B
The major concern should be the enrichment of the quality of educational processes and practices.
Education should be one of the most important issues in Mexico.
True, no one can defend blindly.
Not only with tests is how we will improve our education.
Antonio Torres Figueroa
A big problem is that teachers are untouchable.
Although most are good but there are also many poor quality of education.
They were never fired for bad they are.
The solution would be to improve its quality or run.
Luis Manuel Cruz Ortiz 1 A
He’s right in that the tests are not the solution.
Many times the average of the students affected by the assessments.
In life will face problems not knowing things by heart, but referring to different ways to solve them.
Thank you for sharing your opinions with others.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
I hate the education system in Mexico.
It’s really poor in knowledge.
Mexico will not progress if it continues just like that.
But it doesn’t matter to much people.
Edwin Preciado
Very intersante your blog
We must create our own educational reforms.
The review does not guarantee the teaching
Should support more to education
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A
We need a better way of teaching.
I Think the exams are just good as a tool to see how much have learn the student.
But we need to be more dedicated to solve problems with the students and help them.
Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D
Nice articule.v
Yeah! you are all right,tests aren’t the solution because the most of the students (including me) are stressed with the test, and this do than they have bad results.
Im disagreement with don’t reprobate the first years of primary school.
Beacuse so the children know than they was doing something wrong and they and their parents trying of solution it.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Erick!
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B
I like that, this is our school and we have to accept as is it.
To do an exam, first we have to study.
Sometimes, the students don’t study to this exams.
I agree with you.
Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A
Better exams are not best the education.
The education is best for pupils and teachers.
Is not necessary teachers and programs of others countries.
The quality, we do it.
1A Roberto Banda Flores
Some politicians tend to have more language that neurons.
But are there for their ability to relacionarce.
The problem is that most of the population lives marginalized, and are content to know that will give them some money, to eat the day tomorrow.
And personally I think an adult can not make him change his mind, alone causing to suffer, with pressure, thereby threatening their work, I have no hope that teachers change their mentality. by the SNTE.
Replace the root seems better than arguing with a deaf.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D
1 True, no more tests are needed, there needs to be better prepared teachers.
2 The school belongs to everyone, we have to support for better education.
3 If we try to imitate other countries may or may not improve.
4 The problem involved not only teachers but also students.
José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B
I think the radio show was good.
The second paragraph is very good.
It’s wrong to want to improve the quality of education through exams.
It´s bad they want to copy the policies of other countries to improve the quality of education in Mexico.
Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A
The exams do not help much.
Many people who copy.
Students study hard and forget everything after.
We can all learn in many ways.
José Luis Garza Gallegos 1ºD
Enlace are too easy, really too easy.
Before to change our education system we need to tell people how is education in other countries and our own problems.
Its hard to change our institutions, therefore our first step is to know what is the reality in world, because there are a lot of mexicans that don’t know how wrong we are, knowing that, they probaly will want to change.
I like most of your posts, hey have interesting information and good reflections about education and other social topics.
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
I agree with you Doctor!
The education in Mexico is very bad.
We must do see, because the problem, and search a solution.
But where stay the problem? In the teacher, or in the student.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°A
It’s very good and interesting what he wrote.
In Mexico unfortunately do not have a very big goal for education.
Leaving very low in the exam PISA.
For our goal of education would take that pass much years.
kevin roberto gomez peralta. 1"D"
The teacher quality is very bad.
But as you say is our school.
We just have to put more effort in studying.
And that teachers care about teaching.
Ignacio Ramirez
The examinations are not the solution, we need better ways of teaching.
We should have done their best teachers with more practical classes.
Practice make a master.
Good article Dr.
Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D
A good solution would be to go straight to practice.
We also have a continuous assessment would be good because it keeps students under the same level of learning.
The bad thing is that testing is under pressure at that time students.
The best way to evaluate which projects would be grouped with all the knowledge.
Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D
A good solution would be to go straight to practice.
We also have a continuous assessment would be good because it keeps students under the same level of learning.
The bad thing is that testing is under pressure at that time students.
The best way to evaluate which projects would be grouped with all the knowledge.
Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A
You’re right, the test are not the answer.
The bad education resolved with endeavor and dedication.
It is the responsability of all people elevate academic standards.
And even more educational authorities.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B
I agree with you.
We all have to work together for change.
Education systems are not very good.
Students don’t take exams with seriousness.
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1 A
hello totally agree
in his opinion, I agree with you have to rescue and improve the university, we know there corrucion from above and not fair, you have to implement a new strategy, which enables the proper functioning of the university, and if they can evaluate all, our performance with that test.
María Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 1°B
Exams not are the solution for problems of the teachers
because the teachers want to evalue things that dont teach very well..
In my personal opinion one exam isn’t important.. (letters, tests)
one exam is more important if the exam it is in practice … think and resolved problems in life
Sergio Rodrigo Ceceña Lares
I believe that the examinations are not the solution, the lack of dedication of the pupils is the problem, we have qualit teachers but if the pupil does not want to put of his part this it is not possible to do, the government also almost does not put of his part, debit of giving us mas support in didactic materials to do more you practise ours our tasks.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°A
I agree with what you mentioned
It’s disappointing results of the PISA
If all teachers do continuous examination would climb the level
certain we can only hope
Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A
I agree with you the schools public thats good.
But has a problems in your sistem.
Education should the first topic.
Education in Mexico shoulr take a new route.
Eduardo Jimenez 1D
I agree that the exams aren´t the solution to evaluate to the students.
I think the exams force us to “butchering” instead of get to understand the topics.
Some teachers say as do every thing, but not hall know why and explain.
Christian D. Renteria Garcia
Tests are not the solution for this, you can copy in an exam.
If you want to evaluate a kid you should try test them often.
We need to focus in our kids nowdays.
Most of the teachers trust in an exam grade instead of kids.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 1D
I agree with you.
I think the exams quantity is not a form for better the Mexican education.
I should increase hours of class and practice.
And improve the formation of teachers.
Fabian Garcia 1D
Many times the average of the students affected by the assessments.
The bad thing is that testing is under pressure at that time students.
We must do see, because the problem, and search a solution.
Im disagreement with don’t reprobate the first years of primary school.
Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D
Before teachers can assess
students, who themselves should be assessed first
after looking for a way to teach eficas
and since then to schools.
Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D
I say unless more practical exams.
If your from the beginning of your career practice, practice learn more.
But because the tests measure your ability.
One day without exams. :D.
Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D
I’ve always been against the tests.
There are better methods of evaluation.
The quality is based on other methods.
I want to take off exams eduacion Mexican system.
Jose Ivan Martinez Najera 1D
I hate the education system in Mexico.
Tests are not the solution for this, you can copy in an exam.
In my personal opinion one exam isn’t important.
But the tests are a good tool.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°a
I hate the education system in Mexico.
Exams are to see errors and correct but not for falling.
The exam not guaranteed education.
It is very important to the figures recorded.
-I think that education in Mexico and in particular at the University of Colima has a deficit in both curricula and professors.
-University of Colima must modify the curriculum as some curricula have materials that are just filler and some very advanced.
-Young currently only interested in the rate of matter and not spend semetre reprovar but what matters is not the rate of learning the art.
-the government has created this image in young as long has this traditional eduacion surprise exams as exhibitions or only do students get depressed and despair.
-causing only study to pass the test of the material and not to learn.
"2B" Edgar Miguel Avalos Barajas
*The review does not guarantee education or your wisdom.
*The best guarantee for a country is to teach better.
*It is best not to imitate the curriculum points is better to have our project.
*The study is a good tool to educate and improve yourself.